Integrity Has No Bounds (6 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #womens fiction, #mystery suspense thriller, #mc romance, #biker mc romance, #biker mc

BOOK: Integrity Has No Bounds
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She sat back on her heels, hands cupping her
breasts pinching her nipples, enhancing her own coming orgasm. Her
head was tossed back and she began panting, moving her hips. One of
her hands slid down her body intending to take her clit to the
ultimate conclusion, but his hand got there first.

He shoved two fingers inside of her tunnel
while his thumb pressed and worked her clit back and forth, until
she cried out and began jerking like a puppet. She felt the thick
fingers stretching her and gasped as the second orgasm hit her,
causing his hand to become drenched with her juices. His hand
pulled her hair, dragging her head up for his open mouthed kiss.
Their tongues slid along each other, like lovers sliding their
naked bodies in a sensual massage. His fingers untangled from her
hair and rubbed her head lightly. He pulled his lips back and
touched his forehead to hers.

“That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever
seen or done. Thank you.” They sat like that for another minute,
and he stood, pulling her to her feet with him. “Come on, let’s get
comfortable under the quilts.”

She made a quick stop in the bathroom to
clean up a bit and rinse her mouth. She felt great, but her body
was weary. It had been a long day and night. Why she felt shy about
walking around nude in the short distance between the bathroom and
bedroom made her shake her head. He’d already seen it all, and he
hadn’t told her to cover up yet, so it was on him if he had a
complaint. She entered the bedroom, but he was nowhere to be seen.
She chose the side of the bed that was furthest from the door
because she was pretty sure that he’d insist on being the first
defense if someone were to break in on them.

Harry had been that way as she was growing
up. Once their parents went to prison for trafficking and RICO
violations, Harry had slipped into the bedroom of the foster home
the county had stuck her in, and took her away from the place.

They’d stayed in a few rough places, and
Harry always insisted on being closest to the door. Once he got a
good job tending bar, things got better. He’d bought the bar with
little more than his enthusiasm and talent for chatting up the
ladies. Being a full patched member of the Breed hadn’t hurt
either. They trusted him enough to hold the note on the place, and
he’d worked like a dog to build the business and pay the bills. He
insisted that she get her GED and at least go to the Community
College nearby. He gave her the Jeep for her college graduation,
and threw her a party at the bar.

Thinking of Harry, and what she believed
happened to him, depressed her, but he would tell her to knock it
off. Living was for just that, living. Dead was dead. She fell
asleep thinking that Harry would probably like John Handy.

John moved the bike into the shed after
pushing Igor off the gauges. His phone chirped again and he shook
his head at Leech and the boys. They were the best fuckers in the
world for having at your back, but they were also effective
cockblockers tonight.

Leech was ripped, and from the background
voices, it sounded like he wasn’t alone. “Hey, bro, we got a little
prezzie for you to play with. It took our little Charming Charm to
snag him, but that fucker snapped at her bait and we got him in the
net. You, yep, you can see him in the morning, we got him on ice,
and tonight, we plan to go fishing somemore, just like shootin’
dumbfuck chickens in the coop. We’re gonna get you a collection,
that way, you can pick one each day to send back to his fuckin’
hole in the stinkin’ swamp until we snag the right one. You betcha,
we’ll get the fucker and have a damned good time doing it. See ya
in daylight.”

John pulled the phone from his ear and stared
at it. Did they snatch a Swamp Rat and had him in the blocks? He
sat on the porch and hung his arms over his spread knees and
grinned. Yeah, that was what Leech said. How many blood brothers
would go to so much trouble for a man in his situation? Not many,
that was for fuckin’ certain. Knowing they were actively helping
him find the cocksucker who hurt Stevie made him feel good. After
the way he’d fucked with Leech and the man sounded like the
ringleader of the bunch…he had no words.

He stood and entered the cabin. It felt
different with her here, less impersonal. He never noticed the
difference before. He locked up and took a quick shower, before
climbing in next to the woman who was coming to mean too much, too
fast to him.

He’d been attracted to her for too long to
convince himself that all he would want from her would be a quick
fuck. If the feeling in his chest didn’t begin to calm down soon,
he would worry that it would never go away. If she didn’t have the
same feeling, well, he’d be fucked, that’s where he’d be.

Chapter Five



Swamp Kings


The Swamp Shack sat back off the road almost
a mile and if a person didn’t know what he was looking for, they’d
never find the place. That’s how the Swamp Kings liked it. It was
their group’s only clubhouse, and even though they were a single
chapter club, they had fifty members that regularly showed up to
important meetings and events. They considered themselves 1% ers,
and most of the brothers had few ethics to worry about. The only
morals they encouraged were the club by-laws, and somehow they made
it work.

Turner Dean aka Pappy D was the prez, and his
son, Donnie, who was pacing the floor in the small room toward the
backside of the building, were talking.

“How the hell was I ‘spossed to know the
whore had arrangements with those fuckin’ Breeds? I ain’t never
seen a Patch in the place the times I was there. All that goes in
there are the young fucks from town looking for some pussy or a
dick to swing on. So now the Breed is all up in arms over a little
misunderstanding? What the fuck.”

Pappy spit his tobacco juice into an old
coffee can and nodded his head. “I can see where you’d make such a
mistake, problem is, ya dipt yer dick in her, boy. I jest had a
little talk to with that sumbitch Baron up there, and he says the
line’s been drawn. She’s a member of the Breed, an her ol’ man
ain’t takin’ the violation light like. He wants us to turn the one
who fucked her over to him, or he says he’s gonna keep fucking the
boys up ‘til he finds the guilty one.

“Didja see Toad, Vic, and Jumper? If her ol’
man’s the one who fucked them up, he’s gonna put a hurtin’ on you.”
The older man nodded and spit again. “That’s a fact, boy, ain’t no
ways around it. Yer tough, and I’m proud to call you my get, but if
the three of them couldn’t take him, you ain’t got a lot of chance.
Jumper says he’s a big mutha, dark-haired, and tats, full on badass
with death in his eyes. Say he’s cold on ready to get revenge. Boy,
you cain’t reason with a man in that mind.”

Donnie shook his head, and drained his can of
soda. “Wasn’t me that did that one, that was Candle, he likes to
have ‘em scared when he dips his wick. He was sayin’ she was nice
an’ tight, an’ he was planning to make a habit of visitin’

Pappy D was secretly pleased his kid hadn’t
been the one to drop on the split tail, he had plans for Donnie to
take over after he was in the ground, and the boy couldn’t do that
if he was dead.

“We ain’t givin’ him up, so spread the word
to have the boys watch their asses, this big motherfucker’s a bad
one, and he’s got the Breed behind him.” Donnie nodded and left the

He stepped into the main room of the building
and spied Tonda wiping down the long feast table. It was Pappy D’s
birthday and they were already building the fires outside to make a
crab boil. It was the rainy season and normally the pot would be
dumped on a table outside for everyone to help themselves to the
delicious meal, but the flies and mosquitos were such a bother,
that it ruined the festive mood of the partiers. The men had
constructed this plank table to keep the food clean from so many

Tonda’s ass kept swaying back and forth, and
since she was wearing her denim skirt that never covered her entire
ass when she bent like that, he stepped up behind her and gave the
generous cheeks in front of him a sharp slap.

“You be’in a tease an I got just what a bad
girl like you needs to show her the error of her ways. You want me
to give you what you deserve here? Or come back to the room and get
more than you asked for? I’m in a mood to play with my food for a

When he’d slapped her ass, Tonda straightened
up and turned to face the hairy monster behind her. He was her
favorite fuck, and she smiled as she tossed the rag she was using
onto the table. “You are so right, Donnie Lee, I am a real bad
girl, why I didn’t have your dick to suck on for my breakfast and
had to settle on ol’ Derby to drink from.”

Her last words were squeaked as she was taken
by the arm and half dragged to the door. Her grin showed anyone
watching there was no need for alarm from the way the two rushed
through the small crowd of cooks.

Allan and Cord were standing by the dump
pile, and seeing them gave Donnie ideas, he jerked his head at them
indicating they should follow. Tonda was built to take them all on,
and damn sure would before they were finished with her.

She hesitated at the door when she noticed
the other two were closing in on them, but decided they must want
to talk to Donnie. She wasn’t alarmed when he told her to strip,
even with the others there, she’d long ago lost her shyness about
her body. It wasn’t until she saw all three men taking their shirts
and pants off that she got the idea this wasn’t an ordinary spank
and fuck with Donnie. She’d been fucked by two men at once before,
but usually she had a few drinks in her and was relaxed enough to
take the men in her holes without too many problems. Three men at
one time, all of them sober, might prove to be more than she’d ever
bargained for.

Donnie liked to play her master sometimes,
and she was in the role of his slave. He was giving her that look
now, and the idea of being a sex slave to three men made her pussy
wet. There was no denying the effect having three good looking men
with decent sized cocks was having on her. Her nipples were hard as
stones, and she shivered with goose bumps dotting her flesh.

“Get on your knees and crawl to Allan. You’re
gonna take his dick in your mouth, an’ Cord an’ me are gonna watch
for a while.”

She went to her knees and hesitated for a
what in the hell are you doing? Get
up and get
the hell out of here
. Her inner whore told her to shut up and
go for it, after all, that’s what she was doing here to begin with,

The slap of leather on her ass sent her
forward to Allan’s cock. Her legs were nudged apart and she heard
the scrape of something heavy being pulled across the floor. She
took his hard prick into her mouth and felt the other two men grab
her by the waist and legs, placing her on her knees with her ass in
the air, and the movement of her body caused the cock in her mouth
to move past the back of her throat and its thickness cut off her

“Don’cha give her reason to bite my prick
off, I got my woman that needs serviced tonight, and the bitch gets
crazy when she sees teeth marks or tastes pussy on my dick,” Allan

Donnie laughed but understood what the man
was saying. Some split tails couldn’t handle the fact that a man
had needs. Sometimes those needs didn’t happen when she was

Her legs were spread wider than before, and
her entire slit was exposed to the two men. She drew back enough to
take a deep breath before her head was pushed down yet again and
again. She was thankful to feel his cock swell and begin releasing
his cum into her throat just after she’d taken a breath.

The fingers working her pussy were giving her
only enough to keep her juices flowing, while the slaps on her ass
were beginning to sting more.

As soon as Allan stepped back from her face,
Cord stepped up and told her to make it good, “I won’t take much of
your time, I’ve been watching, and slappin’ your ass for you so I’m
ready.” He was more aggressive than Allan had been and held her
hair in his fist, shoving her head up and down, all she could do
was keep her lips open while he fucked her mouth. He came with no
warning, and she did her best to swallow his jizz, but some
trickled down her chin and onto her neck.

The two men thanked Donnie then left the
room. She turned her head to ask him what the fuck he was playing
at. “What the hell, Donnie Lee, you try something like that again,
you need to ask.” The look on his face cautioned her to wait to
give him hell until after he was done with her. After that, she was
gonna give his kinky ass a wide berth. She liked kinky, hell, she
thrived on a bossy fucker taking control. The need to submit was
strong inside her and that was why she went with him every time he
wanted her.

The look he was giving her today had her
anticipating more than his usual spanking her ass and fucking her.
When he kept grinning at her as he duct taped her upper arms at the
elbow to her knees, and took his kerchief from around his head to
use as a gag and tying it around the back of her head, she was more
than a little scared.

“You shoulda’ kept your mouth shut you filthy
little cunt, I’m gonna lesson you good, and when I’m done, you
ain’t gonna question your master.” He grabbed the hair at the top
of her head and jerked her head up.

“You’re gonna wish you’d gone to church this
morning, whore, cause the good Lord is the only one that’s gonna
stop me from givin’ you what you deserve.”

He dropped her head, and stepped around the
table that was a good eighteen inches off the floor, to stand
behind her exposed body. The feeling of dread hit her and she
closed her eyes knowing Donnie was out of control. That thrill
knowing he was a leashed psycho, well that was gone, and in its
place was fear.

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