Integrity Has No Bounds (4 page)

Read Integrity Has No Bounds Online

Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #womens fiction, #mystery suspense thriller, #mc romance, #biker mc romance, #biker mc

BOOK: Integrity Has No Bounds
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He slapped a five on the bar and turned to
survey the room again. This place was worse than he remembered, but
it was the kind of place the dregs of society, even the biker
community’s dregs, came. So far it appeared to be a dead end for
tonight. He finished the beer and set the empty down. He waved the
squeaky voiced woman away, and made his way to the door.

His next stop was Drain’s Watering Hole, and
he found pay dirt. Three Rats were stumbling toward their putts,
and he rode right up, parking his scoot behind two of the mud
crusted bikes. He shut her down and took his time removing his
helmet, placing it precisely in the middle of the handlebars over
the gages. He swung out of the saddle and stood, stretching his
arms out, cracked the kink out of his tensely held neck to loosen
it. He turned to face the three fuckers that would be the first to
feel his rage. One of the dumbfucks stepped up like a Billy bad

“You need to move the scoot, or we’ll have to
move it for you, and seeing as how you are the only one of your
kind here, you need to do it fast.” The dumbass turned to his
companions and began to talk shit about the Breed. “This pansy ass
motherfucker thinks he can come onto our turf and play, we should
show him the error of his ways.”

John tuned out what the fool was saying, he
was watching their body language to tell him when they made their
first move. He saw the one on his left center himself, and knew
that he would be the first to come at him. It was just like a
typical bar fight, the smallest man in the room always had to try
to prove himself. He never got to touch John. The flat part of
John’s palm connected with the little guy’s nose, and blood spouted
everywhere. He went backwards and his buddies rushed forward to get
their licks in.

John was disappointed at how easy the ol’
boys went down. The mouthy fucker got a decent punch in before John
broke his arm, but the quiet one actually tried to make it
interesting. Unfortunately for him, his Rat brother decided to pull
a knife and attempt to rejoin the fight. He came up on John’s side,
and John barely had enough time to pull his opponent by his cut
around to block the blade.

One thing he could say about those boys, they
liked to keep their blade sharp. The blade slid home just under the
leather cut, and into the man in his grasp’s side. It was a fucked
up scene to watch, and John shoved the man back into his assailant.
The mouth picked up a rock to throw at John, and got a kick to the
head for his stupidity.

John was disgusted, not much of a fight, and
the three of them should have been able to at least make him work
for the pleasure of beating their asses’. Well they were going to
be the first examples and he pulled the man that was closest to him
to his feet and bashed his rotten front teeth into his mouth, “You
boys just keep running your mouths, I’ll be happy to show you the
wisdom of shutting the fuck up when a man is trying to deliver a

“Now that I have your attention, the message
is for you to give to the coward piece of shit that hurt my woman.
You tell him there is no rock, swamp, or cesspool he can hide in, I
will find him.” He kicked the bleeding man in the thigh. “Do you
hear me, boy?” There was no acknowledgement to his words, so his
booted foot met the belly of the knife wielding bastard. “I asked a
simple enough question, do you understand me?” Heads bobbed. He
loosed the shirt of the man that was still only upright by the
strength of the man that kept him there, and didn’t bother watching
him crumple top the ground.

“You boys might want to make yourselves
scarce, any of you standing between me and that candy assed fucker
will get something they don’t want to fuck with. I don’t give a
shit who I have to go through to get him. You’ve been warned, I see
you again, no mercy.”

He walked away from the three Rats, mounted
up, taking his time to secure the helmet on his head before leaving
the lot. There hadn’t been enough satisfaction in that little
scuffle to appease his case of mad.

Stopping at a gas-n-go to fill the tank and
take a piss took a few minutes, but he still had a half an hour
before Stevie’s place closed for the night. He wanted to be close
to see who, if anyone, was watching the evening’s routine. There
was no one in the parking lot at eleven forty-five. That wasn’t a
big deal. It was a Tuesday night and most people had to work the
next morning, or had workweek responsibilities.

He parked his sled behind the building and
was happy that she had lights glowing for security. Her Jeep was
parked closest to the door, and he was impressed with the small
camera he spied under the eave. She wasn’t naïve or the type to
stand around wringing her hands while a man took care of her
problems. He admired that. He recognized she might never need him
for any specific purpose again, but if there was a chance he could
find a permanent spot in her life, they might make it work out. All
he had to do was convince her.

One thing was for sure, he’d been attracted
to her for years now, and had done nothing to let her know. He
wanted to beat his own ass for being such a chicken shit. If he’d
claimed her before now, no one would have gotten the idea they
could fuck with her. Even the brain dead Rat fucks.

She knew now, and it seemed she wasn’t
against the idea. He didn’t dare think life-long here, but for now,
well, they would have to let time decide.

After a quick hike around the vicinity, he
found no one bothering to watch her place but the momma cat that
had a litter of kittens in an old plastic bin in the edge of the
trees. The pie tin filled with crunchy cat food sitting on top of
the dumpster told him that someone knew the furry family was there
and was softhearted enough to care for them.

He stepped up to the backdoor and beat his
fist on the metal to get someone’s attention. The bartender was
leaving about the same time, or so he said, and went out to his
ratty old truck while John went inside, making sure the door closed
securely behind him.

Chapter Three



Stevie was in her office with the door open,
waiting for him. She’d seen him on the camera the minute he pulled
his bike around her Jeep and parked next to it. She looked up at
his big frame coming into her room and felt a flutter in her chest.
He always had this effect on her. He was probably six foot four
inches tall and built like a centerfold in a Playgirl magazine. She
loved the way he moved, the way his eyes narrowed when he was
amused. When she first noticed him his head had been completely
bald. Since then he’d begun growing the thick dark hair, but kept
it almost military short, and it looked sexy on him. The thin line
of dark whiskers running along his jawline and moustache over his
full top lip intrigued her. Those mossy green eyes looking at her
narrowed in amusement, and she felt the blush creeping up her
cheeks for being caught studying him. She looked down at the stack
of money she’d just counted but couldn‘t remember what the total
was. Thankfully, she’d written it on the deposit slip, or she would
have had to take the time to fumble her way through counting the
bills over again in front of him.

“I was just about ready to put this in the
safe and hit the shower and turn in. As you can see I’m fine here,
and as safe as I’d be anywhere else. You’ve been very supportive,
and I owe you an apology for almost falling apart earlier. My
brother used to say I needed to toughen up and not be such a
crybaby. Shit happens, right?”

She got up and went to the small panel with
the safe behind it, clicked the small unseen tab on the bottom of
the frame to lift the false dial. She opened the safe and placed
the bundle of cash inside, closing it and taking her time to turn
to look at him with confidence in her body language. “You can rest
easy knowing I’m safe right here in Harry’s old room. He didn’t
have time to get the business up and running and afford an
apartment. He put all of his money into the business. You have to
go through the supply closet that leads to the room. No one knows
about it being there but me, and now you too.”

She smiled to let him think she had it under
control. She was tough. She was alone, had been violated,
threatened, and was scared to death. She was also way too attracted
to a man that only showed a token interest in her once he thought
she needed him to help. Fuck that, if she wasn’t worth spending
time with before the attack, she wasn’t going to take solace in his
arms out of his pity for her now. She’d thought of little else but
the kiss earlier today. How could she even think about having sex
with any man so soon after the attack? Especially a man who she
fantasized several times a week about.

John followed her out of the office watching
her check on various things that needed to be checked before she
could turn out the lights and leave. He didn’t see any reason for
her to double check the fuckin’ salt shakers.

“You can take all the time in the world you
want, but you are coming with me to a place I know is safe. Now, or
an hour from now, makes no difference to me. I’ll wait.”

She shook her head. “John, I am a grown
woman, I can keep off the radar for a while until it’s safe for me
to resume my life. I shouldn’t need to hide out like a frightened
five-year-old. Deputy Wilson stopped by an hour ago and said he
would be patrolling the area more than usual. I’ll be fine and if
Baron could maybe make a call to the Swamp Kings, he can probably
clear up any misunderstanding.” She smiled and spread her hands out
to her sides, “They would have to be completely delusional to
ignore a request from that man.”

She was so naïve, but he was tired and they
had a ride to take. “Get your purse and keys or whatever you want
to take with you, I’ll take you to your place tomorrow and you can
get the rest of your stuff you might need while Baron’s warning
sinks into those shine soaked heads. You’re the one who doesn’t
understand and right now I don’t want to take the time explaining
it tonight.”

He stood in front of her, and she clenched
her jaws for a minute before shaking her head no.

“Stevie, don’t make the mistake of giving me
a reason to spank your ass, you have no idea how close I am right
now. You need to move your happy ass and stop giving me shit about

He waited a heartbeat, then reached for her,
but she back peddled quickly and headed for the office. He followed
close in case she tried to hide out in the room with the locking
door. Not that the lock would have stopped him, but the trouble
would just fuel his pissy mood. When the door flew back behind her,
he knew his estimate was right. Fuck.

He grabbed her by the waist and sat in the
chair he’d occupied before. He had to wrestle with her a little and
reached for her arm that was pinching his calf, but she moved at
the last second and his hand encountered something even softer than
her upper arm. The breast filled his hand and he got sidetracked
feeling the hardening nipple in his palm. He rubbed the nubbin on
the flat surface of his palm and grinned. His fiery little Stevie
was not as opposed to the way he was handling her as she acted.

“There’s something about humans that always
tell on them when it comes to the sexes. That ridge under your
belly is nature’s way of telling you that I want to fuck you, and
this sweet nipple in my palm wants my mouth to give her some love.
We can either give into what nature is saying, or you can get your
ass up and leave with me.
Hey, that hurt

He didn’t get the chance to continue talking.
The little witch had bitten his thigh. He let go of her breast and
laid his palm down on her ass hard enough to gain her attention and
her teeth let go of his denim-clad flesh. She screamed, and he gave
her another whack, he added two more before he asked her, “Do you
think you can act like an adult now? I’m not complaining, you have
the perfect ass for spanking, nicely rounded with enough padding
for my hand to bounce back a little each time I smack it.”

“Let me go you big asshole, I want you out of
here and leave me alone. You come in here after the trouble and
demand that I—” He smacked her again. “John, let me up. I don’t
want to fight with you, we can compromise and I’ll show you that I
have a safe place already.”

If he kept this up he would find out her
panties were becoming soaked and any pretense on her part would be
just words that he’d ignore. She tried to gather her thoughts and
tamp down the excitement she was feeling.

Too late, damn, his fingers were trailing
down the seam of her lightweight slacks. His fingers lingered at
the spot that felt the wettest and she hung her head. “Let me up,
I’ll go with you for tonight.” His fingers kept running up and down
to her clit with a gentle pressure. “John, I… You have to stop

“Stop? I don’t think so, not yet. You have no
idea how many times I wished to have you wet like this. Most of the
time my mind had you naked in my arms while I fingered your sweet
pussy, but this is reality and I’ll let you up when you have an
orgasm. Maybe two. I wish there was a bed close enough to lay you
down and lick the honey out of your pussy. Thinking about the taste
and texture of you is giving me more ideas.”

His fingers kept the pace and her pleasure
steadily mounted until he kept one finger over her clit and pressed
harder while encouraging her to give it up for him. “Come on, sweet
thing, you can give it up, I’m here, I’ll catch you. Take what you
want.” He must have felt the way her body tightened just before she
fell over the cliff screaming her pleasure.

His fingers were still pressed into the seam
of her pants, but she was too tired to do anything about it. She’d
had orgasms before, but not like this. He was a Neanderthal, a
bossy arrogant asshole, he’d also given her the best orgasm to
date. When she got her breathing under control, she told him to let
her up.

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