Integrity Has No Bounds (11 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #womens fiction, #mystery suspense thriller, #mc romance, #biker mc romance, #biker mc

BOOK: Integrity Has No Bounds
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She was almost looking forward to sleeping in
his arms more than the sexual release, feeling secure and… Loved
would be stretching it, but whatever those feelings were, she’d
known she could trust him. His way of waking her up this morning
had iced the cake for her.

Her hands went exploring under his cut and
found a hardened nipple covered by the soft cotton of his t-shirt.
She scraped her fingernail over the tip, and he flinched, so she
did it again, and he drew away from her just enough to grab her
hand and bring it up behind her back.

“You keep that up, and I’ll slide your ass up
on this bar and take my refreshment from your sweet pussy, after I
spank your ass for tickling me.”

She laughed at his threat, not because she
didn’t think he’d follow through, but knowing she’d found a chink
in his bossy armor. “Oh come on, you’d spank me for making you
laugh? That’s not nice. So if I was to,” she leaned in close and
latched her mouth over the nipple closest to her and held the small
circle in between her lips while her tongue lapped at the tiny bud
through the thin material.

The hand cupping her head encouraged her
action. “Harder, use your teeth, yeah, like that.”

She let go of his nipple after worrying it
until he moaned, and gave his crotch a playful pat. “I think you’re
happy to see me.” She started to walk back to the office to get her
backpack, and giggled when her arm was grabbed and she was lifted
up onto the end of the bar on her belly. She pushed up with her
arms, and got a slap on her ass for her trouble. She was still
laughing until the third swat. “Hey, biker man, that stings.” The
forth and fifth smack got her the satisfaction of knowing she’d
kicked his thigh in reflex as the intensity of his swats

The waistband of her skintight leggings was
peeled down over her ass and thighs, and she felt his lips kissing
the reddened cheeks. Somehow she ended up on her back lying on the
hardwood surface of the bar with her ankles together and her thighs
spread wide. John’s hands were trailing up and down the inside of
her thighs.

“This is such a pretty sight. Tell me,
Stevie, how many orgasms do you think I can give you in the next
half hour or so?”

She knew that wicked grin on his sexy lips,
she was in for some enjoyment, and she gave him a smile, cupped her
breasts, and lifted her hips, giving him a big hint how she felt
about his question. “Bring it, but you might want to remember
paybacks are coming, and I’ve found I like the taste of your skin.”
His eyes were on her mouth and she deliberately licked her

Chapter Nine



Lonnie got the call from the hospital shortly
after they got back to the bar. Stevie had dragged him through the
mall. At least she’d gone into the leather shop.

While she was trying on boots, he bought a
buttery soft vest for Sharon, and he added a silver arm cuff to his
purchase. She would scold him for spending the money on her, but he
planned to insist on a private show. He tossed in a black thong to
complete the outfit and smiled while he paid for his purchases.

Stevie spent almost a grand on a jacket,
boots, chaps, and gloves. The next store, he sat on the bench
outside of the shop. She said he was welcome to join her in picking
out panties, but she wasn’t sure how John might feel about Lonnie
knowing what kind of undies she owned. He was loaded down with the
leather she purchased and she carried the ladies underthings.

He didn’t mind carrying his woman’s panties,
hell, he often wore her thong on his bicep after he took it off her
when they made love. This was different, and he’d be damned if he
could figure out why the idea of carrying another woman’s sexy
underwear made him uncomfortable, but he was glad she carried her

At first the call made him panic. Sharon had
been in a bad accident, according to the hospital, she was brought
in unconscious, and he was listed as her next of kin. He wasn’t the
sharpest knife in the drawer, but something about the call was off.
After assuring the caller that he was on his way, he ended the
call. He looked at Stevie and told her to call John.

“I’m calling the clubhouse to get someone
over to where Sharon works. Unless she borrowed a car, I know for a
fact she rode her putt into work this morning, we left the house
together, so how else would she be in a car accident?”

Stevie didn’t get to talk to John, her
message went straight to his voicemail.

Lonnie was talking on the speaker feature of
his phone, and texting Sharon at the same time. Her reply was
immediate, and he breathed a deep sigh of relief. Leech was the one
to answer the club’s house phone, and once he heard what Lonnie
suspected, he told them to keep the doors of the bar locked until
they got there.

“We’ll be there ASAP,” and the line went

Lonnie looked around them and then to her.
“Someone wants me to leave you alone and vulnerable. We need to
find a spot to hide you. Leon probably knew I’d say something to
you about Harry, and chances are, he has a stash of meth or worse
here somewhere that he wants back. Didn’t you say he’s been asking
personal questions?

“Maybe he thinks if you are alone you might
be talked into helping him with his sideline. The fucker gives me
the creeps up my spine anytime day or night, so I’m prejudice where
he’s concerned. I’m going to look at the security cameras, and if
it looks clear, I’ll take a walk outside, I want to make sure the
bastards know you aren’t a sitting duck, you have backup. Do you
have a key to the door that I can use?”

“Lonnie, I don’t want you going out there
alone, please don’t make yourself a target, let’s just wait for
Leech and the Breed to show up, please, Sharon needs you to come
home to her in one piece and with no new holes in your beautiful
body. I’m afraid that you’ll get shot, and I’ll run outside to help
you and get shot too.”

He scowled at her. “That’s not nice,
blackmailing me like that. Believe it or not, Stevie, I am capable
of self-defense, I may look like a limp wristed bastard to you, but
I train and can fight with the best of the Breed.” He could see she
wanted to argue with him, but he was losing his temper, and now was
not the time for bragging.

“Did you think John would leave your safety
in an incompetent’s hands?” He shook his head, “I don’t think we
have time for this shit, come on, let’s go to the office, the door
locks and I have a gun to use if I need it.”

He pulled her into the small room and locked
the door after them. She booted up the computer and opened the
security feed to show on the monitor. Nothing was moving in the
parking lots, so they relaxed in their chairs.

“Lonnie, I don’t doubt your competency, I
would do my best to keep you here with me regardless if you looked
like Rambo.

“The truth is that I’m afraid to be here
alone. After the other night, I see ninjas in every corner, and I’m
so jumpy that it isn’t funny. The fact you have a wife to go home
to makes me worry even more for you. John’s not answering his
phone, so who knows where he is. Please understand, I trust you, I
don’t trust Leon. You are the only one who he thinks knows about
him, and don’t forget, Leon has a key to this place. He could come
and go, so why try to get you to leave the building?”

The more he thought about it, the more
convinced he was that whoever wanted him out of the building would
know that he wouldn’t leave Stevie unprotected, it stood to reason
he would take her with him instead of letting her stay, and he
voiced his thoughts to her. “We’re looking at this wrong, they
don’t want me to leave you, they want the building empty for some

Stevie looked at the monitor and gasped.
“What on earth, oh God this doesn’t look good.”

Sure enough, there was a dark blue panel van
parking in the lot by the door, and three men exited the vehicle.
All of the men reached into the back of the vehicle and hefted
assault rifles into their hands. Leon carried a pry bar in his
empty hand.

They looked over Lonnie’s truck and her Jeep,
and the short man waved his gun at Leon. He shrugged his shoulders
and he must have said something to appease the man, because they
headed toward the door.

Stevie made an executive decision, even as
Lonnie pulled a wicked looking Glock .45 semi auto from the back of
his waistband.

She ran to the door, pulling it open and
grabbing his hand as she went out of the safety of the room. He
tried to stop her but she mouthed the words, “Trust me,” he nodded
and followed her through the small utility closet door. She pushed
a tall rack of supplies away from the wall and gave the wall a
shove. It opened into a larger room, and she pulled him in behind
her, pushing the door closed. She laid a broom handle in the track,
just like most people do for a sliding patio door to keep it from
being muscled open.

Lonnie looked around the dimly lit space. A
large bed sat in the corner, a small table with two chairs, and a
desk with a computer that Stevie was booting up. One corner of the
room held a small sink and cupboard. On the counter was a hotplate
and under that was a dorm-sized fridge. All the comforts of home,
and he’d never known it was here. “What.”

She shushed him, and he wanted to laugh at
the fierce look she tossed his way. She crooked her fingers to get
him to come close, so he picked up the chair and sat it and himself
down next to her.

She handed him an ear bud and she put the
other one in her own ear while they watched the trio search the
bar. The cameras were only in the common areas of the building, so
there were times they could see nothing, but hearing the men
stomping around was clear enough to know where they were looking.
The storeroom door was slammed open with such force that it banged
into the wall, and the sound of feet and searching could be heard
on the other side of the closed wall/door.

Muttering and cursing could be heard as two
sets of steps left the next room and Stevie let out the breath
she’d been holding.

Lonnie dropped the hand with the gun pointed
at the door, and set the weapon on the desk next to the keyboard.
He pulled out his cell and texted Leech while Stevie went to the
fridge and got two cans of soda.

She watched the monitor and saw the three men
had been satisfied that they had the place to themselves and Leon
began to use the crowbar on the front footboards of the small stage
that she’d performed on for the past year, and it sickened her to
see him pulling the little platform apart while the largest of the
three men reached down and began pulling brick sized packages from
the gaping hole.

The three men began hauling their find out to
the van, and Stevie hoped they’d hurry up and leave. This was
almost as bad as having her home broken into and the feeling of
being violated made her tremble with hatred. The sexual assault
hadn’t bothered her much, because her assailant’s excitement had
barely been felt, his dick was so small that she hadn’t been
penetrated, and he’d ejaculated almost immediately when he touched
her flesh with his. She was so filled with rage right now that she
couldn’t sit still. The loss of choice had frightened her at the
time, and now the only thing holding her back from running out
there with Lonnie’s gun and shooting all three men was fear they
might shoot her first, plus common sense.

Lonnie began cussing under his breath as the
men finished clearing the bricks out, and they watched as Leon came
back into the bar and began smashing bottles of liquor on the floor
of the bar and lit a lighter, setting the tequila that was puddled
on the wooden bar itself.

If they stayed in the secret room, they would
die. The storage closet was directly behind the bar and the hungry
fire that was spread wherever the bastard had slung the

Stevie watched Leon joyfully set his lighter
to a dry bar rag, and threw it onto a table in the middle of the
floor. He did the same with another rag, and soon there was nothing
to see but smoke and flame. The only way they knew the bastards had
left was the sound of the squealing tires from the back wall.

Lonnie looked at Stevie, and although he knew
she was afraid, she looked, well, she actually looked insane at the
moment, and he shook his head. She had cause enough to be a bit

He pulled her to stand in front of him and
shook her shoulders, he could feel the tremble in her body, but
they didn’t have time for him to coddle her if they wanted to get
out of there alive.

“Stevie, listen to me, we have to make a run
for it, do you get that?” She nodded and appeared to be more
focused—for now anyway—and that was all that he needed. He put his
gun back in his waistband while she pulled a small white box from
the computer, went to the bed, and pulled an old leather bag out
from under the frame, stuffed the box inside of the thing, looked
around and shook her head.

She let him take her wrist after he removed
the broomstick from the doorway. “Let’s do this.”

How he navigated them out of the flames with
little more than smoke and singed damage to their clothing was a
miracle. Lonnie sat her in her Jeep and locked the doors while he
ran back inside to see if he could check the electrical box near
the backdoor, the panel had been open when they ran through, so he
figured correctly as it turned out, that the breakers for the water
pump that fed the sprinklers had been shut off. Once the double
breaker was flipped back on, it took several seconds for the water
to begin raining down on his head, but the bar should be

Leech, Skids, Angus, and Preacher showed up
mere seconds after he exited the building, and minutes later the
fire department sirens could be heard heading their way.

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