Inside the Centre: The Life of J. Robert Oppenheimer (147 page)

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visits Berkeley (1920s) 167

at Leipzig 136, 156, 160, 262

at Como conference (1927) 138

at Solvay Congress (1927) 139–40

works with Pauli on QED 156, 157, 158, 161

on US lecture tour 158, 159

and rise of Nazi Party 198

at Bohr’s institute 206

sceptical about Lawrence’s results at Solvay Congress (1933) 207

RO campaigns against his theory 227, 228, 229, 230

marriage 229

allowed to travel to Britain and US 230

has shouting match with RO 230

stays in Nazi Germany 230, 292, 381, 392

visits Bohr (1941) 393–4, 395, 396

and Nazi bomb project 395–6, 397

and news of Hiroshima 450, 451–2


‘The Limits of Applicability of the Present Quantum Theory’ 230

‘On Quantum Mechanics II’ 106

‘On the Intuitive Content of Quantum-theoretical Kinematics and mechanics’ 131

‘On the Quantum Dynamics of Wave Fields’ (with Pauli) 158

‘Quantum Theoretical Reinterpretation of Kinematic and Mechanical Relations’ 105

Heitler, Walter 491

Herken, Gregg:
Brotherhood of the Bomb
239, 312, 328

Hersey, John: article on Hiroshima 446, 447

Hershberg, James G.:
James B. Conant

Hertz, Gustav 95

Hertz, Heinrich 157

Hickenlooper, Senator Bourke B. 538, 539, 552, 598

Higinbotham, William 463, 466, 476

Hilbert, David 122

Hill, Albert G. 579, 580

Hill, Archibald Vivian 91

Hilton, Judge Henry 12, 16

Hirohito, Emperor 456

Hiroshima, bombing of 292, 319–20, 409–10, 431
, 443, 444–52, 457, 463, 663

Hiss, Alger 524, 532

Hitler, Adolf 8, 198, 271, 273, 274, 276, 282, 429

Hobson, Verna 644

Holloway, Marshall 570, 585

Hooper, Admiral Stanford C. 261–2

Hoover, Herbert, President 219, 493

Hoover, J. Edgar:

and Schneiderman 280

and surveillance on RO 301, 310

and Jean Tatlock 373

keeps subordinates in the dark 384

views on RO 482

receives information from phone-tapping 482–3, 486, 488

fails to have RO and Weinberg prosecuted 494

sends dossier to AEC 499

and Fuchs 556

and Teller’s interviews 575

puts McCarthy off investigating RO 592

and Strauss 592

receives Borden’s summary of evidence 597–8

and ‘Caesar’s wife’ concept 607

Hopkins, F. Gowland 91

Horgan, Paul 46–8, 59–60, 61, 67, 68–9, 72–3, 77, 85, 427

Horgan, Rosemary 49

House of Representatives’ Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) 237, 524, 532–5, 536–7, 598

Houston, William 146, 478

House of Representatives’ Committee on Un-American Activities

Huning, Franz 41–2, 69

Trader on the Santa Fe Trail

Huxley, Aldous:
Crome Yellow
62, 90

hydrogen bomb (‘Super’) 320, 321–2, 353, 411, 416, 417, 418, 543–55

‘classical Super’ 560, 565–6, 567, 568, 569

International Education Board implosion 352–3, 355, 410–21, 424, 426–7, 459, 560

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 197–8, 217, 218, 347, 412

RO offered directorship 495, 506

Pais and 496, 497–8

under RO 507–9, 523, 525–7, 631

Dyson’s fellowship 518–19, 520, 526

and Strauss 537, 631

and Yang and Lee 632–3

RO’s lunches 642

pettiness and squabbling 654–5

Kennan joins 656

and RO’s retirement 663, 667

International Education Board (IEB) 148, 149, 150, 155, 156, 159, 162, 347

isotopes 183

artificial 225

radioactive 537–8

Isserman, Maurice 243, 274

Ivanov, Peter 335, 336, 486

Jackson, C. D. 592

Jastrow, Robert 566

Jeans, James

The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism

The Mysterious Universe
74, 422

Physics and Philosophy

The Universe Around Us

Jensen, J. Hans D. 395, 396, 397

Jewett, Frank: RO to 505

Jews 3–10, 14–15, 18, 28, 31

see also

Johnson, Lt Lyall 341, 367, 368–9, 370, 375, 382, 611

Johnson, Senator Edwin 465, 557

Johnson, Louis 553, 554

Johnson, Lyndon B., President 657

Joint Committee on Atomic Energy 538, 544, 552, 557, 584, 597, 598

Joliot-Curie, Frédéric 184, 215, 262, 263, 266, 402

Joliot-Curie, Irène (
Curie) 184, 207, 252

Jordan, Pascual 105–6, 116
, 131

‘On Quantum Mechanics II’ 106

Judaism, Reform 5, 10, 13

Jungk, Robert:
Brighter than a Thousand Suns

Kamen, Martin 303

Kant, Immanuel 23

Kapitza, Peter 100, 101

Kaun, Alexander 310

Keitel, Wilhelm 276

Kellogg Radiation Laboratory 213

Kemble, Edwin C. 74–5, 76, 77, 78, 81, 83, 87, 88, 133, 135, 205, 423

RO’s letters to 127, 146, 148

Kennan, George 547, 549, 614, 654, 656, 668, 669

Kennard, Earle 131

Kennedy, John F., President 649–50, 651, 655, 657

Kennedy, Joseph 330

Keynes, John Maynard 90

Kheifetz, Gregory 308, 310

Killian, James R. 585

King, Admiral Ernest 354

Kipphardt, Heinar:
In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer

Kistiakowsky, George 414, 420, 424, 426, 438, 456–7, 656

Klein, Abraham 604

Klein, Martin:
Paul Ehrenfest

Klock, Augustus 38–9, 44

Koenig, Fred 35–6, 37

Koenig, Dr Otto 35

Kohn, Robert D. 20

Konopinski, Emil 319

Korean War 560, 563, 564, 584, 586

Kramer, Victor 54

Kramers, Hendrik 154, 159, 211, 497, 501, 502, 504

krypton 254, 318

Ku Klux Klan 219, 220

Kurnakov, Sergei 423

Kusaka, Shuichi 259, 264, 289

Ladd, D. M. 592

Lamb, Willis E. 212, 217, 255, 258–9, 501

‘Lamb shift’ 504, 509–10

Lambert, Rudy 302

Lamy, Archbishop Jean-Baptiste 68, 69

Landau, Lev 244, 248

Langevin, Paul 103

Lansdale, John:

checks security at Berkeley 310–11, 315

and Pash 342

heads Manhattan Project security force 341

his views on RO as security risk 344–5, 346, 347, 360–61, 362–3, 373

on Kitty Oppenheimer 361–2

on Lawrence and Lomanitz 364

hopes to use RO’s vulnerability 365

meeting with RO (1943) 365–8

second interview with him 375–7

summarises RO’s train conversation with Groves 377–8

insists on RO’s continued loyalty 379

and Pash’s memo on RO’s unidentified contact 381, 382

reports to FBI RO’s naming of Chevalier 382, 383

upset by Greenglass affair 421, 422, 424

at RO’s hearing 361–2, 382, 422, 613–14

Larmor, Sir Joseph 193

Latimer, Wendell 605, 616, 626

Laurence, William L. 440, 449

Lauritsen, Charles C. 213

with RO at Caltech 174, 213

at Kellogg Radiation Laboratory 213

collaborates with RO 213–14

and Frank Oppenheimer 219

and discovery of fission 258

and Soviet-German Pact 270

RO and Kitty meet at his party 276, 278

and MAUD Committee 295, 301

RO’s letters to 461, 478

signs statement to government on use of H-bomb 557

on Long Range Objectives Panel 561

and Project Vista 565

arranges Lincoln Laboratory summer school 580

a member of ‘ZORC’ 581, 591

and RO’s 60th birthday tribute 658

Lawrence, Ernest 167–8, 203

joins Birge and Loeb at Berkeley 168

and Rutherford’s challenge 168

builds cyclotron 168–9

relations with RO 169–70, 175, 181, 182, 186

baffled by Heisenberg’s and Dirac’s theories 171

builds larger cyclotrons 186–7, 188

marriage 191

pre-empted by Cockcroft and Walton 191

humiliated at Solvay Congress (1933) 207

his cyclotron used to make radioactive materials 215–16, 225

dislikes RO’s students 259

Segré’s view of 265

Bethe’s view of 265, 266–7

solely interested in cyclotron 265–6, 267

successful lecture tours 266

awarded Nobel Prize (1939) 169, 196, 267

naivety about war 267–8

and Dancoff 283

exasperated by Brigg’s uranium committee 294

and Oliphant’s revelation of bomb project to RO 296, 301

and MAUD Committee findings 299, 301, 304

agrees to make fission bombs 301

creates security nightmare 312

takes on Frank Oppenheimer to build cyclotron 312

wants RO included in Compton’s meeting 302, 303, 304

as member of S-1 committee 306–7, 308–9

and RO’s politics 307, 308

proposes electromagnetic method for isotope separation 308–9, 311

bets against Chicago getting a chain reaction going 309

collaborates with RO 311

wants him to serve as member of S-1 311–12

and ‘Calutrons’ 312, 324, 406

pushes for McMillan to head Los Alamos 329

and Lomanitz 364, 368

as member of Scientific Advisory Panel 430, 466

views on use of bomb 434–5, 458

will have nothing to do with Frank Oppenheimer 537

campaigns for crash programme for H-bomb 543–5, 546, 548, 555

bets on sucess of Greenhouse tests 568

anti-RO 571

and establishment of second laboratory 571–2, 574

suspects RO’s loyalty 605

wins Fermi Award 655

RO’s letters to 181, 182, 216–17, 459, 478

Lawrence, Mary (
Blumer) 191

Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 572–4, 608

Lazarus, Emma: poem on Statue of Liberty 16

Lazarus, Robert 38

LeBaron, Robert 561

Lee, General Robert E. 42

Lee, Tsung-Dao 632–3, 640–41, 642, 665, 666

Lehmann, Lloyd 335, 336, 364

Lehmans, the 9

Leiden University 113, 131, 136, 140–41, 151, 152–3, 155–6, 157, 211

Leipzig University 122, 136, 156, 157, 158–9, 214, 262, 399

Lenard, Philipp 198

Leprince-Ringuet, Louis 516

‘lepton’ 541

Lewis, E. P. 166, 167

Lewis, Gilbert N. 166, 167, 183

(with Randall) 75, 166

Lewis, Hal 507

‘The Multiple Production of Mesons’ (with RO and Wouthuysen) 509

Lewis, Roger 163, 222

Lewis, Warren K.: committee 353, 354

Lewis, William C. McC. 75–6

A System of Physical Chemistry
75, 76, 79
, 87

Libby, Leona 576

Libby, Willard 566, 571, 575, 577

magazine 508, 583, 593, 609

article on RO 539, 540–43, 544, 558

‘Atomic Weapons and American Policy’ 594–5

article on RO hearing 615—16

profile of Teller 629–30

Lilienthal, David 479

admires RO 479–80

on RO’s despair 490

as chairman of AEC 493, 495

and Strauss 539

asks RO to arrange GAC meeting after Soviet bomb 544

summarises Rabi’s views 548

opposes Super programme 552

presents AEC recommendations to Truman 553, 554

retires 555, 566, 571

and attack on RO 591

at RO’s hearing 614

see also
Acheson, Dean

Lilienthal, Max 6, 9, 11

Lincoln, Abraham, President 8, 11

Lincoln Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lindemann, Frederick
Cherwell, Lord

lithium 184, 188–90, 191, 252, 257, 318

lithium-6 586, 587, 594

‘Little Boy’ 409–10, 441, 444,
Hiroshima, bombing of

Livingston, Milton Stanley 186–7, 215

Loeb, Leonard 167, 168, 171, 175, 283

Lomanitz, Rossi:

as CP member 312, 365

shown paper on Calutron by RO 312

under FBI surveillance 335, 358, 366, 383

considers leaving Rad Lab 335

and RO 357, 367–8, 375, 377–8, 533, 611, 620

all job offers withdrawn 378–9

drafted into army 358, 364–5, 367, 456

subpoenaed by HUAC 532–3

and RO’s disloyalty to Peters 536

Loomis, Francis Wheeler 283, 579, 621, 658

RO to 283

(yacht) 31

Lorentz, H. A. 151

Los Alamos laboratory:

establishment of 38, 325–6, 328-31, 333–4, 338–41, 403–4

SED 420–21, 422

post-war tests 487–90

Los Alamos Primer
350, 352, 409

Los Alamos Ranch School 50, 328, 333, 334, 338

Lovett, Robert, Secretary of State for Defense 574, 575, 579, 584

Lowell, Abbot Lawrence 52–5, 56, 61, 63, 64, 88

Lowell, Robert 656

Luce, Henry 593

Lyman, Theodore 148

McAllister, Ward:
Social Register

McCarthy, Senator Joseph/McCarthyites 220, 221–2, 556, 584, 591–2, 598, 615, 645

McCloy, John 480, 617–19, 626

McCone, John 645

MacInnes, Duncan 403

McKibbin, Dorothy 338–9, 458, 467

Maclean, Donald 300, 390

McMahon, Senator Brien 473, 475, 478, 538, 551–2, 553, 556, 578

McMahon Act 492–3, 499, 555

McMaster University 650

McMillan, Ed 216, 264, 305, 327, 328, 329, 353, 355, 414

Malina, Frank 236

Malraux, André 601

Manchester Guardian

Manhattan Beach Company 12–13

Manhattan Project 323–9, 331–2, 338, 341, 355, 403, 406, 410

security 341,
G-2 and Groves, Colonel Leslie

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