Inside Bet: Vegas Top Guns, Book 2 (36 page)

BOOK: Inside Bet: Vegas Top Guns, Book 2
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Disentangling her fins from his, she drew her legs back. “Fins are in the way,” she murmured. His mouth was so close, she wanted to kiss him.

“Mmm,” he said. “That’s all right.” He slid his thigh between hers, beginning to rub her cunt through her bathing suit, sending waves of pleasure echoing out through her body like sonar. Her leg naturally ended up between his as well, and she relished the feel of his hard shaft against her thigh.

Without her permission, her body began to respond, moving against him, riding his leg. She drew in her breath, wishing she could stop.

“Don’t fight it, angel, if it feels good.”

“But…the people.”

Chris looked around them, so Carrie did, too. Fortunately, no one was nearby, and they were fairly far from the boat, which made her think maybe she
kiss him, maybe she
ride his thigh to hot ecstasy, until…

“Hey, Chris!” Jake yelled from onboard.

“Shit,” he murmured, but he didn’t disengage from her, only looked to his crew member and yelled, “What?”

“Fifteen minutes!”

“Okay, thanks.” He looked to Carrie, his big hands still gently caressing her hips, back, ass. “It’s almost time to call everybody in.” He let out a sigh. “Which means I need to head in
to help take gear and get lunch ready.”

Carrie nodded, waiting for him to separate from her and end their sexy water play. But he didn’t.

“Come to the Lazy Lizard tonight,” he said instead.

“The what?” she asked.

He flashed his usual grin. “The Lazy Lizard. It’s a bar just off Duval, a block up from the Conch Train Depot. I tend bar there a couple nights a week.”

She blinked, incredulous. “How many jobs do you

He laughed. “Several. But payments on that thing,” he said, pointing to the boat, “aren’t cheap.” He looked back at her, his face serious again, his blue eyes filled with slow heat. “Anyway, come to the Lizard tonight. I don’t get off ’til two, but Monday nights are slow, so I might be able to leave early. Either way, we can hang out and…” With both hands, he slowly squeezed her ass tight, his fingers thrillingly close to her tingling pussy.


He glanced down at her breasts and ran his palms gently up her sides until his thumbs stroked the outer curve of the sensitive mounds. “And remember, on the party boat, how I told you I couldn’t touch you there?”

She nodded.

“Well, I can’t touch you quite as much as I want to
, either. But at the bar, angel, I can touch you as much as I like.”

One taste of everything she ever wanted…how can she walk away?



© 2012 Natasha Moore


Paolo’s Playhouse, Book 4

Julianne’s the epitome of a successful businesswoman. But where her boardroom reality is full of decisions, her bedroom fantasy is the exact opposite—allowing a lover who knows what he’s doing to strip her of the need to make any decisions at all.

When she reads an ad for Paolo’s Playhouse, her long-ignored need twists inside her, too sharp to ignore. Trembling, she picks up the phone, and Paolo’s charm, lyrical accent and empathy soothe her fear just enough to agree to be the Playhouse’s bondage toy. One look at Paolo the following night, and she wishes she’d struck a different bargain. To be his alone.

Paolo can’t take his eyes off the brave and beautiful woman with hair like the fire he sees in her soul. Her sexual need to be bound matches his own powerful need to be the one to bind her. Tonight and always.

Except Julianne agreed to only one perfect night. Now he must convince her it could be the first night of many for them—if only she will trust him.

Warning: Features a sexy Italian whose lyrical voice can charm or command, whose sensual hands can stroke or spank. Stop by the Playhouse and live out your fantasies!


Enjoy the following excerpt for

She heard his footsteps move away from her and then the door opened. And then it closed with a quiet click. She was left alone, tied to a chair in the middle of a playroom, offering her body for someone else’s enjoyment.

And hopefully her own.

This was what she’d wanted, wasn’t it? An anonymous, erotic encounter. A one-time experience with bondage. She was there to live out her deepest fantasy. It didn’t matter with whom.

At least it hadn’t before.

She pushed the image of deep blue eyes and dark wavy hair out of her mind and concentrated on the sensations of the moment. She was tied tight, yet it wasn’t uncomfortable, at least not yet. She felt vulnerable, helpless. And so aroused she could feel moisture trickling from her core.

The air felt different now, softer, almost like the drag of fingers over her skin. She could barely hear the soft music over the blood pulsing though her veins. Her nipples beaded with anticipation. Her heart skipped in her chest. Her pussy clenched.

And she waited. And waited.

She discovered she didn’t like to wait.

She was used to taking matters into her own hands, whether it was a decorating job or her own satisfaction. But to wait for the unknown. To anticipate the best. To agonize about the worst. She didn’t like it one bit.

There wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it, and perhaps that was the lesson she was supposed to learn.
Let go. Don’t worry. Wait and see.
Everything was out of her control anyway.

She was here to be someone’s plaything. Someone who would be coming to this room to play out his fantasy as well. She had to remember that.

As she sat there and waited, her heartbeat slowed to something close to normal. She relaxed into the chair and closed her eyes.
Let go. Don’t worry. Wait and see.
The words repeated in her head. She might have even dozed off in the darkness that surrounded her.

Then she heard the click of the door opening. The door closing. Footsteps nearing. Her poor heart kicked up into high gear again. She straightened as best she could, sitting tall and proud. She wanted to please whoever it was Paolo had entrusted her to tonight. She licked her lips and attempted a shaky smile.

He hadn’t said a word. Hadn’t moved since the footsteps stopped. He wore some exotic scent that tickled her nostrils. Who was he? What did he look like? Why didn’t he have his own bondage toy to play with? Was he someone like her, someone who hadn’t been able to find a willing partner?

He was so quiet. He had to have been looking her over. Checking her out. Perhaps he was trying to decide what the first thing was he was going to do to her. Oh God, what was he going to do to her?

Her breathing began to come faster, harder. Panic scrambled in her chest. Maybe she couldn’t do this after all.

“Shh.” He brushed his hand gently down her cheek, through her hair, across her shoulder. And then again. “Shhh.” The soft strokes calmed her and she felt foolish for panicking. Paolo had promised she would be safe with this man. And while she might not know this man enough to trust him yet, she trusted Paolo. She believed him.

She nodded slowly, not daring to speak after Paolo’s warning. The man, her Master, began to lengthen his strokes. Without her sight, she seemed to experience every sensation more strongly. His hands were large and warm, the tips of his long fingers slightly calloused. She relaxed a little as he continued to caress her arms, her neck and shoulders. He lightly brushed his fingers along her breasts. Her body warmed under his hands. Shivery tingles ran along her skin.

Then she felt his lips, first soft on her jaw before they moved down her throat. He knelt between her wide-spread knees, the soft fabric of his trousers brushing against her inner thighs. His hands grasped her shoulders as his mouth moved lower, and lower still, until he captured one of her pebbled nipples between his lips.

Sparks prickled her nipples and shot straight between her legs. He suckled gently, laving the sensitive tip with his tongue. She gasped and arched her back as much as she could, shoving her breast closer to him. “More,” she wanted to yell. “Suck harder.” But she kept her silence, except for the soft moan she wasn’t able to hold back when he abruptly released the nipple.

Inside Bet




Katie Porter





Zero to kinky in 3…2…1…


Vegas Top Guns, Book 2

As junior partner of an accounting firm, Heather Morris is at the top of her game. Her straight-laced colleagues wouldn’t believe the secrets she hides: her wild teenage past, work-of-art tattoo and nipple ring.

Her orderly life veers off course when she’s approached at a wine tasting by an arrogant pretty boy with a dirty mind and a hardcore dangerous profession. She finds herself tempted to step outside her respectable façade for some well-deserved excitement.

Captain Jon “Tin Tin” Carlisle knows women.
women. One glimpse of the nipple ring under Heather’s conservative blazer lights up all his instincts. He’s stumbled upon a rare treasure: an exotic beauty with a sexy laugh and a taste for dares.

After a red-hot hour of roulette, their simmering attraction bursts into an exploration of mutual passion that tests even Jon’s erotic limits. Soon he craves something he’s never desired before.
. But for Heather,
means trusting, and trusting leads to trouble.

Now Jon must decide if the best sex of his life is worth chancing his heart on a woman who shields hers so well.


Warning: Contains hot power play featuring a fighter pilot who comes from old money but knows all about bringing the dirty. Also: a nipple ring, sex on the hood of a hella sweet sportscar, and one teensy, tiny, wickedly naughty fluid exchange.

eBooks are

They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249


Inside Bet

Copyright © 2012 by Katie Porter

ISBN: 978-1-61921-086-8

Edited by Sasha Knight

Cover by Scott Carpenter


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: August 2012

Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

BOOK: Inside Bet: Vegas Top Guns, Book 2
4.37Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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