Innocent Lies (7 page)

Read Innocent Lies Online

Authors: J.W. Phillips

Tags: #adult abuse, #adult abuse recovery love, #romance adult contemporary, #adult and contemporary romance

BOOK: Innocent Lies
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He didn’t ask me any more
questions as if he knew I wasn’t ready. He was safe. For once in my
life, I felt totally safe with someone.

Sunday, September 28,


It had been a week since we
rediscovered each other. A long week. Between my heavy schedule of
classes and Ethan’s cram-packed days in court, we only managed to
squeeze in dinner and a little stargazing on Wednesday night. Even
the weekend was a bust, Ethan had a conference out of town. So
what’s a girl to do? Clean. I scrubbed every square inch of the
apartment and wrote a paper that was not even due for two


Ethan was not scheduled back
before that Tuesday. So, I plopped down in bed and placed some
ear-buds in, letting the music roar, anything to pass time. I let
out a small yelp and slapped my hand over my mouth when I caught
his reflection in the mirror. Ethan was leaning against the
doorframe, staring as if I was the first lady he had ever laid his
eyes on.


I jerked the ear-buds out.


“Dylan.” He was a ball of energy. I
leaped off the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck and jumping
up, making him hold me. He gripped my ass with both hands, our eyes
locked. He lightly pressed a line of kisses across my cheek, down
my jaw, and into the curve of my neck. He started to move up to my
lips and stopped. I thought I was finally going to get my first
kiss when he kissed my left cheek and then my right. “I could get
used to a hello like this.” He cocked his head toward the door.
“Some chick with purple hair let me in.”


“That would be
Deacon.” I pulled on his tie as he dropped me gently to the


“I missed you.” Ethan breathed
against my skin and inhaled along my neckline.


“Me, too.”


“You missed
yourself?” He asked with a small chuckle.


I slapped him across the chest. “I
missed you, idiot. It’s Sunday, why are you back


“Cause you’re here. Dylan, you are
turning me into a weak man. You want to know something?”


Sure,” I whispered, unable to say much. He had
his cheek pressed against mine and had wrapped his arm around my
waist. I took a deep breath, inhaling in his scent. The urge to
bite him was overwhelming.
What the heck?
had never thought of biting anyone, but I wanted nothing more than
to plunge my teeth into him.


“I like what you
are doing to me . . . It’s late, come home with me. I can’t stand
being away from you any longer.” He pulled back and smiled.


Ethan opened the door for me as we
went to leave. “I like you in my car. I can hold you hostage in
there.” He laughed an unsettling laugh.


I couldn’t tell you why, but with
Ethan was where I felt the most comfortable. He accepted me for who
I was. But something deep inside of me knew there was more to Ethan
Asher than I could ever dream.


Finally at his place, he loosened
his tie. “Privy, I need a bath. Fix yourself a drink and watch some


He started emptying
out his pocket. Cellphone, change, wallet, keys,
Chap Stick
. . .
Crap, he
seriously needs to downsize the junk.
I thought to myself as he dumped his paraphernalia on
the entry table. He stripped out of his shoes and socks. I loved
his feet.


He raised an eyebrow. “Beautiful,
make yourself at home. I won’t be long. I can’t wait to hold


He started to walk down the hall
and gave his behind an extra shake. I loved his cocky attitude and
the air of dominance he exuded. I noticed he went into the third
door on the left and wondered if I would get a glimpse inside his
room. He had given me free reign over his main living area. I
almost tiptoed to the kitchen, scared for some unknown


I found a modern,
spacious, and sleek space. His cabinets were made of bamboo, the
counters were a gray, high-gloss granite, and every high-end
appliance known to man were scattered about. I made a mental note
to ask if he liked to cook. I heard his cellphone in the distance
ringing and tried to ignore it. After all, I doubted he wanted me
answering his phone. The ringing got frantic and unrelenting. I
peeked down the hall, and Ethan was nowhere to be seen.
What the heck, what is the worst
that can happen?


“Hello.” My voice
cracked upon answering.


“Is Ethan there?”
Came from a demanding, but soft-spoken woman.


He’s busy. Can I take a message?”
Or tell you where to
go. He’s mine.


“Roll him over and stick the phone
to his ear. I don’t have time for this crap,” she


Excuse me,” I said and hesitated.
Who did this woman
think she is?
“Ethan is
taking a bath. May I take a message?”


“Listen, I don’t
know what is up with him. But I do admit you are a brave slut for
answering his phone. Now run along and fetch him? He ran out rather
abruptly today, and I’m worried about him.” She hissed in my


Hey, Privy.” Ethan said, walking down the long
hallway. He focused in on the phone at my ear. I felt myself shake
at what I saw. Ethan’s eyes instantly went hard and cold. He
slipped the phone out of my death grip. I heard him talking, but
was unaware of what he was saying.
Why did he look so mad
at me?
I got that it was not
my place to answer his phone, but I wasn’t trying to do anything
malicious. He slammed the phone shut and threw it against the wall.
Hooking his hand around my neck, he tugged me against him. “Come
here, babe.”


“I’m sorry I
answered your phone. I wasn’t being nosey. I thought it might have
been work.” I relaxed and pressed my cheek against his


He released me and stood over me.
He looked down at me with a look I found confusing. He appeared to
want to consume me. “Dance with me?” He picked up a remote off the
hall table; the room was suddenly filled with music. He held his
hand out for mine. I nodded. He traced his fingertips around my
waist and gripped me close to him. I placed my hand in his, and
positioned my free hand on his shoulder. His eyes sparkled with a
hint of longing. He kissed my forehead, and we were off. He glided
around the den and kitchen effortlessly. I had always loved dancing
and soon found myself laughing.


“If you only knew
what I planned to do to you.” He murmured in my ear.


I stumbled and
scraped my boot across his foot.
I can’t do this.


“Relax, Privy. I’ll never do
anything you don’t want me to do. Now come on, let’s get those
shoes off before you cripple me for life.” His voice sounded husky
and familiar, causing me to forget everything, but how I felt in
his arms. He gently massaged his hand down my calves and wiggled
the boot off with ease. He repeated the procedure on the other
foot. “Now we can dance for hours.”


“Hold me,” I said
and blushed.


“Does my Privy
want to be held?” Ethan sat down and pulled me onto his lap.
“Always tell me what you want.”


Pressing my head gently against
his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and softly rocked me in
complete silence. I was placid when he finally broke the quietness.
“I like this cuddling thing when it’s you I get to cuddle.” His
confession made the corners of my mouth turn up into the biggest


“The big, bad Ethan doesn’t like to


“No, babe, I just screw ’em and
leave ’em. Except with you. You deserve to be cuddled and kissed.”
He kissed the top of my head. “What time do you have to be at
school tomorrow?”


“My first class is at nine.” I
relaxed in his arms.


“I have court tomorrow. Stay with
me, I’ll leave the alarm set.”


“Okay.” I gnawed on my upper lip
with my teeth, knowing there was nowhere else I wanted to

Monday, September 29,


I slapped at the most
annoying alarm ever and rolled over, shoving my nose in the back of
the couch.
Oh crap!
I sprung up, realizing I was not at
my apartment but at Ethan’s. I combed my fingers through my hair.
Ethan was nowhere to be found. On the coffee table next to an alarm
clock was a small bouquet of daisies, a glass of orange juice, and
a folded note.


Thank you for staying. Stay
forever. I liked being able to kiss you goodbye, even if you were
asleep. I left you a key. Come home to me tonight. Yours,


I had laid awake in his arms long
after he was fast asleep; avoiding the dreams. I went over the
words he said. How he had looked for me and now that he found me,
he was going to do right by me. I had never felt connected in my
life to anyone, except maybe my dad, until Ethan walked into my
life. I glanced at his note one more time. I wanted to stay
forever. The snooze on the alarm blared again. I spotted the key
leaning against the glass of orange juice. Taking a swig of the
juice, I snatched up the key, knowing I would be back.


I was relieved that Sarah and
Deacon were already gone for the day when I got home. I only had
time for a quick shower and change, not a hundred and one
questions. The whole day actually passed rather quickly, and would
had been humdrum if not for the never-ending stream of texts from
Ethan. I read and reread the texts a hundred times that day and
smiled knowing that night I would be with the man.


My phone vibrated.
The chorus to
Timberlake’s Mirrors
the room and Ethan’s name flashed across the screen. I giggled and
I’m not a giggler, but the idea that Ethan assigned himself a
ringtone in my phone made me giddy.


“Hello,” I said,
and even I heard the excitement in my voice.


“Hey, Privy,” he said. “Hope you
like the ringtone?”


“Of course, every girl loves to
have her phone reprogramed.” I said, sarcastically. “When did you
do it?”


“While you were
snoring this morning.” He chuckled. “You want to know


“Sure, I guess.”


“Even your snoring
is cute. Are you coming home?” he asked.


The way he said ‘home’ as if it
was a foregone conclusion gave me hope. Maybe that time he would
not fall off the face of the earth.


“Do you really want a snorer to
come over?”


“I want you here more than
anything. I’m cooking.”


He’s cooking? Ethan cooks and he’s
cooking for me.


“Sure, I get off
work in an hour. Let me run by the apartment and grab a few things
then I’ll be there.”


I walked into his
house and was greeted by the smell of fried chicken. I locked the
door behind me and was impressed when I caught a glimpse of Ethan
standing over the stove. The kitchen island was lined with a
smorgasbord of vegetables. His back was to me as he pulled the
rolls out of the oven. I leaned against the counter and whistled.
He acknowledged by presence with an over-exaggerated shake of his
butt. What a riveting sight? A ripped man at home in the kitchen.
He was seriously arousing. A glass of sweet tea minus the ice was
already poured.
How did he
know that is my favorite? The whole meal is my favorite.


“Hey, beautiful.”
Ethan glanced back and winked. “I talked to Sarah. She was more
than willing to share all your secrets.” He wiped his hands on the
tea towel by the stove and handed me the glass of tea.


Thanks, remind me to ask her what all she shared. That is
after I kill her.” I took a swig of the tea.
“It smells delicious.”


“It is,” he
replied, and came around the island and kissed my forehead.


“I’m impressed. The amazing Ethan
Asher can cook.”


“It is only one of
my vast array of tricks. Being gorgeous is what I’m really known


I took another sip of tea, more
out of nerves than thirst. He was most definitely known for his
incredible good looks, but something told me it was not his most
talked about trait.


He balanced a platter
of chicken with one hand and picked up a bottle of soda
off the counter with the other. He
motioned with his only free finger to follow him. I did as I was
instructed and rushed through the already opened patio door on to a
rather large deck. It was stationed on the thirteenth hole of a
golf course. Hurricane Lights were scattered around and over an
already set table was a lit candle chandelier. Softly playing in
the background was country music. I had never listened to that type
of music before, but at that moment, it was perfect and fit

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