Innocence Lost (21 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Green

BOOK: Innocence Lost
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Spewing out a hiss, Nicholas moved away. She started to smile until she felt his lips, soft and wet, against her stomach. Her breath hitched. The wet trail left a burning ache as he moved downward. He hesitated at the edge of the curls covering her most private area. She ceased to breathe. She bucked at the first contact of his mouth. Nothing could have prepared her for the delicious melting sensations his touch produced. Her thoughts reeled. She grasped the thick grass with both hands to anchor her body, else she was certain she'd lift into the sky and fly away.

Within seconds, tremors assailed her. They intensified with each dip of his tongue. But she fought the urge to succumb to the overpowering release. She wanted her husband with her on this trip to heaven. With shaking hands, she lifted his head so that he had to stop and look at her. “Not without you, my love. I never want do anything without you again,” she whispered. He gazed at her with such reverence and love, her eyes grew misty. He moved above her and tenderly took her lips. Then he slipped into her, joining his soul to hers.

When he paused, she opened her heavy lids and saw him watching her intently. She could not break contact with his powerful gaze. She placed her arms around his neck and locked her ankles over his lower back. Then she rocked her hips forward. His eyes darkened and a low growl sounded deep in his throat.

He moved his hips slowly back and forth. She whimpered, unraveling as she watched every intriguing emotion spread across his face and knew that his release also hovered near.

When his strokes increased in speed, Megan could no longer hold back. She shattered like a pane of glass struck by a rock.

Nicholas took one last deep lunge, then spilled his seed. Lowering his head beside hers, he savored the feeling of her pulsating around him while he saturated her quivering womb.

When he could catch his breath, he rose on his elbows and looked down at his wife. His heart swelled with love. She smiled and lifted her head for a kiss. Her arms came around his neck when their lips touched, and she plunged her tongue into his mouth. She squeezed her legs in blatant suggestion. That pleased him. Without further prompting, he grew hard again.

After an hour, he sighed and gathered Megan close to him. The sun sinking into the western tree line drew his attention and he frowned. Was it truly so late? His wife slept. He hated to wake her, so he dressed himself, then pulled her gown on as carefully as possible without rousing her. When he carried her to their mounts, however, he found himself at an impasse. His horse remained as motionless as a statue. “Megan,” he groused, “you must wake and tell this obstinate beast to take us home, love."

He heaved a sigh when she mumbled an incoherent word. “Megan, tell this damn horse of yours to take us home,” he repeated.

She opened her eyes and smiled. He almost reached down for another kiss but halted just in time. They would never make it home. Instead, he scrambled up the saddle, then helped her into his lap.

"D'Artagnan, take us home."

The horse complied and Nicholas frowned when Megan laughed at his exasperation. She snuggled closer to him and yawned, then her breathing grew deep and even. She relaxed against his shoulder.

When Nicholas reached the stables, Julian was striding from the house. His grin extended from one ear to the other. “Mother and Father were wondering where the two of you had disappeared to all day. Here, I'll take her."

Reluctantly, he transferred his wife to her brother's arms. Then he dismounted and handed the reins to the waiting stable boy.

"Put me down, Julian. I can walk,” Megan said.

When Julian did so, Nicholas slid his arm around her waist. He drew her against his side as they entered the palatial manor, needing to feel her as much as she needed the support.

He pushed the branch aside and watched them walk into the house. His heart pounded with excitement. Megan was back at Kenbrook. Just in time, too. He was almost out of money. He settled back against the thick tree trunk and opened his snuffbox. All was finally going as planned. He had even heard from the pirate. He looked back at the enormous estate, taking in the beautiful gardens and perfectly tailored lawns, and narrowed his eyes. Nothing was going to hold him back this time. This time, he would have her. Perhaps he would keep her after they paid the ransom.

He smiled. Now, the second phase of the plan could begin.

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The next day, Megan was in the blue salon playing chess with her husband. She watched him move his knight, a cunning glint in his eyes. He released the ruby-encrusted piece from his fingertips, then leaned back against the chair's navy velvet covering. A smug smile formed on his lips. “Your turn."

She masked her features, studied the board, and pretended to ponder her next move. Not wanting Nicholas to realize the trap she'd set for him, she let her hand hover over a piece. He leaned forward, his smile widening. She shook her head. Silly man. She moved her queen and captured his rook. Checkmate. “Did I do it right?” she asked innocently.

Nicholas opened his mouth. He shook his head. She had beaten him for the fourth time in as many games. She couldn't prevent the grin from spreading over her lips.

Julian sauntered into the room. He laughed as he stopped before the chessboard. “Don't look so glum, Nick.” He slapped her husband on the back. “I won't even play with her any longer."

"Jules, why don't you restore my husband's ego and have a go with him?” she asked, rising from her seat.

Nicholas stood and shook his head. “I really haven't the time.” He explained about an impending meeting with his estate manager at Claremont. “You can come with me if you wish, my love,” he offered in a husky voice, pulling her into his arms.

Julian rolled his eyes and shook his head.

After Nicholas's meeting, Megan looked over Claremont as they waited for their horses, wondering why she never noticed how beautiful it was. She had visited Genny many times with her mother, but now looked upon the magnificent estate with new eyes. The expanse of rolling grassland revealed stunning dandelion and white clover, mingled between the precisely-trimmed oak trees spread across the park. In the center of this enchanted wood stood the palatial one-hundred-sixty-six-room mansion of grey brick. Claremont was not as large as Kenbrook, but it certainly was as lovely. “You know, I fell in love with you here,” she said.

Nicholas looked at her, puzzled. She nodded. “When I was ten, I stumbled onto your portrait in the gallery. It was love at first sight."

With a wicked gleam in his eye, he pulled her into his arms. “I always knew you were a smart girl.” He nuzzled her neck. “Would you like to visit the gallery before we leave? Perhaps you can show me all your fantasies.” He kissed just below her ear.

Megan's body shook with need. “I always knew you were a smart boy."


Megan pulled away, her face probably as red as the poor groom before them.

"Your horses, Your Grace."

"We'll just finish this later,” Nicholas stated softly as he helped her mount the horse.

She certainly hoped so.

They started back to Kenbrook. “Hobbs thinks there might be poachers about."

Megan turned to Nicholas, surprised he discussed the particulars of his meeting. Surprised and pleased. “Why does he think that?"

Nicholas maneuvered his horse around a puddle in the road. “He found a deer carcass and remnants of a recent fire."

"What are you going to do?” She imagined someone had to be desperate to poach on a duke's land. What if the person had a family?

He shrugged. “I'll talk to your father. Perhaps he has had the same trouble. I would also like to find out who the poacher is. There might be a good reason for his actions."

His words nearly mirrored her thoughts. She smiled. Her husband quite surprised her. She fiddled with the leather strap in her hands, knowing she had been putting off a conversation she had to have with him. Nicholas deserved someone much more worthy. She turned to him, about to speak, when he spoke first.

"Could you be happy living part of the year in London and the other part at Claremont?” he asked.

"I would be happy living in a hole in a tree, as long as I was with you.” The words were out of her mouth before she thought better of it. But they were the truth.

He stopped their horses and pulled her onto his lap. “I love you,” he whispered.

She swallowed. Could there be hope for them? God, she didn't want to ruin his life, but living without him would be the worst kind of hell. “Nicholas, I—” She stopped when two riders emerged from the surrounding trees, pointing pistols at them. She gasped. Fear speared her right through the middle.

Nicholas tightened his hold on her. “Turn and depart at once or face the consequences,” he ordered.

The one with the eye patch spoke. “As I sees it, chum, ye ain't in no position t'be giving the orders.” He waved his weapon for emphasis.

"What do you want?” her husband demanded in a low snarl.

The vile man leered, exposing four black, rotted teeth. “We come fer yer wife."

Megan pressed a hand to her chest, feeling her heart pound. She heard Nicholas's swift intake of breath as the bandit nudged his horse forward. Oh, God, she couldn't think!

The man stopped his horse just a few feet before them. “Git down real slow an’ come ‘ere,” he ordered.

"No,” Nicholas bellowed. Aramis sidestepped nervously.

The burly brute shrugged his meaty shoulders. He raised his weapon. “I'll jes’ shoot ye a'tween the eyes. Either way, I gets the lady."

Megan froze with fear. But when the big oaf raised his gun to her husband, she cried, “No, wait,” forcing him to jerk the weapon back onto her.

Nicholas's arm tightened like an iron band. She spoke softly to him without taking her eyes from the barbarian. “Let me go, Nicholas. We have no choice."

"Come ‘ere, ye wee tart, or I'll blow yer man's ‘ead arf,” the ruffian said.

"Nicholas,” she whispered, “how can you help me if you're dead?” Knowing her words and harsh tone had stung him, she felt his hold slacken. She slid quickly to the ground.

"No, Meg.” He grabbed for her, but she had already moved out of his reach.

She walked to the left so that the insufferable oaf before her was forced into the other ruffian's line of fire. Then, with a silent prayer, she approached the repulsive barbarian. She swallowed the knot in her throat and looked up.

He appraised her with one lecherous, beady eye. Then he smiled wide. “Come ‘ere,” he said, reaching for her.

"Don't do it, Megan."

The quiver in her husband's voice broke her heart. She bit down on her lower lip and took the final step. Nicholas would die trying to keep her safe. She had no other alternative. The man's meaty arm hauled her onto his lap, forcing a startled shriek from her lips. Regaining her wits, she grabbed the man's armed hand while she called out a command to her horse.

"Aramis, home. NOW!"

"Megan, no!” Nicholas shouted. But the horse had already wheeled around and lunged forward. He swore and pulled on the reins, but the beast would not obey.

He hunched his shoulders, preparing to leap from the saddle, when an explosion roared from behind. He pitched hard against the horse's neck. Searing pain erupted in his left shoulder, making him cry out, and a warm wetness rolled down his back and chest.

He blinked, trying to focus. He still clung to Aramis as the horse thundered toward Kenbrook. Blackness filled his vision. Tremors wracked his chilled body. He fought to stay conscious.

Aramis finally halted near the stables in a cloud of dust. The world spun.

Gritting his teeth, he tried lifting from the horse's neck. Pain pierced his left side. Nausea filled his stomach and large, black blotches danced before his vision. He heard voices and sagged with relief. His father-in-law urged him to dismount. “No,” he slurred. “We save...Megan.” He started to fall from the horse as a swell of dizziness crashed over him, but he caught himself.

"What? Where is she?” Julian demanded.

"Main road...near bridge...two men with pistols...” His eyes rolled back and the world went silent.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Megan woke to insistent pounding in the back of her head. She blinked and tried to rise.

Moving, even slightly, intensified the ache within her skull. Stars danced before her blurred vision. She tried again to lift up from where she lay and realized her wrists and ankles were bound. Everything that had happened on the road to Kenbrook came rushing back into her mind. She recalled Aramis wheeling around to take Nicholas to safety as a sharp pain exploded at the back of her head. After that, everything was black.

She prayed with all her might that Nicholas had escaped.

The reality of her situation assailed her. Those vile men had abducted her. Oh, God, what were they going to do to her? Tears pooled in her eyes, but she blinked them away and tried and stay calm. Her vision started to clear and she surveyed her dim surroundings. If the room had windows, they were either boarded or shuttered. A single candle on a nearby table was her only source of light. She lay on a straw mattress in a shabby little room that reeked of mold and stale air.

Megan licked her parched lips and closed her eyes. Exhaustion overwhelmed her. The horrible ache in her skull lessened with each second that she succumbed to the peaceful slumber hovering just under the surface. Then the dark void totally engulfed her.

Megan was jarred awake by someone shaking her shoulder. She gasped at the abrupt change from blissful oblivion to painful consciousness. Strong hands sat her up on the edge of the bed. The room spun.

A cup containing some foul-smelling liquid was thrust under her nose. “Drink it."

A woman's voice. She lifted her head in surprise. The newcomer remained obscured within the room's deep shadows. But the hands holding the cup were not female. That meant there were at least two of them in the room. What did they want? She shivered as she recalled the brute with the eye patch.

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