Innocence Lost (17 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Green

BOOK: Innocence Lost
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She heard her mother speak. “Oh, Julian, we were so worried when we thought you'd been injured."

With a deep breath, Megan stepped out of her father's comforting embrace. She scrubbed the wetness from her cheeks and looked up. “I am so very glad that you and Mother have returned. What took you so long?"

"The questions concerning our trip can wait. I wish to know what this is about,” he ordered, his gaze sweeping the room.

As she started to answer, so did Nicholas and Julian. Chaos erupted. Her father demanded silence, then told everyone to sit and waved the footmen away.

When only the clock on the mantle could be heard, her mother turned to the dowager duchess. “Genny, do you know what this is about?"

"Indeed I do, Margaret."

Megan twisted her hands in her lap.

"Father—” Julian started, but Joseph silenced him again.

Father turned back to Nicholas's mother. “Tell us, Genny,” he said.

Megan's nervousness changed to alarm when the dowager began with how she had met Nicholas at the stream. Dear Christ, what did Nicholas's mother know?

"Pardon me, Genny,” Father interrupted. “Megan, I'm sure you were outfitted like Clancy—Yes, I do know about that,” he added when her eyes went round, “but why didn't you tell Nicholas who you were?"

"I...uh...” She paused to clear her throat, “I was afraid of being ostracized from Society, Father. If Nicholas knew who I was, he might have told all of London.” As her father's gaze moved away, she relaxed until he asked, “Is that all, Genny?"

"I should explain,” Nicholas said.

Megan dug her nails into the palms of her hands. She knew exactly what he was about to tell her parents. She wanted to scream for him to stop but heart pounded on the tip of her tongue.

Keeping her head bowed, she listened as Nicholas explained his return from an evening at White's to find her in one of his guestrooms.

"Why did you venture into Megan's room?” Julian interrupted.

She squeezed her eyes shut. Dread grabbed hold of her body. She couldn't move, couldn't breathe. She could only sit there and wait for her parents to learn their only daughter was ruined.

"I told you, I didn't know it was her,” Nicholas explained.

"And why is that?” Julian questioned. “Your mother's note explained everything."

A brief hesitation hung in the air before Nicholas answered. “I didn't read the note. I thought it had been a fabrication, a ruse to gain entrance into my home."

"Then what happened?” Julian asked.

She bit her lip and prayed something would happen to stop further discussion. A carriage overturned in the street, the house on fire, anything. When Nicholas didn't answer right away, she glanced up and found him staring murderously at Julian. Her brother, curse his rotten soul, leaned back in the chair and crossed his hands over his chest. Surely he wasn't enjoying this!


Her father's voice exploded through the silence. Megan felt the blood drain from her face. Oh, God, please let her swoon. Please, please,
let her swoon. She couldn't take much more of this.

Nicholas shifted his gaze to her father. He looked years older than he had just moments ago, she thought. “When I found Megan in the guestroom, I was incredibly happy and...well, I kissed her."

"But that's not all you did, is it Claremont?” Julian taunted.

Megan closed her eyes, wanting to crawl under the sofa. “No, that's not all,” Nicholas admitted quietly.

When she felt her father tense beside her, she lifted her gaze. He was staring at Nicholas, comprehension dawning. His brows snapped together and his eyes shot white-hot sparks.

From her position beside her father, Megan could almost feel the building force of his savagery. His face flushed with rage. When she placed her hand on his arm, she felt his muscles bunch. Dear God, he was going to kill Nicholas. “Please don't, Papa,” she whispered, her vision blurring with tears.

"Father, surely you realize that he intentionally seduced Megan out of revenge against me?” Julian asked.

Megan clamped onto her father's arm. “No, no, that isn't true."

Her father swung his lethal gaze back to Nicholas as if he hadn't heard her. “Is that true?” he snarled.

Nicholas didn't even blink. “Absolutely not, Joseph. I love Megan and wish her to be my wife."

Open-mouthed, Megan stared at Nicholas. As he glanced down at her, his expression grew tender and love filled his eyes. She felt like weeping.

"Well, that's not going to happen, Claremont. Megan has already agreed to marry Daniel Claiborne,” Julian replied, sounding quite satisfied with himself.

"What?” her parents asked in unison.

Genny intervened, informing them of Julian's guardianship, and how he had chaperoned Megan to the various galas. She also explained about the arrangement between Julian and her son.

Megan felt her father's warm hand cover her icy fists still clamped onto his coat. “Why did you agree to marry Daniel Claiborne, darling?” he asked.

She released her father's sleeve and took a deep breath. “I thought that Nicholas had come to regret his marriage proposal and no longer cared for me. I had no idea that he and Julian had made that agreement."

"Do you care for Daniel Claiborne?"

Megan considered that. “Well, he's very nice."

"Hmmm. And Nicholas?"

Megan turned her gaze to the sole owner of her heart. Her own heart lurched and began to pump faster. She couldn't look away.

No one made a sound for several seconds. Tension filled the room. Megan held her breath.

"Megan will wed Nicholas after banns are posted,” her father said.

Nicholas sat up straighter and a huge smile split his face. Her heart flooded with joy. She would be married to the most wonderful man in the world, the man she had always loved.

"Father, I don't think...” Julian started to say.

Father silenced him with a look. “You, son, have never been in love, or you would have been able to recognize it. And I feel, even if you did recognize it, your animosity for Nicholas has polluted your judgment in this matter."

"But what of her current betrothal?"

"It can be broken."

"That may be difficult, sir. Daniel left two days ago for Scotland,” her brother explained.

"It seems to me that if Daniel Claiborne really wanted to marry my daughter, he would have cancelled his trip. For now, I shall have a visit with his grandmother, Anne."

Megan worried her bottom lip between her teeth. She didn't want Daniel to be hurt by the news of her marriage to Nicholas. He had seemed so hopeful after proposing. She picked at the string of pearls around her neck. Would Daniel and his sister come to hate her?

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Megan could not believe she was married. The weeks went by so quickly and the ceremony had been a blur. She glanced around the opulent Claremont townhouse foyer, and her vision settled on the stairs. She closed her eyes, recalling the last time she had seen those stairs, when Nicholas accused her of trying to force him into marriage. A sharp pang sliced through her middle at the memory.


Opening her eyes, she followed Nicholas into the parlor. She sat on the sofa while her husband spoke quietly to Carson at the door. After the brief conversation with his butler, he strode to the liquor cart and poured two drinks. His movements were stiff as he crossed the room and handed her one of the wineglasses. His eyes were troubled and a small frown curved his lips. Had Carson given him bad news?

As the silence stretched out, she grew uneasy. She took a sip of the wine, wondering if she should ask what had happened.

"Come, love,” he said huskily and took her wineglass.

She placed her hand in his, ashamed to admit how anxious she was to make love with her husband. She wanted his hands all over her body, then much, much more. A shudder of anticipation raced down her spine.

After they'd ascended the stairs, Nicholas stopped at the door next to his chambers. He brought her hand to his lips, gave it a warm and lingering kiss, then turned and stepped into his room and closed his door.

She stood like a statue for a few minutes, staring at the polished wood. She couldn't even draw a proper breath. Had he just dismissed her for the night?

"Is there something in your bedchamber not to your liking, Your Grace?"

She whirled around. “Oh, Carson, I did not hear you approach.” She quickly assured the butler that her chambers were fine and hurried inside. Her hands shook as she closed the door. Her heart pounded with her confusion.

She ran her fingers along the rose and cream bed cover and sighed. Diverting her mind from the bed and thoughts of Nicholas, she sat at the window seat. Taking a thick cushion, she held it tight to her chest. She gazed at the rest of the room. A washstand and full-length mirror stood next to an ornately carved writing desk and chair. On the opposite wall stood the fireplace, topped with an elegant white marble mantle.

She walked into the dressing room and stopped short. Her gowns had been unpacked. Tears filled her eyes. Her parents didn't have separate rooms with separate beds. Her parents loved each other completely, and it showed with every action, every word and every look that they gave one another. And that was precisely the kind of marriage she longed for. The kind she'd thought she would have.

An unladylike snort escaped her lips. She stomped toward the door that appeared to join to Nicholas's room and pulled it open.

The valet started when he noticed her. He stood paralyzed for several seconds, his face aflame, before he bowed and spun around. She smiled at his retreating back, watching him carry her husband's sleep garments with him from the bedroom.

Scanning the empty room, she wondered where Nicholas had gone. Then a sound came from Nicholas's dressing room. Straightening her shoulders, she marched forward.

Nicholas had just removed his waistcoat when he felt eyes on him. He knew it wasn't his valet since he'd just dismissed the man for the night. He turned and thought his heart would stop when he saw Megan, standing still with her hands clasped tightly before her. He lifted his gaze and saw wariness in her eyes. Fear squeezed his heart. He cleared his throat. “Is something wrong?"

"Yes, something is very wrong,” she replied.

Her words struck him like a fist and he swallowed hard. Oh, God, had she decided marrying him had been a mistake? He noticed the tears in her eyes. “Meg,” he began, “What is it, love?"

She let out a small cry and ran to him.

He wrapped his arms around her. He inhaled a shuddering breath and laid his cheek on top of her head. His eyes slid shut and his heart began to mend back together, one tiny stitch at a time.

"Nicholas, why do we have separate bedrooms?” Her question sounded muffled against the front of his shirt.

He jerked his eyes open and eased back to look down at her. “You want to share a room?"

She nodded and he pulled her back to him. “Do you wish to share a room?” she said against his chest.

"Of course,” he said, “but on the way here you were so quiet.” He moved his hands up and down her back. “I just didn't want to frighten you."

"I'm not afraid."

His wife smiled a slow, seductive smile, and he quickly dropped his mouth down onto hers. He slid his tongue in between her parted lips. In less than a heartbeat, he was hard and ready.

She touched her tongue to his. With a low growl, he wrapped his arms around her. She shivered when he brought her snugly against his fevered body. His manhood strained within his pants and thrust against her. She melted against him. God, she felt good.

When he lifted her skirt and found the silky skin beneath, he heard her moan. Placing his hand between her thighs, he parted her with his finger and stroked the heated little bud within. He smiled when her breath caught.

His smile didn't last long.

She lowered her hands and freed his engorged member. The feel of those soft hands wrapped around him nearly undid him. He went completely still. Sweat ran down the side of his face as he fought for control. Pulling his lips from hers, he scooped Megan into his arms and stormed to the chaise inside the dressing room. There was no way in bloody hell he could wait until they removed their clothes. He sat, then lifted her dress and the frilly undergarment, and gently lowered her onto his shaft. As her body melted around him, he had to bite down hard on his lip to keep from a premature release.

Her eyes flew open. Within their purple depths, he saw intense pleasure mingled with an even deeper passion. He gripped her hips and slowly lifted her, then brought her back down. She parted her lips as the pleasure in her eyes magnified, then began to move to the rhythm he set. His own release drew near, and it took every ounce of his willpower not to let it go. Just one more minute...

She threw her head back and cried out, her muscles contracting around him.

With one final thrust, his loins burst. He expelled a long groan. His body shuddered with the most intense release of his life.

She laid her head on his chest and sighed. “See how much fun we would have if we shared a bedroom?” she whispered.

Chuckling, he tightened his arms around her. Grazing his lips over her forehead, he lifted her and carried her into the bedroom. Their bedroom. He lowered her onto the bed, undressed her, then himself, and slipped under the covers beside her. After engulfing her within his arms, he yawned like a bear and closed his eyes.

Megan. His wife. His forever. A strong sense of satisfaction overcame him. He inhaled her warm, jasmine-scented skin and pulled her close. He'd been so sure she had wanted a room of her own. What a foolish thought. Megan wasn't the typical virgin bride, frightened of her own shadow. He grinned to himself. Thank God. He kissed her warm skin and listened to her deep, even breathing for several seconds. Who would have guessed that married life could be so damn good?

He watched the bedroom light go out and he gnashed his teeth together. Damn it, Megan should have been his! He twisted his ring on his little finger, thinking what to do next. He had managed to raise some money at the gaming table. It wasn't much, but enough to hire a couple of ruffians. That meant another letter to the pirate.

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