Inner Guidance (31 page)

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Authors: Anne Archer Butcher

Tags: #General, #Spirituality, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #New Thought, #Inspiration & Personal Growth

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Next Steps in Spiritual Exploration

HU, the Most Beautiful Prayer

The simple spiritual exercises in

this book will open your heart to see

God’s loving presence in your life. In-

cludes a CD with the sound of thousands

of people singing this powerful, majes-

tic love song to God. Read, listen, or sing

along. It lifts you spiritually, no matter your age, background, or religion.

Past Lives, Dreams, and

Soul Travel

These stories and exercises help

you find your true purpose, discover

greater love than you’ve ever known,

and learn that spiritual freedom is

within reach.

The Spiritual Exercises of ECK

This book is a staircase with 131

steps leading to the doorway to spiri-

tual freedom, self-mastery, wisdom,

and love. A comprehensive volume of

spiritual exercises for every need.

How to Survive Spiritually in

Our Times, Mahanta Transcripts,

Book 16
Discover how to reinvent yourself

spiritually—to thrive in a changing

world. Stories, tools, techniques, and

spiritual insights to apply in your life


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Next Steps in Spiritual Exploration


Autobiography of a Modern


This riveting story of Harold

Klemp’s climb up the Mountain of God

will help you discover the keys to your

own spiritual greatness.

Those Wonderful ECK Masters

Would you like to have

perience with spiritual masters that

people all over the world—since the

beginning of time—have looked to for

guidance, protection, and divine love?

This book includes real-life stories and

spiritual exercises to meet eleven ECK


The Spiritual Laws of Life

Learn how to keep in tune with

your true spiritual nature. Spiritual

laws reveal the behind-the-scenes

forces at work in your daily life.

Advanced Spiritual Study

Advanced spiritual study is available through yearly membership in Eckankar. This annual cycle of study and practice focuses on the ECK discourses, which may be studied privately or in a class. Each year the spiritual student decides whether to continue with his or her studies in Eckankar.

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Next Steps in Spiritual Exploration


As you study the teachings of ECK, you will find a series of changes in your heart and mind that can make you a better, stronger, and more happy person.

Each month of the year, you’ll study a new discourse and practice a new technique to enhance your spiritual journey.

The twelve lessons in
The Easy Way Discourses
by Harold Klemp include these titles and more: “In Soul You Are Free,” “Dream On, Sweet Dreamer,” “Reincarnation—Why You Came to Earth Again,” “The Master Principle,” and “The God Worlds—Where No One Has Gone Before?”

How to Get Started

For free books and more information about Eckankar:


Call 1 (800) LOVE GOD (1-800-568-3463), ext. BK114

(US and Canada only); or

Write to: ECKANKAR, Dept. BK114,

PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN

55317-2000 USA.

To order Eckankar books online, visit

To become a member of Eckankar and receive

your advanced spiritual study discourses, along with other annual membership benefits, go to (click on “Membership” then

“Online Membership Application”). You can also call Eckankar at (952) 380-2222 to apply. Or write to the address above, Att: Membership.

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Words set in SMALL CAPS are defined elsewhere in this glossary.

Blue Light

How the MAHANTA often appears in the inner worlds to the Chela or seeker.


The Life Force, the Holy Spirit, or Audible Life Current which sustains all life.


Religion of the Light and Sound of

God. Also known as the Ancient Science of SOUL TRAVEL. A truly spiritual religion for the individual in modern times. The teachings provide a framework for anyone to explore their own spiritual experiences. Established by PAUL TWITCHELL, the modern-day founder, in 1965. The word means Co-worker with God.

ECK Masters

Spiritual Masters who can assist and protect people in their spiritual studies and travels. The ECK Masters are from a long line of God-Realized SOULs who know the responsibility that goes with spiritual freedom.


The state of God Consciousness. Complete and conscious awareness of God.

Gopal Das

The guardian of the SHARIYAT-KI-

SUGMAD at the Temple of Askleposis on the Astral PLANE. He was the MAHANTA, the LIVING ECK MASTER in Egypt, about 3000 BC.


The most ancient, secret name for God. The singing of the word
is considered a love song to God. It can be sung aloud or silently to oneself.

Karma, Law of

The Law of Cause and Effect, action and reaction, justice, retribution, and reward, which applies to the lower or psychic worlds: the Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental, and Etheric PLANES.

Klemp, Harold


SRI Harold Klemp became the Mahanta, the Living ECK

Master in 1981. His spiritual name is WAH Z.


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266 Glossary

Lai Tsi
lie TSEE
An ancient Chinese ECK MASTER.

Living ECK Master
. The title of the spiritual leader of ECKANKAR.

His duty is to lead SOUL back to God. The Living ECK Master can assist spiritual students physically as the Outer Master, in the dream state as the Dream Master, and in the spiritual worlds as the Inner Master. SRI HAROLD KLEMP became the MAHANTA, the Living ECK Master in 1981.

A title to describe the highest state of God Consciousness on earth, often embodied in the LIVING ECK

MASTER. He is the Living Word. An expression of the Spirit of God that is always with you. Sometimes seen as a BLUE LIGHT

or Blue Star or in the form of the Mahanta, the Living ECK


. The levels of existence, such as the Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental, Etheric, and SOUL Planes.

Rebazar Tarzs
REE-bah-zahr TAHRZ

known as the Torchbearer of ECKANKAR in the lower worlds.

A class in which students of ECK study a monthly lesson from ECKANKAR.

. SOUL recognition. The entering of Soul into the Soul PLANE and there beholding Itself as pure Spirit. A state of seeing, knowing, and being.

The sacred scriptures of ECKANKAR. The scriptures are comprised of about twelve volumes in the spiritual worlds. The first two were transcribed from the inner PLANES by PAUL TWITCHELL, modern-day founder of Eckankar.

. The True Self. The inner, most sacred part of each person.

Soul exists before birth and lives on after the death of the physical body. As a spark of God, Soul can see, know, and perceive all things. It is the creative center of Its own world.

Soul Travel
. The expansion of consciousness. The ability of SOUL

to transcend the physical body and travel into the spiritual worlds of God. Soul Travel is taught only by the LIVING ECK

MASTER. It helps people unfold spiritually and can provide proof of the existence of God and life after death.

Sound and Light of ECK
. The Holy Spirit. The two aspects through which God appears in the lower worlds. People can experience them by looking and listening within themselves and through SOUL TRAVEL.

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Spiritual Exercises of ECK
. The daily practice of certain techniques to get us in touch with the Light and Sound of God.

A title of spiritual respect, similar to reverend or pastor, used for those who have attained the Kingdom of God. In ECKANKAR, it is reserved for the MAHANTA, the LIVING ECK


A sacred name for God. Sugmad is neither masculine nor feminine; It is the source of all life.

Temples of Golden Wisdom
. These Golden Wisdom Temples are spiritual temples which exist on the various PLANES—from the Physical to the Anami Lok; CHELAS of ECKANKAR are taken to the temples in the SOUL body to be educated in the divine knowledge; the different sections of the SHARIYAT-KI-SUGMAD, the sacred teachings of ECK, are kept at these temples.

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