Inflamed: A Shadow Riders MC (3 page)

BOOK: Inflamed: A Shadow Riders MC
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"How the fuck did you manage to get in here last night?" he asked her.

"A friend brought me. The same one that went off with one of yours someplace before we came back here."

"I gotta lotta friends here, darlin'. I'm gonna need you to be a hell of a lot more specific than that."

"The one with the red, white and blue tattoos all over his arms and neck like some kind of patriot or American flag. He was wearing a red wrap around his head and had a short black goatee covering his entire mouth. You could hardly see his lips when he spoke. Oh! And he had that Sergeant-At-Arms patch on his cut.”

The description sounded a hell of a lot like Blue. River momentarily shut his eyes and remembered a tiny red-head with tits the size of watermelons and an ass the size of Texas, dragging his best friend off to some other part of the club before finally disappearing into a spare room.

"Christ." He dropped his hands to his lap and sat back.

The girl bent forward and threw her arms around his neck. She tangled her fingers in the soft hairs on his chest and brushed the tip of her nose across the smooth skin of his back, just inches above his colorful hawk tattoo (
one of the actual bird
), which rested in the center of it. She giggled in watching its wings move up and down as he jerked his shoulders in an attempt to shove her off.

"You know, I don't care how old you are," she told him. "You still fuck like you could be twenty-five years old."

"Shit, bitch, how many twenty-five year olds have you been fuckin' lately?" He snickered. "‘Cause I ain’t been twenty fuckin' five in about thirteen goddamn years. If the grey shit all over my head, face and chest ain’t tell you that--"

"I like it." She slid her fingers into his thick head of hair, the color of salt and pepper that seemed to brighten as she tilted his head closer to the light; where it used to rest across his shoulders, it was now loosely curled and resting just above his neck. The girl smiled. "It makes you look sophisticated or something," she said. "Like an old man kind of sexy."

"A sophisticated old man kinda sexy?
. You really don’t know a goddamn thing, do ya?" He shoved her off without a second thought and crossed the room to his pack of cigarettes on the dresser. He pulled one from the pack, then got a good look at himself in the mirror.

He still looked damn good and somewhere deep within himself, he knew it despite whatever bullshit he was spewing or had planned to spew toward this girl at some point. And even though it partially riled him up, he knew she was right, his age was just that, nothing but a motherfucking number. Even if it mattered, he could still claim to be in his thirties, because he was. His very
thirties. Sure his hair wasn't as dark as it once was, but that didn't mean shit when he still had rock hard abs, a good and healthy ass, thick muscles in his arms and legs, a wrinkle-free natural tan that intimidated most motherfuckers he knew, and most importantly, that strong jawline; one that often took more than a few hundred fists from weaker motherfuckers to break in half. His close cut shaven beard was starting to show more shades of grey than what was on his goddamn head, but just like everything else, it seemed to be a part of life, one he knew he needed to learn to embrace at some point before death came looking to drag him straight to hell. Still, with the size of his cock and how he worked it, he was certain he could fuck a bitch into a multitude of orgasms even after pulling out, which seemed to matter a hell of a lot more to him than a few strands of grey.

River picked up his lighter and threw a flame across his cigarette. He bent his head back to blow out the smoke, then returned to the mirror and looked behind him at the girl still on his bed. She remained completely naked with those full, heavy tits sitting high up on her chest, just fucking perfect; it was as if they were staring right up at him, with pink dime sized nipples just begging to be sucked, nibbled, raked over and fucked by that glorious cock of his all over again. He watched her throw those strawberry-blond locks over her creamy white shoulders and slide a hand down between her legs. She shoved two fingers inside herself and moaned.

"I'm ready," she panted, pumping her fingers in and out of her sex. "I'm ready, willing and able if you're looking to go another round with me, baby. I couldn't seem to keep you off of me last night and I'm hoping that today won't be much different."

"Is that what this mornin' was?" he asked her. "A thank you gift for keepin' my cock hard without the help of a fuckin' blue pill?"

She smiled but didn't respond.

River leaned over the dresser and shoved his brows together while rotating his eyes between her face and tits. "What's the oldest motherfucker you've ever been with?"

She turned her eyes up to the ceiling and shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe fifty."

"He a member of this club?"

"I don't know... Maybe." She tossed a wink in his direction and pulled her fingers out to massage herself.

"You here ‘cause you're lookin' to be a goddamn club whore on a permanent basis, babe? You wanna be passed around from cock to cock with one in your ass and the other deep inside that pink pussy – maybe one even down your throat? Or are you aimin' for Old Lady status?"

"I'm not old. And I'm no lady. And what's life without cock of any kind, no matter where it's being put inside me?" She jumped up from the bed and slid her arms across his broad shoulders. He turned in her arms and leaned back as she shoved her tits against him and dropped her hands around his bare ass. "I'm not looking to belong to anybody specific," she told him in a whisper. "I'm just here looking to have a good time for as long as I can before I'm shipped off to school soon. So far, you're the most fun I've had yet."

"How many parties have you been to at the club? I think I'd remember seein' you if you'd been to more than one."

"Last night was my first time here, and with you. But I'm hoping that it won't be my last with either one." She brought her hand around and swiped her thumb across the head of his cock, making him twitch. She lifted her hand to her mouth and sucked down hard on what was left of his cum.

, you are somethin’ else.”

"I know.” She grinned. “You sure you don't wanna go for another round? I'm still wet enough for you to fuck me any which way you see fit. And with more than just your big, fat cock this time.”

Before he could answer, there was a bang on his door.

"River!" a low, scratchy voice called out from the other side. "You got somebody out here in front of the garage looking to talk to you about something; they say it's important."

The girl turned toward the door and frowned. "Who the hell is that?"

River shook his head. "Verna," he told her. "Prez's Old Lady."

"Why does she sound like a man?"

River snickered. "'Cause she's damn near sixty and has been smokin' a shit load of packs since the age of fuckin' twelve."

"JACOB HAWKINS!" Verna called out again. "Are you hearing me in there?"

"I hear you fine!" he shot back. "Just let me get my shit together and I'll be out there in a few fuckin' minutes.
Hold your goddamn tits
," he muttered.

"If she can still hold them up at all," the girl said through a laugh.

After a few seconds of hearing nothing else from the other side, River put out his cigarette, gave the girl a light shove and headed off to the bathroom. She came up behind and ran her hand up and down the crack of his toned, smooth ass as he grabbed onto his now flaccid cock and pointed it toward the toilet to take a piss.

"You might need to start gettin' dressed, babe," he carelessly responded. "Maybe even lookin' for your friend to see if she's still here to take you back to wherever the fuck it is that you came from.”

"Oh, she skipped out hours ago with your friend -- he took her home." She blinked up at him and split her lips into a wide grin. "She got to ride on the back of his bike and I was hoping that you could be the one to give me a ride on the back on yours?"

He wagged his dick and bent down to flush the toilet once he was finished; a deep and hearty laugh escaped his throat while he washed and rinsed his hands and stared at her in the mirror. "I've never put a club bitch, potential or otherwise on the back of my goddamn bike, darlin'. I'm sure as fuck not gonna start now and sure as
not gonna start with the likes of you."

"The likes of me?" She puckered her brows.

"Yeah, the likes of you. Now watch out, babe." He brushed past her and grabbed a fresh pair of underwear from his drawer, then snatched his pants from the floor and slid each leg on one by one, followed by his shoes.

The girl spun around so quick she nearly threw out her back, and wrapped her hands around her own goddamn neck to keep from throwing them around his. She closed her eyes tight and exhaled once. "So what you're saying is that I was good enough to fuck, my mouth is good enough to wrap around your giant cock, but no part of me is good enough to show off to other members of the club?"

River rattled his head and released an internal groan. "Shit, bitch. Why the fuck are you actin’ like me stickin’ my goddamn dick in you was more than what the fuck it was? We fucked. You made me come. End of.”

"Not ‘
end of
’!" Fuming at the fact that he seemed to be treating her no better than someone he could've easily paid to suck his cock and screw well into the next morning, the girl responded without thinking. "What if I told you that I really wasn't nineteen at all?" She dropped her arms and stood upright while flexing the muscles in her face in an attempt to appear fearless. She sure as hell didn’t feel it but was convinced she at least looked the part.

River stopped cold and slowly turned his gaze back over to her. "What?" It was as if the devil himself had climbed up inside of his soul and took full possession of his entire body.

"What if you found out that I was actually a few years shy of it?" She leaned back on her right heel and rested a hand alongside her waist. "What if I told you that you had spent all night fucking illegal pussy? What if I told you that your big, fat cock was really the first taste this illegal pussy ever had, and everything else I said before was just a flat out lie? What then?"

His eyes went cold, as did the blood in his veins. What she said was like a goddamn bullet being shot straight through to his skull, killing him dead where he stood.

Random pussy was one thing, but illegal fucking pussy? Fuck no.

The girl cowered in the bathroom the moment she saw the tense look rising on his face, the furrow pushing his brows together and the practical steam blowing out of his ears. She instantly regretted having even opened her mouth.

"What in the goddamn fuck did you just say to me, bitch?" he growled, his tone so hard he nearly cracked his teeth between every single word.

In a panic, she shook her head and looked away from him. "Nothing," she spat. "Nothing, I was just--"

He raced across the room before she could say another goddamn word to him and clutched both hands around her tiny arms. She tried squirming away as he shoved her into the wall, but he yanked her up until only her toes touched the floor and held her until she whimpered.

"What the fuck did you just say to me about illegal fuckin' pussy, bitch?!"

"You're hurting me, Riv--"

“I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!” His eyes enlarged, his grip around her arms tightened as the fury inside of him spilled over like water from a whistling kettle. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!"

She tossed her head this way and that to avoid the spit flying out of his mouth and screamed out. "I lied, okay! I lied! I lied!" She tried squirming out of his grip again, but there was no way in hell he was letting this bitch loose until he got the goddamn, motherfucking truth straight from her goddamn lips. "I'm not underage! I just said it hoping to piss you off--"

"Well it fuckin' worked, you crazy, stupid bitch!" He released her quick and threw a fist into the wall above her head. She screamed out and covered her mouth as pieces of tile shattered and fell to her hair, around her shoulders and to the floor.

She peeked down at her toes and wiggled them up and down as dust fell between them, and tried like hell to stop herself from shaking in front of him. The man had just put the fear of God in her bones, but there was no way in hell she was giving up until he listened to what she had to say.

"I just wanted..." She exhaled a few times and bobbed her head while doing all she could to remain composed. "I just wanted to know what it was like to be on the back of your bike.” She brought her hand down from her face and looked up into his steel blue eyes.

He snarled. "And you thought tellin' me some shit that could get me put away for a goddamn lifetime was the way to do it? Jesus, what the fuck? Bitches like you are why I stopped fuckin' new club pussy. You spend so much goddamn time tryin' to plot and climb to the top of the fuckin' ranks that you lose the motherfuckin' purpose of why we want you here in the first goddamn place. No motherfucker in the history of this club has ever wifed a club whore, bitch. And that shit sure as fuck ain't gonna start here, and sure as fuck not with me and you. Now get your shit and get the fuck outta here before I wrap my hand around that goddamn neck of yours and toss you the fuck out."

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