Inflamed: A Shadow Riders MC (9 page)

BOOK: Inflamed: A Shadow Riders MC
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He bent his face toward mine and clamped his teeth together. A mixture of sweat, alcohol and his natural pheromones filled my nostrils, leaving me at a cross between wanting to taste every drop of him on my tongue and slug him right in the face with the head of my fist or a hammer. Given our proximity, the truth is that I can’t really say which one I wanted to do more of.

"You want me to save you, keep you and your goddamn kid safe from that sick, twisted fuck? This is how the fuck we're gonna play it, doll." He stepped back, huffing and puffing so hard, I thought he might actually blow me over if he opened his mouth even an inch wider. "I'll get enough money to cover your motherfuckin' rent so you don't have to do somethin' stupid like fuck your landlord or suck his cock in order to remain on 'good terms' with him."

I wrinkled my nose. "He's actually a she."

"Then I guess lick her pussy," he said.

I wanted to puke. "She's not exactly a lesbian."

"Shit, sometimes it makes no goddamn difference when it comes to money with these hungry motherfuckers and what can be given in exchange for it, doll. I’ll get in her face about it, then we can sell your fuckin’ furniture for the extra cash durin' a club auction, 'cause you're gonna need it anyway after you quit your job out there, assumin' you've actually got one."

I’ve actually got one?”

“Well do ya?” he snapped, his tone harsh. It was clear that he was becoming just as fed up with me as I was with both him and the entire situation at hand.

I pulled my lip into my mouth to keep from saying something I knew I’d regret later if not in that very moment already, and bit down hard before muttering, "I'm a temp."

"Then you’ve got one, a bunch of different ones as a matter of fact. Now look, all that other shit aside from what I just mentioned has no goddamn concern to me whatsoever ‘cause it's not my goddamn problem, alright?" He spun away from me and headed back over to the door. "This is your goddamn life now," he said. "If you'd have kept your fuckin' mouth shut about that piece of cloth and the goddamn fire, you wouldn't be stuck with the possibility of seein' bitches paradin' in and outta here with their tits and asses hangin' out and motherfuckers who like bein' sucked off out in the open. We'll shield your kid from that shit as best as we can, but I'm not the kind of motherfucker who makes a promise he can't keep."

"So you're not making one at all, is that it?"

"That's it."

He took one last look at me before stepping outside and leaving me completely alone with my thoughts. My thoughts, my thoughts, my stupid,
thoughts; the same ones that pushed me into coming here and forced me into regret the minute I first opened my mouth.

What the hell was I thinking? I assumed if he was willing to help me at all that he would want me nearby, but moving here just mere hours after telling him so? And not only to Crescent Beach, but expecting me to stay in a den of sin with my child? Pussy parties. Club whores. Guns and booze, maybe even drugs all out in the open for her to see. And it's clear that he's not comfortable around someone like me as much as he might like to think he is.

But River Hawkins is my only way out of a life encased by fear.

“Damn it.” The truth of that statement plagued my mind to the point of producing a full on headache, one I was all too eager to get rid of. I eyed the liquor with reverence but frowned in knowing the consequences. I shook my head anyway and sighed. “Screw it.”

I slid my purse across the counter, reached over the bar for that opened bottle of tequila, poured until it spilled over the shot glass and drank it back too quick to regret it.

This man is my only chance of survival.

I moaned while pouring another glass, and then another, and then another until I felt the sensible parts of my brain going so far numb they felt like rubber. And as that liquor burned the back of my throat and settled right into my belly, I figured that being stuck inside the club for God only knew how long, was my punishment for being a completely shitty person in a previous life. Given the current set of circumstances surrounding me, there had to be absolutely no damn doubt about it.


Chapter Four

River stepped outside and found Blue near the garage and leaning on his bike, while mumbling what sounded like ‘sweet nothings’ into the ear of some random bitch in his phone.

He walked over and slapped him on the back.

Blue whipped his head around and nodded up at him. "Lem’me call you back," he said to the person on the other end of the line. He snapped his phone shut before the person could respond, and tossed it inside the pocket of his Shadow Riders jacket. "'Sup, brother?" He gave River a quick hug and pat on the back.

"Too much for bein' so early in the fuckin’ mornin'," he replied through a snarl. “That’s for goddamn sure.”

Blue pulled back from him and laughed. "Shit, that bitch from last night already givin' you trouble, motherfucker? And none of the good kind?" He dropped back and ripped a pack of cigarettes from a pocket sewn into the seat of his bike.

"Yeah, but she's not the only bitch I've got crawlin' up my ass and makin' a goddamn home for herself inside there."


River glared. "Not exactly. But about that bitch from last night, how the fuck old was her friend that you spent most of the time fuckin'?"

Blue shrugged. "I don't even fuckin' know, brother. But did you see the size of those goddamn tits?" He sucked on his bottom lip remembering exactly how each one tasted on his tongue and whipped out his lighter. "
. And that fat fuckin' ass.
Juicy. As. Shit
for a white bitch, and real as fuck too. I wrapped my goddamn hands around that thing and rocked that sweet fuckin’ pussy of hers till the motherfuckin' sun came up this mornin', and she was screamin' my name in tongues, motherfucker.
Screamin’ my name in goddamn tongues
till she creamed all over my cock. It was like a batch of marshmallow cream bein’ poured over a hot motherfuckin’ sundae with extra nuts and--”

River groaned as the visual of it all suddenly invaded his mind and attacked each crevice of it like a pack of wild hyenas. “Shit.”

“Yeah.” He grinned. “So I don’t give a fuck how old she was. A bitch makin’ me come like that, she can be any goddamn age she wants.”

River clinched his jaw and shook his head. "She ever plan on comin' back here with that same ass, tits and mouth to suck you off with?”

"Brother, she was still
when I slapped her ass on the back of my goddamn bike and drove her back to Tampa this mornin’. She was sprayin’ like a fuckin’ faucet full of cum when I got her ass back into her own goddamn bed and fucked her back into one helluva fantastic coma before I left. Bitch is probably still comin’ just thinkin’ of my dick as we fuckin’ stand here and speak." He laughed and smacked an unamused River on the arm. "‘Cause of that, I plan to have her back here
often and real fuckin’ soon again, too.”

“That so.”

“Hell fuckin’ yeah! A bitch who can fuck me till I can't even remember my own goddamn name while tightenin’ that sweet as fuck cunt around my cock, and doesn't ask questions about other bitches unless she wants in on fuckin’ one too, just might be one worth keepin' on the back of my motherfuckin' bike ‘til the very goddamn end of times."

"One good fuck with some potential club bitch whose age you don’t even know, and you're all ready to propose?"

"Maybe. Might even give her my high school class ring after I finish pinnin’ her to the floor on all fours again.”

River wrapped two fingers around the tip of his nose to stifle a laugh. Blue had said and done a hell of a lot of crazy shit over the years when it came to the bitches of the club, random or otherwise. But if he was serious about marrying one of them just because she was better in the sack than most, this would not only make it the craziest, but the outright stupidest thing he had ever done. Though River was prepared for the fallout either way, when it came to the other brothers, he knew damn well that shit wouldn’t be the case.

“Jesus Christ. Motherfucker, you’re one hell of a goddamn, fuckin’ idiot, you know that?”

Blue stood with pride. “If wifin’ up a bitch with good tits, a fat ass, fuckable lips and the ability to suck my cock and drink my cum like she’s lickin’ juices from a goddamn Popsicle makes me an idiot, then I’ll wave that flag high and proud above my goddamn head for all the world to see, motherfucker. Hell, I’ll even get that shit in bright, shiny fuckin’ colors with our names embroidered usin’ all kinds of sparkles and shit.”

.” River chuckled. “Yeah, that’s all the more reason to wife a bitch up, ‘cause she knows how to suck your cock till you come in every open hole she’s got on her goddamn body. Trust and believe me, fucker, there ain’t no goddamn cunt on earth that fuckin’ good.”

“So you say till you get the right damn one ridin’ your cock into the next fuckin’ day. Which I’m guessin’ this bitch from last night wasn’t, and didn’t.” Blue flashed a light over his cigarette and simpered. "Given the fucked up way you’re soundin’ and actin’ this mornin’, she either wasn’t worth fuckin’ or she did the unthinkable and blew you off once she realized that massive cock you’ve got wouldn’t fit into any of her tiny fuckin’ holes.”

River dropped his hands on either side of his waist and thought long and hard about how to respond. "She blew me off, but not in the same way you’re thinkin’, asshole. Shit, this bitch might even put yours to shame with the mouth she’s got on her; the way it wrapped around my goddamn cock was like a fuckin’ art form. Bitch should be honored in the Smithsonian or some shit for it.” He adjusted his pants. “She took that shit until the tip hit the back of her motherfuckin' throat and she was gaggin' around it. I didn't let her go till I came and she didn't lose her shit over havin' to swallow every motherfuckin’ drop of it."

"You’re sayin’ she took that monster cock of yours and damn near fuckin’ swallowed it whole, unlike some of the bitches around here who you say tense up when you finally get it all the way in. And she probably took that cum ‘cause she thought it was made of VP, Shadow Ridin’ gold.” He shrugged. “So what exactly was the fuckin’ problem?"

"The problem is that she’s got a goddamn mouth on her.”

Blue peered. “You just said that shit was a good fuckin’ thing.”

“Good for suckin’, not so much for runnin’ off after fuckin’. I’ll keep her around for my cock’s sake and when I feel the need to bend her over somethin’. But I’ve got no goddamn desire to treat her like this bitch you’re lookin’ to wife up before you probably even know her last goddamn name."

"It’s Hicks... or Hillman, or some shit – Look, what the fuck does her last name matter anyway, motherfucker? Don't you know that a bitch who not only knows what the fuck she’s doin’, but is also willin' to get on her goddamn knees for you is worth keepin' for eternity if you can help it? I don’t need to know this bitch’s last name. With a pussy like that, she’ll be takin’
.” He took a long drag of his cigarette and dipped his head back.

River frowned. "Motherfucker, do you know how many goddamn bitches I could get to suck me off without givin’ me a fuckin' headache like this bitch has? She fucked with my head this mornin' tellin' me she was underage. I almost threw her ass out of a goddamn window and if she hadn’t have grabbed onto my cock when she did to stop me from it, you’d have come home to find a lyin’, cryin’ bitch covered in nothin’ but glass and spit out here in the middle of the goddamn parkin’ lot."

"Alright, Riv, so just how the fuck
was this bitch claimin' to be?" asked Blue, murmuring around the smoke.

"Young enough to be Tiny’s type. But it doesn’t matter since I verified that she’s fuckin’ legal."

"Good. Then you should get your ass back in there and fuck the legal shit out of her again ‘til you’re in a better fuckin’ mood." Blue dropped a leg over his bike and took a seat while peeking up at River.

“I can’t do much of any goddamn thing with this bitch now, ‘cause we’ve got another motherfuckin’ problem on our hands in the name of the bitch we found out here eight years ago all bloodied and fucked the hell up.”

Blue shoved his brows together in complete confusion. “What?”

“Eight years ago, motherfucker. You came burstin’ into my goddamn room back there just as I was about to get sucked off to tell me some bitch was out here lookin’ half dead outside the front of our goddamn gate. You remember that shit?”

Blue dragged his cigarette back up between his lips and inhaled. “You talkin’ about that black bitch with the high tits and nice ass?”

“The one you thought about maybe fuckin’ despite how fucked up she was?” said River. “Yeah, that was her.”

“Shit, she’s here? What the fuck is she lookin’ like now?”

“Not bloodied the fuck up, that’s for goddamn sure.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” asked Blue.

“It means she’s not covered in blood and piss or cut the fuck up like a goddamn summer sausage on a motherfuckin’ breakfast plate, asshole. What the fuck do you think it means?” spat River. He raised his hand to his face and dragged it down from his mouth to his throat, and clinched his jaw.

Blue watched the veins pop out from his best friend’s neck and saw a twitch or two in his eye, which was something he had never noticed before that moment, and frowned. “She still got the fat tits and good ass?” River opened his nose as wide as he could and sucked in air while refusing to answer. When Blue realized he was purposely being ignored, he nodded. “Alright, well what the fuck is she doin’ back here? ‘Cause if she’s lookin’ to finally thank us for savin’ her life, she’s about ten goddamn years too late for it.”

“It was eight years ago, motherfucker,” said River. “That shit happened
years ago, and she’s not here lookin’ to give any kind of goddamn thank you. She’s lookin’ for our goddamn help.”

“Then she’s lookin’ for a goddamn ‘you’re welcome’ this time instead,” he said. River momentarily shut his eyes and shook his head, unable to correct what he was certain was only part of Blue’s ignorance. “What the fuck kinda help is she needin’ now anyway if she’s no longer bloodied and fucked up?”

“The kind that if we do, might help to get this goddamn club back on its track. The same one Wolf has been derailin’ for too many goddamn years to count now with his bullshit.” He crossed his arms. “You remember that dope house back in Daytona? The one the cops have been so sure for so fuckin’ long that we burnt down over that gun deal gone bad with the Russians and Czech’s?”

“Yeah, the one Wolf forced us into makin’ with ‘em when that other fucked up tradin’ deal he made with the yellows and browns went bad. What about it?”

River leaned in, clamping his teeth together and flaring his nostrils in absolute fury. “It was Ricky Fontaine who did that shit.”

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