Read Infinity & Always Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

Tags: #romance

Infinity & Always (33 page)

BOOK: Infinity & Always
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how darlin’?”

my head back, I smile up at him. “You’re actually more
like Max. Kind of carefree, I guess.” I shrug because I don’t
know how to describe him really.

darlin’, this is me. We have been through a lot in the last
four years and now it’s our chance to be really happy. I’m
just me again, without headaches, without the possibility of some
crazy fucking stalker coming after the woman I love, and without a
terminal illness. This is our chance darlin’ and we both
deserve it.”

know babe…I just mean you seem giddier. It’s not bad, I
like it.”

because life is too short to be moody and not have fun,” he

because we both know who is the moody one,” I tease him.

now,” he warns. We walk back into the house only stopping at
the bed. Knox presses his lips against mine and walks backward until
my legs bump off the bed. “I think we need to take a rest.”

haven’t started,” I answer.

we’re starting darlin’, can’t you tell?”

grins at me while sliding his hand up into my hair and gently laying
me back on the bed. I watch as he pulls off his t-shirt and kicks off
his boots, then he slowly opens his jeans and pushes them down his
legs all while keeping his eyes on mine.

out I grip his hand and pull him down to me. Our lips collide in a
hot wet kiss, as my hands roam over his back. Knox pulls my dress up
over my head, discarding it on the floor. His eyes drink me in while
he traces a line from my neck all the way down to my stomach.

so damn beautiful,” he whispers.

you going to stare all day?”

his head, he smiles at me and chuckles. “So impatient my love.”
He teases. Arching my hips, his hand moves lower between my legs
eliciting a moan from me.

want you now,” I pant. He works his fingers slowly while his
mouth explores my body. My body tightens as he pushes his fingers
deeper inside bringing me to climax.

was fast darlin’,” He smirks.

been too long,” I answer, gripping the back of his neck and
pulling down to me, to finish what he started.


Chapter 31


are you going?” Mom asks, looking shocked.

a run, I’ll only be thirty minutes.”

slip my iPod into my armband and wave to her as I step out the back
door. I blast my music as I start my run around the lake. The sun is
already blazing in the blue sky and it beats down on me. As I pass
dad’s house, I catch him waving from the kitchen. Waving back I
keep going around, sometimes it’s weird to run by his house. I
am so used to stopping there on my runs but today I can’t,
today I need to expel all this nervous excitement building inside of

I’m finally doing it, tying the knot, getting hitched, taking
the plunge. As I round the corner on my last lap, I find my dad
patiently waiting for me.

Dad,” I smile, pulling my ear buds out.

sweetheart,” he gives me a quick hug. “Are you coming in
for breakfast?”

sorry, Mom is cooking up a storm over there.” I nod in the
direction of my house, “Why don’t you come over and eat
with us?”

watch him hesitate, but I grab his arm and pull him with me anyway.
“I guess I don’t have a choice,” he mutters.

being a brat, Dad.”

laughs at me and holds tight to my hand. “I’m going to
miss having another Mortenson around.”

always be here Dad, no matter what my last name is.”

know he has been feeling sad about me giving up my name because there
is no one else after him to carry it on, but I’m ready to be
Mrs. Porter, so ready. When we enter my house, the kitchen is full of
food. Mom and Paige are eating already so Dad and I join them.

Dad says as he sits. Paige waves and my mom smiles at him. I thought
it would be awkward with them, but they have actually really been
okay together. Grabbing a fork I pile my plate with pancakes,
strawberries and drown it all in maple syrup. Licking my lips, I look
up to find all three staring at me.


won’t fit into your dress after all that,” Mom says,
shaking her head.

I will, don’t worry Mom, I’ll work it off later,” I

bursts out laughing while my parents hang their heads in
embarrassment, but I catch Dad smiling. We eat in silence and I savor
every bite because I know later, I’ll be too caught up in
everything to eat. My phone beeps and I grab it off the counter.


Knox: mornin' darlin’ xx

Me: Hi babe, you’re up early.

Knox: Yeah Dad insisted we head out for breakfast. I’ll have a nap

Me: lazy ass

Knox: saving my strength for tonight.

Me: you better because I plan to give you a workout.

Knox: Can’t wait xxx

Me: see you in a few hours, love you

Knox: love you too


no need to ask who that was. The smile on your face is a dead
giveaway,” Paige says.

it was my future husband,” I smile.

I eat, I head up for a long soak in the tub. I warned my mom to leave
me alone for an hour, just to chill out. We originally planned to
stay in the hotel last night, but Dad organized a car for us, so we
stayed here instead. Lowering myself into the bubbles, I close my
eyes, memories of Knox and I run through my head like a movie reel.

is the most handsome guy I have ever seen and that thought alone
makes me giddy. Before long my mom is knocking on my door telling me
my hour of solitude is over. Climbing out of the bath, I wrap a
fluffy robe around myself, which Knox bought me for today. He said it
will remind me of him when he is not with me.

you out?” Mom asks.

Mom, I’m out,” opening the door I smile at her. “See
all done.”

good, the hair and makeup ladies will be here soon and your dress is
hanging in the spare room.”

I smile. Once she leaves me again, I slather body lotion all over my
skin. Throwing on a tank top and shorts I head down to the kitchen.

Paige says. Grabbing my hand she pulls me down into a chair and
begins to attack my feet with nail polish. I’m doing my best to
remain calm and relaxed, and not get worked up. I watch Paige as she
gets to work and accept a coffee from my mom.


he went home for a shower. He said he will be back with the car,”
Mom answers. Once Paige is done with my toes, she starts on my
fingers. By two, o’clock the hair and makeup ladies arrive,
along with the photographer. I really didn’t want him here
while I am getting ready, but apparently that’s what you do.
After some serious struggling, my hair is finally pinned up with
weird diamond things twisted into it. Paige has her makeup done and
now it’s mom’s turn. I make an excuse to leave and race
up to my room for a five-minute break.


Me: Hi babe, cold feet?

Knox: Hell no! Just woke up, what are you doing?

Me: Hiding from the evil twins downstairs lol

Knox: ???

Me: Hair and makeup. I have a headache already

Knox: Sorry darlin’, are you okay though?

Me: yes I can’t wait to see you.


are you ready?” Mom shouts up the stairs at me.


Me: have to go Mom is stalking me.

Knox: ok darlin’, see you soon xx

Me: xxxx


my room, I walk back down to the kitchen slash salon. It’s
already four o’clock and I could use a nap myself. Sitting on a
stool, I close my eyes and let the makeup artist do her thing. Once
we are done, the photographer is still snapping away as I move out of
the room and up to get my dress on. Paige helps me to fasten the
buttons and slip on my shoes because it’s hard to see my feet
with all the fabric.

I almost forget,” she says, leaving the room. I take a look in
the mirror. I can’t believe I am getting married. Even to my
own eyes I look beautiful and the smile on my face could light up a

you go,” Paige hands me a velvet box.


it and find out,” she rolls her eyes at me.

the box, I almost ruin my makeup. Nestled in the blue satin inside is
a small charm. It is a bride and groom holding each other.

asked me to give it to you before you left.”

I whisper. She helps me put it on my bracelet and we do one last
mirror check.

look amazing, Bailey.”

so do you.” We hug for a few minutes and then leave the room.
On the way down the stairs, I have to stop for a photograph. My mom
is crying again and Dad looks pale.

okay Dad?”

he smiles at me, a little teary-eyed himself. After another round of
photographs, I usher everyone out of the house. Dad locks up for me
and puts my bag in the limo for tonight. I wave to Mom and Paige as
their car pulls away and I climb into mine.

set?” Dad asks as we begin our journey. “You can always
turn back, it’s not too late,” he teases, while pouring
each of us a glass of champagne.

way, Dad. Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”

the glass, we toast to my happily ever after. Dad holds my hand for
the whole journey while we drink and reminisce about the ‘old
days.’ When we pull up to the hotel, my stomach summersaults
with excitement. Paige is already waiting for me by the doors with
the wedding coordinator. Getting out of the car takes a few minutes
and some serious maneuvering.

is it,” Dad whispers.

trying to make me run old man?” I ask, gripping his arm. We
both laugh nervously and walk over to Paige.

her eyes are gleaming as she looks at me.

I nod. We follow the coordinator through the lobby and out to the
side of the building to the bottom of the stone steps. The sun is
almost setting and I can hardly stand still, every part of me wants
to be in Knox’s arms already. When the music begins, Paige
smiles one last time and takes off. Dad holds out his arm for me and
I take it, letting out a long breath.

climb the five short steps and stop beside the coordinator. She
smiles at us while talking into her headset. “Okay, get ready.”
Dad and I both nod, the music changes and she nods to us waving her
hand for us to walk. As soon as my feet hit the cream runner, my body
shivers. My eyes lift and I find the love of my life standing up at
the flower covered arch waiting for me. My breath is stolen from my
lungs and my heart falters when I see him.

black tux and black hair stand out against his megawatt smile. Our
eyes lock together and my feet hurry me towards him.

down, sweetheart,” Dad whispers to me.

can’t, Dad. Do you see what is waiting for me?”

hearts speeds up with each step I take. As we reach the flower arch,
Knox reaches out for my hand. Dad places my hand in Knox’s and
my whole body electrifies.

he whispers to me.


look beautiful darlin’,” his eyes glisten as he looks at

do you babe.”

are both smiling like it’s our first meeting. The priest clears
his throat and gets our attention. During the ceremony I half tune
out, all I want to do is say I do.

would you like to say something?” the priest asks.

a little confused because we never said we were doing this, but Knox
winks at me and clears his throat.

from the moment I saw you, I knew you were mine. Although it wasn’t
plain sailing for us, there is no one I’d rather be with during
hard times. No one I’d rather hold every night. No one I’d
rather own my heart so completely as you do. I promise to love you
always, to keep you close, and protect you with every part of me. I
love you more than I ever thought possible to love another person.
You’re my whole world darlin’ and I give you every part
of me. I trust you to take care of my heart and I yours. I love you,
so much. I do.”

love you,” I whisper. Tears blur my vision as Knox gently wipes
my eyes.

you Bailey Grace Mortenson, take Knox Andrew Porter to be your lawful
wedded husband? To have and to hold till death do you part?”


you Knox Andrew Porter, take Bailey Grace Mortenson to be your lawful
wedded wife? To have and to hold till death do you part?”


may kiss the bride.”

lips meet with a slow urgency, hungry to taste each other. My heart
beats out of my chest as Knox wraps me in his arms. After a few
minutes our friends and family clap and cheer. Breaking apart, Knox
closes his eyes and resting his forehead against mine.

did it darlin’,” he whispers.

we did.”

his eyes, he smiles at me and takes my hand. We walk down the aisle
and out into the gardens of the hotel for our photographs. Max grabs
me in a hug.

sis,” he smiles at me, then he hugs Knox.

take our official photographs and soon it turns into a photo shoot of
craziness. We do stupid poses and make each other laugh. Knox and Max
take a few together while Paige and I do the same. I manage to get
one of me standing between my husband and brother-in-law. Once the
photos are over we head back up to the dining room for our reception.
Sitting at the table, I look around the room, seeing for the first
time all the people who came to celebrate with us. I don’t know
most of the Porter or Marshall side, which are his mom’s side.

BOOK: Infinity & Always
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