Infinite Love (31 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Infinite Love
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‘Not as good as when you do it.’

‘Imagine it’s me, look at my face and imagine they’re my hands gliding over them, rolling your nipples until they stiffen
so hard
you’ll moan every time you touch them.’

‘Yes,’ I sighed as I parted my lips.

‘Pull the top down underneath them, I want to see them bare,’ he instructed. I did as I was told and kept my focus on his eyes as he watched my full pink nipples come into view and I cried out as I tugged on them. ‘Are they sensitive?’

‘Yes,’ I nodded.

‘Lick one.’


‘Lift one up high and lower your lips and lick one. If you can reach I want you to suck it.’


‘I’m sorry, what was that?’

‘Sorry, Sir.’

‘That’s two spanks with the paddle when I get home.’

‘O God,’ I groaned. This was getting me all hot and flustered. I did as he told me and heard a groan as he watched. ‘Pervert,’ I muttered as I released myself.

‘Another two spanks for being disrespectful,’ he grinned. I scowled at him and he chuckled. ‘Turn on the clone and run it over your nipples.’

‘What speed, Sir?’

‘About half way,’ he advised and watched carefully as I did as I was asked.

,’ I whimpered as the vibrations surged through my breasts, I was so sensitive at the moment.

‘Suck the clone, pretend you’re blowing me.’ His voice sounded gruff, he was as turned on as me. I slowly slid my tongue out and dragged it across the tip and then up and down the shaft, before stretching my lips around the girth and sliding it into my mouth. ‘O fuck, that’s hot,’ he groaned. I couldn’t smile, my mouth was too full, but I was incredibly turned on. Aside from the fact that it was vibrating and didn’t have the heat of Gabe’s flesh, or the musky male aroma of sex, I could very well have his actual cock in my mouth. I was sure I’d know it anywhere if there were a cock line up, like in the Police stations where you had to pick out the perp. I’d know his anywhere.

I groaned as I sucked. I pulled it out and licked it and sucked on it again noisily.

‘God damn it, slow down, you’re getting me too excited,’ he moaned. I giggled and winked and ran a hand down my stomach and slid it under the tiny triangle of flesh covering my pussy and let out a contended sigh as I grazed my clit while I licked his clone. ‘Another two spanks.’

‘What for?’ I gasped.

‘Did I give you permission to touch yourself?’

‘But I’m so desperate, Gabe.’

‘And now we’re up to a total of eight,’ he replied with a smirk. ‘Ask me.’

’ I protested.

‘Ask me, Mia.’

‘Sir, please may I touch myself while you watch?’

‘Only if you rip those knickers off.’

‘Take them off,’ I corrected. I liked these.

‘Ten spanks. Rip them off,’ he growled.

‘I may just defy you more, as you know I love being spanked,’ I giggled.

‘Ten spanks on your arse and now two directly on your clit.’

‘What?’ I gasped, as I looked at him in horror.

‘You heard me. I’ll tie you up, hands and feet to the headboard and use that paddle between your legs.’

‘You wouldn’t dare,’ I hissed. ‘That’s out of order, Gabe.’

‘Four on the clit, want to go for six?’

‘You’re unbelievable, SIR,’ I uttered. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I’d never come across anyone getting their clit spanked, but there again I’d seen enough to know nothing was off limits when it came so sex and people’s kinks. I squirmed on the bed and gently moved my fingers on my clit to try and appease the ache.

‘And we’re up to six. I didn’t give you permission to keep masturbating, Mia.’

‘You’re being mean,’ I moaned. ‘I’m so desperate.’

‘Rip off the knickers and show me how desperate you are. If I can’t see how pink, swollen and wet you are, it will be eight spanks on it.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I mumbled as I put down the clone and grasped the material in my hands. It took me a few attempts to rip it and I shrieked as I got the mother of all wedgies as I finally yanked it apart. I heard Gabe cracking up and saw he’d disappeared from the screen. ‘So
bloody funny,
.’ I hissed. His straight face popped back into view.


‘Nooooo,’ I groaned.

‘Insert clone cock,’ he ordered. I picked it up and spread my wet lips and positioned it. I felt a bit embarrassed, I hadn’t played with toys myself while he watched since his shoulder accident over two years ago. If we played with toys, he was usually the one holding them. ‘Why are you hesitating?’

‘I feel dirty,’ I whispered as I bit my lip.

‘You look fucking sexy. Slowly nudge him in, imagine it’s my cock stretching you, filling you up as I force my way inside you.’

‘O God,’ I cried as I let my head flop back and closed my eyes. It may as well have been Gabe’s for the size of it.

‘Eyes. On me. Immediately,’ he barked. I managed to pull my head up as I looked at him through half closed eyes, dizzy with desire. ‘Thrust it in and out, slowly.’ I did as I was told, flexing my jaw like a goldfish as I watched his face reacting and heard his groans.

‘Are you stroking yourself?’ I asked between pants.

‘Yes. Turn it on, medium speed.’

‘Do you want me? As much as I want you?’

‘More,’ he growled as I turned on the vibrations and cried out again.

‘Let me see, please let me see you stroking yourself, Sir. You’re watching me, I want to see you.’ I watched as the picture on the iPad showed flashes of the room and heard him undressing, then suddenly his gloriously naked body appeared on screen. I directed him as to where to put the iPad, to afford me a shot of his face and cock all in focus together, and groaned as I saw his hand gripping himself tightly.

‘Turn up the speed,’ he ordered as he wet his lips with his tongue.

‘Noooo, I don’t think I can take it.’

‘Now we’re at ten between the legs,’ he smirked. I cranked up the dial and screamed as it shuddered instead me. I moved it easily in and out, my body’s lubrication more than enough to stop it chaffing. ‘Pull it out and suck it, like you would my cock after I’ve come inside you.’

‘You’re so dirty,’ I sighed and did as I was told and saw him tighten his grip as he swore under his breath.

‘Onto your clit and you tell me the minute you’re about to come, baby.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I nodded and quickly moved the vibrator down my body and curled up around it as it hit my clit. ‘Ooooo, shit. Shit, shit, SHIT.’

‘Damn it Mia, you’d better be close because I’m about to blow.’

‘Yes, yes, Sir, I’m so close.’

‘Tell me who you’re thinking about?’

‘You, always you.’

‘Who do you love?’

‘YOU! Now, please, now,’ I begged as my body tensed and my toes cramped. The pins and needles feeling had surged through my body and my head was shaking.

‘Come, Mia. Come now,’ he yelled. I screamed as Fourth of July fireworks exploded between my legs and in my eyes. My body lifted off the mattress as my powerful orgasm ran through me and I finally collapsed back onto the pillows. The twinkling stars on the ceiling merged as my unfocussed eyes meandered and I heard Gabe crying out my name.

‘I love you, God Mia, I LOVE YOU.’

‘I love
,’ I uttered as I tried to catch my breath. ‘Wow. That was intense.’

‘Imagine how intense it will be when we’re finally together again.’

‘Please let it be soon,’ I pleaded as I wiped a tear from my eye.

‘Hey, why are you crying?’

‘Orgasm rush and I miss you so much.’

‘Do you have much battery left on your iPad?’

‘About forty percent. Why?’

‘Strip off, get into bed and put it on the pillow next to your face. I’ll do the same and we can fall asleep together.’

‘Thank you,’ I sniffed as I wiped my eyes again. ‘Can I go to the toilet without taking you with me?’

‘Yes,’ he laughed. ‘But hurry up.’

I carefully sat up and headed through to the bathroom and peed. It was about my eighteenth pee today, like the last few days and I’d been throwing up again. I was sure I was pregnant, but I couldn’t tell him, not if he couldn’t be here and not until I knew for sure, I couldn’t bear to disappoint him. If I was I wanted to tell him in person. I splashed cold water on my face, brushed my teeth and headed back to bed, to see he was already under the duvet with the iPad on the pillow next to him.

‘Hey,’ I smiled as I snuggled down and clutched big boy to my stomach under the covers.

‘Hey beautiful. You seem sad. What’s wrong? Are you worrying about tomorrow?’

‘A little,’ I nodded. It wasn’t a lie. I suddenly frowned as I looked at him. ‘Why are you in bed? It’s six in the afternoon there.’

‘I wanted to watch you sleeping. I have to be indoors anyway in case we get the all clear to take off, so Antonio can rush here to pick me up.’

‘Promise to ring and let me know when you leave?’

‘I will, baby. Come on, close your eyes, you look tired.’

‘I am,’ I nodded with a sigh. ‘Can I have a kiss?’

‘You never have to ask that,’ he smiled and put his lips up against the screen. I did the same and giggled as he made a smacking noise. ‘Come on, sleep for me.’

‘I’ll just lie here and look at you if that’s ok?’

‘Sure, but no talking.’

‘Ok,’ I bit my lip as I smiled at him, smiling back at me. ‘You’re so handsome.’

‘Mia,’ he laughed. ‘What part of no talking don’t you understand?’

‘Well, you are handsome.’

‘Thank you. Now sssshhhh or I’ll make it twelve paddles on each body part.’

‘Can I just say one more thing?’

‘Fine, one more.’

‘I love you, hurry home.’

‘Love you too, baby.’


I squealed with excitement when I was woken up with a kiss on the lips and opened my eyes to see Gabe kneeling at my side.

‘You made it home!’ I flung my arms around his neck and hung on tightly.

‘I told Tommy I didn’t care what the weather was like, there was no way that I was missing this. I couldn’t bear the thought of you getting bad news and me not being here to comfort you, or good news and me not being here to celebrate with you.’

‘Gabe, wasn’t it dangerous to fly in that?’ I asked as I peppered his face in kisses.

‘It was hairy at times. I’ve got to say if I never hit turbulence on a plane again I’ll be happy, but it was worth it to be here and see you.’ He clasped my face and kissed me tenderly. ‘Come on then, get up and ready. I’m not a patient man and I need to know what’s going on.’


I bit my lip as we sat down in front of Dr. Walker, my heart racing.

‘Congratulations. You’re approximately two weeks pregnant, Mia.’

‘I’m sorry, what?’ I looked at her not sure if I’d heard her right.

‘You’re pregnant.’

‘I’m pregnant?’ I stayed looking at her and she nodded with a smile. ‘I’m pregnant,’ I whispered to myself as I looked down and placed my hand over my stomach.

‘You’re sure Dr. Walker?’ came Gabe’s equally stunned voice. We’d convinced ourselves that it was going to be bad news so that we wouldn’t feel so let down when we heard that it hadn’t happened. Sometimes my periods were late and told myself that the sickness was due to being on and maybe I’d just drunk more water than normal which would account for the peeing.

‘Yes,’ came Dr. Walker’s voice and I looked over at Gabe to see an ecstatic look on his face as he squeezed my hand.

‘You’re pregnant,’ he beamed.

‘I am,’ I giggled and he let go of my hand and leaned over, clasped my face and kissed me.

‘I love you, so much,’ he whispered.

‘I love you too.’

‘This is the nice part of my job,’ came Dr. Walker’s voice, startling us out of our happy bubble.

‘So what now?’ Gabe asked.

‘We’ll need to run blood tests on Mia every few days to see how her hCG levels are, rising levels indicate that the pregnancy is progressing and are generally a good sign. Obviously it’s very early days, but given Mia’s endometriosis I want to monitor her closely to ensure we don’t have a risk of an ectopic pregnancy, where the embryo beds down in the fallopian tubes, so we’ll book her in for a scan in about four weeks, by which time she’ll be six weeks pregnant and take it from there. Do you have any additional questions?’

I heard Gabe firing questions at Dr. Walker and felt sorry for her, he had a list that he’d prepared the first time we’d gone through this, a list that he’d not been able to use and he’d just added to it the more research he’d done. I completely zoned out as I sat just looking at my palm on my stomach. I was pregnant.
, I repeated to myself. I felt like I needed to keep saying it to believe it.

‘Mia? … Mia? Baby, are you in there?’ Gabe asked, startling me from my daydream.

‘Sorry, what?’

‘Did you have any questions that you wanted to ask Dr. Walker?’

‘I … no, I’m sorry,’ I shook my head and Gabe rolled his eyes.

‘Were you even listening?’

‘I really tried, I’m just so shocked,’ I replied and Gabe leaned over and kissed my temple.

‘I think we’re good Dr. Walker, I’ll fill Mia in when we get home.’

We walked in silence to the car, occasionally looking at each other and smiling, both trying to process it. He pulled up short of the passenger door of his car and turned to face me.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘We’re having a baby,’ he grinned and reached down and ran his hand over my stomach.

‘We are,’ I nodded and put my hand over his.

‘I’m going to be a bloody Dad. Holy shit,’ he uttered and then grabbed me and spun me around as he laughed. ‘A Dad and a big brother in the same year, how bloody fantastic is that?’

‘It’s absolutely bloody fantastic,’ I giggled and noticed a couple looking at us.

‘I’m going to be a Dad,’ Gabe yelled as he continued to spin me around.

‘Congratulations,’ they called back with a smile.

‘Gabe … Gabe, put me down, please. You’re making me dizzy,’ I laughed. He slowly stopped spinning and let my feet find the floor before he tipped my chin up and looked down at me, his bright blue eyes alive with excitement.

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