Infatuation- Harmless Military 7 (5 page)

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She started the washer then began cleaning off the table. Was it as simple as guilt? He hadn’t saved Forrester. He had survived. Maybe that was why he was holding back from her, and even Mal?

Did she want to take a chance on helping him? Getting him to talk, trying to draw him out, would hurt. Hurt a lot, that was for sure. Being in the same house as him had her aching from the inside out. Hell, just hearing that funky noise he’d made when she’d touched Deke had sent ribbons of lust streaming through her blood.

She paused and straightened.

He had been cool, at least he’d looked that way. But, in his eyes...her breath caught. “He’s jealous.”

For a second she thought back, tried to debunk the idea. Why would he be jealous of a simple pat? She understood maybe getting upset if she had slept with Deke, but this was nothing. It had to be that he still had feelings for her, yes? Why else would he have growled?

That had her looking at the situation in a different manner. Did she want to put herself out there, take a chance on being hurt again?


Worse, did she want to take the chance of losing him forever? If he felt guilt for what happened, did he think he wasn’t good enough for her? That would make sense. She could at least put out feelers, push him a little. Knowing Mal, he’d been handling his friend with kid gloves. While her brother was a kickass Seal, just like every other Dupree man, he had a gooey, soft center. He hated to see someone he loved hurt and would do anything to protect him or her.

She sat in the chair with a thunk. Well, damn. She had to look at the situation a little differently now. He might be a little rough around the edges now, and she was still pissed at him, but he needed her. He needed more than just a friend, if her suspicions were right.

She would just push some buttons on that damned hardheaded Seal tomorrow and see what happened.

If there was anything worth the pain, it was Francis McKade. And if he was too stupid to realize she was good for him, she’d smack him upside the head and walk away.

She had to try because she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life regretting it.

Chapter Seven

Kade opened his eyes to the blinding sun. It felt as if someone had poured acid on them. He slammed his lids shut with a groan. He had been so tired the night before that he’d forgotten to shut the blinds. No wonder he was burning up.

“Fuck,” he said.

“Is that any way to talk in my house?”

He was slow to react the moment he heard her voice. He was barely awake, dealing with a blinding pain in his head, and the woman of his dreams was in his room. Her slow, New Orleans accent was threaded with amusement and low enough to send heat racing through his blood. Damn, he was naked but for the sheet over him.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and glanced to the doorway. Damn, the woman was gorgeous. Shit, he didn’t need this. He was still dealing with being in her house, being within feet of her, and now she was standing there smiling at him. She was leaning against the doorjamb, a steaming mug of coffee in her hand, and she was wearing some kind of flimsy robe with red flowers all over it.

Of course, without little provocation, his cock went completely hard. What man wouldn’t react like that to seeing her there? Her curls were dripping over shoulders, and her face was scrubbed free of makeup. Dammit, he wanted to see her like that every morning. Wanted her in his bed, wanted to wake up beside her, snuggle against her, then love her slowly awake. And that was why he hadn’t wanted to come. He knew every minute—every second—of the day he was in New Orleans, his need to touch her would grow. He knew it would be impossible to resist her. Less than twelve hours and he was ready to beg her. Mentally, he chastised himself. He couldn’t take her to bed like he wanted, to love her until neither of them knew their names. The man he was in Hawaii had that right. He didn’t now, and he couldn’t stand hurting her again.

“I’m sure you’ve heard worse than that with your brothers around.”

She smiled as she took a sip. God was not smiling on him, he knew it then and there because she walked into the room. She closed the blinds then leaned against the dresser.

“Do you have any plans today?”

He knew she asked a question, but he couldn’t seem to answer. His brain was melting.
Holy fuck.
The robe she was wearing hit her mid-thigh. If she moved just the wrong way, he would find out if she had any panties on. Jesus, what the hell did he ever do to God to deserve this?


He shook his head, trying to break free of that mesmerizing bit of leg she was showing him and looked up at her face. Those eyes were studying him, and he felt himself shiver. He didn’t physically do it, but everything in him trembled as he tried to hold onto his control.

“Not sure.”

She took another sip and shifted her weight. Dammit. He couldn’t decide if he wanted her to leave or stay. Either one would be bad and good.

“Do you want to come with Deke and me?”

He wanted to. He really wanted to. The idea that Chief was sniffing around her didn’t sit well with him. The man had a reputation with women. He might be older than most of the other Seals, but he tended to have more women, if rumors were correct. But even at his age, he didn’t seem to be settling down. The last woman Kade had seen him with was younger than Shannon.

Still, Kade knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to tag along. He could handle her in small doses, but he needed a break every now and then. And there was a good chance that he might beat the hell out of Chief if he got too handsy.

“Naw. I thought I would hang around the house today.”

She frowned. “Your leg’s not bothering you, is it?”

“Did Mal tell you I hurt it?”

“No. You were favoring it last night.”

He nodded. “It’s stiff from the drive. I thought I would take a hot bath, then put it up with some ice.”

“Well, if you change your mind, we are leaving at eleven hundred.”

He smiled. “Yes ma’am.”

She patted him on his leg, and his eyes almost crossed. Just that simple touch had his body heating, his cock jumping. Damn, if the woman wasn’t going to have him dead from lack of blood to his brain.

“There are some fresh pastries in the kitchen, and Mal is brewing some coffee.”

She left, and he dropped his head back on the pillow. The scent of her was still in the room, and he probably would never smell that spicy perfume again without getting aroused. He knew she was still hoping for something, and dammit, he wanted to give it to her. But he couldn’t trust himself. Not with his issues, or with her.

With a grimace, he sat up and stood. He hobbled, ignoring the pain shooting through his leg and the cock stand she had left him with.

· · · · ·

“Do you want to tell me what’s going on between you and Kade?” Deke asked.

Shannon choked on the sip of water she had just taken. She coughed a few times before gaining control.

“Sorry. I’m sometimes a little too blunt for my own good.”

She shook her head and patted her lips with her napkin.

“No, really, I grew up with a lot of men in the house. One of them is Mal, who is not much different than you.”

She took another sip of water and wiped away a couple of tears.

“Are you going to answer the question?” he asked just as bluntly as before.

She couldn’t help but smile. From her experience, military men were always much more tenacious than other men. “Why do you ask?”

He rolled his eyes and took a bite of his sandwich. “He didn’t look too happy when we left, and well, I feel like I’m poaching on his goods. We have a good working relationship, and I don’t want this to get in the way.”

She raised one eyebrow. “Poaching on his goods? I’m not sure I like that phrase.”

“Beg your pardon, but I didn’t ask.”

She threw her head back and laughed. From the moment they had left her house, she had been delighted by Deke. If she wasn’t in love with the surly idiot she’d left behind, she definitely would be interested in him.

“That’s a pretty sound,” he said, his gaze resting on her lips.

“Why thank you.”

“So, quit screwing around and trying to avoid the question.”

“I’m not sure what we are.”

He nodded. “I had a feeling.” He sighed. “Well, I was hoping that there would be a chance. I knew he was all moony-eyed over some woman when he returned from that wedding.”

She set her elbow on the table then settled her chin on her hand. “I have a feeling you don’t really want a chance. And it has nothing to do with me being Mal’s sister or the fact that I am somewhat involved with the other idiot my brother brought home. Sure, you’d flirt with me, have a little romance, even take me to bed. But I have a feeling that you’d be out the door and I would be out of your mind before your next mission.”

His lips twitched. “Well, why do you think that is, Ms. Dupree?”

“I do love a Georgia accent, Mr. Berg.” She took a sip of water. “Well, I think you’re carrying a torch for someone.”

He looked stunned and blinked at her, those ridiculously long eyelashes catching her attention. It was really a shame both of them were tangled up with someone else. He was a delicious man to look at.

His cheeks turned ruddy and she couldn’t believe he was blushing. He cleared his throat. “That’s not true.”

“Aha, I’m right. You’ve been here before, yes?”

He nodded. “On my honeymoon.”

Her heart did that little dance it did at the romance of it. “So walking around here with me has really bugged you, hasn’t it?”

He made a face, and she laughed.

“You still have the hots for your ex?”

He sighed. “God, don’t tell her that. We can’t be together.”

Shannon heard the longing in his voice, and her heart did that little jig again. Who would have thought that the Viking was such a romantic?

“Is she married again?”


“Had the change?” she asked.


“You know, decided she was really a man instead of a woman?”

“Good God, no.” He shook his head. “And I thought Mal was bad.”

“She’s not in jail, I am assuming. What’s stopping you, Seal?”

“Just one of those things.”

She shook her head. “It isn’t ‘just one of those things.’ Not if walking around here brought your honeymoon back to you. You still want her. I thought Seals had more balls than to sit around and say that it isn’t good?”

“We’re not good together.”

She frowned. “The sex is bad?”

“Lord in heaven, you have a mouth on you.”

She laughed again, delighted she’d made him blush. God, was there anything sweeter than a hardened military man who was still in love with his ex-wife? She didn’t think so.

“What I mean is we are...combustible. But not just in the bedroom.”

“Ah, the temperament. Comes with the passion.”

“If I had known I was going to face the inquisition while we were out, I would have made sure to not take the pain pill.”

“I guess Mal didn’t tell you about me.”

“Other than you were single, could handle yourself, and well, that you’re pretty.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You added that last one in.”

He smiled. “Okay, I did.”

“I guess Mal didn’t tell you the nickname my brothers gave me, did he?”

He shook his head.

“I was known as the informer.”

He waited for a second, and when she didn’t continue, he asked, “The informer?”

“Yes. We had a big family: four boys, two girls, and a mother who worked by my father’s side to get the business going. When my mother worried about the boys, she always let me go with them. And if I didn’t, she made sure I got to question them. I can get an answer out of anyone.”

“Is that why Mal let you go with me alone?”

She snorted. “First of all, Mal doesn’t let me do anything. I stopped answering to a man the day I turned eighteen. Secondly, I don’t think so. See, knowing my brother, he’s going to go catting around after a few of his lost loves. He’s not ready to settle down yet, so I know he will go to the women he knows won’t get clingy.”

Deke rolled his eyes. “Talk about someone who’s carrying a torch.”

She zeroed in on that statement. “Do tell.”

Deke’s eyes widened almost comically. “No. No way. I am not ratting out an officer to his sister. I’ll never live it down.”


“I would rather be called that than whatever the team would invent to pay me back for telling you something.”

“Why don’t we go do a little more walking? I need to stop by my bar. I just need to make sure there aren’t any problems.”

“I think I can handle that.”

She nodded. “And maybe we’ll stop at a voodoo store, and I’ll buy something to make you talk.”

“Don’t even think about it. I have a healthy respect for that shit.”

Laughing, she patted his hand.

“If Kade screws this up with you, I want first dibs at a date.”

Amused with him, with the solemn expression on his face, she smiled.

“You’re the first man I’d call.”

· · · · ·

“So, how long you in town for?”

Mal smiled at Verna, and Kade tried not to cuss. He really hadn’t wanted to come to the bar, but Mal had insisted, telling him he needed to get out of the house. He knew his friend was right, but it didn’t mean he wanted to sit there with the skanky woman wrapped around Mal like he was a life preserver on the Titanic. And he didn’t want to be in Shannon’s bar.

“We only have a week of leave. So not long. Just needed to get out of Virginia, and I wanted to check on my sister. Has she been seeing anyone?”

Verna shook her head. “That new restaurant owner from down the street has been sniffing around. He’s one of the Augustins. But she shut him down. She told me he was just trying to scope out the competition.”

“Are we talking about Beau? He has always had a thing for her. When we were in high school, he used to follow her around like she was the goddess of New Orleans.”

Verna laughed, and Kade took another quick drink of his water. The woman’s laugh was equal to nails on a chalkboard to him.

“I could see that. She said it wasn’t that, but man he moons over her. Well, speak of the devil.”

He followed the waitress’s line of vision, and his heart did that little skip. The bright yellow dress she wore was made of some kind of flimsy fabric that clung to her generous curves. It dipped low between her breasts and stopped just above her knee. She was laughing at something Deke said, and dammit, he couldn’t help the way the air backed up in his lungs.

“Looks like they had a good time,” Mal said.

Indeed it did. Her face glowed with happiness as she looked up at Deke. He leaned closer and said something to her. She laughed, and although it wasn’t loud, he could hear it. It wrapped around his heart and gave a little tug. She was out having the time of her life with one of his buddies. Meanwhile, he had been stuck with Mal and the waitress from hell. He was drinking the damned water because the lazy woman had yet to get him another beer. She spotted them, and he felt her attention stay on him a moment or two longer than it had on Mal. They walked over to the table.

“I had a feeling y’all would be out. Did you do anything more interesting than entertain Verna?” Shannon asked.

“There isn’t anything more interesting than that,” Mal said, sending the waitress into peals of laughter.

“Verna, you need to get back to work. I have a feeling that both of these Seals need another beer.”

She made a face, but she did it all the same.

Shannon settled in the chair next to her brother. Chief took the chair next to her and acted as if he had a right to sit there. Between them. He shot a look at Kade, but then turned his attention to Shannon.

“Really, Mal, the woman is an idiot,” Shannon said.

“Why do you keep her around, then?” Mal asked as he scooped up another handful of snack mix.

“When you aren’t around, she’s a pretty good waitress, and I don’t have the patience to train someone else right now. She might not be the brightest bulb, but at least I don’t have to work with her anymore.”

“She’s not stupid,” Mal said.

“She went and got a two-for-one tattoo and was amazed that they spelled her name wrong on one of them. Really, who has their name tattooed on their own ass? I’ll tell you, an idiot.”

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