Chapter 4
Picking up Brooklyn from the airport, was a total disaster. Paparazzi descended on me like a pack of vultures. Jax escorted me through the swarm of photographers to collect Brooklyn at the arrival gates. Momentarily blinded by the constant flashing my mind finally caught up with my current situation, with each continued flash and questions coming at me from left, right, and centre my blissful happy state faded away. Replaced with reality; they were asking the reason behind Logan showing up in Houston. If we were getting back together, and how Kayden felt knowing Logan was in town.
I snapped from the haze surrounding my thoughts and did what I always do; put my head down and kept walking, without answering their idiotic questions, or reacting to any of their comments. I was preparing for the repercussions Logan’s visit would have, but I was unprepared for the question I was getting. One thing I’m definitely aware of from coming here, is that Logan didn’t take my advice and return to Los Angeles. Which only mean’s one thing…more drama is in the horizon.
Fury and frustration washed over me from being ambushed and the knowledge Logan is still hanging around like a bad smell. Brooklyn’s flight landed on time, for which I was extremely grateful. Jax helped collect Brooklyn’s luggage, and sensing my discomfort got us out as fast as humanly possible. I am guessing by the time I get into the car there will be a million text alerts on my phone with my pictures plastered all over the gossip blogs. All I want to do is spend time with my best friend and forget about the shit storm Logan has once again brought into my life.
The weather in Houston today is absolutely gorgeous; the sunshine and light breeze lifting the dark clouds that formed around me earlier. It would have only deepened my mood if we had to spend our first day back together cooped up in the beach house. Luckily for me the forecast calls for sunshine and temperatures in the sixties; so I decided on a pair of blue jeans and brown cowgirl boots with a short sleeve tee and leopard scarf. Brooklyn and I plan on spending the day walking around downtown Houston shopping, and site seeing until Kayden is done with his meetings. Just the thought of Kayden had me excited and troubles forgotten.
We had Jax drop us off outside of a Café he recommended to have a quick lunch before exploring the city. Before I had the chance to sit down at the outdoor table Brooklyn began grilling me about Jax. “Ok, I need to know how the hell Kayden can leave you alone with that Australian hottie and not drive himself completely insane!” She said enthusiastically, practically drooling all over herself as she talked about him. She was already crushing hard and has only been in Houston twenty minutes.
“Well for one, Jax is his employee. I highly doubt Jax would jeopardize his job just to try and hook up with me. I will admit he is beyond hot, but I would never cheat on Kayden. I have experienced the pain of being cheated on by someone you trusted. I could never do that to him.” I wince at the memory of discovering Logan with one of the model’s he manages in the hotel room at the Roosevelt Hotel, on the night we got engaged no less.
“I know you well enough Savannah, to know you would never hook up with Jax. I just can’t believe that Knox trust you , seeing you have only been together a week? He must
be good in bed to have that much self confidence!” Brooklyn said letting out a loud giggle. People were turning to look at us. Brooklyn didn’t seem to be bothered by the attention, she craved it actually.
Snapping her head, Brooklyn flashes a wide grin at the waiter approaching our table. I swear she is worse than a man when it comes to flirting. Brooklyn takes serial dating to an entirely different level. She thinks of flirting as a sport. “Well hello…
?” Brooklyn purr seductively.
Poor Collin looking to be only about nineteen was taking Brooklyn’s flirtatious behavior…hook, line and sinker. I almost felt sorry for the kid, but it is so damn entertaining watching her make men turn to putty in her hands. She was in one of her trademark extremely low cut tops that accented her cleavage well. Since arriving at our table Collin has had his eyes glued to them.
Throughout lunch I filled Brooklyn in on everything that went down at the airport, expressing my concerns about Logan still being in Houston which was definitely a very bad sign.
A worried expression took over Brooklyn’s face, “Do you think he has the balls to show back up at the beach house again?”
“I really have no idea; my answer would’ve been a definite no, if you had asked me last night. Now that I know he is still here, I truly have no idea. I am praying he doesn’t show up there again, because I have no idea what Kayden will do, if Logan shows up again.” I suddenly feel my stomach drop a sickening feeling settling in. The last thing I want to do is bring drama into Kayden’s life.
He is trying to run a business, the last thing he needs is my disastrous love life dragging him down. He has made it very clear he loves it here, because he’s able to live a pretty normal life. Compared to the way my life is back in L.A. with paparazzi constantly tracking your every move; my moving here is going to flip his entire world upside down.
Shaking her head Brooklyn rests her hand on top of mine. She does a quick glance around to make sure no one was ease dropping on us, or recording us eating lunch. Sadly that happens a lot back in Los Angeles. “If Logan knows what’s good for him, he will drag his sorry ass back to L.A., he thinks you have a mean right hook? He will be in for a rude awakening when he finds himself on the opposite end of my fist. I won’t stop at just one punch Savannah; I will have a knock down drag out with that piece of shit.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, picturing Brooklyn going ape shit on Logan was funny, but only figuratively, not literally. I don’t want to feed into Logan’s insanity. Pushing my plate away, I drink the rest of my lemonade; instantly wishing it was something stronger. “Let’s just hope Logan comes to his senses and goes home. If he honestly thinks I’m buying into this whole sex addict story, then he has truly lost it. No amount of therapy can get me to go back to him.”
“You know Logan is only chasing after you; because he see’s you have someone new in your life. He was all talk and no action for the last few months. Now that you are putting your life back together, Logan wants to come crashing back into it. I’m just happy you didn’t fall for his sob story, and give him another chance. I would have seriously committed your ass to the closest loony bin!” Brooklyn says laughing but her eyes screaming I’m dead serious.
“You have nothing to worry about, trust me. I’m extremely happy with how things are with Kayden right now, and excited to see where things go with us.” I said, giving Brooklyn a small smile.
“With what you have been telling me about Knox in between the sheets, my face would be aching from sporting a big ass grin all day! So cheer up buttercup! Don’t let the world’s biggest douche bag bring you down. I want our first official day back together to be nothing but fantastic, so we are not allowed to speak of Logan again for the rest of the afternoon.”
That is easier said, than done. I have tried everything possible to push Logan out of my head. Until I know for sure he is gone, I don’t think I will be able to fully relax. Anticipating his next move is what is irritating the hell out of me.
Our waiter returned to the table to clear our plates. Brooklyn jumped right back into full on flirt mode. Tossing her head back giggling obnoxiously at everything Collin said. He was eager to continue his conversation us; asking if we were in Houston on vacation because he would never forget a beautiful woman like Brooklyn. He was delighted to hear we had recently moved here. The poor kid would soon enough have his heart broken. He isn’t the first to fall under the Brooklyn Bennett spell, and surely will not be the last, I smile to myself.
Brooklyn managed to flirt her way to free desserts, on the house…well on Collin. I doubt his boss would be thrilled about him giving away seven dollar slices of chocolate mousse cake to us. When we paid our bill, we found the café’s business card tucked in with our receipt, on the back was his phone number.
Brooklyn burst into a fit of laughter tossing the card into a trash can a little further down the road. “Boys really need to get harder to seduce. It gets boring after a while. I like a challenge!”
All I could do is roll me eyes and nod in agreement. I don’t think there is a man out there who would not be begging for even five minutes of her time. I just pray Kayden is immune to her good looks and charm. Last thing I need is the man I am falling for, to suddenly fall for my best friend. “Just remember to keep your flirting to a minimum with Kayden. I really like him… a lot.” I state without an ounce of sarcasm in my voice.
Wrapping her arm around me, pulling me closer to her, Brooklyn let out a loud sigh. “No need to worry love, I see how bad you have it for him. I will stay far far away…but that means we need to get on our man hunt as soon as possible! I cannot spend the entire week listening to you two fuck like rabbits, while I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling.”
I playfully push Brooklyn away from me, making her almost bump into a woman speed walking talking on her cellphone. The woman snapped her head around shooting a death glare at us then continued on her way. Brooklyn and I instantly locked eyes and burst out laughing. All was right in the world again; I had my best friend back by my side.
We spent the afternoon shopping and checking out some vintage shops in the area, so Brooklyn could find some new vintage jewelry. Houston was buzzing with people everywhere. I remembered a few places Reagan and I visited last week when we were here for the Envy party, so I introduced Brooklyn to some unique shops we found touring the city. While looking around one of the gift shops, I came across a keychain that says,
everything is bigger in Texas
. I knew I had to have it, and that Kayden would get a kick out of it.
After grabbing a box of red velvet cupcakes at my favorite pastry shop in all of Houston,
Crave Cupcake,
we walked out to findJax waiting for us. It’s almost three o’clock, so we are heading back over to the Beaumont Office Building to wait for Kayden to finish up his business meetings. Brooklyn of course hops into the front seat, to get her flirt on with Jax. She has no shame.
I sat in the backseat and set my box of cupcakes on my lap. Memories of Kayden and I back here the night of the Envy party flooded my mind. I can’t help but smile as I think back to the amazing sex we had, with Jax in the front seat. It was dangerous and exciting; making the entire experience that much more exhilarating.
“What are you smiling about back there?” Brooklyn asks from the passenger seat flashing me a curious smile. She leaned forward resting her chin in the palm of her hand, and twirling her ringlets with the other. She had that;
I know exactly what you are thinking about
look written all over her face.
I let out a nervous laugh. I cannot believe Brooklyn caught me daydreaming about hot car sex with Kayden. Shifting in the seat, I shake my head and say, “Nothing…” nonchalantly. The last thing I want to do is tell Brooklyn in front of Jax; especially since he doesn’t know what we were doing…at least I don’t think he did.
“Mmhmm” Brooklyn said flashing another smile at me before returning to her conversation with Jax.
My heart skipped a beat as Kayden joined me the back of the car. I instantly melting under that mega watt smile of his. He gently ran the palm of his hand along the side of my face. He cupped my chin in his hand, tilting my face up and gently pulled my mouth toward his. I leaned in to meet his luscious lips. Jolts of electricity sparked around us sending shock waves through my body. “Miss me?” He whispers against my lips. I can feel his mouth forming a small smile, as our lips stay pressed together.
I nod my head yes, raising my hand up to gently brush it through his sandy brown hair. Its extraordinary the way my body reacts as soon as Kayden is anywhere near me. It’s like all of my senses are heightened.
Brooklyn turns towards us “Break it up love birds. Save the hanky panky for the bedroom.” she shifted her gaze from Kayden to me. Wagging her finger at us playfully and letting out a small chuckle.
“I’m sorry, I will try to control myself, and not take Savannah right here in the back seat as a courtesy to you Brooklyn.” Kayden replied with a crooked grin. My breathing instantly increased, and my heart started beating rapidly against my chest. I felt my face flush along with my rising body temperature. Kayden mentioning sex in the car nearly had me creaming my panties.
“Well I appreciate that Knox, but don’t get me wrong. I think I would thoroughly enjoy watching you get your freak on, from what Savannah has told me, you are quiet the animal.” She reached between the two seats and slapped Kayden on the knee laughing.
I tossed my head back against the seat letting out a small whimper. “Oh. My. God. You did not just say that Brooklyn!” I slapped my hand over my eyes praying that Kayden doesn’t freak out. I don’t know him well enough yet, to know if he is comfortable with Brooklyn and I discussing our sex life.
“Don’t be such a prude Savannah! Damn if I was getting mind blowing orgasms’ every second of the day, I would be standing on the roof of that of that building; shouting it out for the whole world to hear!” She said pointing up at one of the tall skyscrapers as we drive down the busy streets of Houston.
Kayden let out a loud husky laugh, “Ya’ll crack me up.” He said in his thick Southern drawl. He reached for my hand and slowly pulled it away from my face leaning down placing his lips against my ear, his warm breath misting my skin. He whispered “Savannah, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Really! I’m flattered that you find our sex so amazing that you brag about to Brooklyn. At least I know I am doing my job of keeping you one hundred percent satisfied.”
We spent the remainder of the car ride telling Kayden everything we did while he was hard at work. Brooklyn proudly showed of her new cowgirl boots, stiletto cowgirl boots at that. She says they’re country with a dab of L.A. chic. Kayden tried a few times to sneak a cupcake, and thoroughly enjoying my threats of inflicting bodily harm on his man parts. I told him they are for dessert tonight after our celebratory BBQ. Jax and Brooklyn couldn’t contain their laughter, finding our banter amusing.
As Jax pulled the car into my driveway, I noticed a Ford F-350 parked with a horse trailer attached to the back. I quickly glanced to Kayden and than locked eyes with Brooklyn who is Looking just as confused as I am. The plates on the truck are from Tennessee.
“Why is there a truck parked in my driveway hauling a horse trailer?” I ask Kayden and Brooklyn. Hoping someone can provide me with an answer me.
“I have no freaking idea?” Brooklyn spat out with a puzzled look on her face, quickly jumping out of the car. Jax, Kayden and I followed. Kayden walked over to the truck and knocked on the window. Brooklyn and I jogged over and stood behind the trailer, inspecting it. “Do you think your dad had Cheyanne and Whiskey sent here?” She asked as she tried to look into the trailer.
“I don’t think so? Where the hell would we put them? We definitely don’t have anywhere here to keep them?” I said glancing around at the sandy landscape surrounding our beach house.
Moments later Kayden, and the man I am assuming drove the truck here came around to the back to join us. Smiling down at us Kayden yelled, “Surprise!” as the man opened up the trailer. Standing inside, were both mine and Brooklyn’s horses! Without even thinking I lunge into Kayden’s arms squealing with excitement.
“What, you gotta be shittin’ me?!” Brooklyn said dumb founded.
“How did you do this?” I ask in between my shrieks of glee. I haven’t been able to ride Cheyanne in months. I have been so busy in L.A. with my job at Envy, that I haven’t had any free time to fly to our ranch in Tennessee, and spend any time with her. My dad bought Whiskey for Brooklyn a few years back so we could ride together, when she came to visit with me.
“I had my manager get your parents number for me. I called your dad, and told him that I have a ranch at my house. I know how much you love riding. So I asked if it was alright with him, to have yours and Brooklyn’s horses moved to my ranch. That way you guys can ride them whenever you want. I know how much you love your horse Savannah. So I thought this would be the perfect housewarming gift to you both.” He said studying my face nervously.
Overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness I am choked up with emotions that I’m not sure how to express just how happy he has made me. I turn to look at Brooklyn and see she’s petting Whiskey’s nose grinning ear to ear. “I cannot believe you did this Kayden, are you sure you have room to store our horses? I will pay for their care; I don’t want this to be a burden on you, or whoever cares for your horses.”
Kayden assured me he is more than happy caring for our horses, seeing me being happy, is all the payment he needs. I don’t know how I ever got so lucky. Kayden has to be the most amazing man on the planet.
I ran into the house, called my mom and dad to thank them for allowing Kayden to do this. My parents are over the moon that I have found such an amazing guy. Mom informed me they will be flying to Dallas in a few weeks for a show, and want to get together to officially meet Kayden. I would imagine my dad has already had private eyes’ dig up everything they can find on Kayden, taking every precaution to prevent his little girl, from having her heart broken again. I already know that they are going to love him, just as much as I do.