Inescapable Desire (3 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Inescapable Desire
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Chapter 3





I kissed him with such intensity my lips ached. The stubble of his two day old beard scratching my face, but I don't care. I never imagined I would feel like this again…so completely consumed with lust and want for someone. It's scary and enticing at the same time. I’m riding on the biggest high and I never want to come down.

"I think we can skip dinner, and go straight to dessert." Kayden said flipping me onto my back. "I love that you took my no panties suggestion." He said running his fingers along the inside of my thigh, Sliding two fingers deep inside my aching pussy. I instantly feel euphoria overtaking me. I starve for his touch. I arch my hips to meet his hand, whimpering with pleasure as his thumb massages my clit. "Damn baby, you are dripping wet for's so fucking hot. I love how hungry you are for me. Do you want me to fuck you right here Savannah?" he growled in my ear as he licked and nibbled on my ear lobe.

My womb instantly tightens and the aching in me increases. I need release, so I nod my head yes as I bite onto my bottom lip, trying to hold back my cries of pleasure. I can feel another orgasm building as Kayden thrust his fingers in and out of me. He massages my g-spot exactly where I need his touch the most. I begin flexing my clit against his thumb desperately trying to reach my climax.

"Ohh! My...yes! Please Kayden, I don't care if the whole fucking town see's us through the windows, I need your cock inside of me...right now...please." I say literally begging him.

"It turns me on even more when you beg . First I am going to make your very hungry pussy throb around my fingers as I make you come. Then I will fuck you into oblivion."

I gripped his hair in my fingers pulling on it. The moans of pleasure leaving my mouth echoed around the room filling my ears. Kayden was staring into my eyes with a huge grin stretched across his face.

"That's it baby...let yourself go." Kayden said in a low whisper meeting my every thrust. He tapped my clit with his left hand repeatedly as he continued thrusting his fingers in and out of me with his right hand.

"Oohh God!” I screamed as my orgasm rippling through me. My body convulsing as ecstasy resonates throughout my body. "Mmmm" I moan, pulling Kayden's mouth back down to mine: Driving my tongue into his mouth, craving his taste. The sensation of his fingers deep inside of me, mixed with the tantalizing sensation consuming my body is beyond intense, and I love every second of it.

I reach down to quickly unbutton Kayden's shorts. Seconds later his t-shirt, shorts and boxer briefs are off and tossed onto the floor. I love how sexy he looks naked.

"I swear I could have an orgasm just from staring at you." I giggle. "That is the biggest dick I have ever laid my eyes on." I say flashing a flirtatious smile.

Kayden's lips curled up into a crooked grin. He gripped his dick in his hand, and starts stroking it; the head turning a dark purple from his grip on his shaft. It’s so hot watching him pleasure himself. My pussy instantly began throbbing again.

"This?" He asks staring down at me, stroking his gorgeous cock over me. Before I could answer him he was easing into me. Filing me completely, the sensation of him pulling it out ever so slowly, and then slamming it back inside of me. Was borderline painful, forcing me to wail out in pleasure. I’m engulfed with heavenliness as Kayden consumes my body. Gripping my hips he pulls out of me. Moments later I was flipped onto my stomach. Kayden commanded me to rest on my knees. I was eager for him to fill me again, my insides aching from the loss of his cock and the need to be filled again.

He slid back inside of me, letting out a deep husky moan. "You have the hottest ass I have ever seen." He said massaging it, taking each cheek into the palms of his hands. I felt his lips burning into my skin as he kissed the path along my spine.

"Ohh...Ohh... Kayden, I’m almost there!" I shout as he twists his hips, pounding into me deeper. My head is spinning; I am struggling to breathe as my climax is building higher and higher. I reach up and begin rubbing my clit to try to quicken my orgasm.

"Oh, my fucking god...Savannah! That is so hot…I can't hold back any longer." He says griping my hips tighter, slamming into me. At that moment we came together: Kayden chanting my name as he pumps into me. I am exhausted; my body is spent from the hours of ravishment Kayden has bestowed upon me. I collapse onto the couch, taking in deep breaths, trying to collect myself.

"Wow, I think I was one second away from losing consciousness." I say in between breaths.

Kayden withdrew from me and lay down beside me on the couch. "Baby you're not the only one." Kayden says burying his face in the crook of my neck. "I think we made up for the four days apart…well maybe one day." He laughs into my neck, as he bites me playfully.

I roll over to face him, pressing my face against his warm chiseled chest. Kayden slowly pulled me up against him, so every inch of our bodies are touching. He covers us with the blanket folded on the back of the couch. The windows are open and I watch the sun moving further into the horizon. I slowly feel myself drifting off to sleep with Kayden running his fingers up and down my back tenderly, twirling my hair between his fingers.



I woke to the sounds of my cell phone beeping on the coffee table beside me. Kayden is still asleep on the couch beside me. I quickly retrieve my phone answering before it has a chance to wake him.

I glimpse at the time on my phone, its eight fifty. We have been asleep for almost three hours. I quietly stood up from the couch, I fetch Kayden's grey University of Texas tee and put it on quickly. The caller ID shows its Brooklyn. I quickly walk to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

"Hello?" I said in a slight whisper.

“Hey Biotch!! Or should I say Rocky Freaking Balboa!” Brooklyn says as she giggles uncontrollably into my ear.

“Let me guess, you talked to Reagan? Let’s not forget you are the cause for my extremely hurt hand!” I said pulling myself up onto the counter of the bathroom sink.

“Wow! Hey now girlfriend…don’t go blaming that shit on me. That was all Logan. I didn’t make his ass jump on a plane. Anyways! He was bound to find out.”

“Yes he would have found out soon enough, but seriously Brooklyn! He shows up the day Kayden is flying back into town!” I said a little louder than I had wanted. “I came all the way to Galveston to escape the drama back in L.A., but just my luck the drama follows me here!”

“I still can’t get over the fact that you punched him, I didn’t think you had it in you. I just wish someone would have recorded it. That is something I definitely wanted to see!”

I looked down at my now bruised knuckles, thinking over the last few months; no matter where I go I don’t seem to be able to escape Logan.

My life since that night feels almost surreal, as if I am trapped in a bad dream. Constantly being dragged into darkness, and only being able to surface momentarily to relish in a few moments of happiness. Just to be pulled back down into a cesspool that’s filled with nothing but pain and angst.

I let out a deep sigh, trying to exhale the stress building in my chest. “I wish the whole thing never happened. I know this is going to come back to bite me in the ass. You know how Logan has been lately. This is just one more thing to sell to the press.”

“Oh I bet he will, but I think a lot of people will get a kick out of seeing photos of Logan with a busted nose.” Brooklyn said laughing. I love that she finds this all so amusing; actually the thought of Logan on the cover of a magazine with two black eyes is kinda funny.

I smirk at the idea of Logan fretting over his bruised face. He is so self absorbed totally up his own backside. “Yeah I would enjoy seeing his not so perfect face everywhere for a change, sporting two black eyes. He is going to have a heart attack; I would bet my car he will try to cover it with makeup.” I say in between laughs.

Brooklyn burst into giggles along with me. “Oh. My. Gawd! I know he is such a pretty boy! Speaking of gracing covers of magazines miss thing how was the shoot and interview for Envy?”

I hear the television come on in the living room, Kayden must be up. I can’t help the face splitting grin on my face as memories of earlier flash through my mind. I don’t know how I ever got so lucky to have Kayden Knox as my boyfriend. Brooklyn yelling my name snaps me back to reality.

“Oh sorry, I heard the TV turn on, Kayden must have woken up. Anyways the shoot went great, we lucked out weather wise. So we did a lot of photos down by the water. They wanted a photo of Kayden and I for the article, to you know officially announce us as a couple. He was still in Miami though, so Eloise said she will probably use pictures from the Envy party.”

Brooklyn squealed into the phone excitedly. “Oooh yes, the infamous dip and kiss picture! That was so freakin’ hot Savannah. Kayden Knox kissing you in front of the world, and breaking a million hearts while doing it! I swear I could hear the broken hearts echoing from city to city.” this time we both burst out laughing. Brooklyn has the ability to flip my mood in a heartbeat. One of the many reasons she is my best friend; I just can’t wait for her to get back here.

“Oh, don’t I know it. I’m awaiting the endless death threats now that I have stolen the heart of the world’s most
Eligible Bachelor.
I have to pinch myself; I still cannot believe Kayden Knox is sitting in my living room. Just a few months ago I was meeting him for the first time at Envy. A nervous stuttering mess, now he’s fucking my brains out every chance he gets!”

“Damn girl, I would do anything to be you right now! Is it as big as everyone says?” Brooklyn asks, she has no filter on that mouth of hers, that’s for sure.

“Brooklyn! I cannot believe you just asked me that!” I think I just blushed ten shades of red.

“What?! You should know me by now; I need the dirty little details Savannah! Plus I had the worst lay of my life last night…I swear that man couldn’t find my G-spot if I drew the idiot a freakin’ map!”

“Alright, if you must know he is as big as they say and then some.” I whispered into the phone. I’m not sure how Kayden would react to me dishing out details of our sex life to Brooklyn.

“I knew it! You lucky bitch. Does he have any brothers?” Brooklyn asks enthusiastically. “I need to go boy hunting when I get there tomorrow, I’m in need of a good fuck.”

“You are awful Brooklyn Bennett! No, no brothers…but we can definitely go boy hunting, find you a cowboy to ride.” I couldn’t contain my laughter.

“Hot damn girly, I am going to hop on a red eye right now! Ohh speaking of Knox and his monster size dick, did you ride him until his junk fell off? I know if I had to go four days without that man candy I would be pouncing on him the moment he walked through the door.”

“Yes…we pretty much christened the entire beach house today.” I said blushing again.

“You dirty little hoe! You better be sanitizing that house before I get there, and don’t get side tracked having wild animal sex with Knox every second of the day tomorrow. I expect you to be at the airport to get me.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Kayden has to work tomorrow, so don’t worry…I won’t be getting side tracked by wild sex with Kayden. Once you land we can go grab lunch somewhere and maybe do a little retail therapy, help me forget about this whole Logan drama.”

“Oooh shopping sounds fan-freaking-tastic! I need some country chick clothes; I want to get myself some hot ass cowgirl boots!”

We said our goodbyes and I hurried back to the living room to rejoin Kayden. We spent the remainder of the evening watching movies and snacking on popcorn. It felt good just relaxing with him, and not having a worry in the world, at least for a few hours. I know tomorrow I will have to deal with the after math of everything that went down with Logan this afternoon.



Jax was at my house bright and early the following morning. After dropping Kayden off at the house the night before, he stayed at Kayden’s beach house down the road. Kayden has to work all day today at his Beaumont office building, to catch up after being in Miami the last few days.

He insists I ride with him into Houston, and then Jax will take me to the airport to pick up Brooklyn. I was going to protest and drive my father’s car, but I wanted to spend more time with him so I kept my mouth shut.

Kayden spent the entire ride into the city on his phone with clients and then his secretary going over his schedule for the day. I suppose it comes with the territory of running a multibillion dollar corporation. I spent the car ride checking my emails on my Ipad, I had a few from Eloise, which I answered quickly. She was beyond thrilled I finished all the assignments she sent me to work on. I’m now free to relax until Monday; which works out perfectly because Brooklyn doesn’t fly back to Vancouver until Sunday evening.

“How are you enjoying your stay in Galveston?” Jax asked gazing back at me in the review mirror.

“’I’m loving it so far. I haven’t done much of anything, besides work stuff but I’m hoping to site see with Brooklyn a little today.” I replied smiling back at him. Brooklyn is for sure going to be crushing hard on Jax. Between his good looks and Aussie accent, she will be falling all over him.

Kayden pulled the phone away from his ear and turned to me intertwining our fingers. In a smooth voice he chimed in “Savannah is going to have plenty of time to site see around town. She has decided to stay in Galveston permanently.” Shifting his gaze from me to Jax.

“Oh really, well that’s wonderful to hear. What are you going to do about your job back in L.A.?” Jax asked in his thick Australian accent.

“I am lucky enough to have an amazing boss; she is letting me work from home. I just have to fly into Los Angeles once a week. But it’s a great compromise. I get to keep my job, and be closer to Kayden.” I replied. Sweetly turning to Kayden; I lost myself for a few moments in his hypnotic gaze. He is looking extra delicious today in his dark grey three piece suit.

Kayden leaned down seductively whispering in my ear, “My first meeting is at ten. So I plan on using every free second giving you toe curling orgasms my sweet Savannah.” Gently running his fingers through my hair he pulled me in for a delicious kiss. His kiss takes my breath away, sending shivers down my spine and releasing the flutteringly of a million butterflies franticly moving around in the pit of my stomach.

Slowly wrenching his lips away from mine he quickly returned to his phone call. My heart pounding in my chest and my breathing slightly hitched, I cracked the window and let some cool air into the car. The sexual tension had raised the temperature in car turning it fifty degrees hotter.

Kayden, gave me a devilishly sensual smile. A smile that blasts me back to those brief prior moments when I’m his and he is mine. Oooh He knows just how badly he affects me! Yet I love every minute of it. “Your blushing again.” he said coyly, before continuing his conversion about his new wind energy project.

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