Read Inescapable Desire Online

Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Inescapable Desire (17 page)

BOOK: Inescapable Desire
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Christmas morning I awoke to Kayden’s mouth on mine. “Merry Christmas Baby.” I open my eyes to see Kayden holding a small present in the palm of his hand.

“Merry Christmas.” I say in a raspy sleep laced voice gladly kissing him back. “What’s this?” I ask taking the small present out of his hand.

“Your Christmas present, I wanted to have you open it now while we’re alone.”

“It isn’t a mini vibrator is it…?” I ask giggling as Kayden shoots an eyebrow up at me.

“No, it’s
a vibrator, only one kinky present this Christmas.”

Giving Kayden a small smile I tear into the present; revealing a small ring box. My hand is shaking as I pull it open; I know there is no way there’s an engagement ring here because we’ve only been together a few weeks. I’m still a bundle of nerves as I pop open the lid to see what’s inside.

“Oh my, Kayden it’s gorgeous!” I take in the ring in front of me. The entire band is diamonds set in platinum. It’s an infinity ring with two rows continuously looping together. In between the loops are mini infinity knots.

“You like it?” Kayden asks taking the ring out of the box and sliding it onto my right ring finger.

“Like it? I absolutely love it Kayden!” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I flutter kisses all over his cheek and neck. “Thank you baby.” Letting go of him, I fall back onto my pillow, holding my hand up before me gazing at the gorgeous diamonds shimmering in the sunlight that’s flooding into my room. “I can’t believe how good you were at guessing my ring size.”

“Well, I would love to take credit for that, but I cheated and called Brooklyn one day while I was shopping around Houston for your gift. I know how much you love the infinity symbol. When I saw this I just knew it would be perfect.”

“I love it. I’m never taking it off!”

Leaning down, resting his arm beside my head, Kayden strokes the side of my face lovingly. “You are the light of my life Savannah. This ring…” Kayden looks down at my hand, spinning the ring on my finger. “It represents us…I’ve been waiting all week to finally tell you this.
I love you…
with every fiber of my being; I love you Savannah. This ring symbolizes my love for you, it’s infinite…never ending.”

I don’t realize I’m crying until I feel a tear escape the corner of my eye, slowly rolling down my face. Kayden swipes it away with the pad of his thumb, gazing into my eyes with so much love reflected at me. I run my hand along his arm, while taking in every inch of his magnificent face. I want to capture this moment in my heart and mind forever.

“I love you too Kayden…so much it hurts. I have fallen head over heels in love with you so quickly; it’s thrilling and terrifying all at the same time. I’d given up on the idea of ever falling in love again…then you came into my life. I now know what I’ve felt before…it wasn’t anywhere close to how deeply I love you
Kayden Jonathan-Douglas Knox
. You’ve got me under your spell, and I never want to break free of it.”

We spent the next hour making love, at an unhurried pace delighting in every inch of each other’s bodies; savoring every single touch, kiss, and softly spoken word as we physically affirmed our love and commitment. Just before we climaxed together, Kayden laced our fingers, bringing our foreheads together. We stared into each other’s eyes. Whispering “
I love you”
as our bodies exploded in a cocktail of passion and ecstasy.

I hate to get out of bed, but I know my parents will come knocking to my door soon, if we don’t get out there for Christmas breakfast. Taking quick showers, and getting dressed in record time for us; we stroll out to the kitchen twenty minutes later. The aroma of eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits, and cinnamon buns fill the entire house.

Enjoying our breakfast feast, at the dining table my mother notices my new ring, shooting me a look, wanting details. Holding my hand, Kayden explained to my parents, that the ring is a symbol of his love and commitment to me. I overdose on happiness dying a few times when he explains to my parents the meaning of my new ring and the words love rolled out of Kayden’s mouth. I’ve been so nervous, trying to find the perfect moment to tell him I love him. This morning was just that, perfect, I feel a hundred times better knowing Kayden’s feelings for me, are just as strong as mine are for him.

After breakfast I helped my mother clean up the kitchen, Kayden and my father took a walk around the farm. My dad loves showing off all his tractors. Men, no matter the age they never outgrow their love for their toys.

Mom and I sat on the porch sipping glasses of sweet tea, watching Daddy and Kayden driving tractors around the fields. I caught a smile on my mother’s face that instantly warms my heart. I know how upset she’s been with everything I’ve been dealing with. So seeing her accept Kayden into our family with open arms makes my heart swell with joy.

We talked for a while about Texas and things with Kayden. She’s worried our relationship is moving too fast, and doesn’t want to see me get hurt. I understand her worries and fears, but I can feel it from somewhere deep inside of me that Kayden is the one. I reminded her of what Grandma Jane said about her and grandpa, and mom and dad. How when you find your soul mate…you just know it. You feel that connection, that love the one that bounds you together so tightly, it can never be broke. I feel that with Kayden, and I know he feels it too.



At six-thirty my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins arrived for Christmas dinner, and to open gifts. Kayden is nervous about meeting everyone, and what they will think about him “Crashing Christmas” so he says. I keep telling him he isn’t crashing anything, he has been welcomed here with open arms. The more the merrier!

After we finished dinner, we all gathered in the living room around the Christmas tree; handing out gifts one by one to everyone. My family all brought their gifts here to for us all to open together. All of my cousins are in their twenties or late teens. So I got them all iTune cards, it’s the perfect gift that everyone loves.

I got my mother a new Michael Kors purse, and my dad a new subscription to Sunday Ticket. The same gift I get him every year. I couldn’t believe how good Kayden did picking out gifts for my parents. He got my mother a huge scrapbooking kit. I had mentioned to him how obsessed she is with scrapbooking. He even got her an organizing kit to store all her stuff in on the bus.

My father about had a heart attack when he opened up his gift from Kayden. He got my father a football, autographed by the entire University of Tennessee Football Team. It’s stored inside a glass case, all ready to go on display in my father’s office.

We took lots of pictures of us together beside the tree, outside by the stables, sitting side by side in the rocking chairs, and even a few with my parents. I cannot wait to get them printed out and hung on the walls at my house and Kayden’s. This has been by far, one of the most amazing Christmases I ever had.

I was thrilled when Kayden opened his gifts I got him. He loved the Texas Longhorns cuff links, and custom Rolex I got him. He said he will be wearing that watch every single day to remind him of me, when he’s working, or traveling for business.




Chapter 19





After everyone headed back home, I dragged Kayden away from playing Madden with my dad. Leading him down the trail behind my house, to my favorite spot here…
the pond


I lay down on the cool grass with Kayden beside me. This is one of the most peaceful places on earth. We laid there for a long time, just listening to the crickets and frogs; watching the sun set over the mountains, casting an array of pinks and reds over the water.


Finally I roll over onto my side, resting my chin on Kayden’s well defined chest. “You know this is where I had my first kiss? With Gunner Andrews, we were both twelve, and had braces…oh my gosh it was horrible.” I burst into a fit of laughter as I think back.


Rising up onto his elbows, Kayden flashes me a devilish grin. “Well I won’t lie; knowing it was disastrous is great to hear.”


Smacking him on the arm I yell at him, “Hey now! Don’t go gloating because my first kiss was an absolute fail!” I’m trying so hard to keep a straight face, but can’t fight the smile spreading across my face.


“Well, I will gloat, because it gives me the opportunity to give you Savannah Elizabeth Livingston…the best kiss you will ever have at this here spot.”


“Hmm, I guess I do like the sound of that, the best kiss…by the last man I’ll ever kiss.”


Running his strong finger’s through my hair and cupping the back of my neck with his hand. Kayden pulls my face to his; giving me the most delicious kiss he’s ever given me…if that’s even possible.





I was saddened when it came time for us to leave Memphis. Only thing making it easier is that my parents are leaving to go back on tour. We had so much fun the three days we were there. I look forward to bringing Kayden back again for our
Annual Fourth of July barbeque


We spent the entire flight back to Texas relaxing, and watching movies in his bedroom on the jet. Brooklyn is still in Los Angeles until after New Years, so it will just be Kayden and I for the entire week.


This is Zak and Jacob’s last week in Galveston before they head back to California. So we all have plans to go out on Kayden’s boat. I plan on making a huge dinner on the thirtieth for them before they leave the next day.


When we finally arrive back in Houston it’s down pouring, so instead of driving to Galveston, we decided to stay at the hotel for the night. Our temporary driver for the next few days picked us up at the airport and drove us to the hotel.


We order room service for dinner, rather than cook something. Both exhausted from the nonstop traveling we’ve been doing. We only get a few days to recuperate because; in three days we are driving to San Antonio for the Alamo Bowl. We plan on staying there overnight, then driving back home the next day. Kayden bought me cute cowgirl boots with an Orange Texas Longhorn logo on them, and a jersey. We are going to tailgate with a bunch of his old college buddies who are attending the game too.


After finishing dinner we head for the bath to relax. Kayden has a jacuzzi in his bathroom, so we filled it with bubbles and fired up the jets. It feels amazing having the jets beating against my sore muscles. That mixed with the sensation of Kayden washing my body feels like absolute heaven.


One of my favorite things in the entire world is washing Kayden. Massaging the shampoo into his hair, and washing his body; it’s beyond sexy seeing the effect I have on him. Before I could finish washing the soap off of his body, he lifts me up on so that I’m straddling him. “I think we’re clean enough baby.” Taking my hands and lacing our fingers together, I move my body up, coming down slowly taking all of him into me.


“I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk by the time you’re done with me.” I begin trailing kisses along his neck, licking the beads of water running down his skin.


“I’ll be sure to make sure the freezer is stocked up on ice.” Giving me a sly grin Kayden kisses me with so much passion that the butterflies in my stomach, feel more like humming birds on speed fluttering inside of me.


Kayden is gripping my hips, lifting me and up and down along his impressive length. I can’t help but moan uncontrollably as I rotate my hips riding him as the water splashes over the sides of the tub.


Holding myself up I squeeze Kayden’s shoulders feeling his muscles tense under my fingers as he grips my hips tighter. He’s getting close; I can feel the girth of his cock getting bigger and harder as he climbs closer and closer to finishing. My own orgasm on the brink, I reach down to massage my clit. “Fuck…Savannah…I love it when you do that.” Clenching his teeth, Kayden tosses his head back as he begins pumping into me. We climax together, riding out the orgasm as he thrusts into me harder.


Deliriously spent and exhausted I collapse onto Kayden’s chest. Resting my head over his heart; I listen to it hammering against his ribcage. Our erratic breathing, slowly returning to normal, running his hands up and down my back, Kayden kisses my temple, “I love you.” He whispers into my ear. I will never in this life or the next hear those three words pass his lips enough.


Looking up at him, watching the water droplets fall from his hair and roll down his chest. I run my fingers over his angel tattoo on his right arm for his sister. “I love you too.” Kissing him, my stomach flutters when his tongue slides into my mouth. One thing I love more than making love to this him, is kissing him. His kisses do crazy things to my body, if it was possible; I would spend every waking moment with my lips permanently on his.





Four Days Later


We went to the game last night in San Antonio, and oh my God it was so much fun. The University of Texas won which made the night even better. I forgot how fun tailgating can be. We spent hours hanging out with everyone in the parking lot, while Kayden and his friends grilled tons of food and drank beer all day. We set up tents by our truck with the grills and chairs all under them. I had so much fun tossing the football around with all the guys. They made me feel welcome, and not annoyed at all that Kayden had brought his girlfriend.

Only one other guy had brought his girlfriend, she was shy at first, but after a few beers she was a chatter box. I think I learned her entire life story in the few hours we spent in the parking lot. Kayden was so sweet and brought an entire cooler full of Mike’s hard lemonade and pink lemonade for me. I have tried almost every beer known to man, and I just do not like the taste of any of them…at all!

We had seats up front just behind the University of Texas players. Kayden was high-fiving players left, right, and center. He knows everyone who plays for the college, including the coaching staff.

After the football game we all headed down to the bars in San Antonio. Every bar was packed, and people cheering in the streets, because the Longhorns had won. The excitement was contagious, and I couldn’t help but get sucked into all the celebrating. Seeing Kayden have so much fun was fun all on its own.

Finally, at two in the morning we walked back to our hotel. We’d parked our truck back at the hotel after the game and walked down to the bars to party with everyone.

Our night in San Antonio will forever be one of the most fun nights that Kayden and I ever had together. My iPhone is full of about two hundred pictures from last night. I cannot wait to go through them and see what we got. I was so drunk; I don’t even remember half the night. I usually don’t ever get flat out smashed, but last night I did. I’m definitely feeling it today, but it was so worth it.

As soon as we got back to Houston, and to my beach house we went directly to my bedroom and passed out. We have dinner tonight with Jacob and Zak, so I need a few more hours of sleep to recuperate from last night.

I awake a few hours later to the cell phone alarm I set. Shutting it off I glance at the clock, it’s now four o’ clock, I have to shower and get dinner started. Letting Kayden sleep, I slip out of bed and take a quick shower, before heading into the kitchen to get dinner ready.

I’m making shrimp scampi and a tossed salad; Jacob is bringing a bottle of wine from his family’s winery to have with dinner. As I’m draining the noodles, I feel Kayden slide his arms around me before pulling me against his hard, muscled chest. Kissing my neck and giving it a little nibble, “I am sorry baby, but I gotta go to the office.”

Setting the noodles back into the pan, I turn and look at Kayden. I can see his disappointment; he knows how much I’m looking forward to dinner tonight. “It’s okay. I will save you some dinner. Why do you have to go back into Houston?” Leaning against the counter, I cross my arms and rest them against my chest.

Putting a hand on each side of me, Kayden has me pinned against the kitchen counter caging me in with his body; the aroma of his cologne dancing into my senses. I take in a deep breath, savoring Kayden’s bewitching scent. “Emergency at the office, I just got a call from Aaron my Head of Security, something about the security going haywire at Beaumont Industries. Dixon is God knows where, so I have to go see to the problem.” Letting out a loud sigh, Kayden rests his head against mine.

“Well, you better get going then.” I say as I slap his chest playfully. “Seriously, Kayden its fine, go deal with the issue, hopefully you can get it resolved quickly, and hurry back.” Entwining my fingers together behind Kayden’s neck, I pull him down for one more kiss. “I love you, and I will see you in a little bit, the guys will understand.”

Kissing me one more time, Kayden tells me he loves me too, and heads out the door. I can hear the rumble of his Raptor as he takes off down the road.

The last few days it’s rained every single day. So instead of eating dinner out on the deck, I set up our plates and glasses in the dining room. I just finished setting the salad on the table when I hear Jacob and Zak at the front door.

Fixing my pony tail I answer the door. “Hey guys! Perfect timing…I just finished making dinner”

“It smells delicious Savannah.” We all head into the kitchen, Jacob getting right to opening the wine and pouring me a glass. “I feel like a beer, do you have any in the fridge?” Zak asked walking over to the refrigerator.

“Yeah, check in the bottom of the fridge.”

Grabbing a beer for him and another for Jacob, we all sit down at the table, and start making our plates.

“Where’s Kayden? I thought he was having dinner with us tonight?” Jacob asks as he scoops some shrimp scampi onto his plate.

“There was an emergency at work, he feels awful, but is going to try and get back as quickly as he can.”

“Well that sucks, I guess that’s a downfall of running your own corporation, you never truly have a day off.” Zak gives me a sympathetic smile, popping a shrimp into his mouth.

Jacob and Zak are tearing into their dinner; I’m not the best cook so I’m happy they’re enjoying it. The wind is howling outside and the rain pounding off the side of the house. It’s a crappy way for them to spend their last night in Galveston, but they enjoyed gorgeous weather almost every day since they got here.

“I’m going to send Kayden a text, and see if he’s almost done dealing with the situation at work.” Taking a sip of my third glass of wine, my head is starting to get really fuzzy. Grabbing my phone, I try to text Kayden, but it’s hard to see the letters on my Iphone’s keypad. After I send the text, I sit and stare lovingly for a few moments, at the photo of Kayden and me. We took it down at the pond, the night before we left Memphis.

Jacob hands me another glass of wine; smiling at me, with his mega watt smile. Dressed in his slacks, button up dress shirt and loafers, his blue eyes sparkling, “Another glass Savannah? So what do you think of my family’s wine?” He asks with his thick British accent. The sound of it brings a small smile to my face. I’m really going to miss having them around.

Taking another sip, I smile back up at him. “I like it; it has a rich taste that tingles on your tongue. It’s very good, but man it hits you hard, this is some strong wine. I feel as if I’m floating!” Bursting into a giggling fit, Jacob and Zak start laughing along with me, helping me over to the couch.

I tip back my glass, drinking every last drop. The wine is superb, but it hits you hard and fast. I lay my head back on the couch, the entire room is spinning. I feel as if I’m stuck in a thick fog. I can hear Zak and Jacob talking but it’s muffled, and I can’t focus long enough to understand what they’re saying. I hear
Genuine’s Pony
playing…Kayden’s calling…but my body feels paralyzed I can’t move…I can’t fight the feeling of sleep pulling me under. My eye lids feel so heavy. Last thing I remember is blabbering for someone to answer my phone, and then everything going dark.

BOOK: Inescapable Desire
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