Inescapable Desire (11 page)

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Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Inescapable Desire
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I’m floating on cloud nine as we walk past the line of people outside Vertigo, on Kayden’s arm. All the females are watching me with looks of envy. The four of us walk in, greeting the bouncers and heading straight to the VIP area. Kayden orders shots as soon as we sit down. The club is packed with bodies rubbing and it’s only eleven o’clock. The DJ is playing the best dance music and is just what I need right now; a fun night of dancing to make up for the God awful night I had last night.

Toasting to a kick ass night we all raise our shot glasses just as Dixon comes strolling up to our table. Saying a general hello he sits on the other side of Brooklyn sandwiching her between two gorgeous hotties. I can’t help but snicker at her expression. She has the hots for Jax, crushing on Dixon. Then throw in the sexy rocker Xander from last night, and Brooklyn is smack dab in the middle of one big love square.

Jax and Kayden are the designated drivers for tonight so they both settle with one shot each, and plan on drinking Cokes the rest of the evening. Brooklyn and I plan to drink as much as our little heart’s desire or our stomach’s can handle; whatever comes first.

Dixon eyes me up and down from the other side of the booth. It feels like he’s undressing me with his eyes. I shift in my seat, pulling down my dress as far as it can go; trouble is it’s so short that there isn’t much material to pull down. Kayden’s hand is on my lap, our fingers laced together, with a soda in the other.

Looking over at me with a satisfied grin on his face, Kayden leans down fluttering my neck with kisses. I can’t help but blush, I feel like everyone’s eyes are on me. “You’re blushing again Savannah…God I love how hot you look when you get all flustered.” Smacking Kayden’s thigh I let out a small giggle.

“This is definitely going to take some getting used to.” Dixon interjects dryly leaning back on the couch, kicking his feet up onto the table, and taking a long swig of his beer. “You are seriously settling down? I thought I would never see this day again after the way…” Kayden shoots him a look as if he’ll snap his neck if he continued talking, Dixon suddenly clamps his mouth shut. This instantly perks my interest. Even though I don’t know the woman, it would be nice to have Kayden open up to me about the girl who broke his heart and turned him into a heartless playboy for all these years.

Wrapping his arm around me and pulling me flush against his side, Kayden turns back to Dixon, “Yes and I’m very happy with Savannah. She’s brought a light into my life, I didn’t think was possible.” Lifting the hands we have intertwined together he places a warm, delicious kiss on my hand. It instantly sends butterflies fluttering franticly inside my stomach. “I’m a very lucky man.”

It’s shocking and absolutely amazing knowing that Kayden is feeling the same way I am. I didn’t think I would ever feel this way again, but Kayden is slowly breathing life back into my heart.

“Well she must have a magic fuckin’ vagina or something because damn, I’ve seen you with some knock outs and none of them were able to sway you away from your player ways.” I practically spit my whiskey sour straight across the room. Dixon doesn’t hold back his opinions…I’m learning that very quickly!

“I will forgive that rude ass comment, because I know your drunk, but if you say anything about Savannah again…cousin or not I will beat your fuckin’ face in.” Kayden’s eyes have turned from their usual hot smoldering and sexy to burning hot with anger.

Climbing onto Kayden’s lap I cup his face with my hands and give him a short sweet kiss; staring him directly in the eyes, drawing his attention to me, and away from Dixon. “Baby, it’s okay. Actually I am past okay! You chose me, out of every drop dead gorgeous woman you have met throughout the past few years. That is a truly amazing feeling. If Dixon wants to say it’s my magic vagina…well then so be it.” Kayden lets out a laugh pulling me into a bear hug, kissing me again.




After two hours of dancing my feet were killing me. We all plop down on stools at the bar and get refills on our drinks. I suddenly get the most fantastic idea ever. Well, only because I am totally smashed do I think it’s the most amazing idea ever. I whisper it into Brooklyn’s ear, and she is now completely giddy and bouncing up and down on her bar stool. Only thing left to do is to find a way to kick my bright idea into action.

Leaving Kayden at the bar with Jax, Dixon, and a few other friends of his; Brooklyn and I make made our way over to the DJ. Kayden has instruments and a microphone in the corner of the stage for nights the club has performers and live music. A lot of well known artists come to Vertigo to party and perform thanks to his connections in the music industry. His dad owns a record label and as I’m learning he has lots of friends in high places.

I tell the DJ to play Pistol Annies,
Hell on Heels
as soon as Brooklyn and I get set up on stage. I cannot wait to shock the hell out of Kayden. We get the microphones set up and each don an acoustic guitar. People are starting to take notice of us on stage. Intrigued by the fact that there are two women up on stage on a night when there is nothing showing a live performance.

Signaling to the DJ, he starts the music to the song. Brooklyn and I start strumming the guitars, and I spot Kayden maneuvering through the crowd with Jax and Dixon by his side; a look of shock and bewilderment all over his face.

When you grow up with country music’s hottest duo as your parents, you yourself usually fall in love with music. I can play guitar, piano, and violin. Brooklyn was blessed with a voice of an angel. I never had any desire to get into the music industry. I like singing and performing for fun, not as a profession.

We have our own version of
Hell on Heel’s
changing the word I to we’re. The club is huge so only the people on the dance floor are paying attention to us. Everyone is pulling out their cell phones to record us and take pictures. I already know this will be viral tomorrow, but it’s a hell of a lot better than the crap going around on the blogs today about last night at Drip.

We finish the song with the last verse, “
We’re gonna break me a million hearts. We’re hell on heels, Sugar daddy, we’re coming for you
.” I can’t stop smiling; Kayden is whistling and clapping enthusiastically at us. He sprints towards the stage hopping up lifting me into his arms, planting an earth shattering kiss on my lips.

“Baby, you never fail to amaze me.” He says in between kisses. “That was fuckin’ amazing. You guys rocked the hell outta this place!”

“Really? You liked it? I didn’t think with all those whiskey sours, I would remember all the cords.”

“That was so much fun!” Brooklyn says bouncing across the stage. “Oh my Gawd! Knox you got to do a song with us!”

“What?!” Kayden’s eyes practically popping out of his head.

“Oh. My. God! I got the perfect song; let’s do The Civil Wars version of Billie Jean!” I say pulling Kayden further on stage, motioning for him to pick up a guitar. “This is going to be soooo much fun!”

More people are starting to make their way over to the stage; pretty much the entire club has their eyes on us. Letting out a husky laugh Kayden picks up the guitar joining Brooklyn and I at the microphones. He and I are sharing one with Brooklyn at the other. Yelling over to the DJ, Kayden tells him to not play any music this time that we are going to play acoustic.

Kayden smiles down at me with that panty droppin’ grin that instantly makes me melt. He starts strumming on the acoustic guitar effortlessly. The chemistry between us is explosive, it feels like the entire room is full of fireworks exploding all around us. His deep raspy Southern voice is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. His voice mixed with Brooklyn and mine sounds amazing. Everyone is whipping out their cell phones recording us up here on stage. When I look into Kayden’s eyes as we are singing in perfect harmony…it feels like we’re the only two people in the entire club.
After singing the last verse, Kayden swings the guitar around to his side. Running his fingers through my hair, cupping the back of my neck. He pulls my mouth to his connecting our lips together for the most amazing and electrifying kiss. People are cheering and chanting at us for us to sing another. With a thumbs up from Brooklyn, we give the crowd what they want. We all agree and sing The Civil Wars, I’ve got this friend. I have never had so much fun performing in my entire life.
The crowd went crazy when we finished the song. I couldn’t stop grinning, my face is aching from smiling so much tonight! We put all the guitars and microphone stands back. Taking a quick bow, we thanked everyone for listening, and jumped off the stage. I will definitely be searching Youtube tomorrow to watch our performances. One of the most amazing nights of my life, I’ll be able to experience over and over again.

Wrapping me in his arms, Kayden kisses the tip of my nose. “Thank you for that.”

I gaze up at his with a puzzled look on my face. “Thank you for dragging you up on stage?” I laugh.

“Not just that, everything you do Savannah. This past week with you, I’ve felt more alive over these last eight days…than I have in the last seven years. I don’t ever want to stop feeling the way that I’m feeling right now.”

“Well get use to it, because baby I’m not going anywhere.” I stand up on my tippy toes sealing my lips with his for a kiss that speaks volumes for both of us.




Chapter 12






Waking up with a hangover is not something I will ever get use to. I was eternally grateful to Kayden, when he told me he booked Brooklyn and I spa treatments. After managing to eat a muffin, we headed down to the spa while Kayden worked on hotel business. Brooklyn had a vigorously wild night with Jax last night, which I did not see coming at all. She tried to flirt with Dixon, but that boy loves the thrill of the chase; so continued to chase after every bimbo in the club last night.

I’m hoping them hooking up will not make things weird, seeing I will be around Jax a lot. While I was laying in the living room watching Live with Kelly & Michael and eating my muffin this morning, they both came strolling out of their separate guest rooms then go about their morning as if nothing happened. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Kayden informed me he and his friends will be getting together at his house to drink and watch football this afternoon. So Brooklyn and I are planning to extend our day after the spa treatments, by going to the salon to get our hair done, and I need to go shopping. Christmas is fast approaching and I haven’t bought a single thing yet. Kayden is going to be the most difficult to shop for. What do you get a man that pretty much has everything?

Our spa treatments were absolutely amazing. I walked out feeling reinvigorated and refreshed. I sent Kayden a text letting him know we were heading to the salon before going shopping. He has the Lamborghini to get back to Sugar Land, so Jax will be driving us around Houston for the day. I am grateful because my car is almost an hour away back at my beach house.



Heading out of the hotel now going to do some shopping & get my hair done xoxo ;)


As soon as I got into the car my phone vibrated alerting a new text message.



Sorry I didn’t get to see you before you left, I will see you tonight. We staying at your place or are you having Jax bring you to Sugar Land?



Since Brooklyn’s flight leaves at five o’clock, and I can work from his house tomorrow, I text back letting him know I will come stay at with him. I’m looking forward to staying there, maybe go riding for a little while after I finish working on the documents and research Eloise assigned me. It still feels surreal being with Kayden. Even more unreal that he wants to be with me every night. I never sleep as well as I do when I’m curled up in his arms.

During our hair appointment, Brooklyn spilled all her juicy details about last night. She said Jax is amazing, but now she is torn because she likes him and doesn’t want to get in the way of his job. The cherry on top of the cake is Xander has been texting her; telling her he wants to get together again when she comes back into town. He is leaving to go on tour soon with a bunch of other bands for a big group Rebel Tour or something. She is scared to get involved with him, seeing that he will be at wild after parties with girls who will do God knows what for his attention.

I told her to just feel it out, see where things go. More than likely Jax just wants to have fun too. The only advice I can give her is to sit down with Jax and talk with him about what this means. They’ve been flirting for days, so it was bound to happen. Now she just has to see where things go from here.

Brooklyn had hair extensions put in, and I decided to have my roots touched up and to add some chunky platinum highlights. It’s wonderful how great you feel after getting your hair done; it’s extremely therapeutic. We had manicure and pedicures done also, I went for funky neon animal print; I can’t wait to see what Kayden thinks.

Stepping out of the salon and feeling amazing, I am stopped dead in my tracks. My eyes instantly fixed onto the gorgeous man in front of me, knocking all the air from my lungs. Kayden’s leaning against his Lamborghini wearing cargo shorts, Hollister t-shirt, aviator shades, Houston Texan’s ball cap, and white Nike running shoes. “Damn!” falls from my lip as I drink him in, I’m a little dizzy; I bite my lip, setting my hands on my hips. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack Kayden?” I ask playfully, trying to sound serious.

“Hey, I can’t help it if you find me sexy as hell.” Sliding his aviator’s off onto the neck of his t-shirt. His green eyes are piercing me, drawing me into him, he slowly licks his lips and I quiver as memories of that tantalizing tongue between my thighs. It makes me instantly wet, and hungry for more. It’s insane how bad he can affect me with the slightest gesture.

“Hey now, mister I’m hot as shit and I know it. You need help holding that big head of yours on top of your shoulders?” I let out a small giggle when Kayden flashes me a cocky grin. Skipping over to him I wrap my arms around his neck, and stand on my tip toes to give him a proper hello.

“How the hell did you find us? Houston is not exactly small,” I ask gazing up into his sea green eyes.

“I felt bad I didn’t get to give you a proper goodbye before you left the hotel. So, I called Jax and found out where you were. I thought I would stop by and surprise you.”

“Well I’m definitely surprised!” I lean up giving him another kiss, while he plays with my hair. Girls are walking by green with envy seeing me in Kayden’s arms. Many have tried, but always failed to tame the playboy of Houston. It makes me giddy knowing I’m the girl who finally won Kayden’s heart.

“You are so damn romantic Knox, it’s sickening!” Brooklyn says letting out a loud chuckle. “I’d ask if you have a brother or cousin, but I know that answer is Dixon and he is hot as fuck, but also a cocky asshole! I swear to God, I’m going to end up being one of the old ladies with a hundred cats.” Brooklyn joins us by the car folds her arms and rolls her eyes.

“Oh stop, you’ll find an incredible guy too. You just have to stop chasing commitment -phobes, and down right man whores.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Brooklyn laughs with a Cheshire cat grin spreading across her face like wild fire.

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