Read Indulgent Pleasures Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Indulgent Pleasures (16 page)

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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“I’m sure,” she said drolly as they approached Zoe. She was frowning at the both of them, her arms crossed in front of her.

“Where have you been? I swear I’ve been sitting here watching Caleb in place of you and getting more than a little frustrated. With everything I’ve observed I could write the damn article myself.” Zoe stood, her overly made up face squinty and drawn.

“Sorry Zoe, I ran into someone I hadn’t seen in a long time when I came out of the restroom and we just started talking.” Stephanie really wanted to tell her boss to take a flying leap but she held herself in check.

“I thought she ran into Justin Hawkins,” Caleb piped up from behind her.

Zoe arched a brow. “Justin Hawkins? But he’s up there on stage.”

They all turned to look at the stage, the discussion forgotten and Stephanie breathed a sigh of relief. Damn Caleb for bringing up Justin again.

An announcer was talking about the generous donations the homeless charity had received this past year and he was focusing on all the good deeds Justin had done for the charity himself.

Justin still stood amongst the same group of people though they were all on stage now and Stephanie figured they must be the top donors.

“He’s one hot piece,” Zoe murmured close to Stephanie and she felt the burn of jealousy low in her stomach at Zoe’s words.
Then she immediately wanted to shout out in triumph, “Yeah, been there done that, still doing it!”
Now was definitely not the time.
“He’s very attractive,” Stephanie answered, still staring at the stage.
“That’s the understatement of the night. I used to have a raging crush on him.”
Stephanie’s head nearly swiveled off her neck as she turned to stare at Zoe. “You did?”

“Oh, yeah. I used to chase him all over the place. Insinuating myself into all of the parties he was at, going to the games, you name it, I tried it. He never did take the bait though we spoke quite a bit.”

How would she have felt to know Zoe had once landed in the bed of her current lover? That would’ve been way too weird.

Luckily enough, Justin had discriminate taste.

She stared at him up on the stage, admiring his tall, broad physique, the way he filled out his tuxedo so perfectly. Her entire body reacted to him even from this far away and she wondered how much longer she would have to endure this party, Caleb and Zoe, until she could get away and meet up with Justin.

It couldn’t come soon enough.







Chapter Fifteen


Justin paced the lavish hotel room he just paid for, undoing his bow tie as he walked. Frustration fueled him, making him tense, agitated. Horny as hell.

Yet again Stephanie kept him waiting. He’d barely just escaped the charity gala, finding it hard to extract himself from all of the people who wanted to speak with him. Now that he wasn’t always traveling with the team he was available for more public events and they knew it. They also knew where his true heart lied.

And that was with almost any local charity that helped children. He was a sucker for a poor or sick kid. They reminded him too much of his own disillusioned youth.

Glancing at his watch, he saw it was nearly eleven-thirty and he tore the watch off, tossing it onto a dresser. Not even caring that it was worth over twenty thousand dollars.

He glared at the Rolex, disgust filling him. He’d been caught up in the fast lane just like every other player on his team. He’d bought into the flashy cars, the designer labels and expensive accessories as some sort of status symbol.

The last couple of months before his accident he’d felt disgruntled, frustrated with the path his life had been taking. That’s why he’d bought the house in his grandmother’s hometown and worked on fixing it up. It gave him something to do, something to be proud of, an accomplishment other than baseball.

When he hit the age of thirty-one last year and his body felt as if it was slowly giving out on him, he knew he needed another focus. His entire life had been baseball since he was a kid. He hadn’t known what else to do.

It was as if his grandma had led him to his new passion when he’d driven out to Half Moon Bay that one afternoon. He’d stumbled upon his future home by accident, didn’t even know if it was for sale when he saw it but he’d taken one look and knew it had to be his. He’d taken that old, dilapidated house and remodeled it until it shone. It made him feel good, like he’d accomplished something major and quickly it became more than a hobby.

It had become an obsession.

He felt almost as obsessive about Stephanie. His cock hardened at the thought of her, of the way she looked earlier in that gorgeous dress out on the balcony. Her tits practically overflowing, just begging for his touch and he’d had to use every ounce of restraint he had to stop from stripping her bare and fucking her against the railing.

Yeah, that would’ve gone over real good at a charity event for Christ’s sake.

She’d made him angry when she acted as if she didn’t want to be seen with him. He didn’t get it, didn’t get her behavior at all. Did she think it was embarrassing, what they had? Every single woman he’d ever dated wanted nothing more than to be seen flouncing around town on his arm. It used to not bother him because hey, pussy was pussy. He’d take whatever he could get. And well, he usually got some pretty damn fine pussy.

Lately though, he’d hated it. How could he find a woman for a potential lifetime relationship when he didn’t trust how they felt about him? Not that he’d been looking for any sort of immediate permanence but the idea had been hanging on the fringes of his brain. He wasn’t getting any younger and he’d always wanted kids.

Hell, he wanted to make up for the shoddy way his parents had treated him. Wanted to indulge his future children with every single thing they could ever need. Not just the material things but emotionally as well. Lavish them with love, caring and understanding. Be there for them no matter what.

Justin grimaced and scrubbed a hand over his face. What the fuck was he doing, standing in a hotel room with dreams of his future children in his eyes? He didn’t do this kind of sentimental shit, at least not very often and he had no clue what had gotten into him.

Stephanie has gotten into you, that’s who.

He rubbed his eyes, massaged his temple with the tips of his fingers. He was tired, cranky and horny, never a good combination. Really hoped Stephanie was prepared because he was probably going to be a bear to deal with.

Maybe being with her would soothe his frayed nerves though she was half the reason they were frayed in the first place.

Women. Who knew they were so much damn trouble? No wonder he’d avoided them for so long.

A click sounded at the door and then it swung open with a quiet swoosh. Stephanie entered the room with tentative steps, her shoes dangling in her hand and she seemed awfully short in her bare feet.

“It took me forever to get out of there. The crush of people trying to leave slowed me down,” she said when she saw him, her voice dripping with apology.

“It’s all right.” He shook his head. How could he be mad at her when she looked like she did? That dress fit her like a dream, the top molding to her chest, emphasizing the lush curve of her breasts and showcasing her smooth cleavage. The skirt swirled all around her, draping her body mysteriously though he knew every inch of skin beneath it and knew it well.

And he couldn’t wait to get his hands on it. On her.

She glanced about the hotel room, her eyes going wide as she drank in the opulent details. “This is gorgeous. And look at that view.”

Her shoes dropping on the floor, she went to the window and stared out at the night sky, her lips slightly parted.

Yes, the view was spectacular, looking over all of San Francisco and the Bay. The city lights twinkled and shone in the dark night, the sound of the traffic from below a quiet rush of noise.

But he wasn’t interested in the view. He was only interested in the woman who occupied the room.

Justin went to her, standing behind her and resting his hands on her bare shoulders. Her skin was warm, smooth and soft and he stroked her there, his fingers trailing lightly.

“Your dress is amazing,” he murmured as he slid his hands over her slim shoulders. Her back was entirely exposed and the trailing, transparent long ties of her halter top hid the subtle sexiness.

It was extremely sexy. All of her exposed skin he wanted to touch, kiss and lick.

Lifting the ties of the halter, he draped them over her left shoulder, exposing the slender curve of her back. Her skin was smooth, lightly dotted with freckles and she shifted. Her shoulder blades showed sharp beneath her skin.

“I love it, too.” She paused, as if considering what she was going to say next. “I was disappointed earlier this evening because I didn’t think you were going to see me in it.”

And she’d wasted it on another man, too. Some blond asshole that looked too damn cocky for his own good. That guy had flirted with every single woman who passed him by. Justin had kept an eye on him the entire night.

He wanted to know who the jerk was and why Stephanie had accompanied him to the event. She’d brushed him off, told Justin the man didn’t mean anything to her but they’d spoken more than once throughout the evening. They’d even sat together for a while at the table with the skinny woman in the gold dress. That skinny woman had been vaguely familiar but from across the room he couldn’t quite place her.

It didn’t matter. Hell, none of it should matter considering he had Stephanie with him now.

“I’m glad I got to see you wear it,” he finally said, letting his fingers trail down the narrow column of her spine. She shivered beneath his touch, a harsh inhale sounding in the still room and his cock strained against the fly of his trousers.

He swallowed hard, praying for restraint. Always their lovemaking was too fast, too hurried, too out of control. Tonight he wanted to take his time,
take his time. He always swore he would, that he’d explore her body thoroughly and learn her every secret but he always became too anxious. Too eager to be inside her hot, tight pussy, buried balls deep and close to climax within minutes of being inside her.

Gritting his teeth, he pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on her. On the way he touched her, the way she reacted to him.

No, he didn’t want to rush this. They had a gorgeous—and very expensive—hotel room for the night. He wanted to take full advantage.

“Did you have this room prearranged Justin?”
He loved the way she said his name, she didn’t say it enough. “No. I got it right after I left the party.”
“They had a room available on a Saturday night?” She sounded surprised.
As if she didn’t believe him.

What the hell, did she think he had this room already scoped out so he could bring any female he happened to pick up at a charity event back up here?

What kind of player asshole did she really think he was?

Grasping her by the arms, he turned her around so she faced him, so she could see the sincerity in his eyes, on his face. “They have special rooms always set aside for VIP guests and well, I’m a VIP guest. So yes I got this room, tonight, just for us.”

She stared up at him, her lips trembling, her pretty sea-blue eyes wide. She didn’t say anything, she looked scared to death and he gave her a little shake.

“I’m only with you, Stephanie. I’m not seeing any other women. I’m not out there picking up random girls at charity galas for the love of God. I’m with you.”

“O—okay.” Her voice was shaky and she looked rattled by his words.
Justin gave her another little shake. “I have no interest in other women when I know I can have you.”
Her eyes softened and she pursed her lips, cocking her head to the side. “Oh Justin...”

“I mean it.” Hell yes, he meant it. Never before had he been so brutally honest with a woman and though his admission only scratched the surface in how he felt about Stephanie, at least he was making progress.

The doubt all over her face said so much though. Like maybe she didn’t believe him. Maybe she didn’t even believe
him. That thought alone almost brought him to his knees.

“I want to make love to you, Stephanie.” His voice was a harsh whisper and he smoothed a hand over her sleek hair, trailed a finger down her cheek. “All night long, naked in that big bed, exploring each other’s bodies.”

She released a shaky breath, her pupils dilating like they did when she was aroused and he knew he almost had her.

Taking a step closer he leaned in, his mouth hovering just above her ear, their bodies so close yet not touching.

“I can’t wait to bury myself in your tight pussy. Pound my cock inside you until the both of us come so hard we almost pass out,” he whispered just before he sunk his teeth into the fleshy part of her earlobe. She liked the dirty talk almost as much as he did and he knew it would get a reaction from her.

Her little cry sent a surge of pleasure straight through him and she reached out, her small hands clutching at his tuxedo jacket. She pushed and shoved, desperate to get the jacket off and he helped her, shrugging out of it with ease and letting it drop to the floor. He then turned her around so she faced the window and he stood behind her.

He realized they liked to get naked together in front of windows. Closet exhibitionists perhaps?

“Do you like it when I say those things to you?” He liked saying them, enjoyed watching that pleasure-filled expression cross her face and the way her body trembled beneath his touch. He bet if he reached between her legs she’d be wet. Drenched for him, slick and hot and ready to take all of him in one punishing stroke.

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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