Read Indulgent Pleasures Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Indulgent Pleasures (14 page)

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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“If you’re not ready you need to tell them. Though they’ll probably run off and find someone else to replace you like that.” Curt paused. “This is an ideal position for your situation, Justin. A fantastic opportunity doesn’t happen like this every day. Once you start this and if you’re good, you could be looking at a career that will last you many years.”

“You’re right. Fuck it, I am ready.” He really wished he had Stephanie with him right now. He’d like to discuss this with her, get her opinion. He liked hearing her take on things, it was unique. Certainly different from his own.

But she wasn’t here. And this wasn’t something he really should be discussing with her. She was, after all, just some woman he was mindlessly fucking. No more, no less.

Yeah right...







Chapter Thirteen


“You look gorgeous.”

Stephanie pointed a finger in Caleb’s face, going for her most stern expression. “No funny business. Don’t forget.”

He held his hands up in front of his tuxedoed chest. “Always ready to throw down on me when I have nothing but good intentions. If I didn’t know any better I’d think you want me to try something.”

She ignored him, strode ahead of him along the wide red carpet that had been laid out especially for the glittering charity gala she was attending with Caleb.

Ugh. Wasting a perfectly beautiful dress on him too when she’d prefer nothing else but to attend the party with Justin.

He’d returned home from his trip yesterday and had sounded exhausted when he called her. He’d also been extremely vague, not offering many details about his trip to New York and even a little evasive over when they would see each other again.

His behavior had only reaffirmed she was doing the right thing by getting out and mingling with the young and wealthy of San Francisco. Well, the old and wealthy would be there too but she was really there to watch Caleb. Busting moves and turning the charm on poor innocent women.

She could hardly wait.

“Want a drink?” Caleb walked next to her as they entered the ballroom, tall and lean and, yes, she hated to admit it, handsome in his black tux. A woman in a sparkly pale blue strapless baby-doll dress eyed him appreciatively, her chiffon skirts billowing out around her as she walked by and Caleb flashed his usual blinding-white grin.

“See? This is going to be a piece of cake.” Caleb snapped his fingers.

“I can’t believe Zoe is torturing me like this.” When she’d gone into Zoe’s office after speaking with Caleb, Zoe had seemed thrilled with the idea. Encouraging Stephanie how much fun it would be not only to go to one of the most talked-about charity events of the year, but also her role as the proverbial fly on the wall in regards to Caleb’s antics.

Problem was, she wasn’t excited about being the fly on the wall at all. She didn’t really want to watch Caleb become the charming pervert of all perverts and work his way into an endless string of silk panties.

Stephanie checked out every woman she passed. Their perfectly coiffed hair, the gorgeous dresses they wore, their artfully applied makeup. She had no doubt that these women wore the latest in Agent Provocateur lingerie. Two hundred dollar bras and one hundred dollar panties were so not in her budget.

Though she wanted them to be. She, the queen of coveting beautiful underwear, salivated over their website, even worse, in their store. More than once she’d walked in to touch the fine fabric and finger the delicate lace.

She sighed and grabbed a glass of champagne off a waiter’s tray with a smile as he walked past. She needed to stop dreaming about underwear and start working the room.

Ahem. No, she needed to watch Caleb work the room.

“I already have a drink,” she finally said, waving her glass in front of Caleb before taking a sip. The bubbles fizzed down her throat, tickled her nose and she coughed discreetly.

“Not used to boozing it up?” His golden brows lifted, his high cheekbones extra sharp in the shadowy light.
“Oh please.” She took another sip, a bigger one this time and shot him a wicked smile. “Now aren’t you supposed to get to work?”
He smiled and cocked his head toward her. “Absolutely. Sit back and watch the master in his element.”

Stephanie found a seat at a small round table and glanced about the crowded room. The event was benefiting homeless children and their families, a worthy cause the city worked hard in assisting and
City Magazine
was one of many sponsors of the event. It was a cocktail party, drinks and appetizers, no sit-down dinner thank goodness.

She didn’t think she could stand sitting close to Caleb during a two hour plus dinner, listening to him drone on.

He stood at a tall cocktail table across from her, leaning against it in an outwardly nonchalant manner. His stance was anything but nonchalant. His blue eyes were narrowed, scanning the room and lingering on every woman who walked by him.

Ready to talk, ready to pounce.

Mentally she took notes. The downright hungry expression on Caleb’s face and the flirting glances every single woman shot in his direction. His good looks were his best asset, earning him interest from practically all of the women in the room and he used them to his best advantage.

She had to admit, she was impressed. The man certainly knew how to garner attention.

“Busy observing, I see?”

Stephanie whirled around at the sound of Zoe’s voice. Her boss stood before her clad in an extremely short, very gold sleeveless dress.

“You caught me,” Stephanie admitted with a shrug, still sipping on the champagne.

Zoe smiled and nodded her head toward Caleb. “He’s looking good. I’m surprised you’re so resistant to working with him. He’s gorgeous.”

Stephanie wrinkled her nose. “I don’t fraternize with fellow employees, it causes too many problems especially if things don’t work out. Besides, he’s not my type.”

“Hmm, makes me wonder who your type is?” Zoe tilted her head to the side, contemplating her. “I would love to check out your secret boyfriend.”

“No can do.” Stephanie shook her head, quirking her lips. Hoping like hell she looked mysterious.

The absolute, very last thing she wanted was for Zoe to discover exactly who her mystery lover was. All hell would break loose.

Zoe’s smile grew. “That’s what I like about you, Steph. There’s more to you than meets the eye. Caleb over there, he’s exactly who we think he is. Handsome, charming and a real snake. You, on the other hand, I really have no idea what makes you tick. You have an innocent look to you, all those freckles, the sweet smile that turns wicked in an instant.”

Stephanie blinked, shocked at her boss’ words. Really? Zoe really thought there was something mysterious about her? Something wicked? How...strange.

And fun. She kind of liked that she kept her boss on her toes.

“There are a lot of secrets in there.” Zoe leaned over and tapped the side of Stephanie’s head gently with a blood red lacquered fingernail. “Someday I’d like to figure a lot of them out.”

A trickle of fear slid down Stephanie’s spine and she swallowed hard. What exactly did Zoe mean by that? Was she on to her? Was she digging deep, hoping to find out some dark secret of hers? Because Stephanie had a big one.

A huge one. One that would rock Zoe’s world.
“I’m an open book, Zoe.” Stephanie stood, an easy smile on her face. “What you see is what you get.”
Zoe shook her head slowly. “No I don’t think so. Keep on telling me that but I don’t believe you.”

“Oh come on, Zoe, I’m as open as they get. I have no secrets, I’m boring, trust me.” Stephanie laughed, glancing about the room at the many beautiful faces, her gaze snagging on one particular beautiful face.

A gorgeous, familiar face. Her mouth dropped open, eyes zeroing in on her target and her breath stalled in her throat.

Justin stood across the room, staring back at her, his expression just as surprised as hers. His green-gold eyes were wide, sensual lips parted. He wore a tuxedo like the rest of the men but he stood out, all broad shouldered, leanly muscled elegance.

And all of that elegant masculinity was now striding toward her with a determined expression on his face.
Panic flared within her and she tore her gaze from his, staring at Zoe blindly. “I have to go. I’ll be right back.”
Flight or fight time and she chose to fly. As far away as possible and as fast as she could get.
“But Stephanie you should stay and watch Caleb.” Zoe stared at her, confusion clouding her face.

“I’ll be back, I swear, I just—I have to go.” Stephanie started to walk away, had to restrain herself from breaking into an all-out run. “Bathroom break.”

“I’ll go with you. I need to reapply my lipstick.” Zoe turned to go to her table but Stephanie waved and walked faster.

“Can’t wait, Zoe. I’ll see you in a few.”

She glanced about the room frantically, looking for some sort of exit route or somewhere private. But where? She wasn’t familiar with the hotel, it was one that catered to the ritzy set and she was far from that.

Double doors stood open to the right of her and she caught a glimpse of a large balcony just beyond. Catching Justin’s eye, she tilted her head toward it and he nodded in return, the both of them starting for the doors.

Her heart eased a bit. She at least avoided him approaching her with Zoe at her side. She shuddered at the thought of what would happen during

Her palms were sweaty and she wiped them on the flowing fabric of her blue and white patterned dress. A little smile curved her lips and she shook her head.

Well, at least Justin would be able to see her in her dress after all.


* * *


Justin couldn’t believe his freaking luck. He’d dreaded going to this charity event. He still felt wiped out after returning from New York yesterday. Hated dressing up in the monkey suit too but it was a black-tie event to one of the children’s charities he whole-heartedly supported.

Hell, he’d been close enough to homeless when he was a kid too many times to count. The last thing he wanted to think of was other children suffering such as he had, or worse.

The schmoozing got to him though, especially when he was tired. Tonight was no exception. He’d planned on making a quick appearance and then bailing as fast as possible. Guilt would make him add more to his already generous donation but that was okay.

He’d rather give his money to a good cause that was close to his heart.

Then he’d spotted her. Like a vision right out of a dream. Hell, he’d even shaken his head thinking he was seeing things.

But no, Stephanie had still been there, walking in with some blond jackass as if she might be on a date with the guy. Anger had made him see red, quickly followed by a surge of jealousy which tinged everything a nice shade of green.

You have no claim on her and you never said the two of you were exclusive. So chill the hell out.

No matter how many times he repeated those words inside his head it didn’t matter. He was pissed, furious she showed up somewhere with another man by her side looking like she did.

Looking like some sort of fucking vision in a gorgeous blue and white printed halter-style dress. The dress dipped dramatically in the front, giving everyone a nice shot of her delectable cleavage. Ties wrapped around her neck, the ends flowing down her back. Some sort of gauzy fabric the entire dress was made and she looked like she was floating with every step she took.

Justin watched her, mesmerized, trying to figure out how to make his way over so he could talk to her. Confront her.
No. Not confront her. Just talk. Tell her somehow, someway, that she was his and he didn’t appreciate her seeing anyone else.
Goddamn, he did not have the right to think this way. He was being ridiculous.
But he couldn’t help it.

She didn’t seem that into the guy she was with. She’d even sat at a different table. All of which gave Justin some sort of glimmer of hope that he had a chance after all.

Never before had he been jealous over another asshole being with a woman he was interested in. Correction. Being with a woman he’d had sex with. Rarely was he interested in a certain woman. They were always the ones chasing him.

Not this one. She threw him for a loop. He couldn’t predict her next move no matter how hard he tried. It drove him fucking crazy.

It made him want more.

She was talking to a woman in a bright gold dress when she stood, her gaze scanning the entire room before it finally,
lit upon him. The shock clearly shone on her face, her eyes going wide, those pretty lush lips of hers parting in shock.

He’d decided then and there fuck it. He was going to approach her, her date be damned. He had to see her up close in that dress, her dark hair swept up to reveal the long column of her neck, the sexy curve of her bare shoulders.

His cock stiffened to the point of pain as he headed toward her and he watched as she excused herself from her friend, nodding her head toward the open double doors that led out onto the balcony. Indicating she wanted to talk to him in private, he could only assume.

Fine, she wanted to avoid her date and her friend, so be it. He was going to give her a piece of his mind the second he got her alone.

Frustration surged through him, his movements stiff since his knee bothered him. He had a slight limp tonight, mostly due to flat out exhaustion after traveling for nearly a week and yet again the looks of sympathy he received from strangers made him want to punch someone in the face.

He was angry. Angry at himself, angry at his fucked up knee, angry at Stephanie thinking he wasn’t worthy of an introduction to the people in her life.

BOOK: Indulgent Pleasures
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