Read Independence Online

Authors: Shelly Crane

Tags: #General Fiction

Independence (23 page)

BOOK: Independence
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“It’s worth it
it’s hard, baby. Your dad, your mom, Bish, Haddock, me…Chad,” I growled his name, disgruntled, “every one of us has been pulled to you for a reason. We just need to see how we can make it all work…where hopefully, they don’t kill each other.” I smirked for good measure.

The desired effect was a smile and she complied with a sigh. “Yeah, I know. You’re right.” She slipped closer, her hands going around my waist. “You’re really awesome, you know that?”

“I am looking forward to an eternity of you stealing my lines, sweetheart.” I pulled her closer, loving the way she bit her lip sideways, her heart beat hitching a slight bit, in anticipation of my kiss. “An eternity.”

And then I worked hard to keep in a groan when her lips wrapped around my bottom one and tugged.
Bish had the worst timing a guy could have when he pulled into the driveway at that moment. She licked her lips as she pulled back. She smirked at my expression.


"Thank you."

"Don’t thank me yet," I said in a foretelling manner.

She cocked her head to the side. "Am I about to find out what all the sudden math problems have been about?"

"Yep." I took her hand and we met Bish half way.

"What's up?" he said easily.

"Something," I said. "Something that is breaking all the rules. Something that I hope you'll accept and understand." I turned to Maggie. "And something I hope you'll forgive me for."

Her lips fell open. "What…"

I nodded for Bish to follow me and pulled Maggie with me t
o the smaller, but nice three
, Victorian
house next door to Maggie's father's. She got a little excited, thinking the obvious conclusion, so I hurried hoping to stop her disappointment. "This isn't the house I bought for you, baby."

"It's not?" she asked softly.

"No." I turned to Bish. "It's the house I bought for you."

"What's that now?" he said in utter confusion.

I started with a breath, "The groom is supposed to buy his bride a house and present it to her on their wedding day. And please don't be embarrassed or anything. I understand how hard it's been for you. And I know without a doubt that given enough time, you could have bought my sister this house yourself, but there isn't any time left. I want you to have it."

He sputtered. "But what about Maggie's house?"
I gulped a little and peeked at her. "I…have other plans for us.
Don't worry. I'll take care of her.

"But…" he tried and stopped. "No. No, I can't take this. It's too-"
"It's not too much. You gave my sister the one thing she's always wanted. And to know that she and Maria will be safe and sound with you there to protect them and make sure they're happy, and I have no doubt that you will, is worth so much more than any stupid house." I looked him straight in the ey
es. "We've had our differences, but this house is my gift to you as a thank you for taking care of Maggie all of those years, and now moving on to taking care of my sister. She's been through…so much." I felt my throat betray me with a choke. I cleared it. "Take it. Take the keys and start your life with her knowing that every bad thing, every sacrifice you both have made wasn't in vain. It wasn't for nothing." I reached into my pocket and held out the keys for him to take. "Take them."

I heard his prideful thoughts through Maggie, but they swiftly drifting away as his need to make my sister happy replaced them.
He still had to protest though.
, come on…

"You don’t need to thank me
or do anything
," I told him. "Taking care of my sister is thanks enough. You promise to take care of my sister, and I promise to take care of yours."

He looked like he wanted to tackle-hug me. Luckily he just shook my hand and nodded. "Y
Promise. Thank you, Caleb. Gah, just…thank you.
This was all that I wanted…to give Jen and Maria a home.
He scoffed at the house with a smile. "And the house beside Dad's just happened to be on the market?"

I smiled and
shrugged. "I plead the fifth."

"Thanks. If there's ever anything…"

I nodded and
looked down at my Maggie. "So…"

"So this is what you've been hiding?" I nodded. "And you really thought I'd be upset with you about this?"

"I just want you to understand that I didn't buy you a house.
I know I was supposed to, but
I have other plans for us that
I'll spring on you later. A
house isn't one of them."

She took my face in her hands as Bish went inside. "You are the sweetest man that ever walked this earth. You know that?" She was crying again, but happily this time.

I just shook my head. "The guy almost pummeled me daily trying to protect you. How could I not appreciate that?"

"I love you a million times more than I did two minutes ago. I didn't think that was possible." She sniffed and I wiped the tears under her eyes with my thumbs.

"Me either," I told her and moved one of her hands to m
y heart. "Feel that
million times a minute for you." I smiled and enjoyed the way her heart sped up in happiness. "
Your family is my family. And if there's ever anything that I can do for them for taking care of you until I found you, I'll do it."

She let her nose rub mine once. Then she leaned back and took a shuddering breath. "Give me the tour?"

"Sure." We met Bish inside as he looked around the empty rooms just waiting to be filled with their things.
Maggie ran her fingers along the window sills and followed him. She listened to him as he pictured bringing Jen there tomorrow after the wedding and what she'd think of it.

He turned to us once we reached the kitchen. "Wow, it's a gorgeous house."

"Yes," Maggie agreed. "And you have plenty of room for Maria…and maybe more one day."

He gave her an affectionate look. "Only you would make babies walk through the door before I've even had a chance to bring the bride."

"I'm just saying."

He laughed. "I know exactly what you're
saying." He shook my hand. "I
think I'll head back before Jen starts to wo
nder. Ought to be fun trying to keep this a secret all night."

"Math works wonders for me," I
told him.

He hugged Maggie into his side. "I'll try that. Thank you. I guess…I'll see you tomorrow."

She nodded and smiled cutely. "I'll be there!" she sang.

"I can't wait," he said, seemingly to himself. "Bye, guys."

"Bye," Maggie said softly. She turned to me.
Her eyes held the promise of something that would make me a
happy guy tonight. "Take me home, Mr. Jacobson," she said and bit her lip.

"Yes, ma'am," I whispered and took her hand to lead
her to the bike.


I was surprised to find Kyle and Lynne gone when we got back to the apartment. I was glad, let me tell you, but surprised. It didn't matter that tomorrow was our wedding and I had major plans to run away with her for days after. It didn't matter one bit. I still wanted her every night, every minute.

She pulled the hoodie off as soon as we got in, kicking her Converses off by the front door. I smiled at the display. "I'm taking a shower, OK?" she called.

"Need any help in there?" I
bellowed and held
in my laugh.

I heard her giggle. "Tomorrow night, I will definitely need your help."
Backfire. Daggum… I swiped my face and looked for something to do. I went into the kitchen and saw Bella's bowl on the counter. I sighed. That was something that was going to change as soon as we got back. I missed my girl. She stayed with Mom and Dad most of the time because I was in school, but no more. She and Maggie got along great and we were going to be our own little family. And Bella was going to be included in my
, too. I couldn't wait until tomorrow where I could tell Maggie everything and hope she was as excited as I was.

There was laundry folded on the counter which meant that Rose had been there. I set out to put it all away to give me something to do. The obsidian box I gave Maggie was on her side of the bed. I peeked in it quickly to see if my vows were still inside. They were, still folded as I'd put them in there. I knew she hadn't written hers yet, what with all the craziness going on, but I
wanted her to re
d mine before tomorrow. Oh, well. They were just words, right? She knew I loved her.

As soon as I was done with the clothes, Maggie and I traded places. She came out in her towel and pawed through her clothes on the chair for something to wear. I went into the shower and hung my head, letting the scalding water beat on my neck and back.

I found myself smiling. Even after everything that happened today and yesterday and the day before that, tomorrow was what mattered more than anything.

She was almost mine.


Chapter 15



I could hear his thoughts in the shower. The man was so happy about tomorrow and was even wishing the minutes away so that it would get here faster. I found myself giddy as I pulled my shirt
over my head to go with my gray
sweatpants. It was an old cheerleading shirt of mine from camp. It said, "Yeah, that's it, that's right!"

I rolled my eyes at the girl I used to be. There was nothin
g wrong with cheerleading and in
fact, I kinda missed it. It was a good workout and those girls were funny and so competitive. But it just wasn’t me, wasn't who I was.

was me. I looked around the room and rubbed the bedspread. This right here.

I glanced at the little obsidian jewelry box on the bedside table and
noticed it was turned the opposite way. I glanced at the bathroom door and realized that I'd completely forgotten
to write my vows and he'd been checking to see if I'd read his yet. I
felt awful. He'd put so much thought into it and I had just forgotten all about it.

I knelt down on the floor and placed the box on the bed like the precious thing it was. The lid lifted soundlessly and I opened the crisp paper. His handwriting was totally a guy's. I smiled at it as I began to read.


Not a day has gone by for me that I haven't been waiting for you. That I haven't dreamed of a faceless you. That I haven't imagined what you would feel like under my palms. Waiting was never the problem, it was doubting. I began to doubt that you were real, that
were actually coming to me.

But I should never have doubted you.

I'm amazed when I look at your face to see the love I feel for you smiling back at me. I would do anything you asked of me to keep that smile there. You are all there is, my world...

I'm honored just to
be in your presence, let alone
have your
heart. I adore the way you look at my world. Th
e love you have for my family. H
ow you can be so completely innocent and so achingly sexy all at the same time. How you're always selfless
and there
and full of love even after everything you've been through. Baby, I've said it a million times and I'll continue to say it 'til my last breath…

You're amazing.

Tomorrow you'll be mine in every way, every sense, every second
, but I know that no matter how tight I hold you, it'll never be close enough. No matter how long or hard or passionately I kiss your lips, it'll never be sating.

You're my soul-m
ate, my reason to keep pulling air into my lungs, my gorgeous significant that fits in my arms and my life perfectly, my whole l
ife, my love, my partner in crime, my very heart, my amazing girl.

BOOK: Independence
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