Independence (19 page)

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Authors: Shelly Crane

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Independence
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"Thanks," I said to Peter, because Bish had been through a lot, too, and the poor guy needed a few breaks.

"My pleasure and I meant every word." He pulled me to him and kissed my forehead. "Now I think your chariot awaits."

I looked confused at him until he nodded to the garage. And Caleb was sitting on the bike, my helmet under his arm. I squealed. Actually squealed and ran to him. I heard Peter laughing behind me, but I didn't care.

Caleb got off just as I reached him and slipped the helmet on my head for me. "I take it you missed Lolita."

I laughed. "Shut up and drive, Jacobson."

"Yes, ma'am," I heard his laughed words through the mic before we climbed on and eased us down the driveway. As soon as he reached the end of his road I waited, knowing what was next.

"Hang on, gorgeous."

I giggled and gripped him tight as he sped away l
aughing. We leaned forward on the bike a little as he zoomed and gripped the road tightly with each turn. It didn't matter that my heartbeat sped, it didn't matter how fast we were going.

I was with Caleb. And there was no safer place on the planet.



Chapter 12



I ran across the beach…it was so hot and humid though it was night time…she ran faster than me
, daggum Track team
…I tried to catch her…Bish and Jen were huddled, oblivious…Maggie reached then just in time…to stop the bullet…blood
everywhere…my Maggie…I tried to save her, but couldn't…she was drifting…drifting…she looked in my eyes and silently told me it was all right…it wasn't…

I felt her hand on my cheek and jolted awake in bed. I was sweating and Maggie
to help me calm my br
eaths by pressing her lips to my
neck. She didn't kiss me, just pressed them there.

My Maggie…

I jerked her as easily as I could to come into my lap. I wrapped my arms around her small frame and held every piece of her against me. I breathed in the smell of her hair to reassure myself she was there. She was and she was just as shaken as me. My brain switched gears then and I instead leaned back and cupped her cheek, letting my fingers caress her lightly. "I’m sorry," I told her, but I had no idea what I was apologizing for.

"It was a nightmare, Caleb," she lied badly.

"It wasn't, a
nd you know it, sweetheart." I sighed. "I think I must've borrowed your ability in my sleep. That was almost the same vision you had, but this one…" I choked and swallowed, "was so, so, so much worse."

I pulled her to me, letting our foreheads rest. Now it wasn't just about Bish and Jen anymore. It was about Maggie. We had to figure out a way to stop the vision.

"We will," she assured me. "I'm not going to stop until I do. After the wedding, it's my mission. Along with finding Marcus." It was her turn to sigh. "B
oth seem kinda impossible,
she mumbled in defeat.

"I won't stop either. None of us will."

"Let's just…go back to bed. We both have a long day tomorrow."

"I'm not sure I can," I said truthfully. I
just watched my significant die.

She watched me, and then said. "Let's go somewhere."

I looked at the clock. 3:34 a.m. "We've got lots to do tomorrow
, baby
," I reminded h
er. Our last day as single folk

"Tomorrow will still be there. Right now, come with me."

I nodded. Anything she wanted, it was hers.

We got dressed and she grabbed her cell and my iPod from the dresser. We took the bike again and she told me to drive to her town. So I did. When we got closer
I heard where she wanted to go and smiled a little as I took the necessary streets to get there. I parked the bike on the side of the road, took Maggie's hand as we crossed the
and we stood there under the crosswalk sign.

The place that started it all.

She pulled the hoodie of my jacket up that she was wearing and
ed me
by my arm
down to sit on the sidewalk with her, our feet and legs touching as they outstretched into the street. She took my iPod out and gave me one of the buds, put her head on her shoulder, and played
Right B
efore My
by Cage The Elephant
as she tapped her foot
. The song I was listening to when she saved my life.

We leaned our heads together and listened as he crooned his words to a nameless girl.
Right before my eyes I saw the whole world lose control.

I was so thankful that I wasn't paying attention that day.

We sat there, believe it or not, until day break.
I turned to her and let my fingers sweep across her cheek. "
It's tomorrow. Only one more day.
I can't wait to have you in my space," I told her. "To hear you in the shower, or walk in on you changing clothes." She laughed a little. "Or smell your perfume in every room. Or hear you humming while you make coffee."

"Don't worry," she said softly and kissed my palm. "I'm not going anywhere."

When the sun peeked over the houses she sat up
and smiled. "Ready to go?"
"I'll go wherever you want me to, gorgeous."

"Then let's go see Dad, get all this last-day stuff out of the way, and then let's go home. We can tuck in early. Get ready for our big day tomorrow."

"Nothing sounds better."

"You're very agreeable today, Jacobson," she joked.

"I want your last day as a single lady to be a good one."

She laughed and wrinkled her nose cutely. "You don’t have to put a ring on it," she said. "A house will do just fine."
"You got it."

"Come on. Let's go wake up Dad and Bish with some breakfast."

I quirked a brow at her
knowing exactly what she had in mind
. "Are you seriously going to make me face Big John the day before our wedding?"

I've got to keep you honest, don't I?" she said laughing and tugged me to the bike.


We pushed our way through the revolving door of the 25 Hour Skillet and the smell and music brought me back to the very first time I'd been in there. I looked around for John and his meat cleaver. They were nowhere to be seen. I sighed in relief just as I felt a strong, large, overly warm hand on my shoulder.

"Bike boy."

"Hello, sir." I swallowed and turned, looking up to his steely eyes. I could appreciate his protectiveness of my girl. I understood it more than anyone. But...dude was bigger than any man I personally knew.
BJ!" Maggie said excitedly and let the man lift her feet off the floor. I searched for weapons on the man, but found none.
"You look like you've lost weight."

"I have, but don't tell anymore," he said gruffly and cleared his throat as he set her on the floor. "
Smarty's been on me about my health."

"Well..." she said carefully.
"You have owned the place for a while and all this fried food can't be good for anybody."

"Oh, not you, too," he complained.

"I'd miss you if you weren't here anymore."

He sighed and then perked up. "Speaking of
not here anymore
," he said and shot me a little glare before turning his glare on her. "Where have you been?"

She thought, her mind running through the scenarios she could give him that he'd believe. "Just…trying to get my life together. You know, college, housing, making sure Dad's taken care of…
getting engag

He stopped all movement and I sighed knowing what was coming.
"Where's your ring if you're getting engaged?"

"Well," Maggie started, "I don't have one yet."

He turned a deep crimson before yelling over his shoulder. "Smarty! Get my mea
t dicer
Every customer is the join
turned to stare at the ones causing the commotion.

Maggie tried damage control. "Big John, it's fine. I didn't want one. Caleb's family is very…traditional. He has other things planned for me instead of a ring."

"Like what?" he boomed and got closer to look down at me. "What kind of dolt doesn't get his girl a ring?"

"The kind that buys her a house instead," I said quietly. He looked confused. "It's a family tradition. Besides, the only jewelry Maggie rea
lly wears is that bracelet you g
ave her. She's not really the
big ring
type, as I'm sure you know."

He pursed his lips. "Course I know that! It's just weird, that's all."

"And Dad
got engaged, too," Maggie intervened.

Big John stopped and looked at her, his face softening. "He did?" She nodded. Smarty came from a back table and eyed the situation carefully. When she saw his face, she put her arm around him and he pulled her into his side. "Well that's something else, Sweat Pea."
"It is," Maggie agreed. She scooted closer to me to move out of a customer's way and stayed close. She gripped my hand and I welcomed it. "Fiona is her name. She's really sweet."

"That was kind of fast
wasn’t it? For both of you."
"When you know, you know, right?"

He tried to stay mad. He scowled, but it quickly melted away with Smarty rubbing her hand over his large stomach. "Yeah," he agr
eed. "Yeah

They took our order and Big John went back to pretending I didn't exist. That was OK. I knew he thought that I had taken her away, and I pretty much had. If I were in his shoes, I probably wouldn't have liked me either.

When we left they all blubbered and kissed and fawned all over her. I couldn't help but smile at the display. She promised to come back and visit. Her dad still lived here after all.
Smarty smiled and patted my back, saying her congratulations. Mena said I better take care of Maggie and then winked at me as we left.

wasn't regretful though
as we decided to leave the bike and walk to the few blocks to her dad's house
. That gave me some comfort ab
out being the bad guy
in the scenario.

Almost as soon as we knocked, Fiona answered. She was wearing a bright purple robe and her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head. She gawked as Maggie said good morning and pushed
aside. "We brought breakfast."

"I see that." She shut the door and followed us into the kitchen. "Honey, you didn't have to. I would have made breakfast if I'd known you were coming."

"It was spur of the moment," Maggie said as she pulled out the
pan of sausage. Her moments slowed and she stopped, biting her lip.

Oh…I don't live here anymore, do I? I guess I should have called or…something.

Fiona noticed Maggie's sudden mood change and went to her side. "Listen, I'm not telling you that you can't come over whenever you want-"

"No, it's fine.
" She started to pack up the sausage again, mumbling in her mind about being stupid for thinking things could be the same.
I shouldn't have just come over like this."

"Maggie, stop." She did, but didn't look at her. I did though. I was surprised that Fiona had said that. It hadn't taken her long to get over the Visionary thing. "Honey, I'm not saying you're stepping on my toes.
Your father will always be your father, and this will
be your house. Me coming here doesn't change that. What I meant was that if I had known you were coming…I wouldn't be standing here in my purple silk robe with
nothing on underneath and
my hair a crow's nest!" She laughed and Maggie reluctantly joined in.

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