Incineration (Heart of Stone) (20 page)

BOOK: Incineration (Heart of Stone)
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I slid off the vanity and followed him, watching him as he
dressed. He was so damn hot I could feel the heat between my legs again as I
watched his body ripple with his movements; he caught me looking and winked
“Again?” he smirked and I puffed and smirked back and walked up to him, cupping
his fresh erection “Oh yes” I said as I pushed him back on to the bed and he
grinned up at me “You are insatiable Woman” he said as I climbed on the bed
“Only for you Mason” I breathed as I straddled him and his face darkened and
his eyes flamed with arousal “Damn right, only for me” he groaned as I dropped
my mouth to his groin “And this is mine” I whispered. He moaned loudly and
grabbed my hand and placed it over his heart “And so is this Ava” he whispered.


We were sat at a table in Masons’ favourite Italian
restaurant as I tucked into a wonderful shrimp and asparagus tagliatelle and
Mason had chosen a garlic and herb pasta.

“I forgot to tell you, it’s Sam and Marcy’s engagement
Saturday night, is that okay?” he asked around a forkful of my pasta, nodding
his approval to my food “Yeah, that’s okay. I was supposed to be going out with
Courtney but I’ll cancel” I told him “Ask her to come with us. Sam and Marcy
won’t mind” he said as he took another piece of shrimp and I stabbed at his
hand with my fork and glared at him “Hey, I may be eating for two here and you
could be starving your own child” I growled.

The grin that lit his face made my heart swell and I smiled
happily at him “When are you gonna do the test?” he asked cautiously “In the
morning” I shrugged, still not sure if I was brave enough to actually have
confirmation but he still smiled at my nervousness.


He snagged my plate when I placed my cutlery down having
eaten much more than I usually did “My God Mason, where do you put it?” I
laughed as he waggled his eyebrows “Well…I have certain expectations to fulfil
now and need to keep my strength up” he winked and I sat back, holding my
overfull stomach “Damn right” I mocked seriousness and he grinned but sat back
“Okay, you ready to tell me what’s going on?” he asked as he took the last
mouthful of my food. “Only if you promise not to blow off!” I told him and he
huffed but nodded “Well firstly, this morning as I got to work I noticed a
person in a black Ferrari watching me from the roadside” Mason hissed and I
held a finger up “You promised” I warned and he sighed “Sorry” he said “And?”
he urged “Well when I left work a bloke came up to me in the car park” I saw
Masons expression shut down as he ground his teeth but I persevered “He was
just asking for directions but he seemed a bit dodgy. He asked where the late
lounge was and it’s directly across from the building and surely he couldn’t
have missed it” I shrugged and Mason pursed his lips “Anyway Olivia and Nate
Carter walked over and the bloke got really weird and defensive but backed off”
Mason finally nodded and took a large gulp of his wine “I phoned Sam to ask him
if he could find anything out from NSC surveillance cameras, that’s all. If he
found anything about him I would have told you straight away” I defended and he
sighed heavily but still had a fiery expression “Okay, firstly we’ll see if Sam
can get a visual on the guy and see if he recognises him, secondly I am now
gonna run you to work and back and thirdly, you do not leave my side…at all!”
he commanded and I sighed but nodded in resignation “Okay” I agreed but fiddled
with my fork on the table.

His hand reached over and covered mine “Ava please don’t
fight me with this. From the state he left your bedroom, he could be dangerous”
he pleaded “I know. It’s just that the bastard can control my life, I like my
independence Mason, you know that and now…now I won’t have any” I grumbled and
he squeezed my hand “It’s only till we get the fucker” he directed and I smiled
“I know” I yawned “Tired?” he asked softly and I nodded “I shouldn’t though, I
napped in the bath” he nodded but gave me a rueful smile “It’s probably because
you’re pregnant Baby” he said bluntly and I scowled “We don’t know that yet” I
said but he shrugged and called for the bill “Let’s get you home to bed” he
grinned and his eyes smouldered “Oh my God! Again?” I snorted and he bent and
placed his lips to my ear “Yes again, and by the time I have finished with you,
you’ll be begging me to make you come” he growled huskily and I squirmed in my
seat as my knickers pooled with arousal “Okay” I said quickly and stood
sharply, grabbing my bag “Let’s go” I ushered him across to the
maître d to pay.



“Oh my God” I
whispered as we both sat on the edge of the bath and stared at the thin blue
line “Wow” Mason breathed “we’re having a baby” he gulped but then the biggest,
hugest, happiest grin broke out on his face “Oh my god Ava. I’m gonna be a
Daddy” he laughed, picked me up and swung me round “We’re having a little baby
Ava” he cried and I swallowed and whimpered.

He placed me down
and frowned “You okay Baby?” he asked and I stared at him, completely stunned.
He cocked his head “Ava?” he asked cautiously and I slapped my hand over my
mouth and raced across the room and heaved into the toilet

“Oh Baby, not
again” he sighed and pulled my hair back “I don’t like this part of pregnancy,
I don’t like seeing you ill” he grumbled as he wiped my face with a cloth and
pulled my hair into a tie to hold it off my face so he could stroke my back “I
don’t like this either” I moaned as I continued to vomit “I’ll ring my mother
and ask for her advice” he said “NO!” I cried and threw up again. He eyed me
warily and I gave him a weak smile in return “Why?” He frowned “Because…” I
said and vomited again “Because I don’t want anybody to know yet. It’s too
early to tell people” I groaned and wiped my mouth as Mason ran the tap and got
me a glass of water from the sink “Okay, I’ll go to the chemist after I’ve
dropped you at work and see what they recommend” he said as he lifted me up and
sat me in the chair, filling my toothbrush with paste and started brushing my
teeth for me “Mason, I’m quite capable of brushing my teeth” I laughed around a
mouthful of foam. He shrugged “I want to help” he said sadly and I cupped his
face “You do” I whispered and he smiled but carried on “Spit!” he said when
he’d finished, I complied and he passed me a fresh cup of water to rinse.

 Pulling me out
of the chair he walked me into the bedroom and sat me on the bed then rummaged
through the wardrobe, fishing out my black pencil skirt and pinstriped shirt.

I cocked my head
at him “You like those?” I asked softly and he nodded “These are what you were
wearing the first time I saw you and I remember thinking how utterly beautiful
you were” he said and I grinned at him “Really?” I asked and he nodded “Yeah,
you made me hard the first time I looked at you and I knew there and then that
I had to have you” he stroked his knuckles across my cheek “And I am still
mesmerized by your beauty Ava. You are stunning and so beautiful inside and out”
he said softly and a tear slipped out and dripped down my cheek “Hey” he
whispered, crouched in front of me and wiped away the tear “Don’t cry Baby” I
smiled through my tears “I’m scared Mason” he huddled me up and embraced me
tightly “Me too Baby” he whispered in my ear “But you will be a wonderful
mother” he
expressed and I squeezed him tighter “We’ll both be wonderful
parents” I replied and he grinned “We will” he smiled happily.


Mason lifted the t-shirt I wore for bed over my head and
proceeded to dress me. The care and tenderness in which he did it took my
breath away and I studied his face as he concentrated on buttoning up my shirt;
the deep frown lines on his forehead as he concentrated on each button, his
strong nose and the contours of his chiselled cheek bones and his sexy square
chin, complete with a short growth. He was powerful and beautiful and he took
my breath away.

I stroked his jaw with my thumb “I love you Mason” I said as
a tear slipped from my eye “Hey Baby, shush” he whispered and huddled me up,
kissing my forehead softly “I love you so much Ava and I promise to look after
you” and I knew that he would keep his promise to me.  


Mason dropped me outside the main doors of NSC and told me
he would pick me up at 6 O’clock and as I entered the building Olivia walked in
with me “Good morning Ava, you okay? You still look a bit peaky” I nodded at
her but took a quick glance at her pregnant stomach and gulped as my legs felt
wobbly and I developed a rushing in my ears “Ava are you okay?” Olivia asked
and lowered me down onto the steps of the building and I placed my head in my
hands as nausea raged again “Oh God” I heaved and raced into the building and
rushed into the main foyer toilets, relieved when I made it before I spewed

I vomited for ages and when I had eventually finished I
opened the cubicle door and Olivia was stood, leaning against a sink “Ava, are
you okay?” she asked full of concern. I nodded and splashed my face with water
and groaned “Ava…” Olivia started and I nodded “Yes I am” I told her before she
could ask. “How far gone?”

She sat on a chair while I leaned on the sink and took some
deep breaths “Only about 4 or 5 weeks I think, I only found out this morning”
she nodded and smiled “That’s great news” she said happily and I nodded slowly.
“Isn’t it?” she grimaced and I sighed “I’m not sure yet” I laughed and she
nodded in understanding “The sickness will subside, mine lasted for about 8
weeks but then I was fine” I looked at her “It’s not the sickness I’m worried
about” I shrugged “I’ve only been with Mason for about 6 weeks, I think I got
caught the first time we had sex…oh no, we used a condom the first time so it
must be the second” I scoffed “It wasn’t a planned pregnancy then?” she asked
softly and I shook my head “No, I was stupid really. We just seem to get caught
up in the moment and forget about using protection” I said honestly and she
nodded and her eyes glazed over “Isn’t sex great when it’s like that though,
the passion and lack of control between the two of you is when you know you are
a perfect match” she smiled knowingly at me and I agreed with her, realising
she was right and me and Mason were made for each other “Oh yeah, the sex is
great, it’s just that I’m not sure if I’m happy getting caught straight away.
Me and Mason are still getting to know one another” I sighed and she stood and took
my hand “You still have 8 months before you have to share him” she encouraged
and I smiled at her insight “Yes I suppose. Mason’s over the moon but I’m still
a little stunned but…but I feel so happy at the same time. I can’t quite
believe I’m going to be a mummy” I smiled “but I’m already sick of this damn
sickness” I confessed, feeling the nausea rising again.

I took a deep breath and blew it out, trying to calm my
raging stomach “I’ll leave you to it” Olivia said gently “Come up when you’re
ready, no rush” she smiled and left the restroom.

I stood still for a while, willing away the sickness and
eventually escaped the bathroom and rode the elevator to my floor.


Tony spent the morning annoying me and being his usual
smarmy self when I got a call from Samantha downstairs “Miss Stone, there is a
Mr Fox in reception for you, is it okay to send him up” I frowned “Erm yeah” I
said, wondering what he was doing here as Tony placed a mug of coffee on my
Shit Tony!!!
“Erm Samantha, I’ll come down” I said quickly but I was
greeted with silence “Samantha?”

I nibbled on my finger as I waited for Mason to arrive and
ten minutes later he walked through the corridor entrance and his face lit up
when he saw me.

Striding across the room he leant down, kissing me urgently as
he reached me “God I miss you” he breathed. “What are you doing here Mason?” I
asked a little too sharply and he frowned and held up a paper bag “I went to
the chemist and got you some anti-sickness pills so I thought I’d bring them in
in case you’re still feeling rough” he explained guiltily and I bit my lip,
tears pricking my eyes “That is so sweet” I told him leaning up for another
kiss “Hey, no crying” he said gently and swiped the drop off my chin “I can’t
help it, I think it’s my damn hormones” I wept and he pulled me into his arms
as I cried.  

I felt him stiffen and I cringed “Well hello there” I heard
Tony say in his smarmy voice “Is everything okay Ava?” he asked with way too
much sympathy and I cowered in Masons arms, prepared for the inquisition.
“She’s good” Mason snapped and I pulled back and looked up at him “I didn’t
know you worked here Tony?” he practically growled and pulled me back into his
arms in a possessive manner and I gulped again “Oh did Ava not tell you? Strange
that she didn’t” he sneered and I growled.

Mason stiffened and I saw his fists clench “She must have
forgot all about you Tony” Mason bit back but had a sharp edge to his voice and
I saw Tony flinch but he just had to push it “Well she hasn’t mentioned

he smirked and Mason shot up and I clambered to my feet, holding his arm “Yes I
did Tony, I told you yesterday I wasn’t interested because I have a boyfriend”
I defended but Mason took a step towards him and Tony made a swift exit towards
the main reception.


“Mason Fox!!” I heard someone declare from behind me and we
both swept around. Nate Carter was walking towards us with a slight smile on
his face and a twinkle in his eye “I see you have met our resident sleaze bag”
he whispered in Masons ear as he took his hand and they shook firmly “Nate”
Mason smiled genuinely and slapped his back in a man hug “Good to see you Mate”
Nate declared. “How’s things?” Mason asked and Nate nodded “Good, thanks”.

Mason tipped his head “And Liv?” he asked but his voice had
a sad tinge to it and I wondered why but Nate grinned “She’s good, due in a few

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