Incineration (Heart of Stone) (16 page)

BOOK: Incineration (Heart of Stone)
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The sensation of been watched filled me again and I took
another glance round the room but couldn’t make out anybody staring so I
quickly shook myself off again before Mason noticed.

We found the rest of his friends and sat at their table; Sam
was seated with a lovely dark haired woman, who I found out was Marcy, his long
term girlfriend and she seemed shy but was pleasant to chat to. Greg was there
but on his own and the weird guy, Mark with the scars was sat with a blonde
tart on his knee, who’s lips were glued to his neck and me and Marcy rolled our
eyes and giggled as we heard her slurps and wet kisses on his ear “Jesus, any
wetter and we’re all gonna have to swim out of here tonight” she laughed and
our friendship was secured, she had a wicked sense of humour and had me in
hysterics for most of the night.

Mason was constantly touching me all night; his fingers were
either sliding up the edge of my thigh under the table or tracing the outline
of my breasts at the edge of my dress.  He was holding my hand and every so
often he would pull me over for a kiss and to whisper dirty things in my ear;
laughing as I squirmed in my chair.

“Why don’t you just straddle him and put him out of his
misery” Greg said to me and laughed when Mason grinned and said “Good idea”
pulling me across and onto his lap.


He was nibbling my ear and telling me what he wanted to do
to me when Rebecca placed both her hands on the back of my empty chair and
glared at us “Oh for God’s sake Mason, put her down” she sneered, her jealousy
evident on her face “You’re only jealous Rebecca” Sam mocked.

She snapped her head up and curled her lip slyly “Oh I’m not
worried Sam, he’ll be back in my bed soon enough” she smirked and then turned
to me “You see Ava, me and Mason have
coke-fuelled sex and somehow
I can’t imagine you being into that” she taunted.

Mason went to shift but I put my hand on his arm and cocked
my head at Rebecca and laughed “Have you never thought why Mason needs to be
pumped up on coke to fuck you Rebecca?” I mocked and everybody at the table
erupted in laughter as she paled slightly. “You see Rebecca” I drawled in the
same tone she’d used on me “Me and Mason have fucking
mind-blowing sex without the need for coke” I shrugged and Mason jigged me
about on his knee “I can vouch for that. She’s so fucking hot in bed I can’t
get enough of her” he growled and slammed his lips on mine, kissing me
passionately “You’re just a fucking whore” she jeered and my rage snapped. I
shot off Masons knee, grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against the wall
“I am gonna warn you once Rebecca” I snarled “Don’t fucking cross me or I will completely
fucking obliterate you” I growled and dropped my hands “Now fuck off and don’t
come near me or Mason again”

I turned back to Mason and I just glimpsed her hand shoot
out behind me, I whirled round, caught her wrist and smashed my fist in her
face. She shot backwards and bumped into the wall, holding her hand against her
cheek, tears stinging her eyes.

Mason stood, walked around me and held his hand out to her,
she grabbed his hand and as he pulled her up she gave me a wry smirk in
victory. He leaned in close to her ear and whispered something; her face paled
and she huffed, pushed him away and stormed off.

He turned back to me, grabbed my hand and sat back down, pulling
me back onto his lap before twisting me round and gripped my backside,
squeezing harshly “That was so fucking hot” he declared and the rest of the
table broke down in hysterics. “Bloody hell Ava. Next time I go out partying
I’m taking you with me as my bitch” Marcy laughed and I shrugged “I don’t like
her” I stated and everybody laughed again “Never!” Sam howled and Marks
girlfriend just sat staring at me, with what looked like fear on her face.

I turned to Mason “What did you say to her?” I asked. “I
just said ‘Ava’s right Rebecca. I need the coke to blot out your fucking face’ ”
he shrugged but grinned when everybody laughed “Ouch!” Greg chuckled.


Marcy stood and pulled on my hand “Let’s dance Ava” she
declared and dragged me onto the dance floor. I relaxed myself and my body
started thrumming to the rhythm of the music as me and Marcy flung our heads
back and danced without a care.

A tall blonde guy started jigging towards us and Marcy
rolled her eyes as he moved in front of her, facing me and swinging his hips. I
stifled a giggle at his highly embarrassing moves and slid to the side to dance
with Marcy again but he persevered and swept in front of me again. I glared at
him and shook my head but he started moving towards me, his hips still gyrating
to the music. I shook my head more firmly but he got close and placed his hands
on my hips. I stopped abruptly, removed his hands and mouthed ‘fuck off
dickhead’ over the music. He flung his head back and laughed then pressed
himself against me and put his hands on my backside.

I shot backwards and all of sudden he spun round and Mason
punched him hard “DON’T FUCKING TOUCH HER!!!” he roared and smacked him again.
I shot forwards and pulled Masons arm back, but he growled and shook me off.
His pupils had dilated, his face was contorted in rage and he had a dark menace
in his eyes.

I was starting to panic when Mason thumped him again, the
power in his arms annihilating the mans’ nose “MASON!!” I shouted and Greg and
Sam charged towards us and they each grabbed Masons’ arms and held him back. He
was glaring at the man with such malevolence that even I feared him at that
moment; the evilness in his face gave him a chilling appearance and Blondie
scrambled backwards at the sight of him, his face pale against the blood that
was pouring down his face. He held his hands up in terrified surrender as Brian
and another bloke rushed over, helped him up and swiftly took him away from

I stood frozen at Masons’ level of fury, I had seen plenty
of fights, even been in them, but the strength and force he displayed was staggering.
Mason finally shook his head, clearing the haze in his eyes and turned to me,
cocking his head at my expression. “What the Hell Mason?” I stuttered and he
shrugged nonchalantly “He touched you” he stated bluntly as though this excused
his behaviour. I scoffed “I was handling it” I shook my head, at his calmness.

He stalked towards me and grabbed my wrists, holding them
behind my back and pulling my body close to his “Nobody else touches you but
me” he growled. I stood motionless, speechless at his dominance as he glared at
me, then his eyes dropped to my mouth before his lips crushed mine in a
forceful kiss, a kiss to mark me and claim me. His tongue demanded entry and he
groaned when I submitted and kissed him back with fierceness, the adrenaline
now turning into a desperate need, a highly charged arousal heated my blood and
I pulled him closer, grabbing his arse and moaning into his mouth.

He pulled away, grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the
table, snatching up my bag and pulling his phone from his pocket “We’re going”
he barked and tugged me through the club to the waiting limo, without saying
goodbye to anybody.


As soon as we we’re seated in the car his mouth crashed down
on mine, devouring me and bruising my lips as he kissed me brutally. His
fingers swept up my dress and as he felt the wetness in my crotch he growled
loudly “I am gonna fuck you so hard, you’ll forget your name and be screaming
mine” he snarled and his fingers plunged into me, his thumb flicking my clit as
my head shot back and I cried out, his intense lust for me had me panting in
need and my inhibitions flew out the window.

He crushed his mouth over mine, swallowing my screams as his
fingers pummelled me roughly “Come on Ava, I want your come dripping down my
fingers” he whispered harshly “I want your orgasm to rip you in half” his
fingers were now pounding me and I bucked wildly as my climax tore through me
“Yes Baby, give it me, it’s mine!” Mason rasped and bit my neck as I panted
harshly “
I hissed, my body still trembling from my powerful

Mason removed his fingers and placed them in his mouth,
licking my cum off them “You taste so fucking good Ava”.

The car stopped and he didn’t wait for the driver to open
the door as he shot out and pulled me with him, fumbling desperately with the
key trying to unlock the door.

When he finally managed to open it, he pulled me inside,
kicked the door shut, and grabbing my wrists he spun me round, held my hands
above my head and pulled my dress up, shoving me against the wall. He impaled
me in one angry thrust and I screamed; the intense way he was taking me had me
panting for more. “Yes Mason, YES!” I shouted, as he pounded into me, still
gripping my wrists tightly.

My face was slamming against the wall with every powerful
thrust “You feel me Ava?” he demanded, his voice loud in the quietness of the
room “Yeah?” I wasn’t sure if he was asking a question or just making a
statement “Yes! I can feel every fucking hard inch of you” I growled back to
him as his pounding got faster and harder and my body was on fire “You’re mine
Ava, all fucking mine!”

He gave one hard thrust “OH FUCK AVA!” he roared as he
exploded inside me, triggering my own orgasm as we slammed into each other, his
knees buckling underneath him as he let go of my wrists and embraced my
stomach, holding me tightly against him.

He rested his head against my shoulder, breathing harshly as
we both came down from the incredible high until he withdrew, turned me around
and lifted me up, carrying me over to the sofa where he sat and curled me into
his lap.

“Did I hurt you Baby?” he sounded worried and I swiftly
shook my head “No, I’m good” I rasped. “You’re fucking amazing” he whispered in
my ear and gently stroked my back until we both drifted into an exhausted



I woke the next morning in Masons’ bed, aching everywhere.
My head and knuckles hurt, my cheek was swollen and painful and my legs felt
heavy and sore. I climbed out of bed and slipping on Masons’ blue T-shirt went
in search of him.


As I approached the kitchen I heard him on the phone “Well
fucking deal with it, I don’t care” he snapped, then sighed angrily “We’ll pay
him off, I’m sure the fucking scrote won’t take much” he huffed again “You know
how to deal with him if he doesn’t accept it” he turned towards me as he heard
me enter. His face clouded over and he bit his lip “I’m done” he snapped to the
phone and abruptly ended the call.

His fists clenched as he continued to scrutinise me. I
stilled and frowned at his expression “Mason?” I asked hesitantly. He sighed
heavily and stalked towards me and placing a finger under my chin he tilted my
head back and his eyes darkened “I hurt you” he uttered and I frowned deeper
“No you didn’t” I told him, confused. His finger trailed along my cheek and I
recoiled and hissed as pain shot through me. He scowled and bit his bottom lip
“I did that to you”

I pulled away and went to look in the hall mirror and gasped
when I saw the huge purple bruise on my cheek. He came up behind me and placed
his arms around my shoulders and hugged me “I’m sorry Ava” he whispered, the
desperation in his voice making me turn round and cup his face “Mason, if you
had hurt me I would have stopped you. I could have moved my face off the wall
but to be quite honest in the heat of the moment, I didn’t feel a thing.” He
cocked an eyebrow in amusement “Well I couldn’t feel the pain” I grinned and he
brushed his lips against mine “I’m sorry Baby” he breathed against my mouth “I
know but honestly I’m fine. We can’t have rough sex without a few bruises” I
winked and walked to the kitchen to pour a coffee.


I sat on a stool and pursed my lips at a sudden thought
“Mason. Where was Dane last night?” I asked and noticed his jaw tighten and his
fists clench but he just shrugged. “Mason?” I tried again but he turned away
“We had a row” he said and I narrowed my eyes “What about?” I had a feeling I
already knew but he shrugged again “It doesn’t matter” he asserted and I glared
at him “Mason, turn around” I commanded and he slowly spun round to look at me.

I narrowed my eyes again “Please tell me I have not come
between you and your best friend?” I asked and he laughed bitterly “Some
fucking friend! Your friends don’t hit on the woman you love” he snarled and I
sighed heavily and rubbed at my temples “Oh Mason. When will you understand
that I can handle myself” I fumed and he glowered at me “Don’t Ava” he warned.

I slammed my cup down “I handled it Mason. It was mine and
Dane’s argument not yours” I snapped. He snorted “Well its mine and Danes
argument now” he snapped back and I froze “What did you do to him Mason?” I
probed cautiously, now highly aware of Masons temper after last night. He
shrugged “Well put it this way, he won’t be coming on to you again” he smirked
and I stared at him “Jesus Christ Mason!” I fumed, shooting off the stool and
toppling it over. He narrowed his eyes on me “Why are you defending him Ava?”
he tilted his head questioningly and my jaw dropped open when I realised what
he was insinuating “What?” I scoffed.

He slammed his cup down on the island and it shattered with
roared and I reared back at the viciousness in his tone. He seemed to freeze
and he closed his eyes “Shit Ava, I’m sorry” he pleaded but I shook my head,
turned round and bounded up the stairs two at a time.

He followed me and stood in the doorway as I pulled on my
dress and scurried round for my shoes “Ava, Baby please” he begged but I held
my hands up “Don’t Mason, just Don’t” I breathed “Where are my shoes?” I asked
him sharply and he scurried over to me, gripping my arms “Ava, I’m sorry. I
shouldn’t have shouted at you like that. I’m sorry” I shrugged from his grasp
“I asked where my shoes are?” I said slowly and he bit his lip, now highly
agitated again and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest as
he silently watched me. I stood and glared at him “Oh stop being so bloody
childish” I snapped and stormed out, grabbing my bag from the sofa and pulling
my phone out, I rang for a taxi.

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