In Too Deep (17 page)

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Authors: Brandy L Rivers

BOOK: In Too Deep
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He wrecked her. Fallon caught his face in her hands and kissed him hard, until she remembered why she was fighting this in the first place. She pulled away.
“What happens when this falls apart?”

I won’t let it.” His mouth trailed down her throat and her head fell back.

She believed him.
“We’ll try this.” Her eyes closed and she whispered, “On one condition.”

Name it.” He pulled her shirt over her head and threw it before popping the clasp and shoving her bra down.

We can’t tell everyone. Just your friends.”

He had her pants open and around her thighs when he pushed her onto the bed
. When she looked up at him, he got rid of the rest of her clothes.

Done. Just tell me why.” Brody opened the top button of his jeans and pulled. Every
of the buttons ramped up her need.

I don’t want Malachi focusing on you. He’ll use you against me, and you don’t know what he would do to you.”

He kicked his pants away and pushed her legs open as he climbed between.
“Okay. That it?” His voice was low and husky. No way in hell would any other man ever get away with this, but she wanted all of what he had in a bad way.

Yeah,” she said breathlessly. “Now come here.”

He reached down to pump his length a few times before fitting himself against her gate.
Oh, that was so hot.
She wrapped her legs around his waist, hooked her ankles and pulled him into her. “Now, I need you now.” She gasped as he hit home.

Mmm, ditto,” he rasped as he pulled out slowly, only to thrust in hard. “I can’t hold back,” he said through clenched teeth.

Don’t. I need hard.” She ended on a cry as he pounded into her. He kept going, over and over, until she was clutching his wrists and screaming his name. It was raw, and heated, and so damn good she came apart at the seams.

When he found his release, he
whispered her name like a prayer. Her tears burst free as all her barriers come crashing down. Everything was laid bare as he burrowed deep inside her heart.

Brody rolled to his side, pulling her with him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. He whispered in her ear.
“I’ve got you. I’m yours. I’m never letting you go.”

Just don’t change for me, Brody.”

I won’t, and don’t you dare, either.”

Promise,” she whispered against his neck.

Chapter 10



Brody woke warm and sated for the first time in so long. Fallon was curled against him, her arm around his waist, her soft breasts pressed into his side, and her cheek over his heart. He was covered in her silken hair.

When he looked down, he saw something moving down her back. He gently moved her hair to the side, and his breath caught. Her tattoos had come alive. The waterfall flowed down her spine, the animals prowled, birds flew across her shoulders, and a breeze blew through the trees.

Her hand slid up his chest and he glanced over. Just above her elbow, big green eyes of a calico cat stared at him. She was half-hidden by foliage. He rubbed between her ears and felt nothing but skin, but he could swear the cat moved, pushing her head against his touch.

His cell rang, and Brody cursed under his breath. He untangled Fallon and scooped up his jeans as he stepped out of the room, and quietly shut the door.

“What?” he whispered harshly.

Ooh, everything okay?” Danika asked with real concern.

Yeah.” He walked to the window. “Everything is fine.”

Mind if Adam and I come over? Maybe for breakfast?”

Is my dickhead brother going to drill me on what happened last night? ‘Cause he nearly fucked everything up.” Hell, Brody almost screwed up by pushing too hard, but he needed to get through to her. He never meant to make her cry and he felt like a dick for that, but she didn’t kick him out, and she woke him up halfway through the night to make love to him again.

… dude, what the hell is going on with you?” Adam demanded.

Sorry.” Brody sighed. “Little distracted here. Breakfast? Say in an hour.”

Did Fallon hurt you? I will so fire her ass if she hurt you.” his brother snarled.

No,” Brody just about shouted. “I hurt her when I answered the damn phone after making love to her.” He ran a hand through his hair. “We’re together now, but you can’t tell anyone just yet. Swear to me you’ll keep this quiet.”

Hey bro, I’m happy for you, but why the hell wouldn’t you take it public? Maybe Dacia would leave you the fuck alone.”

Brody snorted.
“Doubtful. Look, there are some good reasons not to spread it around. So you can keep your trap shut or I can kick your ass. You already caused enough shit last night.”

Okay, man. Okay. I’m sorry.”

Brody smiled a little.
“We worked things out, so you’re off the hook, unless you start shit. When should I expect you?”

By nine. We’ll see you soon.”


* * * *


“Fallon, baby, wake up.” Brody’s voice pulled her from sleep, his gentle fingers tracing the curve of her cheek.

She opened her eyes to find Brody sitting beside her.
“Morning,” she murmured, and sat up to lay her head on his shoulder. His big arms wrapped around her.

I would have made you coffee but you don’t have anything up here. I should have thought of that.”

She smiled to herself.
“Not like I’ve been up here all that much. No big deal.” She sighed. “Maybe tonight you can take me by the store.”

Sure.” He leaned back and tipped her head up. “I’ve got to go make breakfast. Danika and Adam are coming over. So, how about you get ready and meet me down there?”

I’ll be right down.”

Okay.” Brody stood and backed out of the room. “I’ll have coffee ready by then, sugar.”

Wait, tell me something. Do you really call Jess sugar?” If he did, she never wanted to hear the word again.

He laughed softly as he came back to her to wrap her in his embrace.
“No, never. Never called anyone sugar, but I had to come up with some excuse because I can’t seem to help myself with you.”

“Good, I like the way you say it.”  She took his mouth again

broke the kiss and caressed her face. “Hurry up and come down.” He let her go and walked to the door, but he smiled over his shoulder before leaving.

She missed him the second the door closed.
With a sigh, she looked down and saw her phone, the back, and battery all lying on the floor. She’d be lucky if it wasn’t broken.

The night came back to her, the roller coaster of emotion. In a few hours she went from warmth, to terror, to lust, to despair, to truth, and then falling blindly into whatever she shared with Brody. Her emotions were too big, too deep, and she knew she could easily drown in them.

She picked up the pieces, put her phone together and powered it on.

The phone rang as she walked to the bathroom.
“Hi Jess.”

You okay?” she asked tentatively.

Yeah, little overwhelmed, but I’m good.”

Afraid you’re in over your head?”

Oh, I’m definitely in over my head.” She turned the water on. “I’m not running though.”

Good. Brody’s good for you, and I think you know it.”

He is.” She still wasn’t sure she was good for him, but she was willing to try. She just wasn’t ready to talk about him yet. “So, what’s up? Please tell me you’re calling about something other than my mess of emotions.”

Jess giggled.
“Well I do want details, but I called to tell you Jamie is coming up early. She’ll be here tomorrow, and I want to make sure you’re still planning to make your chili.”

What?” Fallon just about shouted. “Does she know about the Dales and all the bullshit up here?”

Yes. And she’s still moving up. Everything is in place, so really, there isn’t much to do but accept it.”

What the fuck, Jess. I know she was never in their hands but you were. Why the hell didn’t you talk her out of moving?”

You know as well as I do she wouldn’t listen. Look, she wants to be up here with us. So please, make your chili and come hang out with us tomorrow night. We’re going to help her unpack.”

Fine.” Fallon sighed. “I just hope things don’t go as wrong with the Dales as they did last time.”

I honestly don’t think it will. I haven’t seen anything to make me think the situation will spiral out of control like before.”

Except she hadn’t seen shit about the Dales last time either, but Fallon wasn’t going to point that out.
“All right. Chili tomorrow then. I need to shower and get back to Brody. He’s fixing us breakfast.”

You sure did find yourself the perfect man. I can’t wait until Jamie gets here so you can fill us in on all the hot, steamy details.”

Please. Like you don’t have your own hot and steamy? I’m sure you won’t shut up and I’ll be spared sharing.”


* * * *


Forty of Edenton’s strongest Others and the town’s few healers were gathered in the middle of the old mill. There was a raised section along the outside of the main room with a railing like an observation deck. The pack had trained here for years.

Everyone was lined up in a ring
while Fallon stood in the middle teaching self-defense against Shadowstalkers and dark mages.

Dacia still couldn’t believe Slater
had invited her to this training session, especially with Fallon running the show. How in the abyss did a druid know a damned thing about Shadowstalkers and dark mages in the first place? And why the hell wasn’t Hayden watching Fallon like a hawk? Instead the good sheriff was watching Dacia like she was some kind of terrorist.

Fallon seemed to know what she was talking about.
She was a superb instructor, and somehow managed to teach Dakota how to throw the biggest werewolf in the pack. The shaman was hopeless when it came to fighting. He was a pacifist through and through.

She repeatedly asked Dacia to join in
, but she was unwilling to show off all her tricks. It was tempting to go after Fallon and put her in her place.

One thing held Dacia back. Brody
. Attacking Fallon would kill any remote chance she currently had.

Brody stepped into the ring
to spar with Fallon. They circled each other. All that big, hot, hard male stalking her and Fallon just smirked. Then Brody dove at her, aiming for her hips.

Fallon just wasn’t there. She twirled ou
t of the way in a graceful move and then came up behind him. He spun, and lunged. This time Fallon went down, and Dacia whooped.

Brody crawled up her body, in a way that looked distinctly sexual with the way he took her hands in his and drew them up over her head as he covered her with his body. Dacia wanted to strangle the cunt.

Fallon got her leg free and placed her foot at his hip, probably on that damned tattoo, and shoved him off of her.

Dacia blinked and found Fallon several
yards away. Brody rolled to his feet, biting his lip with a look of concentration on his face.

’s deep voice startled her. “Why did you agree to come if you’re just going to watch?”

Her eyes swung his way, ire bubbling through her veins. She had to force herself to let go of the railing.
“Why did you have to tell everyone about my father?”

The Dales are trying to use us.” He narrowed his eyes on hers. “I think it’s best to get everyone with any power on the same page. The more your peers know about your abilities, the easier it is for everyone to work together.”

So you’re saying I have some power?” She snorted. He never thought much of her before.

His dark eyes were accusatory at best.
“Yes, and you are part of this community.” His hands clenched into fists before relaxing. Asshole didn’t trust her.

Maybe he just needed to get a fae under him and he’d loosen up for once in his life. She took
another glance at him. It was too bad she had her sights set on Brody.

Dacia raised a single brow.
“And yet, you’re watching me like I’m some kind of criminal.”

I have to wonder what you’re planning after you tried to start a fight with Fallon at the bar.” His gaze swung back to the match.

Brody charged Fallon, his eyes locked on her in determination. She sidestepped him in a blur and had his arm pinned so far up his back that he slammed down to his knees. A breathy grunt exploded from him. It all happened between one blink and the next.

Hayden looked back at Dacia. She looked up to find a snarky smirk. “Brody is big, strong and fast. Fallon just put him on his knees.” The amusement on his face pissed her off. “And he doesn’t seem to mind.”

When she looked back, Brody grinned as Fallon took his hand and pulled him to his feet. Then she gave him praise, just seconds after she
’d humiliated him.

Dacia was going to show the bitch
she was better.


* * * *


“Damn girl.” Slater chuckled. “I’m impressed. You can put my best man on his knees like that.” He was much too amused, and some of the other wolves laughed in response.

Fallon still felt guilty that she might have made Brody look weak in front of his pack. Most of them were giving him high fives so he must not look too bad. They found out she was faster than the wolves pretty fast. Dacia might be even faster. Air fae typically were, but
only being half, and the fact that she wouldn’t participate, Fallon had no way of knowing for sure.

Why don’t you show us what you’ve got?” Fallon taunted Slater.

Yeah, but Jess already told me you could take me, and she’s never wrong.” He turned to Brody. “How about you and me?”

Brody nodded, not one to back down from a challenge. That was so incredibly hot. He might not be the biggest man in the room, but
he was solid muscle and brawn. He was surprisingly limber for being so solid, and easily as graceful as any werecat she knew.

I want to see what you can do,” Hayden said softly as he came to stand next to Fallon. Last she looked he was talking with Dacia and didn’t look happy. Whatever his motivation, she was curious to see what he could do in a sparring match.

Fallon dragged her eyes off of Brody to look up at Hayden.
“Sure, just remember I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. Don’t get pissed off if I manage to surprise you.”

There was a hint of smile on Hayden’s
face. “I may be a hardass, but I’m willing to bet you can counter anything I throw at you.”

That was questionable.
Hayden was gigantic and he was the second largest man in the place. There was another wolf, an enforcer in fact, who was taller and broader, but Simons was practically a giant at nearly seven feet tall. The sheriff was built like a lot of earth fae. He was tall, broad with huge muscles.

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