In the Custody of the Dom (Hideaway Book 1)

BOOK: In the Custody of the Dom (Hideaway Book 1)
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In the Custody of the Dom


(Hideaway, 1)










Elyse Scott








































Copyright © 2013 by Elyse Scott. All rights reserved.





Before we begin....




This is an erotic story intended for readers of 18 years and over. It contains heavy kink including very graphic medical play (including enemas and catheters), and BDSM, and may be offensive to some readers. This is a work of fiction only, and in no way do I recommend you try any of this at home! Please practice safe, sane, and consensual sex, and do your research first.


No part of this story may be reproduced or retrieved by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.


All characters and events in this story are fictional, and any similarity to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental.


Now that all that’s of the way, I’d like to thank you for purchasing this story. I hope you enjoy it! Comments and constructive feedback are welcomed at [email protected].


And now, a stressed-out investigative journalist leaves Iraq and arrives at The Hideaway in desperate need of some TLC from a compassionate dom...













Sam Reilly lay in the dark, her mind racing out of control. Although her suite was large, tastefully decorated, and luxuriously appointed with every comfort, there was no way she was going to relax.


Exhausted physically and mentally from several months’ reporting under fire from Iraq, she was nursing a splitting headache and beginning to regret her impetuous decision on landing at San Diego, to phone ahead and book a therapeutic scene with a dom. He’d listened with an attention she was unused to receiving, sounded every inch the professional, questioned her in excruciating detail, and didn’t appear fazed in the least by her requests. She’d felt very brave making the call, but of course he was over a hundred miles away at the time.


When she’d been escorted to her suite, she’d found it rivalled any of the most exclusive hotels she’d stayed in, but with the thrilling and terrifying addition of a very well-appointed, rubber-covered examination table in the middle of the room. This was something she’d dreamed of doing for years, and never had the courage. Jet lag, loneliness, and the sustained stress and horrors of reporting from a war zone had finally cracked that barrier, and here she was.


A light blue paper gown was neatly folded on the comfortable, king-sized bed, along with instructions to remove all clothing including underpants and bra, and put it on with the ties at the front. With increasing trepidation, she’d showered, slipped into the gown, and got into bed to wait. The light hurt her head, and she turned it off. Some time passed, and she began to doze, thinking perhaps they’d forgotten her request, and deciding not to remind them.


A knock on the door made her jump, and she considered pretending she wasn’t there.


Another knock on the door; louder this time.


“Ms Reilly? I’m coming in.”


The dom’s voice, even more calm, sonorous, and utterly authoritative than it had been on the phone, made her shiver with anticipation.


The door opened, and he was silhouetted against the light in the hallway. He gave her an appraising look, and quietly shut the door behind him. He hit the light switch by the door, and pain lanced through her head. She winced, and shaded her eyes. The dom was tall and strong, filling the black leather jeans and white collar shirt with rolled-up sleeves like something out of a romance novel. In his hand she could just make out a large black doctor’s bag.


“Ms Reilly?” His voice held a touch of concern.


“Uh... yes.” Oh, good start,
sounded confident and sexy.


He smiled. “My name is Master Dan. We spoke on the phone. You may address me as Master Dan, or you may address me as Sir. What may I call you?”


She swallowed. He sounded kind; not like some of the doms she’d read about in novels. She began to say her name, but exhaustion and nervousness made the words stick in her throat.


Master Dan held up a hand and went to a cupboard that concealed a small built-in fridge. He took out a bottle of mineral water, broke the seal on the cap, and brought it over to her. “Try that again.”


She took a few sips, and smiled to show she was exasperated with herself. “Sam.”


He smiled understandingly, and extended a hand. “Nice to meet you, Sam. How are you today?”


Really, she should have an answer for that. Unfortunately, she didn’t.


“It wasn’t a trick question,” he said, and she could hear the questions below the surface, the ones she hoped he wouldn’t ask. Tonight, she just wanted to forget.


“You’re an investigative journalist?”




“Sounds like a tough job.”


She nodded tightly. “Sometimes.”


“I’m guessing it has been recently.”


She swallowed, unused to being the object of such scrutiny. “Yes.”


“Are you uncomfortable with me asking these questions?”


“Yes, Sir. I’d rather not think about work tonight.”


“I’m just trying to find out where you’re at, before we get started. You mentioned on the phone that this sort of thing is new to you?”


She smiled ruefully, her clammy hands an undeniable clue. “Pretty new. Not completely. I’ve been here once before, a long time ago.” A lifetime ago, but she still pleasured herself to the memories of that night.


“A long time ago,


A thrill ran through her as her reminded her of the fact that she was at long last in the presence of a dom. “A long time ago, Sir.”


He smiled. “Better. I understand you’ve been feeling out of sorts. Anything in particular bothering you?”


“I’m just... tired, Sir.”


He nodded. “Being on the run will do that to you.”


She blinked in surprise. So The Hideaway was going to grant
of her requests tonight. “I’m not – ”


He reached into his pocket and pulled out an official-looking wallet and flipped it open to show her the silver badge inside. “Samantha Reilly, you’re under arrest. You’re in my custody, and from now on, you are not permitted to leave this room. You should know that all our rooms are soundproofed, so you can make as much noise as like, and no one will hear. However,” he added, “you see that red button on the wall beside the bed?”


She looked where he was pointing, and nodded.


“If you feel unsafe or unhappy with me at any time, you can hit that button, and a monitor will come in to make sure you’re okay. Is that clear?”


She nodded.


He looked at her for a long moment, and said, “There are several serious charges being brought against you.”


“I haven’t done anything wrong. I wasn’t there when it happened,” she said, trying on her role. “I was interviewing a source in the Marco Hotel when it happened.” Just in time, she remembered to add, “Sir.”


 He didn’t miss a beat. “Well, if that’s true, we’ll find out tonight.”


She began to sit up, but his hand came down over her pounding heart, and remained there as he spoke.


“Please don’t do that. I don’t want to put you in restraints, but I will if I have to.”


She shivered. That sounded like fun, but scary. To be made helpless by a man she’d met only a few minutes ago? Surely the doms who worked here had all had background checks.... His voice cut into her drifting thoughts.


“Listen, Sam. I’m going to be asking you some very personal questions, which I will expect you to answer immediately and honestly. I will be searching you and collecting evidence to aid in this investigation. I can see that you’re feeling out of sorts, so I will additionally be conducting a thorough medical examination, for which I will require your complete cooperation. If you refuse to comply with any of this, you can be sure that I will do whatever’s necessary to secure your cooperation. Is that understood?”


She was a little bit terrified, but could feel herself getting wet.
It’s only a game. Remember, it’s only a game.
“Yes, Sir.”


“Good.” He perched on the bed beside her, opened the bag, and took out a penlight. A moment later, he thumbed her eyelid back, blinding her.


She let out a small noise of pain. She really
exhausted, and not at all sure she was up to this, now that it was really happening. Her vision blurred with tears.


He pulled a tissue from a box beside the bed, and blotted her eyes, batting her hand away when she tried to do it for herself. “Hey. Easy. Do you want to pause the scene and talk?” He searched her face, and pressed lightly here and there around her eye sockets and her temple, apologizing when she winced.


If they stopped now, she might never have the courage to continue, “No, please go on.”


He regarded her carefully for a few seconds, and then nodded. “Bad headache, huh?”


“Yes.” The pain was making her forgetful, and less on her guard than she would have liked. “Sir.”


“That all it is?”


“Yes, Sir.” The rest was just too complicated to go into.


“Have you taken any medication for it? Are you on any other drugs?”


“No, Sir.”


He didn’t look as though he believed her, but nodded slowly. “Are you feeling anxious about what we’re doing here? Be honest.”


“Yes, Sir.”


He smiled, and gave her shoulder a small squeeze. “Good girl. That’s normal, but you know that if anything gets to be too much, you’ll use your safeword to either pause or stop the scene. ” He made sure she was looking him in the eyes when he added, “If you fail to use your safeword when you need to, I will be very upset with you, do you understand?”


“Yes, Sir. Thank you.”


“What is your safeword?”




He nodded. “Ocean it is. So tell me, when did you last sleep?”


“Uh...” she had to think. It was before her flight had left the base in Iraq. “About two days ago. I think... Maybe three.”


“Two days?” He looked sceptical. “The dark circles under your eyes would indicate you haven’t slept well in quite a while.”


“Um... maybe three. I’ve been reporting in a war zone. Just before I left, we had to hide in a bombed-out building for a few days, and I was too scared to sleep.”


He nodded, taking this in. “You sound a little confused.” His voice was softer, kinder, now.


“I’m really tired.” She closed her eyes in exasperation as she realized she’d forgotten the etiquette once again. “Sir.”


“Okay,” he said quietly. “Don’t you worry about anything tonight. I’m going to take very good care of you.”


She nodded. It sounded as though he was thinking through what she’d said, and assessing her needs at this time. Contrary to her usual wariness with men she didn’t know, there was
about this man. Absolute professionalism coupled with a genuine concern for the needs of his client. He was mixing in just enough reality to make the fantasy feel real, but his sense of responsibility towards her felt rock solid.


He clicked on his penlight. “Sam, follow the light with your eyes, without moving your head.”


He put a steadying hand on her forehead to hold her still as she struggled to do as she was asked.


She sighed with relief when the light finally clicked off.


He put skilled hands under her jaw, massaging gently as he probed for her glands. She closed her eyes, and opened them again when she heard him opening a plastic bag. He unscrewed a long, plastic bottle and took out a swab, then pulled on a latex glove.

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