Read In Search of the Past (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #2) Online

Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Fantasy, #time travel, #Romance

In Search of the Past (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #2) (18 page)

BOOK: In Search of the Past (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #2)
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“His grandmother knows and helped you?” Mrs. Wyatt asked with surprise. 

“Yes ma’am, she did,” Stacey answered.

Mrs. Wyatt sat and looked at the license for a minute.  She knew Doctor McLeod’s grandmother and had great respect for her.  She reached across the table, patted Stacey’s hand and said, “You poor little thing. All this traveling and sacrifice to make your families happy.  Not many young people, to be sure, would be that thoughtful and self sacrificing today.  I owe you an apology. My attitude has added to your burden and you coming all the way from America to be with our Doctor McLeod. I’m so sorry. Of course, to be sure, you knew what I thought.”

“Yes ma’am, I did, that’s why I wanted you to know the truth.”

Mrs. Wyatt patted Stacey’s hand again. “Don’t you worry about a thing Mrs. McLeod. To be sure, I’ll be right here to help you and I’ll take good care of Doctor McLeod when you’re away.” 

“You always have Mrs. Wyatt. Thank you, I know I leave him in good hands.”

Mrs. Wyatt washed up the cups, then told Stacey, “I’ll see you tomorrow Mrs. McLeod, and mums the word to be sure.” As she made the sign of a zipper across her lips.

Chapter 28

Marriage License

fter Mrs. Wyatt left, Stacey danced around the living room.  She had handled a sticky situation and was proud of herself.  She kissed the marriage license and took it back upstairs. Stacey went to the market a few blocks down and bought a few things. She’d just gotten back to the flat when Shane called. “What do you sound so happy about?”

“Oh, you know, you make me a happy woman.” 

“I’ll make you even happier when I get home,” he said. “See you around seven.”

“I’ll be waiting,” Stacey said.  She hugged herself and went to the kitchen to make a chocolate pie. After it was in the refrigerator to keep cool, she started the breaded pork chops. Stacey had never cooked much, but she had watched her mom and Mr. Chen often enough.  She was sure she could handle it.  The artichokes turned out okay, so why shouldn’t this?

When Shane arrived home he had a look on his face like, ‘the cat that ate the canary.’ “Why do you look like you just ate the canary?” Stacey asked.

“I haven’t yet, but the night’s young,” Shane said as he took her in his arms.Stacey lightly slapped his arm and said, “You know what I mean.”

“Yes, lass, and you know what I mean,” Shane said with a grin.

Shane kissed her again and she asked, “Would you like some supper first?”

Shane washed up while Stacey put the food on the dining table. When he came downstairs, he was surprised. “This must be special,” he said. “we’re eating in the dining room.” 

While they were eating, Stacey told Shane about her talk with Mrs. Wyatt. Shane was pleased and surprised. He knew Mrs. Wyatt was a stubborn, opinionated woman.

“I’ve told you before sweetheart, you’re precious. How could she resist you?”

“She was doing a dang good job of resisting, until she saw the marriage license,” Stacey said. “I think the fact that your grandmother helped us, was what won her over to my side.”

Shane smiled at Stacey and said, “I take it, you’re rather satisfied with yourself.”

“Yes, actually I am, this was my first fray into the grown up world.”

Shane laughed at Stacey and set her on his lap. “You are in deed a pleasure to be around, my love. I adore seeing life through your eyes.”

Stacey kissed him and asked, “Would you like dessert?” Shane raised his eyebrows. “No, chocolate pie. Go watch TV, I’ll bring it to you.”

When they finished their pie, Stacey cleaned up the dishes. As she was coming out of the kitchen Shane took her in his arms, kissed her and told her, how delicious supper was.  Then he picked her up, started up the stairs and said, “Now for the real dessert.”

On Thursday morning Mrs. Wyatt was as sweet as could be. She was humming as she went about her chores. “I have to go out for awhile, but I’ll see you tomorrow,” Stacey said. 

The lady couldn’t have been nicer. Stacey thought to herself; it’s amazing how some people expect other people to live by their moral standards.  I wonder what earthly difference it mattered to her whether we were married or not?  Mrs. Wyatt is about the same age as my grandparents. I wonder what they think?  They haven’t said a word of reproach to me.

Chapter 29

A Chance Meeting

iles Strayhorn, a wealthy import, export, tycoon was attending a meeting with his bankers.  His mind was not on business today, but on his health.  He had an appointment with his doctor this morning to get the results of tests that were made a week ago. This past summer, he had been diagnosed with viral bacterial meningitis. Miles had been having bad headaches and neck pain for some time.  His CFO, Miranda Cox, had been after him to make an appointment with doctor Donald Fein, a neurologist.

They were on his private jet, half way between New York and London when Miles finally agreed to consult a doctor. He had a severe head and neck ache and nausea. Miranda called ahead and had an ambulance waiting when they landed. Miles was rushed to the medical center where a spinal tap was preformed. He was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis. Doctor Fein explained in layman’s terms, “It’s an infection of the meninges, which is brain spinal nerve tissue.”

Miles was put in isolation and started on antibiotic treatment. Miles gave Doctor Fein a hard time about staying in hospital until he was told there could be complications, such as encephalitis, brain damage, paralysis and death at the top of the list. When Miles heard this, he started to settle down and listen to wiser heads. Depression had come along with the treatment. Miles had not felt like a vigorous man of thirty-six in months. Miles looked at his watch and left the meeting. As he came to the street to hale a cab, one passed right by him. In his anxiety, he didn’t notice the tall, slender young woman, until she whistled loudly and waved to get the attention of the taxi driver who was letting out passenger across the street.

The cabbie tipped his hat and yelled across, “Be right with you miss.”

Miles smiled at her and said, “Well done.” 

The young woman smiled and nodded her head. When the taxi pulled up, Stacey told the driver her destination. Miles asked, “Miss, would you mind sharing your cab?  As you saw, I wasn’t doing too well on getting my own. I’m going your way, just a little farther on to the medical center.”

“Sure, why not,” Stacey said, and scooted to the far side of the cab.

Miles watched her for a short while as she looked out the taxi window, and then he thanked her and said, “I assure you, I’m quite innocuous.”

From the far side of the cab, Stacey smiled at him, looked him up and down and said, “You don’t look harmless to me.”

It started with a smile, then Miles threw back his handsome head and chortled a hearty laugh. “Thank you,” he said. “you have no idea how much I needed that.” He put his hand out and said, “My name is Miles Strayhorn.”

Stacey reached across to shake hands and said her name, just as a big lorry came rumbling by honking his horn. At the same time Miles’ mobile started vibrating.  He checked to see who it was.  It was his mother, so he answered. “Yes, Mother, I’m on my way there now.  Yes, of course, George is on his way to pick you up, as we speak.  Yes, yes, I’ll meet you there for lunch.  I’ll tell you everything then. Mother, can this inquisition wait until lunch? Yes, I love you too. Bye.”

As the taxi pulled up in front of the shoe store, Stacey handed the cabbie her fare. “No, no,” Miles said, “the fare is on me. Thank you again for sharing with me, miss...” 

As Stacey was getting out of the cab, Miles asked, “Could I thank you properly by buying you a drink or a cup of coffee miss...?”

Stacey smiled and said, “Your mother’s waiting, and it’s Mrs. not Miss. Goodbye and good luck.”

As the taxi drove away, Miles turned to look out the rear window as Stacey walked into the shoe store. The cab driver looked at Miles in the rear view mirror and said, “She was a right nice young lady, she was.”

“Did you by any chance hear her name when that bloody lorry went by?”

“No, I didn’t mate, sorry,” the cabbie said.

Annie was waiting for Stacey as she came into the store, “Sorry I’m late,” Stacey said, “but I had to stop by the bank.” 

“That’s okay, it gave me time to look around some. I think I’ve found just what you’ll want.”

The sales lady brought out a glittery silver pair of sandals  They were lovely and would go beautifully with her white satin gown. Stacey had on spike heel boots and jeans. As she looked at the shoes in the mirror, she remarked, “Guess I should have worn a skirt to try on these.”

They were beautiful and seemed comfortable, so Stacey bought them. Next they were off to the dress shop to pick up their dresses. To round off their day of shopping, Annie took Stacey to the Ritz hotel for afternoon tea. Jokingly Stacey said, “I better get back to Texas. I could get used to this.”

“Oh, Stacey, don’t say that; you’ll be leaving too soon as it is,” Annie said.

At the hospital Doctor Fein was in emergency surgery, so Doctor McLeod was seeing some of his patients. Shane was familiar with Miles’ case, as they had known each other socially for some time. They had met two years ago at the wedding of Doctor Fein and Miles’ mother.  Shane had known about Miles’ depression and was looking forward to telling him the good news about his tests.  Shane was more than surprised when he walked into the examining room and found Miles with a smile on his face.

Miles was happy to tell Doctor McLeod about this lovely young woman he had shared a cab with today. “Shane you would not believe how beautiful she was. Her hair, those eyes and legs up to here ( he hand gestured to his neck ) When she smiled at me and said, “You don’t look harmless to me.” My heart started throbbing. I can tell you, my heart wasn’t all that was throbbing.  For the first time in months, I feel like a whole man again.”

Miles and Shane chortled together in their shared understanding of their erotic feelings, as only males can do with a knowing smile. When Miles had his shirt on and walked into Shane’s office, he said, “Miranda tells me you’re engaged. I must say that came as quite a surprise.”

“Yes, I am engaged, I’m happy to say.  It’s been about three months now. It’s amazing how you know when the right woman comes along,” Shane said as he handed Miles Stacey’s picture.  Miles looked at the photo in slight confusion and asked, “Does she have a sister?”

Shane chortled and said, “No, sorry, she’s an only child.”

Miles handed Stacey’s picture back and said, “She’s quite lovely, Shane. You’re a lucky man.”

Miles knew she was the same young woman from the taxi, but there was no way he could tell Shane that she was. He had already said too much. He didn’t want Shane to know he had coveted his fiancée.  And why the devil did she say she was a Mrs.?  Miles pulled himself together and said, “I’m sure you’re aware that Miranda is very upset with you. She vows you will come crawling back, when you come to your senses.”

Shane laughed, shook his head and said, “Yes, I know, she has called a few times. I fail to understand why she’s making such a fuss. We were never exclusive in our relationship. I’m sure she will find someone more suitable in time.”

“Yes, I’m sure she will, but you know Miranda, she wants to be the one to sever a relationship if and when it needs to be severed. You know mine and Miranda’s history. She and I grew up together and have always been best friends. I don’t always agree with her, but I know her better than most people do. When you chose another woman over her you tweaked her pride. She will feel it necessary to humble you or your fiancée in some way.

Shane chortled and said, “Well, she doesn’t know Stacey, so I would recommend for Miranda’s sake, not to sail into uncharted waters.”

Chapter 30

A Doctor’s Wife

tacey had supper ready when Shane came home. They had just finished eating when the phone rang and he was called back to the hospital.  Shane couldn’t believe Stacey was taking this so well.  He kissed her and thanked her in deed, for being so understanding. 

“I’ve told you before, I know the disadvantages of being married to a doctor. I also know the benefits.  As far as I’m concerned, the benefits far out weigh the disadvantages. I’ve watched Mom and Dad struggle with this same dilemma all my life.  They made it work and so will we.”

After Shane left for the hospital, Stacey cleared the dining room and cleaned up the kitchen.  She went upstairs, showered and put on her pajamas, then she came downstairs, read for a while and waited.  Shane arrived home about twelve-thirty a.m.  Stacey was asleep on the couch, laying on her tummy with the book laying on the floor.  Shane picked up the book and laid it on the coffee table, then squatted down to look at Stacey. His heart always seemed to skip a beat when he looked at her. He loved everything about her. Her intelligence, beauty and innocence. Her independence, and moxie kick ass attitude of, ‘take me or leave me.’  Her pure honesty and passion. Shane watched her sleep and thought, I don’t have the words to express how much I love her.  Gently he pushed her hair back and lightly kissed her cheek.

Stacey woke up, smiled at him and said, “Hi, what time is it?” 

“About twelve thirty. ” Shane said. “Are you ready to go upstairs?”  They walked upstairs together. Stacey turned the covers back and crawled in bed while Shane was undressing.

“How was it?”  she asked.

“Not too bad,” he said. “It was a small hemorrhage. We had to go back in and cauterize a bleeder. His vitals are steady and the x-rays looked good.”

“Not the little boy, was it?”

“No,” Shane said. “he’s an older man.”

“Good,” Stacey said as she snuggled in Shane’s arms to go to sleep.

Friday morning the alarm woke them both. “Dang, it seems like we just get to sleep and it’s time to get up,” Stacey said.

“You should be accustomed to that, isn’t it the same way on the ranch?”

“Yes, it is,” Stacey said, “but I’ve been spoiled for some time now.” 

BOOK: In Search of the Past (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #2)
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