In Search of the Past (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #2) (13 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Fantasy, #time travel, #Romance

BOOK: In Search of the Past (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #2)
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When he glanced at Hugh, he knew he was wondering, ‘what’s this,’ also. Eric leaned over, kissed the top of Stacey’s head, then put his hand out to shake hands with Shane. “Thanks Doc, for the loan of your girl,” Eric said. 

“You’re welcome,” Shane said. “As long as you understand it was just a loan.”

“Gotcha’ Doc,” Eric said, and walked away chortling. What nobody knew, but Stacey and Eric was, he knew they were married. When Stacey told Eric they were engaged and that she was living in doctor McLeod’s flat, he hit the ceiling.  He and Stacey had their biggest argument ever. Eric was sure this older, sophisticated man was using Stacey and taking advantage of her innocence. He was so sure, he was gonna’ knock his block off.  He made Stacey so mad, she told him, they were married. At first he didn’t believe her.  He had known Stacey since she was thirteen. He knew she wasn’t a liar, so when she told him the whole story, he started to settle down and listen.  Stacey told him, “One more thing, Eric, don’t mess with Shane. He can give as good as he gets or better.”

Eric remembered, Doctor McLeod from the hospital.  He had liked him then and thought the Doc an alright guy.  Eric knew how stubborn Stacey could be, and they were married. So he would keep their secret and keep an eye on things.  He got a kick out of watching the Doc. He knew he didn’t much like him being so close to Stacey tonight.

“Now that I’ve seen the main attraction, I must leave,” Annie said. Stacey and Eric hugged her, goodbye.

“I’ll call you from home,” Stacey promised.

“Mind yourself,” Annie said.

“Professor Rutledge, would you mind dropping me off at the nearest taxi stand? With you leaving, there’s no reason for me to stay.” Hugh felt ancient among all these young people. Once again, his mind wandered to Stacey and wondered if she was playing games with his friend.

“Certainly, Doctor Grant, if you’re ready to go now,” she said.

Shane slapped Hugh on the shoulder and said, “I’ll call you in a day or two.”

While Hugh and Annie where driving they made small talk. Finally Hugh said, “I understand you and Stacey are good friends.”

“Yes we are, Doctor Grant.”

“Would I be out of line, if I asked you some questions about Stacey?”

“Like what?” Annie was suspicious of Doctor Grant. She had noticed the looks that he had given Stacey tonight.

“I’m a bit concerned about Shane,” Hugh said. “Stacey is young, twenty-one, right? Shane is a bit more mature. I know he’s old enough to look out for himself, but I know better than most people how easy it is to be blind sided by a beautiful woman.”

“What’s your point, Doctor Grant?”

“Hell, I guess I’m asking, is Stacey serious about my friend or is this just a lark? Shane has never been in love before and I don’t fancy seeing him hurt.”

“What you’re saying, Doctor Grant is, you think Stacey is going to hurt him?”

“Yes, I’m afraid I do. America is a long way away.  Stacey is a young beautiful college girl away from home, having a lark.”

“Well, Doctor Grant, don’t you think Doctor McLeod is old enough and experienced enough to take care of himself?  He doesn’t appear to me to be the gullible type.”

“That may be so, but she and this Eric chap, seemed awfully friendly, to me.”

Annie pulled up to a taxi laughing. “Here’s your taxi Doctor Grant. Goodnight.” 

As Hugh got out of Annie’s car he asked, “Could I get your number and call you sometime?” 

Annie looked at him thoughtfully, for a few seconds, then said, “I’m in the book.” And drove away. Hugh knew he liked her. He would call her as soon as she was back in town. He hoped he hadn’t hurt his chances by asking to much about Stacey. Hugh had liked Stacey, yesterday when they’d met, but tonight he saw her as an enigma.

Chapter 18

The Parting

hane had been rather quiet on the way home. “Tonight wasn’t your, cup of tea, was it?” Stacey asked. Although Shane and Hugh both were polite, it was obvious a karaoke bar was not one of their places of entertainment.

“It was interesting and different. I wasn’t aware that you’re an entertainer.”

Stacey heard a hint of disapproval in his voice and said, “That was just for fun. I guess we’ll have to adapt to each others worlds.”

Shane didn’t say anything, and him being so quiet made Stacey wonder, if maybe they had rushed into marriage too soon. They knew so little about each other and she was smart enough, to know compatible sex wasn’t enough to hold a marriage together. She knew he was a little uncomfortable tonight, and Hugh was watching her with suspicion in his eyes. That didn’t really surprise her much, because of his ordeal with his ex-wife.

Shortly after they arrived home, Stacey took a shower. When she came out of the bathroom, Shane was in bed reading a medical journal with one hand behind his head and the other holding the folded magazine.  Stacey sat on the bed putting lotion on her legs. Shane looked at her and winked.  Stacey leaned up and kissed him.  He took her hand, kissed it and held on to it, then went right back to reading his journal. Stacey started kissing his chest and running her other hand down into his knickers. From behind his magazine he said, “Miss minx, you’re about to start something you can’t finish.”

“When have I ever started something I couldn’t finish?”

Shane frowned and said, “You mean...?”

“Yep.” She said. The journal was discarded and Stacey was on her back in an instant. She was laughing and kissing him. Teasingly, she said, “You’re pretty fast for an old man.”

I’ll show you old man,” he said.

“Yes,  Stacey said. Please show me.”

“He did and he did again.  He gave sensual pleasures to her and himself.  They fell asleep in each others arms and slept late on Saturday morning.  Stacey was in the kitchen when Shane woke and came downstairs. “Would you like to have breakfast in bed?” Stacey asked.

“Sure,” he said. “if you’re on the menu.”

“I could be,” Stacey said, and kissed him, “but how about some blueberry muffins and coffee first?”

They had less than twenty hours before Stacey would be leaving for the states. They almost got into an argument over money, until Stacey finally gave in and accepted his offer. Shane wanted to put money into Stacey’s bank account each month.  He felt, now that they were married and Stacey being his wife, she was his financial responsibility. Then there was Eric, but he just couldn’t bring himself to ask about him. Shane knew Stacey loved him, and he was the first man she had ever been with intimately.  He couldn’t imagine her being unfaithful. That was one of the many reasons he loved her. She was so forthright, with her feelings. They spent the next few hours talking, loving and making plans. Shane promised Stacey he would be in New York around the middle of October.  That gave them both something to look forward to and help the time pass:

Shane had not checked the messages on his answering machine since their return. Stacey was standing in his study doorway eating an orange. She had just put a slice in Shane’s mouth as another message started.

“Hello, Shane darling, it’s Miranda.

Shane started to stop the message, then thought better of it. He didn’t know what Stacey’s reaction might be, but he felt it would be more diplomatic to be open with her than to act suspect.  Stacey knew there had been other women in Shane’s life before they met. ( the message continued. ) I’ve missed you so.  I hope you’ve missed me too.  I’ll be in London for a fortnight.  Call me, ‘stud muffin.’ You know where I am.  I’ll be waiting, ta, ta.”

“Sorry,” Shane said, totally embarrassed. “I swear she has never before called me that.”

Stacey pitched him the rest of the orange and said as she turned to leave, “I’ll give you some privacy, so you can set that lady straight..., stud muffin.”

Shane called Miranda and tried to explain to her, that he had met the most wonderful woman and they were now engaged. Miranda didn’t believe him. He wanted to tell her the truth, that he was married, but they had mutual friends. Some of them were in Scotland. Finally he made her understand he was serious and truly was engaged.

Miranda was shocked and a bit angry.  She had never heard him say, he was the least bit interested in marriage.  He had always said he was married to his profession.

A tall handsome man dressed in a silk robe and pajamas, turned from looking out the window of his multi-million pound penthouse, with the view of the Thames River and London Bridge; just as Miranda threw her mobile across the room and said, “If Shane McLeod thinks he’s going to marry some little twit, that he had to put a ring on her finger in order to shag her, well he better think again.”

The man asked, “Why are you acting like a jealous fool, Miranda? It’s not like you had an exclusive relationship with Shane, so get over it.  I’ll call Dwight and have him get the jet ready.  You need to get to Buenos Aires and take care of business. Then I’m sure Paulo will be more than happy to help you mend your broken heart,” he added with some sarcasm.  Miranda grabbed her briefcase and handbag and said, “If you weren’t ill, I would throttle your tight ass.” Then she walked out the door and slammed it behind her. After Miranda’s tirade and departure, the man turned back to the window to continue his lonely vigil of watching the river traffic below.

After calling Miranda, Shane went directly to Stacey to apologize, but Stacey seemed okay with the situation, and said, “I trust you Shane, until you give me reason not too. Our marriage is based on trust. That doesn’t mean I might not get jealous sometime, or you either, but as long as we keep communications open and truthful, we should be okay.”

Shane was surprised by Stacey’s mature and understanding attitude. He was doubly glad now that he had let the message from Miranda run its course. With Stacey, honesty was most important. Sunday morning came way to soon.  They were at the airport on time, but was dreading the parting.  This was going to be the hardest thing either had ever done.  The thought of doing and actually doing, were two different things.  They had said everything a dozen times over, now they were standing and holding on to each other. Eric came to tell Stacey their flight had been called. “Go away Eric,” Stacey said.

Exasperated, Eric said, “Man it’s hell trying to collect my harem.”  He had the other two girls from Baylor with him. Shane grinned at Eric, kissed Stacey one last time and then let her go. Hugh walked up about that time. Stacey hugged him. “Thank you for coming,” she said. “Watch after him for me.” Then she left with Eric, but about half way down Stacey stopped, turned around and stood looking back at Shane.  When Eric realized she wasn’t beside him, he came back and took her hand.  He looked back at Shane and shook his head, then they turned and went out of sight.

“Are you ready to go?” Hugh asked.

“No, not until her plane leaves,” Shane said.

As Shane and Hugh left the airport, Hugh said, “Why don’t you follow me to Jak’s. We can talk or not talk. Get drunk or not get drunk.” 

“Okay, but I think we better do more talking than drinking.  None of our patients will want a hung over physician. Better yet, let’s go by your sister’s place and pick up your gear. You can move back in with me until you find a place you like.”

Stacey called when they landed at DFW, and again when she arrived home. They’d had a heck of a time trying to get all four of them and their luggage into Stacey’s Jeep wrangler. Linda and Kathy’s parents had driven them to DFW and none of them had thought about how much luggage they had with them. They arranged and rearranged half a dozen times. When the Wrangler was finally packed with everyone situated, they headed south to Waco.

Chapter 19

Concerned Parents

tacey waited a week before telling her parents about Shane. They were more than surprised when she told them she was engaged.  Stacey told them about Shane being from Scotland and him being a neurologist and her meeting his family. “You’re gonna’ like him. I know you will,”  Stacey assured them.

Stacey’s mother found a whirlwind romance, out of character for her daughter. She wondered what went on during those two weeks.  She knew Stacey well enough to know, if she asked her, she would tell her. Jessie wasn’t sure she wanted to know.  She knew her daughter was a virgin,  therefore she tended to think, this smooth talking older man may have taken advantage of Stacey. Then again, Stacey had a good head on her shoulders, so that theory didn’t fit well either.

Doctor Scott and Jessie talked with Eric. They knew his loyalty would be to Stacey, however, they still wanted his opinion about Doctor Shane McLeod. “He seemed like an alright guy to me,” Eric said. “He was very attentive to Stacey when she was in hospital. We were all kinda’ surprised though, when they told us they were engaged.”

Stacey had sworn Eric to secrecy. He could tell about the fall, but not everything. She was adamant that he tell nothing about the dream or her going to Yorkshire.

Jessie asked Le Chen, what he thought? “Our girl is in love,” he said.

“But is this doctor McLeod in love with her? I don’t want my daughter being used to inflate some older man’s ego.”

“Time will tell,” Le Chen said. “What does Doctor Sam think about all this?” 

“Sam said, our daughter is twenty-one.  She has to make her own decisions and if she gets hurt, we’ll all be here to help her through it.” 

“Those are my thoughts also,” Le said. “We’ve raised a smart, savvy girl. Now I think we have to trust her decisions.” 

“Thank you Le. Sometimes I think you know her better than I do.”

“I did help raise her. She’s our  girl,” Le Chen said.

Stacey was back at Baylor, but her head and heart was somewhere else. Stacey and Shane talked almost every night.  One night at the club, Eric asked, “Is this doc of yours rich?” 

“I don’t think so. Why?” Stacey asked. 

“Well, you two talk almost everyday and England is far away. Why can’t you e-mail each other, chat room or text-message?”

When Stacey talked with Shane, she suggested they do that, but didn’t tell him it was Eric’s idea. There were a few things she hadn’t told him yet, but she would.

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