Authors: Steve Tomasula
He sucked in breath so deep it seemed to turn him inside out, making of his body a mirror of breath giving back the identical idea, only different: “Radi tamo gde zivis,” andand “Bereka ko o tshelang teng,” and “Puno aty ku jeton,” and
and “Yasadigin yerde çalis,” and
and “Werk waar je woont,” and “Strādā tur, kur tu dz
vo,” and “Ott dolgozz, ahol laksz,” and “Bekerjalah dimana saudara tinggal,” and
and “Delaj le tam, kjer živiš,” and
and “Pracuj tam, kde žiješ,” and “Vivo qua opus,” and “Na ufanye kazi unapoishi,” and
Again he made his hands speak their silent language:
Again he made rocks speak:
Again with the