In His Power (Beyond Darkness, #1)

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Authors: Iris Deorre

Tags: #thriller, #interracial romance, #romance, #short stories, #love stories, #BWWM

BOOK: In His Power (Beyond Darkness, #1)
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In His Power

Beyond Darkness, Volume 1

Iris Deorre

Published by Iris Deorre, 2014.

In His Power (Beyond Darkness)

Published by Iris Deorre

Copyright October 2014 Iris Deorre

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

In His Power (Beyond Darkness, #1)

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Next in the series | Ruthless (Beyond Darkness) | | Facebookpage |

Further Reading: Broken

Also By Iris Deorre

About the Author

This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations and incidents are products of author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales or events is entirely coincidental

Chapter One

he black jeep with the tinted windows stopped outside the empty warehouse. It was in the middle of nowhere and the walls were ruined by graffiti, and not a window was left undamaged. A tall man in a dark suit wearing dark sunglasses stepped out of the driver’s seat. He moved to the back of the car, and opened the door. Out stepped Victor Adamovich. He took in the surroundings, fiddled with his tie and finally pushed on a pair of dark glasses.

He took bold steps to the entrance of the warehouse, there was the sound of a dying man, a sound too familiar to him. The sounds brought him to a halt, and he looked around him.

‘Mr Adamovich,’ said a man also dressed in a black suit. ‘He’s not giving us anything.’

Victor walked up to the man who was tied to a chair. Blood oozed from the top of his head, his white t-shirt drenched in blood and he looked like he would soon pass out.

‘I swear, the money was stolen from me,’ he pleaded with Victor. ‘I didn’t use it, I swear.’

Victor pulled off his jacket and handed it to a man who stood to the left of him. With great satisfaction, he turned up the sleeves to his crisp white shirt, humming a tune as he did so. He loosened his tie, undid the top three buttons, knelt down beside the man and looked up at him.

‘I’ll give you one chance to tell me where the fuck my money is. After that, you’re a dead man. Are we clear?’ His fierce grey eyes bore into the man. ‘Do you understand?’

The man swallowed back hard.

‘So I will ask just this once. Where the fuck is my money!?’ His jet black hair fell to the side of his face. He had strong bold features that would make any woman weak, but within that perfect body and gorgeous face, was a black heart.

‘Someone broke into my apartment and stole it, I swear on my mother’s grave.’ The man panted.

‘You swear.’ Victor laughed. ‘You swear.’ He stood up and looked at the two men who had been trying to get the man to confess over the past five hours. ‘You swear on your mother’s grave?’ He laughed again. ‘Now you listen you sick fat fuck!’ His face grew cold, he took the man’s chin between his hands and held on tight. ‘I don’t care who or what came into your house. All I want is my money!’

‘I don’t have it. I...’

Victor pushed the man, and he fell to the ground, his body still bound to the chair. He placed his left foot on the man’s head and pushed down hard. ‘Do you feel that?’ He pushed. ‘This is just the beginning. Now tell me, where’s my money?’

‘I don’t have it...’

Victor stepped off the man. ‘Pick him up,’ he said to the men.

The two big men lifted the man off the floor. Victor turned away a moment, cracking his neck, and then turned back to the man. ‘Is that your final answer?’

‘Yes, I don’t have your money. Please let me go so I can find it. I promise I’ll have it by tomorrow.’

‘That’s what you told me last week.’ He rolled down the sleeves to the shirt. ‘Your time is up.’ He motioned for his jacket, and the man helped him into it. ‘I told you from the beginning, that I don’t like people who double cross me.’

‘I didn’t. I swear!’

‘You must think I was born yesterday. You’ve had the opportunity to speak the truth, but you’ve chosen to continue to lie! I know all about your side deals, and that something went wrong. You think I don’t know that. You think I don’t know that you handed over my money to someone else to save your ass.’

The man blinked and swallowed back. ‘Please...I’ll get it back.’

‘There is no need.’ He smiled at the man.

‘What does that mean?’ The man didn’t like the sound of that.

‘It means we can no longer do business.’

The man was silent. Victor turned and headed for the exit. ‘You know what to do with him,’ he shouted without turning back.

‘ Please don’t do this! I beg you!’

Victor stepped out into the bright sunshine and shut the door behind him, to shut out the fruitless pleas.

‘Sir.’ His driver opened the door to the jeep.

‘Give me a second Aaron.’ He fiddled in his side pocket and brought out a packet of cigarettes, and lit up.

As the cries floated through the air, Victor took in a deep puff of the cigarette. The sound of the man pleading for his life was like music to his ears. He blew out the smoke, and smiled. He took another two puffs, and then threw the cigarette to the ground crushing it with his foot. Soon all was silent. The was no more pleading for his life, no more lies, just dead silence.

‘Perfect.’ He slid into the jeep. The driver shut the door behind him.

‘Where to, sir?’ asked the driver.

‘Home, there is some business I have to take care of there.’ He remembered the phone call from Bradley, the man who kept an eye on everything. Bradley had given him some disturbing news, not that he wasn’t aware of it. He just wanted to make sure that the parties involved were aware of the fact.


ome here you dirty bitch!’ Von chased Nadine through the massive house.

Nadine giggled as she tried to escape from his embrace.  They’d climbed the stairs and ran through the long passage towards the main bedroom, and he finally caught her.

‘I love it when you talk dirty.’ She laughed. ‘It gets me all horny.’

‘I love calling you dirty names, whore.’

‘I like it a lot.’ She slid out of his strong arms, and ran towards the master bedroom.

‘Do you really want to do it in here?’ he asked a little uncertain.

‘What are you scared of?’ She teased.

‘I think you know.’

‘Oh he won’t know. The staff will clear the sheets and put new ones. He won’t notice the difference.’

‘Hmmm. I don’t know. You and I both know what he’s like. And I’m still uncertain your staff won’t tell him.’

‘Oh come on. He’s not here. Don’t be a chicken. The staff on duty have received extra money from me. They won’t say a word!’ She stepped towards him, and brushed her lips against the gorgeous blond. ‘He’s out of the country, probably chopping someone’s head off.’

‘That’s not funny.’ He pulled back.

‘Christ! Von, you fear him, don’t you?’

‘I don’t! I just don’t want to get on the wrong side of him.’

‘Oh, you did that the moment you slept with me.’ She kissed him again. ‘Loosen up. Let’s just have our fun, and it will all be forgotten.’

He kissed her back. It was hard not to. After all she was the perfect ten to him. She had delicious golden locks, beautiful green eyes and a body that belonged on the catwalk. She was just the way he liked his women, wispy and beautiful.

‘Come on,’ she whispered against him. ‘Let’s be naughty. You can call me all the dirty names in the book.’ She winked.

His erection stiffened, and he trailed behind her into the master bedroom. She kicked off the black heels and fell into the luxurious bed. He crawled over her and laughed. She was so beautiful, he couldn’t believe his luck. He watched her a moment.

‘Don’t tell me you’re going all soft on me.’

‘No erm...’ He was.


‘No of course not.’

‘I’m still married to Victor, so don’t go all soft on me, telling me you love me and all that rubbish.’

‘How can I love a whore?’

A smile appeared across her face. That was the man she was attracted to.

‘That’s what I like to hear. Say it again.’

‘You dirty fucking whore,’ he said with more emphasis.

‘Rip my dress off,’ she said.

For a moment he looked bemused.

‘Go on, rip it apart. I’ll just buy a new one.’ She tempted him.

He watched her, his thickness about to explode. He wanted nothing more than to plant himself in her and fuck the living daylights out of her.

‘Rip the fucking dress off!’

‘You want me to rip it off?’

‘Yes dam it!’ She panted.

With little thought he took the collar of the ruby dress and pulled it apart. The buttons flew in opposite directions, flying onto the bed and onto the floor. The action excited them both! He grasped her ample bust and squeezed hard. She let out a whimper.

‘Do you like that, bitch?’

‘I love it, harder, do it harder!’

He took her nipple beneath the silk fabric and squeezed hard.

‘Oh god yes!’ Her head pushed back into the bed.

She scrunched the silk linen, and enjoyed the rough sensual touches from Von.

‘You like that, you want more, bitch.’

She shrilled at the word! Yes she wanted more, more than Victor could ever give her.


he black Jeep parked in the front driveway. Victor took a moment to give Bradley a ring. He answered on first ring.


‘Is everything in order?’ he asked.

‘Yes, everything is good to go.’

‘Perfect. I guess it’s time I dealt with Von and my wife once and for all.’

‘I guess so.’

He sighed. He knew what had been going on for a while, but had waited. But now it was time for him to put an end to it all.

The driver walked around to the back of the car and opened the door.

‘Sir,’ he said.

Victor stepped out. ‘Make sure you get ready to transport my wife to the airport.’

‘Yes sir.’

‘I want her to go very far away, so I can think. Otherwise, who knows what might happen.’

The man nodded. Victor took his time to walk into his home. The door opened for him and he stepped in without a care in the world. He looked up the stairs and noticed the bits of clothing that scattered on them. He didn’t bat an eyelid. Instead he climbed the stairs.

Their noises were heated. It was certain that Nadine was having the time of her life. Victor pushed the door opened and gazed at the couple fucking!

‘Am I interrupting something?’

‘Shit!’ He flew off her as if she had something contagious. ‘Victor. Shit! I can explain.’

Victor didn’t move, nor was there any expression on his face.

‘Oh god!’ Nadine tried to cover up.

‘There’s no need to cover up love, I know what you look like naked.’ Victor fiddled in his pocket and brought out a cigarette.

He lit up while Von tried to find an escape route. Took a puff, lifted his head and blew a ring of smoke.

‘I suggest you make your way home, Von. Make sure you pick your clothes on the way out.’

Von watched the man suspiciously, and noticed the blood stains on the white shirt. He’d known Victor long enough to know what he was capable of.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said.

‘Don’t be. She’s a whore.’


Victor didn’t look at his wife instead he took another puff of the cigarette.

‘It will never happen again,’ said Von.

‘Now where have I heard those words before? Honestly. That’s what everyone says. They’ll never do it again. If I could get a pound each time I hear that, I’d be richer than I am now.’ He watched Von squirm. ‘What bugs me is, you say you’ll never do it again. Then why the fuck, do it in the first place?’

‘I know, it was wrong but –’ 

‘But nothing, get out of my house!’

‘Yes.’ Von ran naked past him, and tried to pick up his clothes along the way.

‘What are you going to do to him?’ she asked.

‘That doesn’t concern you.’

‘You will kill him, won’t you? Don’t you have enough blood on your hands?!’

He stepped forward and took her by the chin. ‘Don’t you ever question me!’ He pushed her back onto the bed.

‘You can’t kill him. I won’t let you.’

‘Won’t let me?’ He laughed. ‘Please, Nadine.’

‘I know everything about you. I have so much dirt on you; you’ll be in jail in a minute.’

‘Do you realise how many police I have under my payroll. Do you? Your threats don’t scare me. Now get dressed, you’re going to the airport.’


‘I want you out of my house and out of sight.’

‘I don’t want to go.’

‘You don’t have a choice. If you want Von to still be breathing after he gets home, then I suggest you get on the plane.’

‘What did you do?’

‘I won’t do anything just yet. But if you don’t play nice, things could go very wrong.’

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