
Read Fight Online

Authors: Helen Chapman

BOOK: Fight
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Text and design © Rising Stars UK Ltd.
The right of Helen Chapman to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988.

Published 2011

Cover design: Burville-Riley Partnership

Illustrations: Bill Greenhead for Illustration Ltd. / iStock

Text design and typesetting: Geoff Rayner

Publisher: Gill Budgell

Publishing manager: Sasha Morton

Editorial consultants: Lorraine Petersen and Dee Reid

Editorial: Jane Wood

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978-1-84680-977-4

Printed in the UK by Bookmarque CPI



Special skill

Classical ballet

Good at:

Being graceful; working hard; spreading sunshine and happiness

Not so good at:

Understanding modern dance

Other info:

A real girlie girl who wears a lot of pink and loves the elegance of classical ballet.



Special skill

Martial arts; dancing in a martial arts style

Good at:

Making excuses; being second-best

Not so good at:

Being the very best at anything that they teach at ASH.

Other info:

More of a martial artist than a performing artist. He and his cousin Callum are really close – but maybe not for ever …

‘Whooo-yaaahhh' yelled Aaron Farmer. He had one eye shut and was holding both hands up. He was ready to do a double
chop. If he had been in a sports class nobody would have minded, but he wasn't. He was at morning assembly!

At morning assembly students got the chance to be on stage and sing the school song. Aaron came up with a great idea to make this more interesting. He would sing but he would also do some
martial arts
moves. Aaron was dressed like a
He wore a ninja hood and mask, drawstring trousers and jacket. Aaron thought he looked great. The students thought he looked great too. Principal Blake thought Aaron looked ridiculous and sent him off stage after only one ‘whooo-yaaahhh'.

Aaron was into martial arts in a big way and knew he could defend himself if someone attacked him. To Aaron's surprise, All Star High's drama and singing teachers did not share his interest in martial arts.

Claire Stevens was into ballet in a big way. She wanted to become a famous ballerina. Claire took her ballet classes very seriously. When she got to dance class and saw Aaron there, still wearing his ninja outfit, she sighed. What a loser!

Aaron and Claire's dance class was going to be different today because they were getting a new dance teacher. Aaron practised his martial arts moves in front of the wall of mirrors. He knew he would have to stop practising when the teacher got there. Aaron sighed. It felt like he was the only one at All Star High who liked the things he did.

Claire stood in front of the mirrors too and checked that she looked just how a ballerina should look. Her hair was in a neat bun and her pink tights had no holes. She put one hand on the handrail and did some warm-up exercises. Claire thought about the new teacher. ‘I hope we get a famous ballerina,' she thought. ‘That would be perfect.'

The door opened and their new teacher came into the room. He was definitely not a famous ballerina! He wore black tracksuit trousers, a tight red T-shirt and trainers.

‘Haw-ar-ya?' he said. His voice sounded as if it came out of his nose.

The students all looked at each other. They had no idea what he'd just said. It must be his name.

‘Good afternoon, Mr Hawarya,' they politely replied.

The new ballet teacher burst out laughing. ‘I asked “how are you?”' he explained.

Nobody knew what to say. No teacher had ever asked them how they were.

Claire finally spoke up. ‘We're fine, thank you,' she said.

The teacher took out a photo from his bag. It was the school photo of the dance class students, with all their names on. He looked down at the photo to find out Claire's name. ‘Thank you, Claire,' he said. ‘I'm Mr Jay from New York City in the USA. And I want to see you guys DANCE!'

He went over to the music system and put in a CD. It was wild bongo music. The students just stared at Mr Jay.

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