In Denial (12 page)

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Authors: Nigel Lampard

BOOK: In Denial
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Can we cut the crap, Adam,’ she said without hesitation and with a touch of fire in her eyes. ‘I did follow you and we are here now because of what Doris told me. Actually she told me more than I’ve revealed. Do you want to know what she said?’

In reply Adam inclined his head, the smile still on his lips.

Her exact words were that if she had been a few years younger she wouldn’t have bothered with me, she’d have followed you herself. She said there was something about you that any woman would find attractive. You were mysterious, handsome and very genuine -’

And am I?’

This is neither the time for you to ask nor the time for me to answer. But as I said, can we cut the crap? Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with me for just a little longer. You can talk now or later. That bit is up to you, but talk some more you will.’

You’re quite persuasive and I’ve never heard a vicar use the word crap before.’

You’ll hear worse unless you do as I ask. And the ability to persuade was part of my training. That’s why I preach to others.’

They’re the lucky ones.’

That’s a matter of opinion. So do we have a deal?’

I suppose I can play along with you for a while longer.’ Adam stopped for a few seconds. ‘As I’ve said before, I’m not sure what will be achieved.’

Nor am I but -’

Here is the wrong place.’

I agree.’

Gabrielle picked up the empty sandwich wrapper from the floor of the car. ‘Can you cook?’

He smiled again. ‘That’s a strange question.’

Not really. I was going to suggest we go back to the vicarage and while I’m in the church you cook some pasta and throw a salad together.’

He shook his head. ‘You’re taking one hell of a risk. People who are intent on committing suicide are normally categorised as being disturbed. You really don’t know what you’re dealing with and who you’re inviting into your home.’

Oh, I think I do.’


*  *  *


This is very passable,’ Gabrielle commented two hours later as they sat round the table in the vicarage kitchen.

It’s not easy to ruin pasta,’ Adam said, watching her closely. He was surprised by the way he’d been able to do exactly as she suggested, but the vicarage kitchen was very well equipped with everything he’d needed. She seemed totally unconcerned about inviting him into her home and her trust gave him a ray of hope. He had woken that morning knowing it was his last day on earth and yet twelve hours later here he was - this stranger doing everything she could to lead him away from his resolution.

Gabrielle took a sip of her wine. ‘You were telling me how your mother reacted when you and Lucinda declared your love for each other.’

Adam hesitated. ‘Yes, I was. I wish I knew what they really thought, how my father reacted when my mother first told him, what they said about me to each other. I’ve always wished I’d had the chance to ask them. But I’m not sure what little I do know is worth hearing now -’

You might not be but I am.’

Really?’ He smiled ruefully. ‘When my father found out, well, I can only say I was lucky to escape with just my pride being injured.’


*  *  *


No, Christina. I don’t think it’s ‘flu. One of those twenty-four hour bugs, you know.’

Joseph was sitting on the side of the bed holding Christina’s hand. ‘Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat or drink?’

No, honestly, I have some water.’ She eyed her husband warily. ‘So how did it go?’

It seems because I’m born and bred in Hong Kong I do not warrant any special treatment. My case will be considered along with hundreds of thousands of others,’ he answered indignantly. ‘Sold down the river and they spent years preaching loyalty. Now who is being disloyal?’

Is it really going to be that bad? Surely if -’

It’s not so much how things may or may not turn out because it’s now a matter of principle. You serve one master all your life and then when the time comes he turns his back on you. It’s criminal and shouldn’t be allowed.’

We’ve done quite well out of it, Joseph. It’s not as if we’re paupers.’

Christina knew she was going to have to say something but she had to get the timing right. She was feeling a little better - no doubt, ironically, brought on by the circumstances - and Joseph had a right to know. It’s what he would do with what she told him that worried her.

I accept that. That’s why I say it’s a matter of principle.’ He let go of Christina’s hand. ‘If you’re sure you don’t want anything then I must -’

Joseph, there’s … there’s something I need to tell you.’

He hesitated. ‘What’s that?’

Lucinda and Adam, what were they doing when you came in?’

Er, why? They were in the snug watching a video. They asked what time we’d be eating, told me you weren’t feeling very well, and then, well, went back to the video.’ Crossing back to the bed, he added, ‘Patrick is staying out tonight, isn’t he?’

Yes, he’s with Ho in Tsimshatsui.’ Christina patted the bed. ‘Come and sit down again, please.’

She wondered why Joseph was doing his best to hide a knowing kind of smile, but he did as he was asked. ‘I’m not that keen on Ho. I think he could be a bad influence,’ he said.

That’s as may be, but it’s Lucinda and Adam I want to talk about.’

What now? You’re not feeling well and … shouldn’t you be resting?’

Joseph, please just listen. This is difficult enough as it is, without you -’

Difficult?’ He frowned. ‘Why?’

Joseph, please.’

All right, but the meal will be ready in a few minutes. You know how upset Ah Ho gets -’

It’s her day off.’

I phoned her and she came back in.’

Joseph, surely for one night you could have -’

He leant across and put a finger over Christina’s lips. ‘You’re prevaricating. What is it that you want to tell me?’ She looked at him, closed her eyes, and quickly opened them again.

Lucinda and Adam, remember? But before I tell you I want you to promise you will not do anything on impulse. You will at least talk about it, discuss it so that whatever needs to be done is done because we are both in agreement.’

Chrissie, you’re talking in riddles. What is it? Have they been in trouble at school?’

No, Joseph, nothing like that.’ She picked up her husband’s hand. ‘When I came home early because I wasn’t feeling well, Lucinda and Adam were already home. A teacher was off and a replacement couldn’t be found.’ She shook her head. ‘But that’s all irrelevant. I didn’t realise anybody else was home and I just wanted to come to bed. As I passed Lucinda’s bedroom door I heard giggling so I went in and … and they were both in her room. They -’

What, Adam was there? Well, of course. They always do their homework together. There’s -’

Joseph, will you listen? This is difficult enough. They were … they were in bed together.’

Christina waited.

She saw the glazed look in Joseph’s eyes move slowly towards comprehension but what he said wasn’t what she expected. ‘I suppose I should have seen it coming. I remember as long ago as their tenth birthday you told me that such a thing would happen.’ He looked at his wife. His eyes narrowed. ‘Have you confronted them?’



They told me they were in love and that they’d be getting married as soon as they can.’

Did they now?’ Joseph said contemptuously. ‘Under-age sex and getting married without their parents’ consent, I don’t think so. They seem pretty sure of themselves.’ He stood up and went over to the window. The sun was setting and its rays were shafting into the room. ‘There’s only one thing to do,’ he said, glancing at Christina’s reflection in the window.

And that is?’

Adam must go to school in England. Unlike the rest of the family he has the right. He will go to school and when he’s eighteen he will go to university. When he’s twenty-one, and our daughter is also twenty-one, we and they will revisit what you’ve told me.’

Joseph, it’ll break their hearts to separate them. They want -’

What they want, Chrissie, is irrelevant. They are fourteen and they’ve brought shame on their family. We trusted them and they’ve wantonly abused that trust. What they want, what they might have planned together, must come to an end and as soon as possible.’ He turned to face his wife. ‘It’s the end of term in a few weeks time. Adam will start the next school term in England.’

But what about the long holiday and then school holidays when he’s back in England?’

I have sufficient contacts in England who’d be willing to act as guardians.’

Are you going to speak to Lucinda and Adam?’

No. I do not wish to speak to them together again. I’ll speak to him and to Lucinda, but not together. I will make all the arrangements.’

What about Lucinda?’

She is my, our daughter. She’ll receive all the support she needs. She is fourteen and has a very bright future to look forward to and that does not include anyone who abuses her in such a way at such a young age. I’ve a good mind to report him to the police.’

Joseph, you can’t! He’s our son and Lucinda was as much to blame as -’

He is no son of mine, not any more. He will have forced himself on our daughter.’

But he’ll be here with us until the end of term -’

No, he will go and stay with the Osbournes.’

But, Joseph -’

Christina, that’s what is going to happen. There is to be no argument.’

Christina felt tears coming to her eyes. ‘Joseph, I think we’re making a terrible mistake. I think if you do what you say, we and the children will regret it for the rest of our lives.’

Christina, what I’ve said will happen,


Joseph was smiling. Lucinda and Adam had played into his hands beautifully.


*  *  *


And what happened, Adam?’

He seemed not to have heard the question, so Gabrielle gave him a few moments to reflect.

Lucinda and I were half watching a video but we were more concerned about what was going on upstairs, about what was going to happen to us. We were worried sick.’

Adam started fiddling with his napkin as though what he was going to tell Gabrielle would be too painful.

We didn’t have to wait very long,’ he said.


*  *  *


The door to the snug flew open.

I want you upstairs, packed and out of this house in one hour,’ Joseph spat at Adam. ‘Whatever you can’t take will be sent on to you.’ He turned his attention to Lucinda. ‘You, young lady, can go to your room and stay there until I say you can come out, and,’ he added looking at Adam again, ‘don’t even think about defying me. You are not to go anywhere near Lucinda’s room. Do you understand?’

But Father -’

Don’t you father me, Adam. You have brought dishonour to this house, you have violated my daughter and my trust. As far as I’m concerned you are no longer my son.’

But Father -’

Adam, leave now or I will -’

Lucinda was at her father’s feet before Adam could move. ‘Father, I beg of you not to do this. We love each other -’

Don’t you ever mention that word again, ever!’ Lifting his head he narrowed his eyes. ‘Adam, if you do not obey me this instant I won’t be responsible for what I might do next.’

But where will I go?’

Lucinda was holding on to her father’s leg, the tears streaming down her face. ‘Arrangements will be made. You will leave this house within the hour and you are not welcome here again.’

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