Impossible (9 page)

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Authors: Laurel Curtis

Tags: #Adult Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Impossible
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“I was just remembering you telling that prick that his dick wouldn’t be big enough to feel it.”

Rolling my eyes, I pulled the gearshift into drive and put my foot on the gas. “Of course that’s the stand out part of that encounter for you.”

His answer was a deep, rough, delicious chuckle that slid through me with ease and settled a pocket of warmth in my chest. It had taken him no time whatsoever to transform from the fun-loving, playful guy I had come to know to a seriously scary, ass-kicking alpha and then back to his original easygoing self. While it was borderline bipolar, it was also endearing. He stood up for me, but he didn’t stew on it or let it leak into his interactions with me. I had never met someone with that kind of ability, turning it on and off with the flick of switch, but it was really remarkable to witness.

Feeling his positive vibes seeping into my actions, I reeled in my focus and got back to business. If he wasn’t going to dwell, there was no reason for me to.

“Okay, time to work. Look at that Level III radar that I showed you and find us a cell with some rotation. Keep in mind where we are and that we’re gonna need to move between these two cells quickly.”

Coleman turned my laptop around on the console so that it was facing him, and his tongue curled out the side of his mouth with his concentration. He was trying so hard, and it was freaking adorable.

God, why did he make it so hard to not like him?

After about a minute of uninterrupted searching, a boyish twinkle entered his eye and signaled me that he had found what we were looking for. Or at least, he thought he had.

He swung the laptop in my direction and pointed to the screen, simultaneously questioning, “This one. Looks good right?”

I slowed my driving to a languid enough pace that I could look at the computer without running us off the road and studied his choice. It had a high echo top, a good sign that it was a single cell, good rotation indicators, and the storm motion was conducive to our safely getting to it.

Decided, I slammed my foot back to the gas, took off in a race to get there in time, and congratulated him, “Good job. No guarantees, but it certainly has the potential to be a good one.”

His face lit up and his body leaned forward, as if he was unable to contain his excitement.

A grown man in his thirties, a freaking testosterone fueled beard growing on his face, and the body to match, and he still managed to look like a kid on Christmas when I told him he had done a good job.

Pulling my eyes back to the road, I leaned toward the windshield, trying to get a better look at where I was going because we were being absolutely slammed by rain. Glancing at the computer and then back to my GPS, I could see that we were coming up on our storm, and that we were going to be punching the core soon. I normally tried to avoid core punching, or driving through the heaviest precipitation and hail, since it was extra dangerous, super abusive to the car, and I was usually by myself.

But for some reason, with Coleman Cade beside me, I decided it was worth the risk to get to the reward of him witnessing a tornado with me. Apparently, his craziness was rubbing off on me. Or maybe I was just crazy all on my own. The evidence was certainly starting to build up in favor of that theory.

The hail started to pound us hard, and the adrenaline and excitement coming off the two of us was almost potent enough that you could smell it. Gripping the steering wheel tight, I did my best to navigate us safely to the other side of the core even though I couldn’t see a damn thing.

After a couple of tense minutes, the hail finally eased up and my visibility markedly improved.

I looked up to the wall cloud in front of me, mesmerized by the sight of a beautiful funnel descending. My heart flipped in my chest and a feeling of peace enveloped me like it usually did. Part of that peace came from witnessing something so beautiful that man had no part in. And part of it came from it giving me something that I so desperately needed. It reminded me that the world is an unbelievably powerful and sometimes unjust entity, taking lives that it shouldn’t and leaving others for no reason.

Assessing that we were in a safe position, and that it was thankfully only tearing through fields and not people, I quickly called it in, grabbed my camera, and jumped out of the Tahoe to snap some pictures. Coleman followed me, jumping out of his side of the car and rounding the hood, and then came to stand behind me with his hands spanning my hips as we looked on together.

Chapter 8

I’m Not the Asshole Here


Work callused fingers trailed up the inside of my leg as lips worked my neck and a thumb swiped my nipple. A moan escaped my lips and a shiver skated up my spine.

Coleman’s pleased chuckle flowed into my ears and brought goosebumps to my skin. Wrapping my arms around his body I flexed my fingertips into the hot, firm skin of his back, feeling the muscles, and the tattoo that covered them, flex under my touch.

His hand glided from my thigh to the juncture between my legs, his touch light and teasing and extremely pleasure inducing. I hadn’t been touched in three years, so I felt every last cell of his skin that touched any part of mine.

Kissing from my neck down to my collarbone, his lips teased and nibbled, bringing the blood to the surface and intensifying my enjoyment. His hand palmed my breast, and then lifted the nipple to his mouth, as he closed over it and swirled the tip of his tongue around the rim.

My toes curled into the hotel sheets and my legs moved to wrap around him, pulling him as close as I possibly could.

His fingers teased my folds, and I could feel him hard, ready, and throbbing against my thigh.

“Coleman, please,” I begged him, desperate to feel the fullness I was sure he would provide. I missed this pleasure, this feeling of closeness and connection with another person.

Bending to my will, he hovered over me, reaching down and positioning himself at my entrance as I bit my bottom him to keep from moaning again.

He looked deep into my eyes and whispered, “I love you, Roni,” just before sinking himself fully inside.


My eyes flew open and I clutched the blanket at my chest as I took in my surroundings. I was in bed, in a hotel, and there was a warm body laying close behind me. An arm was wrapped around my stomach, and I could feel the tips of fingers touching my scar. And they weren’t my own.

Eager to make sense of what was going on, I catalogued the events that preceded my sleeping last night one by one.

We had chased the storm, stood together watching the tornado, had an uneventful dinner, and then checked into a hotel. Coleman had insisted that we get just one room, and I had been in a panic about it. He had promised to be on his best behavior, and he had been. We had hung out talking, watched Duck Dynasty on TV, and then fallen asleep, our bodies separated by a healthy amount of space on the bed.

I thanked God because that meant the sex had just been a dream. My mind may have been celebrating the victory, but my body didn’t think it was such a good thing. I was unbelievably turned on, even more so than I had been after the last dream, no doubt because I had spent more time with him, gotten to know him better, and thus dreamt of a more realistic depiction of what it would actually be like. Not to mention, the heat from his body was very warm and very real at my back.

Coming out of my visualization of last night and back into the present, I took in the feeling of his fingers on my scar and panicked. Carefully, I lifted his arm off of my body with precise, gentle movements. I wanted to make it out of here without him noticing. It would be much easier that way, and if he woke up it would completely screw up my plan.

I slid a pillow under his arm at the same time that I scooted away and stood back, my ears pounding with my pulse from trying to quiet my movements. When he laid motionless for fifteen seconds, I figured I had executed my switcheroo successfully. Turning and running on my tiptoes to the bathroom, I closed the door and turned on the water to take a quick shower before I left.

It would have been smarter to forego the shower and just get out while I could, but I smelled from yesterday’s activities since I had fallen asleep without showering last night. It would be another full day before I would have another opportunity to shower, so I knew I had to use these facilities now. I stepped out of my clothes, felt the water to test the temperature and stepped into the spray, letting the hot water wash away my conflicting emotions. I knew I had to get out of here, but I couldn’t help but notice that I was going to miss him.

Damn him and his beguiling personality. If he had been a hollow shell of a man, only supported by his unbelievably good looks, this would have been much easier. It would be easier to walk away and not look back. Easier to not think about what could have, would have, should have been.

I made quick work of washing all my nooks and crannies and shampooed and conditioned every strand of hair. Satisfied that I was clean enough, and that five minutes was a long enough shower during this heightened risk situation, I shut off the water and climbed out, wrapping the towel tight just above my breasts.

Glancing around the bathroom, I realized that, in my haste, I had made a rookie mistake. I didn’t bring any new clothes in with me.

Shit. Dizzle.

I cracked the door open, popped my head outside, and peaked around the corner, checking to see that Coleman was in the same position that I had left him.

After assessing carefully, allowing for slight changes in position due to shifting during sleep, I concluded that it was safe for me to make my way to my bag and grab clothes.

I had a knack for making more noise when I was actually trying to be quiet, so I made an effort to move with relatively normal speed and pacing as I went to my bag and grabbed it. I thought it would be quieter to get dressed in the bathroom, so armed with my stuff, I made my way back there and shut the door.

I pulled on fresh underwear, made a couple passes with the deodorant, ran a comb through my hair with a few cursory swipes, and pulled on my pants and shirt. Sitting on the toilet instead of attempting to balance, I pulled on my socks and boots, zipped up my bag, and crept back to the door.

I slung the bag over my shoulder and picked up my laptop, phone, and keys off of the dresser as I walked by. When I got to the door, I gave myself a few seconds to look at Coleman Cade and appreciate him for the perfect male specimen he was. I really hoped he found an amazing woman someday because he definitely deserved it.

After one last look, I opened the door, scooted out, and closed it behind me. Once it clicked shut, I breathed a deep sigh and turned, jogging down the outdoor breezeway to the stairs that led down to my car.

Approaching the driver’s door, I rearranged my stuff in my arms, reached into my pocket to grab my keys, pulled them out, unlocked the doors, and yanked my door open. I tossed my bag into the passenger seat, set my laptop on the center console, and fumbled to get to the key for the ignition.

What the hell?

As I thumbed through the stuff on my keychain, I realized that the most important thing, the freaking key to the car, was missing.

Just then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, a strange occurrence since no one knew how to contact me, and reached in to grab it. I pulled it out and swiped the screen, only to see the screen lit up with a text message.

From: <3 Boyfriend’s Cell <3

Sorry, Banty. Nice try.

PS- Stop running away.

That son of a bitch had stolen my key, programmed my phone with a ridiculous entry for his number, and freaking tricked me, pretending to be asleep the whole time.

After brief contemplation of whether I could somehow figure out how to hot wire my car or not, I huffed a sigh of frustration and charged full steam back upstairs to our room, prepared to give Coleman hell.

When I got to the door, I raised my fist, intent on pounding the chipped paint-covered surface while visualizing his face. But alas, he couldn’t even give me that satisfaction as he whipped open the door preemptively, a sexy grin bringing the right half of his mouth upward.

Opening his arms wide, inviting me in for a hug, he bellowed, “Banty baby! So good to see you!”

“Cut the crap, Asshole, and give me my key back!”

His mouth dropped open and his face took on an aura of disbelief. His eyes still held humor, but his words said something else. “I’m the asshole? Really Roni?” Shaking his head he took a breath before continuing, “I’m not the one who was gonna take off and leave without a goddamn word. You were gonna leave me stranded here for God’s sake! So, no Roni, I’m pretty sure
not the asshole here.”

His words stung because he was right, but rather than let it sink in I tried to use it to my advantage. “You’re right. I’m an asshole. Which is why I’ll drop you off wherever you wanna go, and we’ll part ways. You don’t need someone in your life like me.”

He burst out laughing.

What. The. Freaking.

“Um, what the hell are you laughing at?”

“Oh Banty baby, you’re so cute.”

What? Was he on drugs?

Shaking his head slightly and biting his lip, a smile still consuming his face, he continued, “Baby, no real asshole would admit to being an asshole. Therefore, it’s obvious your asshole exterior is just a front. You try so hard, but you’re not foolin’ me. It’s cute, actually.”

My brain could hardly keep up with his rationale, so I gave up on trying. “You are the weirdest freaking guy I’ve ever met.”

“Right back at you. Except, you know, a woman.”

We stared at each other for a few tense seconds before a serious expression washed over his face and he murmured, “However, all that said, I doubt I would have found it nearly as cute if I hadn’t caught you.”

I didn’t doubt that even a little. I had just figured I’d be gone and wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences.

“Why are you pushing so much to keep spending time with me when I
keep trying to get away?”

Instead of answering my question, he sighed and questioned me, “Why are you making this such a big damn deal? Just relax, enjoy my company, and have some fuckin’ fun! Christ, stop thinkin’ so hard, Roni.”

I fought to keep my exterior neutral, but my brain was screaming at him in shouty capital letters, “BECAUSE I’M ALREADY RELAXING AND ENJOYING YOUR COMPANY TOO DAMN MUCH!”

On the inside I was panting, gasping for air as if I’d just run a marathon, but on the outside I just raised a shoulder in a shrug and pushed by him to enter the room.

When I got a few steps in, I spun around to the sound of him clicking the door closed and flipping the lock. I raised my eyebrows in question.

Grinning like a kid, he muttered, “Just in case.”

I barked a harsh laugh before bursting his bubble. “You do know that the lock is on this side of the door, and I can just

My words had little effect on him, his grin staying firmly in place as he answered, “It’s at least one more step you have to go through. Buys me just a little bit of time, Banty.”

Rolling my eyes, I flopped back on the bed with a muted thump of the mattress and squeak of the box spring, throwing my arm over my eyes as a defense mechanism and letting out a deep sigh.

I couldn’t see Coleman, but I could hear his chuckles just before I felt his breath directly on the skin of my ear. Before I could react he whispered, “Oh come on...I’m not that bad, am I?”

His fresh scent enveloped me and a shiver wracked my body while the distinct thought of, “No, he’s that freaking good,” went fluttering through my head. And maybe it fluttered through little Roni too.

I tried to suppress my arousal and protect myself by rolling away, but before I had the chance, I found myself pinned to the bed by the heavy weight of Coleman’s body.

Moving my arm and cracking an eye open only to find his face not even an inch in front of mine, I stated something I had been noticing about him. “You freaking touch me like you’ve known me forever.”

Mindful of the fact that he was right in my face, he breathed out in a whisper, “That’s because you have very inviting qualities.”

There was no way I could get up and an argument was futile, so all there was left to do was question his meaning. “Inviting qualities?”

He nodded his head, his nose just barely skimming mine in the process, and another shiver wracked my body as he added words of explanation. “Yeah. You’re cute, your curves are soft and lush to touch, and you’re not particularly smelly. In fact, you smell pretty fuckin’ good.”

The tip of his tongue eased out of his mouth and just touched the pink of my lips before he added, “Edible almost.”

Shitdizzle. I had a feeling I was in trouble. My lips hadn’t even tried to get away from his tongue. In fact, I’m pretty sure they had even puckered in an effort to make it easier for him.

“Can you get off of me?” I breathed, my tone in no way convincing.

He pretended to think about it for a second before answering, “Nah. I’m pretty good right here. I think I’ll stay just like this until you give me a good reason not to.”

“How about I maim your manhood? Would that be a good enough reason?”

He chuckled.
! Apparently, he didn’t take my threat very seriously. “Oh Banty baby, I love it when you get feisty.”

While I had just threatened his manhood, I was a little hesitant to actually do anything to it. You know, just in case it turned out I wanted it. And I kinda felt like it would be a shame to ruin something so beautiful. But I really did need to get control of the situation. So I settled for a purple nurple instead, grabbing his nipple and twisting it into submission.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch!” he squealed as he pushed off of me and jumped off the bed. “You’re cruel, Banty!”

I raised an eyebrow, not in question but in defiance, at the same time that he requested, “I think you should kiss it and make it better. And I tell you what...Since I’m
a nice guy, I’ll kiss yours and make them better too. I’m

“You’re something alright.”

His answering smile was absolutely blinding. Looking at it, taking it in, and actually letting myself feel what I was feeling right in that moment, I couldn’t help but answer his smile with one of my own.

I guess I could call the way we interacted whatever I wanted, but regardless of what I wanted to believe, it felt good. So unbelievably good. I actually felt alive. Happy even.

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