I'm Your Bully (Bully Book Series 1) (2 page)

BOOK: I'm Your Bully (Bully Book Series 1)
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He wasn't a pervert or anything. At least that’s what he told himself as he perched on her windowsill.  He actually never thought he would be sneaking into
“Uggie” Emma's house. 


Jax had never really thought of Emma beyond her being an easy target in school.  He didn't hate her or anything, she was just different. He didn't think she knew the extent of what the kids at school had done to her.  They made the social network their battleground for the kids who were hated. 


Somehow shy little Emma got on their shit list.  Any moment she had in school that was even partially embarrassing, like bending over in class, sitting with your legs slightly open, or being caught in a yawn, made her a target for anyone with a cell phone and Photoshop to draw a crude dick going into her mouth or whatever area had been exposed.  Jax laughed about it at the time, but after the way she made him feel today - maybe it hadn't been that funny. 


Emma had been a loner in school, didn't have many friends to stick up for her back then.  Jax could vaguely recall her hanging out a few kids, but mainly she’d been alone.  He knew that because he’d often found her during lunch sitting in front of her locker by herself.  Jax couldn’t count the time’s he had pretended to trip over her in the hall.  His big feet had smashed more than one peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He couldn’t understand why he liked terrorizing her so much.  Or why she always responded with quiet dignity, taking his shit. 


Maybe he was a sick twisted fuck, Jax grinned at the thought. He would have gotten straight A’s in high school if he was being graded for being an evil dick to Emma.  He hadn’t even just left it at school.  He had egged and toilet papered her house. It hadn't even been Halloween.  Then he had watched as Emma tried her best to get the trailing toilet paper out of the tree he'd just climbed. 


Jax had laughed with his friends, watching from his kitchen window as Emma fruitlessly jumped over and over again trying to grab the shit tickets just out of her reach.  He shot spit balls in her hair.  Purposely stood too close to her any chance he got.  Jax liked making her nervous.  He liked watching her face turn red, and her breathing get all uneven, liked that Emma reacted to him so obviously.  It really was sick, but it gave him a secret little rush. 


If he was honest with himself Jax knew the reason he was coming home more often had nothing to do with hanging out with his parents.  He was watching Emma.  For a year and a half Jax had drifted from girl to girl, party to party, class to class. 


Maybe he was lonely or some shit, he told himself, but whenever he saw little Emma scurrying by all of that dissolved.  His old natural instinct to target her kicked in.  After high school Jax didn’t have a lot to do with Emma, in fact not one word had been spoken in her direction before today.  But he had watched her.  Lately he had even gone as far as coming over to his parent’s house when he knew she would be walking home.  Jax would stand casually on the porch watching her dash past all nervous of him.  Why he did it, he wasn’t sure.


Jax had enjoyed watching Emma ignore him all week as best she could.  Not that he’d really gone out of his way to talk to her, but Jax had definitely made his presence known. Most girls he knew would have seen him checking them out and would have given him a flirty smile.  Instead Emma had gone pale white in the face and then pretended Jax wasn’t there watching her every day.  Earlier when he had glanced at the clock and saw it was time for Emma to be passing by Jax had practically run outside, his friends trailing behind him.  He could tell by the set of her shoulders Emma was going to ignore him again, so he improvised by quickly grabbing the garden hose and turning it on her.  Jax got her attention all right. He almost felt bad because she looked so startled at first then pissed off like a little wet kitten. 


Emma wasn’t his type. As far as he could tell she wasn’t anyone’s type.  She was so plain she was invisible to just about everyone.  But here he was, sitting on her windowsill, about to commit the crime of trespassing.  He was excited and happy.  Maybe he missed bugging the shit out her all this time. 


Something else was eating at Jax. Now he had to wonder about the past, about Emma being absent from school for a week after that incident with teepeeing her tree.  He thought Emma had just been embarrassed, and hiding out, but now Jax had a feeling that her dad might have hurt her.  He knew her dad was a dick.  Jax’s parents were always bitching about how Bill, the neighbor, was a drunk who couldn’t keep a job.  They lamented over his little plain shadow of a daughter, who was stuck with him, saying she would probably come to no good.


However, Emma hadn’t resembled anything like a plain shadow as she stood, soaking wet, shaking in anger as she tried to look for her glasses.  Jax had watched her shoot an expression at him after he hosed her down that said “I hate you, go die” before she ran into her house.  That one look made him happier than anything had in a long time.


His amusement ended when he noticed how her dad treated her.  If he thought she had given him a face full of disdain, she had nothing on her dad.  Her dad had looked at Emma with pure hate.   


Jax landed softly on his feet inside her room and gazed around.  Her stuff was shabby.  He could see that even the wallpaper looked like it had seen better days in the 70’s.  The faded blue and orange striped pattern had huge rips in it showing the bare wall underneath.  Jax noted the cracks that spiraled away from holes the size of a man’s fist in the old brown wood door of her room with a frown. 


Turning his attention to Emma he could see she was sleeping on a mattress on the floor.  The white sheet covering Emma had a huge tear in it just like the wallpaper.   Her bare thigh peeked through the gap of that tear and Jax stopped short.  A very nice thigh. Eyes adjusting better to the darkness, Jax could see her face without her glasses.  She looked almost...he squinted in the dark...pretty.  Well, well, who would have thought Emma with the nice rack and shapely thighs was sort of not ugly after all. 


She didn’t know that he was here watching her. And that made him feel like a bit of a creeper, so he walked toward her sleeping form and sat down next to her.  He quickly placed a hand over her mouth, and whispered in a sing song voice, "Guess what I’ve got."










                            Emma gasped and shoved the large hand away in terror as she eyed her nemesis sitting cross legged on the floor next to her bed.  Her glasses dangled off one of Jax’s fingers in front of her nose. Sitting up, Emma let the blankets fall to her waist and tried to reach for her glasses. 



"Uh, uh uhh, no you don’t get them so easily."  He teased as he leaned back, and held the glasses away from her behind his head. 


He looked at her and saw she was wearing something like an old tank top.  Without her glasses on he could see Emma had pretty blue eyes and long blond hair that curled a little bit here and there.  Her hair, which Emma often wore in a ponytail, was longer than he thought.  It trailed down her back, wisps of it fraying around her face. Jax always liked long hair on a blond. 


Zoning in on her breasts again he stared, it was hard not to.  Her full breasts strained the front of the material, her nipples easily seen pinpoints in her shirt.  When she twisted a little to grab at the glasses behind him, he got a view of her naked flesh from the side. One little twist and his mouth went dry.  Jax instantly knew what he wanted in trade.  


He had been absurdly, just for a moment, pissed off when Paul had taunted Emma making fun of her full tits.  Jax had never cared in the past, but since he had been watching Emma the last couple weeks, he had felt a small streak of possessiveness kick in.  At the time he shrugged it off, and went back to drinking beer with his buddies. Being faced with what might be the best pair of tit’s he’d ever seen when he had the upper hand so to speak was just too much of an opportunity to pass up.  He was such a hypocrite, Jax thought as he grinned evilly while tisk tisking at her. 


"If I give you these, you gotta do a something for me in return." 


Emma was instantly on guard.  "Please give them back they’re my only pair and I can't afford to replace them."


Her tone was completely flat and her expression was one he wasn’t exactly used to.  She was showing her dislike again like she had earlier.  Usually she would get this owlish, indignant, look on her face and walk away from him.  Unexpectedly Emma was playing mouse to his cat. 




Jax wasn't expecting such an honest answer either, ‘I can’t afford’ wasn’t in the vocabulary of most kids in this town.  Most kids he knew would have rather lied than admit they were poor. 


She looked tired, and her bottom lip was a little swollen in the light.  Maybe Emma needed a little fun in her life.  He was fun.  Jax could be magnanimous and actually let her in on it for once.  


Jax leaned back on his hands, showing his wide chest off.  He gave her a smile that all the girls adored and said, "All you have to do is sit on my lap, honey, that’s it." 


The look on her face said she thought he’d lost his mind.  Maybe he had.


"If I sit on your lap you promise to give them back?" She was looking at him now, like she had just asked, “Do I have to sit on a pile of shit, too?”


Man, she really hated him. He smoothed his grin out so she wouldn’t know how amused he was.  "Yup,” he leaned forward just slightly, and patted a muscled thigh with one big hand.


He didn't expect her to actually go for it, but she wrapped the sheet around her torso, and quickly shuffled over to sit down.  As soon as she got close he sprung his arms around her, and settled her between his thighs on the floor.  She let out a small yell but quickly silenced herself. 


Jax bent his dark head next to her blond one, and said in a voice that was teasing but lightly flirtatious at the same time, "Not so bad, right?"  Emma let out a huff, and tried to peel his locked fingers apart from where they rested just under her breasts. 


"Let go.”  She squirmed around in his lap and he enjoyed every second of it.  “Why don’t you go torment one of your many whores, oh I’m sorry, I meant your friends." 


"I don't think so, not yet in any case."  Jax said as he nuzzled the side of her neck.  Emma stilled under the caress. 


"Emmmmaaaa, you smell delicious," his tongue snaked out and tasted her, "Taste good too."  Jax could hear her breathing change and feel her heart beating against her ribs faster, and faster.  This was way more fun than the shit he did to her in high school. 


He licked the side of her face trying to make her wiggle, and tell him he was a jerk, but a loud crash downstairs froze them in place. 


              Emma turned to stone between his legs.  They could hear climbing footsteps on the stairs. All of a sudden Emma exploded into action struggling to get out of his arms. Jax tried to sooth her by whispering in her ear, “Hey, it’s ok,” but she struggled harder against his hold instead.


Letting her go Jax watched as Emma elbowed him in the ribs and quickly got up as he clutched at his side in mock pain.  Emma didn't laugh or try to sooth his false hurt, but pulled him up by his arm, and practically shoved Jax out of the window almost before he could grab a branch and swing into the tree.  As Jax settled his weight onto a sturdy limb he watched in dismay as Emma's door open with a loud bang.  Her father drunkenly charged inside her room waving a liquor bottle dangerously around as he yelled at her. 


Jax was a bully, he knew it, he took pleasure in it most of his life.  He'd never been very nice to but a very few of his friends, or even the girls he fucked.  He was used to them falling at his feet, and they didn't seem to care that he treated them like shit.  But sitting on that tree watching Emma cower in front of her dad changed something in Jax.  He didn't want to leave Emma in there alone.  He didn't like seeing her scared.  She had never really been scared of Jax, just annoyed and he liked that he could get a rise out of her on a rare occasion.  He didn't like what her father was doing now, and he had a good idea that she’d endured more than yelling over the years.  He thought back to her lip and started getting mad. 


Jax watched with a scowl until her father retreated to his own section of the house. 


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