I'm Your Bully (Bully Book Series 1) (10 page)

BOOK: I'm Your Bully (Bully Book Series 1)
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Jax was quietly driving her to his place, his car not the smoothest of rides with its big engine roaring, but she could tell he was taking it easy for her sake.  Although her ribs weren’t broken they sure did hurt and the doctors couldn’t do much more than give her some pain medication and tell her to hug a pillow to her chest if she felt like she needed to cough or sneeze. 


Jax had heard that and brought a pillow with him when he returned to the hospital to pick her up.  She hugged it to her chest as the car swayed to a stop in the parking lot of a big apartment building. 


Not saying anything Jax got out and walked around the car.  He opened her door and slid his arms under her gently picking her up, slamming the door shut with his hip. 


The apartment complex was on the new side.  He managed the doors and the elevator and took them to the top floor. 


He walked down the hallway, stopping in front of the corner apartment door and jostled her to get it unlocked and open. 


The apartment was huge, modern, and clean. She assumed he would live in a pig sty.  She imagined beer bottles, empty pizza boxes and lost g-strings to be littered everywhere.  Instead it was simple, but nice. 


Carrying her to the living room Jax placed her on a big leather couch.  He left the apartment and collected Emma’s things from the trunk of the car along with her medications.  Leaving the garbage bags stuffed with clothes in the spare bedroom, Jax brought her a couple of pain pills to help dull the throb she still suffered.  The doctor had said the pain would probably get worse before it was better.  Emma felt like a truck had hit her so she knew it was true. 


Jax brought over the TV controller and flipped it on to a random channel, he left the remote next to her, brought Emma another pillow for behind her head and a blanket to cover her. 


He kissed her forehead and went to work in the kitchen that was right next to the living room, separated only by an island table with some bar stools. 


She watched Jax instead of the TV.  He pulled some pasta out of the cupboard and started it boiling.  She fell asleep before it was done. 


She woke to a hot plate of spaghetti under her nose.  Emma sat up slowly, grimacing as she did, her legs stretched out before her on the couch. 


Jax pushed the coffee table out a little bit and sat down right next to her on the floor and began digging into his own plate.  After a few bites Emma wasn’t hungry anymore just tired. 


She was worried too, how long could she stay here?  Emma thought maybe Jax was mad at her because he hadn’t really spoken to her much since finding her in her room beaten.  Maybe Jax was trying to figure out how to get her off his hands without hurting her feelings although that wasn’t really his style.  In the past he’d never had a problem hurting her feelings.  Emma didn’t want to talk about any of that, she just wanted to slip back into blissful, painless sleep.  Her eyes grew heavy and she did.


The next few days followed a pattern. Jax would get up and take care of Emma, making sure she had everything she needed near her on the couch where she slept while he was gone, including her cell phone. 


He slept on the floor beside Emma each night. 


She had tried to tell him he could sleep in his room, but Jax would just shake his head and tell her nope, he was going to sleep where he could hear her if Emma needed him.  Sleeping on the couch worked out well for Emma because she could get to the bathroom and kitchen more easily than if she was in the spare room. 


Jax would kiss her gently on the forehead every day before he left for school and, to Emma’s surprise, work. 


“You didn't think I worked?” Jax asked when she gave him a look that said, I didn't believe you had ever had a job in your life.




“My uncle owns a mechanic’s shop. He let me hang around at his place every summer so I learned how to fix cars from him. We fixed up that old Chevelle together.  Now I work for him part-time until I finish my degree.  It helps pay the bills since the scholarship doesn’t pay for everything.”


“I didn’t know that.”  Emma was actually surprised, and he was right, he knew a lot more about her than she did him.


“Between my job, work and studying, I didn’t have a lot of time to spend chasing after some girl who didn’t want to give me the time of day.  I’m glad that’s over,” he said as he stood over her, bent down and kissed her brow.  Jax trailed a finger gently over the yellowing bruise on the side of her face.


“I’ll be home late, call me if you need anything.” 


Emma sat for a long time thinking about what she was going to do next.







As time passed and Emma healed, she learned a lot about Jax.  He was determined to make a good life for himself.  Jax was also determined to keep himself at a bit of a distance.  He wouldn’t talk about what had happened with her dad.  He wouldn’t talk about the future only saying that they would soon.  It was frustrating, and at the same time it made Emma uneasy.  Even though it seemed like Jax was alright with her being here for the moment, Emma wasn’t sure he was really thrilled. 


Once she was well enough to leave she decided she would.  Emma didn’t want Jax to feel obligated to take care of her and she was very much worried that he did.


Finally the day came when Emma was feeling well enough; in fact she was feeling stir crazy.  She called a local shelter and talked to a woman there who said they could help her find a place to live and a job since Emma had called in on her old one and been told they had already replaced her.  Figures, Emma thought to herself.


On a whim Emma called Brad at the tattoo shop.  Brad had been very worried that he hadn’t seen Emma in weeks. He drove by her house and talked with Emma’s dad who he said had looked like he had taken a real beating. Her dad had basically told Brad to go fuck off. When Emma explained she was staying at Jax’s place, but lost her job Brad immediately offered her a counter girl position at the shop and said that he knew a lady who had a room for rent in a nice house nearby. 


Emma felt tears gather in her eyes and she thanked him profusely.  Brad told her to sit tight where she was and he would come pick her up in the afternoon to take her over to the house to check it out. 


Maybe she should talk to Jax first, but he seemed to be preoccupied every time Emma tried to talk with him.  A sure sign he was tired of her here in his personal space.  She was sad to be leaving, Emma loved being around Jax, even a more subdued one, but she couldn’t impose on him anymore, even if he had bullied her into it. Emma was amazed she wanted to be around him at all, the more she got to know Jax, the more she saw he was a different person than he had been in the past.  Jax had changed in the time Emma had gotten to know him, from someone she didn’t like to someone she could feel herself falling for.  That would be such a stupid thing to do.



Emma finished putting all of her things in trash bags by the door contemplating what sort of luggage she would buy when she could afford it. Not that black garbage bags did a bad job, Emma just didn’t really enjoy looking like a bag lady carrying them around with her every where she went. The door opened.


Jax had come home unexpectedly.


Emma watched as Jax tripped over the bags, he stopped and frowned down at them. Jax looked dumbfounded.  Slowly he turned away from her and closed and locked the front door. 


“What’s up?”  He said slowly as he turned back to her.  He leaned against the door and crossed his arms over his chest.  Jax being home was going to make it twice as hard to leave, Emma thought with dismay.


“I got a job and a place to stay,” Emma said almost guiltily.  Why did it feel like she was running off?  Because she was, she answered herself.  “I thought you might want your place back.  I can’t live here forever you know.”


Jax only narrowed his eyes at her and said, “Says who?”


“I…,” She started and stopped her brow confused.  “I just assumed since you didn’t want to talk about things you were being sweet and giving me time to get all better and find a place to go.”  She smiled and said the wrong thing, “I’m all better and I even got a job at the tattoo shop.”







, hell no,” Jax immediately shoved off the door and stalked toward her.  She felt dwarfed by his size when he didn’t stop, he just picked her up like he was used to doing and carried her right into his bedroom.


“Jax!  What are you doing? I’m trying to help you by getting out of your home.” 


He placed her on his bed, turning away and said, “If you were really trying to help me then why aren’t you taking your clothes off already?” 


Emma’s jaw dropped as she watched Jax strip out of his clothes. He was getting naked and she was still on his bed fully clothed with an astonished look on her face. 


She said the first thing on her mind, “Wait, what’s wrong with working at the tattoo shop?”


When he snorted, she said, “You’ve haven’t exactly been telling me your plans, how could I know you wanted me to stay?”


She was watching Jax’s thick cock getting harder and harder as he pulled his socks off.  Who knew how sexy taking socks off could be? 


“I’m going to work at the tattoo shop.”  She said firmly as she tried to back up on the bed because he was almost totally naked.


In a calm voice Jax said, “You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want you to stay, I was trying to give you time to get used to living with me before I jumped on top of you.” He was done undressing and started walking toward the bed.  “I can see now I made a mistake.  I need to use all my skills to explain to you what I need.  I need you to stay, I want you to work at the shop if you don’t mind me stopping by every day, I don’t want you to deal with your dad alone ever again, I want you to be happy and I need you to want this.”  Jax pointed down at his dick that was practically slapping him in the belly, he wanted to tell it to calm the hell down but he had to admit he was just as excited.


Jax looked determined as he put a knee on the bed and grasped her leg then began slowly dragging her toward him. 


Emma fell onto her back on the bed and grabbed at the covers. “Jax, I have to leave in two hours.”


“Good, because that will give me enough time to convince you to stay here with me using the other skill I developed in high school.” Pulling her shirt off as she tried to tug it from his hands, Jax smiled wolfishly when she lost.  Soon she was as naked as he was.  Then Jax was on top of Emma, kissing any questions or demands out of her mind.


Jax tried to take his time, he tried to kiss her and pet her.  He tried to let her hot little hands stroke him and pet him back.  When he was sure she was wet and ready to take him he didn’t waste any more time waiting.


Emma didn’t question him when Jax pulled back and got up on his knees pulling her legs apart. 


His big cock rested on her belly as he moved closer, she could feel the heat and length of it. She worried about how she was going to fit all of Jax inside of her. 


Emma was watching nervously as Jax moved into place dragging his cock down Emma’s belly to her pussy where he rubbed it back and forth, wetting himself in her. 


She was so excited and scared, all of her thoughts melted away as he touched her. 


“Watch me,” his voice was dark, his big muscled chest flexed as he prepared to penetrate her.  They both watched as he began to push his way inside of her.  Emma tensed and her body arched as the pressure began to sting.  He was too big, but she didn’t want Jax to stop. 


It was intense for both of them for different reasons, the pain of losing her virginity and the wonder of him taking it.  They shared in the moment and finally his massive cock rested inside her wet, snug pussy. Emma relaxed after a few moments of getting used to the size of Jax.  It hurt, but the sting was lessening.


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