I'm Doin' Me (10 page)

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Authors: Anna Black

BOOK: I'm Doin' Me
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Chapter Sixteen
Tiffany's limo pulled up and she got out and walked the red carpet at
Boy Crazy
's premiere party. Since this was their final season, they decided to go all out and the party was ten times larger than the previous years. She was dressed to kill in a stunning backless red dress, with sparkling diamond accessories and her diamond-studded shoes. She took her time posing for all the cameras, hating that she was single with no one on her arm. She'd normally be dating somebody around season premiere time, but not this time. This year, she was solo.
Party attendees enjoyed cocktails and hors d'oeuvres before they were moved to the media room to watch the season's first episode of the show. It was an hour long and when the credits began, people were on their feet applauding.
The show was a hit and those who had viewed the first episodes commented that they couldn't comprehend why the show was ending. Tiffany glowed with pride when she heard them say the cast was fresh and beautiful and the writers kicked ass on the new season. This season would be funny, sexy, emotional, and witty, with a lot of chemistry and the viewers were going to be in for a treat.
Tiffany wanted to inform the show's supporters during her speech that the network was now run by one of the biggest racists on the planet, but she held her head high and said great things about the network and thanked them for giving her a chance to be a part of their team. She gave a personal thanks to William Keiffer, the network's true owner, and Todd Daniels, the man who had given her Tracy's position. She thanked her cast and crew individually and begged anyone she forgot to mention to forgive her. After they allowed the main cast members and a few others to speak, the party began. Tiffany was tired of greeting and talking, but she kept up her appearance, praying that the night would end soon, because her feet were aching.
She was out on the terrace, taking in the lovely view, when she heard someone behind her clear their throat. She turned around.
“Do you mind if I join you?” the man asked. He walked over with a glass of champagne in his hand for her.
“Don't mind at all, Mr. Grant,” she replied and took the glass. Colby Grant was not a newcomer to L.A. His last role on the big screen attracted more success than any other in his entire fourteen-year career. He was so hot that scripts were coming at him left and right since that movie. He was on the list with Denzel, Will, and Blair now. And he was just as fine, she thought.
“What a vast night it has been for you,” he said
“Yes, you can say that. Everything was spectacular, but sadly, this is the end of the road.”
“So sorry. I mean, I didn't catch a lot of episodes of your show, but the ones I did manage to catch were great.”
“Thank you. Maybe if I could have gotten you on as a guest star, the network would have reconsidered our contract.” She smiled.
“Maybe. You never know.” He smiled back.
“Well, it's a bittersweet moment, I'll tell you. I'm proud of myself for the success the show had, but I'm so disappointed to have a great run with KCLN and then just get cut from the team.
“Just think of it as a stepping stone. It took me fourteen years, twenty-one movies, and God only knows how many roles as a nobody to finally get here. To get the starring role for
was a dream come true, but most importantly, a blessing from God. You've done so much in so little time, Tiffany, so you're one of the lucky ones. It's just time to move on to the next thing.”
“That's just it. I don't have the next thing planned. I was just so confident that KCLN would renew that I didn't plan for the next thing.”
“Well then, the next thing is prayer. You just pray and wait.”
She looked at him. His eyes were so sincere and he seemed to be more of a gentleman than she thought he'd be. Fine and yet humble was a rare thing in L.A. “Yes,” she agreed. “I guess you're right.”
“Of course I am. Now, you are going to put on a happy face and come inside and dance with me.” He held out an arm and she slid her arm into it.
Her feet were hurting like hell, but how could she deny him? They danced a couple songs, and when the music slowed for the next one, he didn't let her leave the dance floor. She tried to refuse him, to say no, but he wouldn't hear of it and pulled her close.
When the song was over, Tiffany really wanted to leave because her feet felt like they had been hammered by a sledgehammer. She told Colby she was going to call it a night.
“Already? It's not even midnight,” he said looking at his watch.
“I know, but my feet are killing me and I want to get out of this dress.” She didn't want to be tacky and take off her shoes there. There were still press and media outside.
“I'll tell you what, let me take you home and you change and we can go listen to some jazz. I won't keep you out too late.” He flashed his gorgeous smile again.
“Okay, that sounds like a plan. I'll have to let my driver know that it is okay for him to leave.”
Colby walked her out. She took a couple more photos alone and a couple with him. She wondered what the tabloids would say about them. She really didn't care because he was fine and living large, so if they assumed he was her man, she didn't see how that could be a bad thing.
They made it to her place and she invited him in while she changed. He took a seat and when she came out in her jeans and halter, he said, “I feel overdressed. Maybe I should change.” They both laughed.
“Yes, maybe,” she said.
“How about this: we go to my place and just have a couple drinks there, and I'll play you some jazz?”
Tiffany was a little hesitant, but she agreed. They left and drove out to his home. They went inside and he showed her to the patio. She took a seat while he started the fire pit and then ran inside to get her a chardonnay. He turned on some soft music and went to change. He came back in some long shorts and a tank with his Nike slippers and socks. He joined her and took a sip of his drink. They made small talk, and she started to feel a little attraction between them.
“So what happened between you and your girlfriend? I mean, y'all were together since forever.”
“We had about five and a half years, but what the world doesn't know is that damn girl was crazy. I mean, Jasmine was gorgeous, talented, and smart, but had a mad crazy temper. I used to be able to deal with it, you know, but then a year ago, she'd go into these violent rages and things started to get physical. The night of the premiere of
there was a lot of focus on me and I was being pulled in every direction. As you know in this biz, it's groupie territory, but Jasmine did not want to see women in my face at all. Long story short, I'm like partying, doing the damn thing, and this chick wanted me to sign her tit. So I grabbed her tit with one hand and signed with the other. Jasmine saw it, walked up on me, and slapped the shit outta me in front of everybody. Tiffany, I was so mad and embarrassed, but all I could do was walk out of my own party.
“I left and went home. And when she came home, I told her to get her shit and get out. We broke up for a couple weeks, I calmed down, and let her come home. After that, she became this abusive bitch. She thought she could hit me whenever she was pissed. Things got so bad I had to call the cops on her, and that last time, I pressed charges. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to leave her alone before one of us ended up seriously hurt, because that last time, I hit her back. And I vowed to never hit a woman. That's what happened with Jasmine, and it's been maybe seven or eight months since I saw her last.”
“Wow that is crazy. That is one thing I don't condone, hitting. I learned a long time ago not to give a lick if you can't receive a lick. So I keep my hands to myself.” She finished that last swallow in her glass.
“Would you like another?”
“Yes, but only one. I think I'm about to hit my limit.”
He got up to refill her glass and when he came back, they talked for hours. Before she knew it, it was after five.
“How about I show you around?” he offered.
She nodded yes. He started outside where they were and took her through another entrance from the patio that wrapped around, what seemed to Tiffany, the entire exterior of the house. They finally finished the tour in his master bedroom, and went out onto his huge balcony that overlooked the entire back of the house and from where she could see the city lights.
“Now this is how I planned to live one day,” she said out loud.
“Yes, it is nice. I wasn't able to purchase this place until last year, and I'll be here for a while,” he said and smiled.
“A while in this place is not a bad idea,” she said.
He moved closer to her and embraced her from behind. “You can stay if you'd like. No strings, no requirements, and I promise to stay on my side of the bed.”
She knew she should have gone home, but she was enjoying him and his company. “I'll stay if you promise to keep your hands to yourself and don't try no touchy-feely when I close my eyes. Men are bad for that.”
“I promise,” he said holding up his hands in mock of surrender.
“I'm serious, Colby. If I feel a hand on my breast or my ass, I will take a cab. I promise you I will.”
“I'll sleep in the chair if you want me to,” he said and smiled.
“No, I want to lie with you,” she said and they both smiled. He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss and she let him.
“Well, shall we?” he asked.
They went into his bedroom and he gave her a T-shirt to sleep in. She went into the master bathroom to change and walked back out with her clothes in her hand.
“You can lay your things there,” he said, pointing to a plush chair in a corner of the room. “I'm going to go down and lock up.”
While he was gone, she pulled back the covers and climbed into his huge bed. When he came back, he got in with her, still wearing his shorts and tank, and he grabbed the remote. He lowered the lights and a television came out of the hideaway that was at the foot of his bed. He turned it on.
He put the volume low, and asked her if it bothered her. She said no and they lay there watching a movie. He stayed on his side and she on hers, but after a few moments, they ended up close to each other. She dozed off to sleep and felt him put his arm around her.
She awoke to the aroma of food cooking. When she went to use the bathroom, she was happy to see Colby had left a toothbrush and fresh towels. She showered and put on the robe that hung on the door, hoping it was okay. Then she made her way to the kitchen.
“I hope you don't mind,” she said, indicating his robe.
“No, I don't mind. You look better in it than I do,” he joked.
“Thank you,” she said and took a seat.
“Question,” he said seriously.
“Yes?” she said wondering what was on his mind.
“Now this morning when I got up, I rubbed your hair away from your face and then I did a scalp check. No lie, be honest, is all that your real hair?”
She burst into laughter. “Yes, why?”
“No disrespect, I've never met one sister out here in L.A. who doesn't have a weave or extensions.”
“Really?” she asked in disbelief.
“Yes, really. Not one. You are the very first.”
“Wow, that's hard to believe, but hey, I've never thought about it. I guess that is rare out here.”
Colby finished cooking and fixed their plates. He joined her at the table and they ate; then he took her home. He didn't leave until she agreed to go out with him later. She gave him a quick kiss and closed her door behind him.
She didn't want to get ahead of herself with thoughts of romance, but Colby was a happy start. She hung around the house, did a little cleaning, and watered her plants. She sat out on her patio, something she hadn't done in a while, and thanked God for what she had. She didn't have a huge and expensive mansion like Colby or Kory, but her place was spacious and modern with top-of-the-line everything and she could afford a decorator when she was stumped for ideas.
The show had done her well and she had a few dollars stacked. Not millions, but she wouldn't have to worry about going broke. Her house was paid for, so was her Beemer, and she didn't have a bunch of credit card debt. Working at the show had its perks, like free cosmetics, clothes, and so many other things that companies gave just to advertise on the show. Even her iPad had been free. She was going to miss it all, and prayed she'd land another gig soon.
She checked the time and saw it was close to five. Colby was going to pick her up by six-thirty. She went to shower again and Rosalie, one of the makeup and hair stylists from the show, arrived on time to get her prettied up for her date.
She and Rosalie talked and she spilled the beans. When she told her who she had a date with, Rosalie squealed and almost dropped the curling iron. She had to force her to go when they were done, because she wanted to stick around and meet Colby. Wanting to impress him, Tiffany didn't want him to know her hair and makeup were done by a professional. She gave Rosalie her normal $200 fee and got her out just in time to slip on her dress, put on her jewelry, and hit the right spots with her Flower Bomb.
She was ready when he arrived at six-thirty on the dot.
Chapter Seventeen
Tiffany sat at her desk at work daydreaming about Colby. He was such a romantic, and she didn't know how much longer she could fight the feeling. She wanted to spread her legs wide open for him and she wanted to do it bad. They had been out countless times in a three-week period and she was on cloud nine whenever he was around. Since he hadn't tried to hit it, she had thought he might be gay, but he passed the gay test that Darryl put him to. She was elated he got the heterosexual seal of approval.
She wondered how to approach him. Should she show up in a trench naked or should she talk to him about it first? Either way, she wanted him.
Her intercom buzzed. “Tiffany, you have a call on line one,” Myah said. “It's a Heather Tyson from TiMax.”
Tiffany took the call quickly. “Hi, this is Tiffany Richardson.”
“Hi, Miss Richardson, this is Heather Tyson. I am calling on behalf of Langley Green. He's wanted to speak with you for a while now. He'd like to meet you soon for lunch to discuss your show,
Boy Crazy.

Tiffany almost dropped her phone. She remembered talking to Mr. Green about
Boy Crazy,
but she thought he had been blowing smoke up her ass. “Okay, I'd love to meet him to discuss it,” she said, trying to sound calm.
“How is Thursday at one? I can call your assistant back with the details, if you'd like.”
“Please do, and thank you, Miss Tyson.” When she hung up, she screamed.
Myah ran through the door. “They want the show, don't they?” Tiffany could see she was trying to remain calm.
“I hope so, Mee-Mee. This could be it. He wants to meet with me on Thursday.” She got up and hugged Myah, jumping up and down. “Heather is going to call you back with the details, Myah, so please make sure you get everything down.”
“I will, I will, no doubt.”
“This could be huge. If they sign the show, we will go global. This could be huge for
Boy Crazy.
” Tiffany fell back into her chair. “I need a drink,” she said, fanning herself with her hand. “Listen, Mee-Mee, you can't say a word to anyone until after this meeting takes place. I don't want to get everyone excited until after I know for sure.”
“Done, I won't say a word.”
Myah went back to her desk and came back an hour later with the information from Heather. Tiffany's heart raced. She called Colby and told him her good news, and of course, he wanted to celebrate. She hadn't even had the meeting yet, but he wanted to go out and celebrate. They went to Greystone for a little rooftop scenery and went back to his place after. They were kissing and Tiffany thought things were going to go down, but he stopped her.
“What's wrong?” she asked him. She briefly wondered if he really was straight after all.
“Nothing, Tiffany,” he said and rubbed her face. “We don't have to move too fast.”
“I know, Colby. We've been dating and hanging out for almost a month. I don't call that too fast.”
He smiled. “Look, we have plenty of time for that. How about I get you a drink and rub your feet?”
She wanted to say, “Hell no, how about you rub my clit?” Instead, she said, “Colby, I'm confused. Talk to me. You don't want to have sex with me?”
“Of course I do. I just don't want to rush into it. We are having a ball and the anticipation is what's keeping me excited and wanting to see you every single day. It's like, if we do it now, that anticipation and that newness is going to be gone and I'm not ready for it to be gone yet. Let's just have fun, hang out, and enjoy each other's company like we've been doing, and when we do take our relationship to that level, we'll care about each other enough to still miss each other when we're apart.”
It made sense, but then again, it didn't make sense. Tiffany hadn't had any in a while and she was ready to release, but he was playing games. “Okay, Colby, a glass of pinot and a foot massage sounds good to me,” she said.
He smiled, gave her a quick peck, and went into the kitchen to fix them both a drink. “Can we at least take this upstairs?” she asked when he came back. “That chair in your room feels like a big hug in my grandma's arms.”
“Sure, no problem,” he said.
Upstairs, she took off her clothes and took the Chanel throw from the ottoman and wrapped it around her body. She relaxed in the chair and he sat on the ottoman in front of her and began to massage her feet. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his strong hands and that comfortable chair. She sipped on her wine and gave him an occasional seductive look and he smiled. Once she finished her drink she was even hotter, but making a move on him would have been pointless. She climbed into his bed and did what she normally did in his bed: fell right to sleep.
A couple days later, she was ready for her pitch. She had on her “I mean business” suit and walked into the restaurant to meet Mr. Green with confidence. She was going to sell everything but her soul to get a contract with TiMax and seal this deal. She was going to listen, and if she had to make some changes to her ideas, she was prepared to compromise.
“Mr. Green,” she said when she reached their table.
He stood. “Miss Richardson, so glad that you could make it.” They shook hands and took their seats.
“I wouldn't have missed this meeting for the world.”
A server came over to take their drink order. She ordered a soda.
Mr. Green shook his head. “Bring me a Scotch on the rocks, and the young lady will have an apple martini. You look like a martini girl,” he said to Tiffany. She smiled and nodded. “Listen, Tiffany,” he said when the server left, “I am not all business. We are people, not machines, so we are going to chat and discuss the show, so loosen up. If it takes a couple martinis to get you loose, we can drink before business. I want you to give me the true you, not what you think I want to hear you. I love your show. I've watched the last three weeks of it and I brought you here to make an offer. I am willing to hear your plans and the direction you want to go with the show, but I came here to make a deal.”
Before she could reply, the server was back with their drinks. She realized the rich didn't have the long wait time that ordinary people had.
“Well, Mr. Green, I wanted to tell you the direction I'd like to take the show in and how long it lasts is how long it may last,” she said nervously. “I want the girls to start the new season graduating from college. I want them to start their adventure in life learning things kind of the hard way. You know, broken hearts, trouble finding work, maybe issues with sexual harassment, dating a guy with a little penis,” she added.
“Or a guy with an enormous one,” Mr. Green joked.
Tiffany could see he was in tune with where she was going. “Exactly. Just things that young women experience. Then we move over to engagements a couple seasons in, maybe a pregnancy scare, just something to keep the humor and give relatable shows with realistic scenarios.”
After bouncing several show ideas off one another, they were finished with their drinks and he signaled for the server to get them another. They threw in a quick lunch order and then it was back to business.
“What about nudity and profanity?” he asked. “TiMax is an adult channel and our series are for an adult audience.”
“Well, the three main characters are on board for whatever changes that may come. My writers are talented and grown, and we are not afraid of nudity or profanity. It's hard for us to write without it,” she joked. He laughed with her.
“Good, good,” he said and took a drink. “Tiffany, I am going to be honest. I've already decided to sign the show. What happens now is the offer. Now, for the first two seasons, things will be standard. The only way the next season will change is if you get in there and rock the network.”
Tiffany thought she'd burst.
“Now,” he continued, “I want everyone who has been on to stay on. As far as the cast, as long as the three main characters sign, we have a show. As far as casting, writing, producing, and all that jazz, it is on you.”
Their food came and Mr. Green conveniently changed the subject. After their meal, when the table was cleared, he went straight back to it. He reached into his briefcase and gave her offer letters for the cast members and general offer letters for her writers. They were standard and the numbers looked good. Way more than KCLN.
“Sir, I have one more question. My personal assistant, I really want to bring her with me. She is only making thirty-eight grand a year at KCLN, but she has benefits for her children.”
“Okay, well, if she is your personal assistant, we'll give her forty-five grand and benefits.” His words were music to Tiffany's ears. “I'll have her offer typed up and sent to you and I will give you until Monday to get back to me with the signed contracts. From there, we decide whether we will premiere next spring or fall.”
Tiffany couldn't wait to meet with her people. They were as good as signed. She knew no one was going to walk away from this contract. How could they? It was more money and a larger audience.
When the meeting was done, Mr. Green stood to shake her hand. “I admire your drive, young lady. You are doing well for yourself and I know your father must be proud.”
“Well, I never knew my father,” she confessed. “My brother and I were raised by my mom. We struggled, but I am who I am today because of her hard work and sacrifice.”
“I'm sorry, young lady. Your dad has no idea how blessed he is to have a daughter like you,” he said and smiled.
Tiffany's eyes watered. She wished she had a dad to make proud, but she didn't. “Thank you, sir. And thank you so much for this opportunity. You won't regret it.”
“I know I won't. Have a good day, Tiffany, and I look forward to seeing you soon.” He shook her hand again and they parted.
She went back to her office glowing. She stopped at Myah's desk first and told her to come into her office. Myah handed her an envelope.
“What's this?”
“I don't know; it came by messenger a minute ago.” She followed Tiffany into her office.
Tiffany set her briefcase down and ripped opened the envelope. It held two tickets to a play that was in town. It had a note attached:
Thanks for meeting with me today. Please enjoy the show.
It was signed by Mr. Green. Pleased, she stuffed them back into the envelope. She would take Colby.
Now she got down to business. She told Myah the good news first and Myah was ready to do cartwheels. She told her to get a hold of the cast members to set up a meeting, and to tell her writers to meet her in the idea room.
When they gathered, she brought them up to speed and handed out the contracts. As she expected, everyone signed but Brad. He declined the offer. Tiffany didn't even ask why. She had already heard through the grapevine that he was going to sign with another show as executive producer.
Later, the cast assembled and she gave them the news. They were as happy as everyone else. She had all contracts signed but Brad's, but she didn't shed a tear about him. They could continue without him.
She didn't have to wait until Monday to call Mr. Green back, but she did. She spent the weekend lusting after Colby and decided she'd take a little break from him. The following weekend after her meeting with Mr. Green, her show had a home with TiMax. She celebrated with her cast and crew and didn't invite Colby.
The Friday before she headed to KCLN, she got a package from him. She opened it and found lingerie and instructions. Pulling back must have worked, because now it seemed as if he was sexually interested.
She couldn't wait for their weekend to begin.

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