Illicit (20 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

BOOK: Illicit
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He sighed. “It doesn’t really matter if you believe in my ability or not. You asked me to tell you why I don’t think things will work between us and I’m trying to do that.”

“Okay, so you have this ability. How does that affect us?”

“I’ve been in love before, and when I told her about my ability, she couldn’t handle it.”

She frowned. “So this woman left you because you knew how to please her?”

“No, at first she thought it was great, but after a while it started to freak her out. She said she didn’t like me being inside her head. It made her feel too vulnerable. Like she had no secrets. She felt that it gave me some kind of control over her.”

“So you’re assuming I can’t handle this ability either? Based on one woman’s reaction?”

He shrugged. “It wasn’t just one.”

She understood that a woman might think if he could delve into the inner workings of her mind, whether by reading her thoughts, or emotions, then he would have a level of control. That she could hide nothing from him, and it would leave her completely exposed and vulnerable to him.

But she couldn’t imagine Erik abusing his ability.

“So you think I’m like every other woman you’ve dated? And that’s why you won’t even give me a chance?”

He glanced at her. “You don’t even believe me.”

“It’s not that I don’t believe you. It’s more that I don’t fully understand.”

“Okay. Let’s say I give you a chance right now.”

He surprised her by stepping toward her and drawing her into his arms, enveloping her in his warmth. He captured her mouth and his tongue dipped inside. His hands glided down her back, drawing her body tight to his, from shoulder to hip. Her breasts tingled with need as they crushed against his hard chest, only the thin silk of her robe between them. She could feel his sculpted abs against her stomach. When his hands cupped her butt, she could feel his swelling bulge.

“Now,” he murmured against her ear, “imagine something that turns you on.”

“I don’t have to imagine,” she said a little breathlessly.

He chuckled. “Just think about what you’d like me to do. Some kind of fantasy scenario would work best.”

The poker game sprang to mind. Her stripping off her blouse as the three of them watched. Goose bumps skittered along her skin at the memory.

“Don’t think of things we did during the weekend.” He nuzzled her neck. “Like the poker game.”

She stiffened at his accuracy, but of course it was just a coincidence. Memories of the ride in the elevator lurched forward, which was what he’d said had triggered the invitation.

“Or the elevator.”

She drew back a little, but he didn’t release her. “Okay, I was thinking about those things,” she said, “but they are a little obvious. It doesn’t prove anything.”

“I know. That’s why I said don’t think of those.” He nuzzled her neck. “Just let your mind go blank, then allow your inner desires to surface.”

He kissed along her collarbone as his hand squeezed her ass and tremors rippled through her. His arm slid around her back as his other hand glided up her side, then around to cup her breast. His thumb found her nipple and thrilling sensations burst through her. He captured her lips and his tongue swirled inside, then undulated against hers.

The confident way his hands traveled over her body, the authoritative way his mouth mastered hers, took her breath away. She wanted him to own her. To push her against the wall and dominate her, confining her hands so she couldn’t escape, while his tongue drove into her mouth, his hard, muscular body crushing her against the wall.

His arm tightened around her and she could feel his swollen cock pressing hard against her stomach. She felt the wall at her back before she even realized they were moving. His tongue drove deep, overwhelming her with his masculine presence. She drew in a deep breath, needing air. His big body pressed her tight to the wall. He captured her wrists and lifted them to the wall above her head. She arched against him, loving the feel of her breasts against his hard, muscular chest. Need overwhelmed her. He nuzzled her neck. Grasping both her wrists in one hand, he cupped her face in his other hand, his thumb stroking her neck as he drove his tongue deeper inside her.

Oh, God, she wanted him to fuck her hard against the wall. Right now.

His hand glided lower and he unfastened the sash of her robe; the whole time his tongue still invaded her mouth. His hand slid underneath and cupped her breast. Her hard nipple thrust into his palm. His hand roamed lower and she felt his fingers graze her stomach as he wrapped his hand around his big, hard cock. He tipped it down and flicked the robe out of the way, then glided his hard cock-head against her slick opening. Forward and back in an erotic caress.

She moaned and widened her legs, waiting for him to drive inside.
him to drive inside.

He released her mouth, his tongue slipping from inside her, and murmured against her ear, “Do you believe me now?”

Her eyelids popped open and she gazed at him with wide eyes.

“Oh, my God, you … you knew what I was thinking.” A chill ran through her. And as much as she wanted that big cock of his to drive into her, she was unnerved.

His expression closed up and he drew back.

“And there we have it.”

She nearly fell over as his big body moved away from her. Then he turned and strode from the room.


Lindsay stared at the door Erik had just left. Her insides quivered and she felt woozy. He’d been inside her head. She walked to the bed on unsteady legs and slumped down on it, then pushed her hair back from her face.

Oh, God, Erik could read her mind? But no, he’d said that wasn’t it. He’d said he could pick up whatever she was fantasizing about sexually.

A shiver ran through her. That was weird and overwhelming. A little scary actually, but why?

*   *   *

Lindsay stepped into the kitchen where Travis and Connor were preparing breakfast. Travis kept his attention on the bacon cooking on the griddle, but Connor walked to the coffeepot and poured a cup.

“So he told you,” Connor said as he handed her a mug of coffee.

She nodded. “You both know about his … ability?”

Connor shrugged. “Yeah, of course.”

She sat down at the table and sipped her coffee.

“I take it you have a problem with it.” Travis eyed her as he put the plate of cooked bacon in the oven to keep it warm.

She gazed at him, and the disapproval in his eyes. He was judging her. Just like Erik had. Anger swelled through her.

“You know, Erik sprang this on me, then didn’t even give me a chance to take it all in. He just up and stormed out, assuming I’m like every other woman who has left him over this.”

“And you aren’t?” Travis demanded.

She glared at him, her stomach coiling into a tight spiral. Her hands clenched into fists. It was clear neither he nor Erik believed there was anything special about her, or her connection with Erik. Fuming, she pushed herself to her feet, then turned and strode out.

*   *   *

Travis watched her go, his stomach twisted in a knot. He had wanted this to work out so badly. Had hoped that she would be the one to accept Erik. Just as she had accepted him.

“That was pretty harsh.”

Travis glanced at Connor.

“You mean Lindsay not accepting Erik?” Travis asked.

“No, I mean you. Lindsay didn’t say anything about not accepting Erik. She was uncertain and shocked. What do you expect her to be when faced with something so bizarre? She needs time to get used to the idea. But you didn’t give her that. You accused her of judging Erik, but … aren’t you judging her?”

Travis scowled at his words.

“Man, I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just saying … doesn’t Lindsay deserve better than that?”

*   *   *

That night, she tossed and turned in bed. She was hurt that Erik and Travis had assumed the worst of her. And at the same time, she felt guilty for reacting the way she had. But damn it, it had been a shock. She needed time to get used to the idea.

A lot of things made sense now. So many times she’d wondered at how he had been so in tune with her. How he had known exactly what she wanted. More than once it had felt like he could read her mind, but it had always been good. He’d made her fantasies come to life and that had been exciting.

She’d never heard of such a thing as this. Someone able to pick up someone else’s fantasies. How was it even possible? And could other people do it? At that thought, she remembered some of the strange images that had wandered through her brain that weekend. Like when she’d thought about being with other women. Naked women. Those images almost seemed to come from outside herself.

A little chill ran through her and she wondered if Erik also had the ability to push images into her mind.

The next morning, as she sipped her coffee, a knock sounded at her door. She put down the newspaper she’d been reading and crossed the room, then peered out the peephole. Travis and Connor stood on the other side.

She opened the door.

“Lindsay, I’m sorry about yesterday,” Travis said. “Can we come in and talk?”

She nodded, then stepped aside to let them in. “I’ve got a pot of coffee on.”

She went into the kitchen and poured two mugs of coffee, added sugar to both and cream to Connor’s, then brought them into the living room and set them on the coffee table. Connor sat in one of the armchairs opposite the couch and Travis stood by the window. Lindsay sat on the couch and sipped the coffee.

“It wasn’t fair of me to assume what I did yesterday.” Travis walked across the room and sat in the other armchair facing the couch. “It must have been a shock when Erik told you and I can understand your need for time to absorb everything. It’s just that when Erik shot out of the penthouse right after your conversation…” He folded his hands together. “He’s been hurt so badly before. I was just reacting to that. But I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

She nodded. These men were so close and she understood Travis’ protectiveness.

“I get it. When he told me…” She drew in a breath. “When he proved it to me … It threw me off a little. Then he took off before I could say anything.” Not that she would have known what to say. She was still dumbfounded and confused.

Travis leaned forward. “So the big question is,
you okay with it?”

She hesitated, uncertain of what to say. If she admitted she was still uncertain, then she’d be proving that she wasn’t different from those other women. That she wasn’t special.

“How can you not be okay with it?” Connor said in a light tone. “The guy knows what you’re fantasizing about. He acts on that to make you happy. And that makes him happy. So the result is a couple of happy people.” He grinned. “Or three, or four.”

Travis leaned forward. “You don’t really think Erik will try to control you, do you?”

Connor grinned. “Other than in a great domination scenario.”

“Which you know he would stop immediately if you wanted him to,” Travis added. “You do know that, right?”

She wrapped her arms around herself and nodded. “Of course I do.”

“Then what are you struggling with?” Travis asked.

That was a good question. Her anger at Erik for storming out on her had waned. Just as she’d needed time to get used to the idea of his ability, she understood that he needed time to deal with his emotional issues around it. He’d been primed to believe the worst. Not because of her but because he’d been hurt before. It was a reflection of his own sense of self-worth, not a statement of what he thought of her. Thanks to Erik and the guys, her own sense of self-worth was higher than it had ever been, so she refused to let ego get in the way of what she and Erik could have if they could just get past these issues.

But she still had stuff to figure out.

“Well, I never knew such a thing was possible and I’m still trying to figure out what it all means.” She pursed her lips and glanced from Connor to Travis. “Can he do this with you, too?”

“Yeah, it’s great.” Connor sipped his coffee. “You don’t even have to tell him what you want. He just knows.”

“And, can he … send you images, too?” she asked.

Travis tipped his head. “What do you mean, send images?”

“Sometimes I would get images of things that didn’t seem like mine.”

Connor shook his head. “It’s a one-way thing. Erik picks up the other person’s fantasies.”

She rubbed her arms as another thought that had been tickling at her subconscious surfaced. “I wonder if … I mean, do you think it’s possible that…” She stared straight at Travis. “I might have the same ability?”

Connor’s eyebrows arched. “You think you can do it, too?”

Travis leaned back in his chair. “If you could, wouldn’t you have known before now?”

“I definitely don’t have it like Erik does, but when I’m with him I wonder if I sometimes pick up his desires.”

“For example?” Travis prompted.

“Well, one of the times we were all out by the pool talking … I had this image of me with a couple of other women … I … and they … were naked.”

Connor leaned forward with a glint in his eye. “And?”

“And, you know, we were … touching each other.”

Connor grinned. “I definitely need more details so I can fully picture it.”

Travis sent Connor a glance, then gazed back at her. “So you think that was a fantasy of Erik’s, not yours?”

She nodded. “It makes sense. It didn’t quite feel like mine.” She sipped her coffee. “Now that I think back, there were other times, too. Where I’d have images of something really exciting but it seemed a little outside myself.”

“If that’s true,” Travis said, “then you do have a deep connection with one another. I think we need to find out for sure.”

The whole idea seemed unreal.

“How do you suggest we do that?” Lindsay asked.

*   *   *

Erik glanced up from his book. Connor and Travis stood in the doorway to his bedroom. He put the book down, hoping this wasn’t about him and Lindsay. Travis had shown great restraint over the past week, not querying him about Lindsay or pushing him to call her, but Erik knew that wouldn’t last. Travis thought Erik should try again with Lindsay, and Erik knew Travis would not give up on the idea.

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