If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3)
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“Third time was the charm.”

He covered her with his mouth, his lips and tongue taking
her higher and higher. Closer. Closer.


Tyler called out his name as she spiraled out of control.
Her hands massaged his scalp to the rhythm of her pulsing orgasm. On and on.
Starting at her center, radiating out to the tips of her toes, the ends of her

Did he feel that? That final jolt? Some of that energy had
to go from her back to him. She refused to believe something that strong wasn’t

Drew kissed the inside of Tyler’s thigh before joining her
on the bed. He gently rearranged her pliant body, settling next to her. He
smoothed her hair from her face.

Such a lovely face
, he thought. At the moment
relaxed, a small, satisfied smile lifting the corners of her mouth. He bent and
gave her a light kiss.

“Feeling good?”

“You might say that. You might also say the sun is a
little warm in July. Both would be accurate. Both would also be huge

“Really good?”

Tyler chuckled. “Close enough.”

She slowly opened her eyes. Clear gray, Drew observed. The
color of relaxation. Contentment. Happiness. He had done that.

“You look mighty pleased with yourself.”

“I have good reason to be.”

“That you do.”

Tyler turned on her side to face him. She leaned close,
kissing his chest, his chin, his lips. She lingered on his lips.

“Thank you.”

“Believe me, it was my pleasure.”

He made a big production licking his lips, causing Tyler to
laugh again. Her eyes drifted from his smiling face down. His chest, broad and
lightly dusted with dark hair. Her hand touched, so hot and powerful, his
muscles jumping slightly as her touch became a caress.

“You had such a beautiful body. You were long and

“You seemed fascinated. You would touch me, explore. I
was more than happy to let you.”

“This.” Tyler wrapped her cool fingers around the
heat of his erection. “I never got tired of seeing how different you were
here, before and after.”


“Oh, that is a sound I remember very well.”

She bent to take him in her mouth, letting her tongue become
reacquainted with the feel of him; his taste.

“I should have been nervous, the first time I did

“Weren’t you?” Drew’s voice was slightly hoarse.
“I was so busy watching my dick sliding in and out of that gorgeous mouth,
I didn’t notice anything as mundane as nerves.”

Tyler snorted, the vibrations eliciting another groan from

“Do that again.”

“Only if you make me laugh.”

“Knock knock.”

“Stop.” Tyler laughed so hard she had to sit back
to breathe. “Keep in mind, if I’m laughing while I’m down there, I might
start biting. Not on purpose, mind you. You never know.”

Drew didn’t respond; he just looked at her, eyebrows raised.

“No. You like that? When did you acquire a taste for
pain? And should I be worried.”

“Not pain, per se. More like an edge. Bite me, a
little. Not too hard.”

Drew noticed she didn’t look the least bit worried. Tyler
looked intrigued.

“You’ll tell me if I go too far?”

“Believe me, honey. You’ll know.”

Drew held back Tyler’s hair so he had an unobstructed view.
She kept her eyes on his as her mouth enveloped his cock. Slowly, she lowered.
He was a mouthful, yet Tyler had no problem taking all of him. Up. Down. Up.
Her tongue lapping at the fluid gathered at the tip.

She didn’t bite. Instead, she bared her teeth, running them
down his length. The pain was slight — noticeable. It added that edge he

“You like that?”

“Heaven, Ty. You have no idea what you do to me.”

If it was half of what he did to her, she had a good idea.

Tyler went back to pleasuring him. She could tell he was
close. She wanted to feel him come undone; to know she was the cause. Putting
her hand at the base of his cock, she squeezed, harder than she would have
before his little pain admission. She was rewarded when his breath hissed out,
followed by a groan of pleasure.

Drew wondered how much more he could take. He wanted this to
go on and on. He tried his damnedest not to blow too soon, but Tyler made it
impossible. He raced towards the finish. When she reached for his balls and
gave a forceful tug, that was it. With a shout, Drew came in a glorious rush.

He held Tyler’s head as she took all he had to give, before
falling back, drained and sated.

Tyler lay sprawled over Drew, a goofy grin plastered on her
face. Never a big fan of the swallowing portion of a blowjob, she hadn’t
hesitated. It was natural with him, everything was.

“I like that we can have fun. Who says sex has to be
serious all the time?”

Drew ran his hand along her back. Soothing and affectionate.

“The last time I laughed in bed was…” He thought
hard but couldn’t think of another woman what hadn’t been a quick fuck, a
tension easer. It wasn’t a fact he wanted to brag about. It just was.


“The last time was with you.”

Tyler turned her head to look at him. She gave a small nod.

“Same for me.” She sighed. “Does that make us
sad and pathetic?”

“No. Maybe. Hell, I don’t know, Ty. I’ve always enjoyed
sex. I never considered giving it up.”

“Me neither.”

“I don’t want to worry about what was.” He rolled
off the bed, taking her into his arms as he went. “I have you now. You
make me laugh. You make me come. You make me feel like the top of my head is
going to blow off. I don’t need anyone else, ever again.”

That sounded good to her. It sounded perfect.

“Hey. Where are we going?”

Drew gave her a quick kiss.

“I want to show you my new pool.”

Tyler wrapped her arms around his neck. She really liked
being carried. Especially when they were both naked.

“You want to take a swim?”



SEX IN THE water was not as easy as the books and the movies
would have you think.

If you didn’t know what you were doing, it could be awkward
at best, dangerous at its worst.

“We could use one of those nice lounge chairs. They
look sturdy.”

“Trust me.”

“I do.”

Tyler looked at the pool. She imagined it was an engineering
masterpiece. Great for swimming winter, spring, summer or fall. She didn’t
think sex in the deep end was a good idea.

“I read about these people who hit their heads and drowned.”

“They both hit their heads?”

Drew put her down on a white wrought iron chair. Tyler
wiggled a bit. The cushion was nice and thick. Good thing, because Drew took
one off another chair and tossed it on the textured cement, saving wear and
tear on his knees when he knelt in front of her.

“No. He hit his head; she drowned trying to save

“Sounds like a pair of amateurs.”

He gently spread her legs, putting one over each of his

“I’m an amateur.”

Smiling, Drew moved closer. “That’s okay, Ty. I turned
pro years ago.”

The secret, it seemed, was to get slicked up before hitting
the water. Claiming he was all out of the bottled variety, Drew went about
making sure she had plenty of nature’s lube. Using his hands, his mouth, a
little dirty talk. In no time, she was more than ready.

“Shouldn’t I return the favor?

“Honey, keep thinking like that and you’ll lose that
amateur status in no time.”

Tyler didn’t worry about where the condom had been hiding.
She watched as Drew expertly rolled it on. She then used her mouth to make the
latex nice and wet.

“Thanks, Ty.”

Drew kissed her, keeping contact while he sat.

“Straddle me,” he whispered against her lips.
“You know what to do.”

“You do know the water is over there?” Tyler
asked, eyes twinkling.

The teasing light left her eyes, the color going from bright
to hazy gray as she rested a knee on each side of him. Lifting slightly, Tyler
began a slow decent, taking him into her a little at a time.

Drew put his hands on her hips, not to rush, just to hold
her steady. He let her set the pace though it killed him. He shifted slightly,
a subtle hint to take him, all of him.

“Patience, fella. I’m riding you this time.”

Taking one of his hands, she brought it to her breast. She
didn’t have to tell him what to do. Her head fell back, her mouth slightly open
as he gently squeezed her sensitive flesh. She finished, joining with him at
the same moment he took her nipple into his mouth.

“Yes, that’s right,” she moaned.

“Don’t move.”

“I have to.”

Tyler tried to rise up only to be stopped by a combination
of his hand on her hip and his teeth on her nipple. Drew scraped the distended
bud, smiling as she cried out again, not in pain but pleasure. His tongue
soothed before he reluctantly moved away.

“Hold on, Ty.”

Drew rose to his feet, his arms under Tyler’s butt making
sure she didn’t slip away. In seconds, he lowered them both into the shallow
end of the pool.

“So you do know where the water is.”


To emphasize the remark, Drew gave her a slap, not too hard
but enough to sting.

“Hey,” Tyler exclaimed, more startled than hurt.
It was awkward because of her position, but she managed to reach around and
slap him, returning the favor.

“There, how do you like it?”

“Honestly? Not a fan.”

“Me neither.”

Drew kissed her, his mouth gentle.

“No more of that, I promise.”

The water was lovely, lapping around them like a warm
caress. Drew turned, his knee going down on one of the steps. He settled Tyler,
leaning her back, his hand cushioning her head against the rim of the pool.
Their bodies were only half submerged, almost as if they were in the world’s
biggest bathtub.


Tyler answered by threading her hands through his hair,
pulling him down for a deep, carnal kiss. Tongue against tongue, her sighs
mingling with his. She lifted her hips, seeking movement from him. Drew happily

The water lent itself to slow and easy movements. It was
hard to rush, which was fine with them both. The build took time, bonding them,
moving them closer. Not to where they had been. There was no going back. They
weren’t those young people anymore. This was different, richer. Hopefully, with
time, stronger.

Their eyes met as he gave one final thrust tumbling them
over. They rode the wave high and long, coming down slowly. Breath ragged, Drew
rested his forehead against Tyler’s. He didn’t have to look to know she was
smiling. That little, contented curve to her lips that she got after he pleased
her. He considered it his reward for a job well done.

“I’m not going to ask how you got so good at pool

“Probably wise decision.”

“I thought maybe there was someone I should send a
thank you note to.”

Hiding his grin, Drew lifted her into his arms, leaving the


“No, I shouldn’t send a note? Or no, one note wouldn’t
be enough.”

“Just no.”

Happy enough with his answer, Tyler let him dry her. Getting
back into the elevator, she watched as the doors closed, shutting off her light
mood. They couldn’t put it off any longer. Drew took her hand, linking their
fingers. He was going to answer the question that plagued her these past ten

Tyler sighed. She hoped it didn’t turn out to be a case of
be careful what you ask for.





TYLER WATCHED DREW turn off the bathroom light.

After a quick shower, Tyler went through her nightly
routine. Skin lotioned, teeth brushed, face cleansed. Her hair was dry and
shiny. Drew had given her a Spokane Chiefs t-shirt to wear.


“Yes. Great bed.”

“Can I get you anything? Water? A shot of

They were both nervous. It helped, being in this together.

“Come to bed, Drew.”

Nodding, he dropped the towel from around his waist and
crawled in beside her.

“Not a big jammie guy?”

He settled in, drawing her close.

“I dropped the jammies when I was twelve.”

“You’ve been sleeping in the nude since you were

“It’s been a progression. T-shirt and underwear. Just
the underwear.”

Tyler snuggled into his side. She approved heartily. All
this long, muscular male in nothing but his birthday suit. He smelled good too.
Big and citrusy. Yum.

“I wouldn’t object if you wanted to lose the

“Later,” Tyler said, kissing the side of his neck.


Drew took a deep breath. Tyler rubbed his arm. It was meant
to comfort, to encourage.
I’m here,
she was saying.
I’m not going
. It was what he needed. The nerves dropped away, the butterflies

“It was Monday morning. I had an extra spring in my
step. One more month and I would be free. I could taste the end of high school.
Harper Falls was practically a distant memory.

“I was almost out the door when Regina called me into
her office. I didn’t think anything of it. I assumed it would be her usual
reminder of my duties as a Harper. In a way, I guess I was right.”





Drew refrained from correcting her. She was the only person
who insisted on using his full name. She would simply tell him it was a
mother’s prerogative. It was a ridiculous statement. Regina Harper was not a
mother. Not by any definition Drew was familiar with.

The fact that she threw the word around whenever it suited
had long ago stopped pissing him off. He didn’t care because it didn’t matter.
What hurt when he was eight, now was a minor annoyance. Regina didn’t understand
that. She never would.

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