If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3) (21 page)

BOOK: If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3)
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“My father got the last laugh, so to speak. Too bad he
had to die to get it.”

Tyler could tell Drew didn’t feel as glib as his words would
indicate. Hoping to give some comfort, she put her hands on his shoulders,
lightly massaging the tight muscles.

“Mmm, don’t stop.”

Enough. Question and answer time was over for now. Later.
Not now.

Tyler increased the pressure of her fingers. Drew’s neck was
one big knot.

“You need to relax. How are you going to drive tomorrow
when you can’t even bend your neck?”

“It isn’t quite that bad.”

Drew demonstrated by making a circular motion with his head.
He winced at the popping sounds. That couldn’t be good.

“Bad enough. Turn around.”

He complied without argument, sighing with pleasure. What
Tyler lacked in skill she made up for with enthusiasm and strong fingers.

“I thought you were going to use sex to stop me from
racing.” Drew shifted his head to the left. “Oh, yes, baby. Right

Smiling, Tyler hit the spot again. This time she laughed
aloud at Drew’s almost orgasmic reaction.

“I was going to get you all revved up and then withhold
sex until you agreed not to race.”

“Well, that’s honest.” Drew moaned again. If Tyler
kept this up, he might not need sex. Check that. No massage was

“But I changed my mind.”

“Good,” he sighed. “Wait. You changed you
mind about what? Sex? No, sex? Do I have a vote?”

“I already know how you feel about the subject.”

“Sex. Yes, please.”

Tyler leaned forward. Just above where her fingers were
trying to work some magic, she licked at Drew’s neck. She made a long, slow
journey up. His skin was salty and hot. Delicious. Savoring the flavor, she
went in for another taste.

“I changed my mind about trying to convince you not to
race. I don’t like it, but I won’t ask you not to.”

“Between your hand and that tongue, right now I might
agree to anything.”

“Which is why I’m not asking.” Tyler sank her
teeth into the side of his neck, then kissed. Finally, she licked.

“Ask. Just don’t stop.”

“Does it matter that Al is out of commission?”

“A bit.”

Drew turned his head once more, hoping she would move to
that side. Tyler happily complied, kissing, nipping gently.

“Don’t forget the tongue.”

“Someone’s getting greedy. I like it.” She found
out this side of his neck was equally delicious. “I’ll take his place.”

“Ty, honey, you have to stop jumping around with your
subject matter. My dick is about to burst out of my jeans. Following
conversation is almost more than I can handle.”

Tyler’s lips curved. She rubbed her smile onto his skin.

“Al. Whatever he does, I’ll do it.”


“Is it highly technical?

“Al is my spotter. He rides along and watches for
potential shitstorms.”

“I can do that.”

“No. Tripper can do it.”

She reached around and cupped him between his legs.

“I’m riding with you. End of discussion. And then
you’re hanging it up. From then on, I’m all the excitement you’ll need.”
She squeezed. “I promise. I’ll keep you young.”

Drew spun around.

“End of discussion? Bullshit. I’m hanging it up because
it’s time.” He ground himself into her, pushing her dress up to her waist.
“Because I want to be there for you.”

“Drew.” Tyler’s head fell back. Her breathing

“As for excitement? You’re all I’ve ever needed. Come
on. Let’s take this back to the RV.”

“Here. Now.”

Tyler wound her legs around Drew’s hips, pulling him tight.
Her mouth found his, desperate, needy.

“I can’t wait another second. Please, please, please
tell me that’s a condom I feel in your pocket.”

Part laugh, part groan, Drew pulled out the foil packet.

“Mmm, always prepared.”

“When you’re around, I’d better be.”

“Enough talk. Drop the pants, glove up, and get inside

“Has anyone ever smacked your ass? Cause if you keep
bossing me around, I’m sure as hell going to.”

“You can try. It’ll just get you a pair of bruised balls.”

With a growl, Drew ripped open the packet using only his
teeth. His hands were busy tearing off Tyler’s underwear and making sure she
was ready for him. He almost wept when he felt her wet, slick heat surround his
probing fingers.

“I could stop. Right now.” He breathed the words
into her ear, his teeth latching onto the lobe and giving a firm tug.

“I could grab hold of your dick and twist. Where would
be the fun in that? I’d rather have you pounding me until I swear I see

“You’ll be calling his name, don’t you worry.”

Taking her mouth, he ran his tongue along the seam until she
was open and panting. He added another finger between her legs, stretching.
Their moans mingled. She felt like heaven.

“Beg me. Tell me how much you want this.”

Drew adjusted his stance until he was lined up, his cock
aching to trade places with his fingers.

Tyler reached for him circling his rock hard length. She
stroked. Once. Twice. She could feel the beat of his heart next to hers. Fast
and wild.

“Beg me,” she demanded. “I know you want it.
Say you can’t go on unless you’re balls-deep inside of me.”

Their eyes met. It was a battle of iron wills. The pleading
was there, unspoken. Neither was willing to bend. Not with words.

Tyler nodded. Drew grinned.


They shouted it together and surged forward.

One fluid movement joined them. It wasn’t slow or easy. It
was hard and animalistic. Sweat poured off them. They grunted and strained.
This was going to be fast — they had no patience for anything else.

“Tell me you’re close.”

Drew threw his head back, the sound from his throat more
bark than laugh.

“Jesus, Ty. It was all I could do not to come the
second I was in you. I’m just waiting for you, honey.”

“I don’t need any more time. I’ve had ten fucking

Rearing up, she bit him on the neck. Hard.

It was the catalyst for a massive chain reaction. Drew’s
hips pulled back, pushed again, and hit Tyler’s sweet spot. She saw stars. She
saw a burst of lightning. She saw God. And Drew called His name.

The only sound in the tent was their breathing. Not quite as
harsh as a few seconds before, it still filled the quiet, a reminder of the
maelstrom that had just occurred.

Drew held Tyler close, afraid that if he moved, she would
slide off the car and he would crumple to the ground. The only thing preventing
both was his locked knees and they were none too steady.

“I need air and water.”

“Sounds good.”

“I can’t move.”

“Good sex can paralyze. It’s a medical fact.”

Tyler found the energy to smile, just barely.

“Great sex.”

“Yes,” Drew agreed.

“But that’s not why I can’t move. I think my ass is
glued to the roof of the car.”

“Impossible. There hasn’t been enough time for all that
lubricant to dry.”

To prove his point, Drew gathered his last reserve of energy
and stood. He brought Tyler with him, smoothing her dress back down so it
covered her butt.

“Thank you. I was afraid we’d have to explain to the
other drivers why there was a layer of skin decorating your car.”

“Just hold on and let me get us back to the RV. I’ll
check your ass out when we get there.”

Drew grabbed the gun, tucking it back into his rebuttoned

“Wait. How did I miss you getting rid of the

“Next time I promise to let you watch.”


Tyler wondered how she had gotten so comfortable with Drew
carrying her around. This was twice in less than a day and she was content to
relax in his arms. She squeezed one. His fabulously strong arms.

She was no lightweight. Even with a slender build, at five-nine,
Tyler’s body was strong. Strong meant muscle mass — she needed it to move
around bulky pieces of sculpture. And muscle weighed more than fat.

“Why are you pinching me?”

Drew shifted her enough so he could unlock the RV. He didn’t
put her down until the door was locked up tight again.

“I wasn’t pinching.” Tyler ran her hand over his
bicep and sighed. “I was admiring your ability to lug me around with such

“Lug you around? Is that what I do? Kind of makes you
sound like a sack of potatoes.”

Instead of lifting, Drew backed her into the bedroom. He
pulled off his t-shirt. Before Tyler could admire the view, he grabbed the hem
of her dress.

“Lift your arms.”

She did and the garment was whisked away leaving her in just
her bra.

“I need another shower.”

“Me too.”

Drew traced her lips with one finger. He moved it down, over
her chin, to her throat. His touch was light yet to Tyler, it was as though he
caressed her entire body.

“I love bras with front closures.”

He flicked it open with ease, pushing the straps down her
arms. Tyler let it fall to the floor. She stood before him, naked. Ten years
ago, she had felt shy, insecure. She worried that her breasts were too small,
her legs too skinny. Instead of slim hips, she wanted curves. She longed to trade
her pale skin for a more golden hue. Nothing had seemed good enough. She knew
Drew wanted her. She just wished she had more to give.

She had been such a girl,
Tyler thought. Now she was
a woman. She was proud of her body. Every scar, every imperfection. They made
her unique. They made her feel how every woman should feel. Beautiful.

Pulling her shoulders back, Tyler stood straight, letting
Drew see the woman she was now.

Drew reached out, cupping her breast. His eyes were glued to
the rosy-hued nipple that tightened when he ran his calloused thumb over the

“You used to take my breath away. Did you know

“I know I wanted to.”

“You didn’t even have to try. I was yours from that
moment on the bridge when you hit me with those ever-changing gray eyes.”

“You were the most beautiful boy I had ever seen.”
Tyler whispered the words almost reverently. “He wouldn’t even be able to
compete with the man you’ve become.”


Drew kissed her.
I love you.
He felt deep down it was
too soon. Things still needed to be said. Past actions explained. It couldn’t
stop him from feeling it, though. His heart didn’t understand the passage of
time. He loved her then. He loved her just as fiercely now. He would love her

“Jeans off, mister.”

With a shake of his head, Drew ditched his pants and
followed Tyler into the bathroom. Not wanting it to be far away in case of
emergency, he put the gun next to the sink.

“When we get back to Harper Falls, you and I are going
to have a talk about this bossy attitude of yours.”

“Why is it okay in Mexico but not in Harper

Tyler gave him a flirty look as she clipped her hair up and
out of the way and stepped into the shower stall.

“It isn’t okay in Mexico. Doing something about it
right now is just… problematic.”

“Problematic. Good word. Like this?” The stall was
barely big enough for two, giving Tyler happy access to Drew’s growing
erection. She wrapped her hand around him and gave a gentle yet firm tug.

“That can be problematic.” He hissed the words.
Tyler added a bit of soap to her hand. The hiss turned into a moan.

“What shall we do about it?”

When Tyler would have increased the pressure and upped the
rhythm, Drew pulled her hand away.

“No, you don’t. I’m not doing anything in this tiny
shower when we have a roomy, comfortable bed waiting in the next room. Wash up,
dry off, and do it fast.”

“Now who’s getting pushy? And if you say
I’m the
you’ll be taking care of that,” she nodded towards his fully
distended penis, “by yourself.”

“If I added a please, would that help?”


Tyler shut off the water. She stepped out of the stall,
grabbing two towels. Drew took one, dried himself with just a couple of swipes.
Tyler was more thorough. Watching her was a treat by itself.

She lifted one leg, resting her foot on the small counter.
Careful to get in between each toe, she then reached for the bottle of lotion
she must have left after her earlier shower. She was careful not to miss an
inch, smoothing the cream over skin that Drew had found out was already wonderfully

“Need some help?”

Tyler looked back at him with a small, provocative smile.

“Yes,” she purred.

Grinning back, Drew reached for the bottle.

“You can help by getting out of here. I need more room
to finish what I’m doing.”

Already dismissing him, Tyler turned back, switching legs.

Drew narrowed his eyes, his gaze dropping to her rounded
ass. An enticing few inches separated them. With a shrug, he thought,

Tyler yelped. The sound of the slap he gave her on the way
by was more startling than the actual contact. Still…

“That,” she said with a frown, “was uncalled

“Depends on your point of view.”

His view had been great. How was he supposed to resist an
opportunity like that?

“You know I bruise easily.”

“Honey, if that little tap caused a bruise, you need to
see a doctor. Fast.”

“Hmm. You have a point. I guess it wasn’t that hard.
Let’s not start making a habit of it. Okay?”

Tyler joined him in bed. She was warm and fragrant. Running
a hand up the side of her long leg, Drew had to admit he liked the results of
her post-shower activity.

“You might like it.” Drew gently squeezed her
butt. “Some women like being spanked.”

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