Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)
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“That’s so good, but I want to feel it on my dick.”

“I want that, too.” Cassi disentangled herself from his arms and kneeled forward in the bath.

“Fucking hell, woman, you’re everything and more I need. It’s like you know what I want to do. I’ve been fantasizing about taking you from behind. I love your ass.”

He kneeled behind her and she glanced to the side to see his reflection in the mirror across the room. He pressed up against her and slipped his cock between her legs. He rubbed the head of his dick back and forth across her swollen labia and her body ached almost painfully with need for him to enter her. He pressed with his cock on her opening and with one thrust, he was inside her. She yelled with delight at the invasion as he filled her. He started to move slowly back and forth. The water was sloshing around them and she didn’t care as he thrust again and again.

“Harder,” she yelled as she gripped onto the front of the bath. She wanted him as close as she could get him. His taut balls were banging against her as he pushed in with more force. His hand came around and touched her clit as he moved, and she could feel her orgasm building again. She screamed her release as shudders went through her body.

“Ah fuck,” Declan shouted, as he groaned again and again as he emptied himself into her. It was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. He leaned forward across her back as he throbbed inside her. Slowly, they both came back to reality as their breath slowed.

“You’ll be the death of me, Cassi, but what a way to go.”

He withdrew and she turned around. They both sat crossed-leg in the water. To give him pleasure made her so happy she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

“I aim to please.”

“You do more than please.” He turned on the tap to top up the bath as she grabbed the soap to wash his chest. He then took the soap and did the same for her. She felt so safe with Declan, as if the violence of the past didn’t exist.

Her stomach grumbled out loud and they both laughed.

“I think someone promised me lunch.”

“Every time you come here, I get distracted.”

They finished washing, dried off, and wrapped themselves in plush dressing gowns. Back in the kitchen, she sat at the counter as Declan made them sandwiches and poured some orange juice. She moved over to the sofa. When he put her plate down, she noticed there was a gift box on it. She looked up, raising an eyebrow in question as to what was going on.

“Go on, open it. It won’t bite, though I considered a puppy. But then I changed my mind at the last minute.”

Cassi pulled off the wrapping and opened the box to find a beautiful silver necklace with a heart charm on it. When she turned it over in her hand, she saw it was inscribed on the back.
You have my heart. Declan
. The tears came back to her eyes as she sat on his lap and kissed him.

“I know it’s probably too soon to be saying such things, but it’s true. I want you so much. Don’t send me away.” His eyes pleaded with her.

“I won’t.” She handed him the necklace so he could put it on her neck. Then she leaned forward and teased his lips with her tongue so he opened to her. His hands were around her waist as she straddled his legs and their kiss deepened. Her hand went down to find he was hard for her again. She pulled open his dressing gown and raised herself up and then lowered herself onto his glorious erection. He filled her so completely, she knew she would never be happy with anyone else.

Breaking away from their kiss, she moved up and down over his shaft, taking all of him into her again and again. His hand came between them and touched her clit, and she was gone as she climaxed. He shuddered beneath her and claimed her mouth as she came. When they stopped kissing and she moved off him, she smiled at him.

“I think we have gone so far beyond friends today. I think you’ve finally broken down the wall I erected around my heart.” That was as close as she could go to saying “I love you” out loud.

“I’ll do everything I can to protect you. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. We’ll sort something out.”

“I know. I believe in you.”

When they got to her home, Tommy was sitting on the couch and watching a cartoon with Audrey. Declan hadn’t come in and she thought it was still best for now that they kept their relationship secret from her little boy. Sasha came over and hugged her.

“I can see you can’t keep the smile off your face so I assume you had a wanton afternoon. If not, you wasted your time and I’ll be very angry with you.”

“I’m not saying anything. It wouldn’t be ladylike.”

“You were never ladylike, so I think we’ll leave that to Audrey.” Sasha stood and bit her bottom lip, then looked at her again. “Are you mad at me for calling him?”

Audrey came and joined them, leaving Tommy to his movie.

“She had better not be, as I think he’s charming and she could do a lot worse. If he makes you happy in the bedroom, you shouldn’t throw it away. I have to admit I do miss it sometimes, but none of the men at the village would tempt me. My husband, David, was rather good, so they would have a lot to live up to.”

Cassi and Sasha gawked with open mouths at their friend, then burst out laughing.

Sasha shook her head. “I take back everything I said about the ladylike bit. She’s as bad as us. Well, I’m going to start cooking dinner and share another one of my creations with you both.”

Cassi went to the fridge and found a bottle of wine they could share.

“So what did you tell him?” Sasha asked.

“Everything, and he still wants me. Not sure why. He says he’ll get a private investigator to see if Steve is still alive, and then take it from there.”

“There’s something else isn’t there? I can tell when you are holding something back,” Sasha said, as she stopped chopping the vegetables.

“He wants us all to move in with him, but I need to think about it.”

“Wow. I can understand he wants you safe, but that’s a big move when you haven’t known each other for long. Is it because of Tommy, you’re not sure?” Sasha asked.

“What if he gets bored or some stunning actress with lots of money looks his way and takes his fancy? I won’t have Tommy get used to him, and then watch him leave his life. He needs the certainty after his dad.”

“Well, I still can’t believe you had a famous guy in here today. Hey, is that a new necklace? Did he give you a gift?”

Cassi nodded and Sasha came over and peered at it, and turned the heart over. Darn it but her housemate was nosey. Audrey then came and looked as well.

“He sounds smitten, my friend. Don’t know what magic you’re using on him, but I don’t think he’s going anywhere,” Sasha said.

“I think it’s lovely. I still have all the gifts my husband gave me over the years. I may get some of them out again. No use them being stuck away. A few would be worth quite a bit.”

Sasha started to serve up their meals as Cassi got Tommy to wash up. As he sat down and tucked into his food, she looked around as the other two chatted away about the business venture. The house was simple, but it was home and they were happy. She wasn’t sure she wanted to mess things up. Another part of her knew she would not want to give up Declan either. How had her life changed so fast? She so wanted this to end well.

She got Tommy ready for bed while Sasha drove Audrey home again. As she lay in her bed later that night, a text came through.

Missing you already. Want you in my bed here with me every night.

She smiled and held her cell phone against her chest. He didn’t know what he was asking by tearing down the walls of protection. She couldn’t go back to fear again. It was better being a nobody here where anonymity meant safety. She should send a text back. She wanted to say, “I want you too, and let’s have a life together”, but her head was confused with thoughts kept down from the past. Instead she said,
Miss you too.

She wasn’t sure why, but a tear rolled down her cheek as she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Ten


Two weeks passed and three more visits to the beach house. She could sense he was so close to saying something more. For now, she was glad it hadn’t been stated out loud. She was close, too, but couldn’t say it and give the commitment. There was no doubt in her heart she loved him, but loving and giving to someone so completely meant pain. It seemed illogical, but there was a strong urge to run, and it was becoming stronger. She was running from something good for no other reason than panic.

It was the weekend, and Declan said he was busy filming. Audrey was visiting and they all decided to go out for coffee. There was a little place nearby where the owner knew them and introduced them to his family. He also said he would be happy to sell Sasha’s cupcakes, and she was starting to make a little money. Audrey was grinning, as she had coped with technology and drawn up flyers. Cassi preened as well as she had worked out a business plan for the picnics. There was a chance this might actually work.

They sat out in the front of the coffee shop and noticed there were a lot more cars and people around than usual. Mario came and served their coffees, plus a milkshake for Tommy.

“So did you hear the old movie theatre over the road is being used for a TV shoot today? Some guy called in on the weekend and asked could we do the coffee, because their regular let them down. Reckon it will be perfect for some ghost scene they want to film. It’s that
Dark Storm
show with ghosts and werewolves and such. My daughter loves it. She says there’s some sexy men on it. Young girls,” he said, as he shook his head.

Cassi’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at her coffee and stirred it a ridiculous amount of times.

“Are you all right, Cassi? You’ve gone really flushed.” Sasha placed her palm on her forehead. “No, you’re cool. I thought we could go over later and see if we can get a glimpse of the cast.” She leaned in and whispered, “You can see Declan strut his stuff.”

This was all getting a bit too close for comfort.

“I’ve a headache coming on. I’m going to ask Mario for a glass of water.” Cassi moved as fast as she could to the counter. She was having a panic attack as she gripped it so tightly that her fingers became white.

She drank the water along with a Tylenol. Sasha came over and touched her arm.

“You sure you’re okay? You rushed off like that and it got me worried. You’ve gone from flushed to pale. I think you’re coming down with something.”

“No, I’m fine. I just don’t want to risk anyone putting two and two together.” She wanted to go home.

As she approached their table, she saw a young man with multi-colored hair standing there. It looked as if someone had attacked him with a paint palette. He had a camera and was talking to Audrey. When she got closer, Cassi’s stomach turned at the conversation.

“Your hair’s funny,” Tommy said, pointing at the young man’s head.

The young man laughed and replied, “Almost as cool as your cast. Hey, that’s a great turtle. I see you even got Declan Reed to sign it. Did you see him over the road before they started filming?”

“Audrey painted it and he’s my Mommy’s friend. He gave me Rory the Raccoon.”

“That’s lovely” the man said, as he took snaps of Tommy and his plaster.

“I think we should go now.”

Cassi wanted to get out of there as fast as she could. She still could not quell the feeling of unease stirring within her as her throat went dry and her head thumped. As they drove past the studio trucks, she saw young girls waiting to see if they could catch a glimpse of the actors. The photographer was standing outside the café taking snaps as they drove off. For once she was glad not to see Declan.

She texted him to give her a call so she could tell him what happened. She also wanted to know if there was any news about Steve. The hours went by and she guessed he was busy on the set. She tried to concentrate and work on the business plan for Gourmet Picnics, but she couldn’t focus. Eventually at ten o’clock that night, her cell phone rang. It was Declan.

“What’s up? Are you okay?”

She explained to him what happened at the coffee shop and asked about Steve.

“Look, I’m coming round. There was a message waiting for me when I got back. He’s still alive. Also, my publicist called and wants to know who the mystery woman is. I’ll be there soon.”

“Do you think that’s a wise idea?” Her heart was pounding at the thought that everything was changing and she couldn’t do anything about it.

“I think the cat’s out of the bag and we need to talk.”

“I’ll move my car so you can put yours in the garage out of sight. See you soon.”

She paced in the living room as she waited. Sasha walked out and yawned as she peered at her.

“What’s going on? You still worried about that guy from today?”

“Declan’s on his way over. He has some news about Steve, and it seems some other people may know about me. Oh, Sasha. I don’t know where this is going and I feel so out of control.” She wrapped her arms about herself to try and stop the shaking.

“Declan’s a good guy. He won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I know he cares, but I like our simple life. I don’t know if I want to be under the spotlight all the time with people watching me.”

“That’s a decision you’ll have to make if you want him in your life. I think money can make some things easier, but fame can make it difficult. Not that I’d know, being a nobody.”

“You’re somebody very special to Tommy and me. We would have been on the streets without you.” They hugged each other and the comforting arms of her friend calmed her a little.

The doorbell rang and Cassi couldn’t move. As if by answering it, she would set in action a series of events changing everything. Sasha went and let him in. Once she saw Declan, the doubts disappeared. He stood in the doorway of the living room and she knew she would keep him in her life if it was possible. Declan came straight over and embraced her. When he moved away, he gazed at her with eyes full of concern. “You’re shaking. I’m sorry. I should’ve been here for you.”

“I’ll put on the kettle while you two talk and sort this out,” Sasha said and went over to the kitchen.

Declan didn’t let go of her hand as they sat down. His presence brought issues with it, but she was glad he was here.

“First things first. We’ve found Steve, and he’s still in Boston. It seems he’s had more run ins with the law and is dealing in ice to keep his habit going. As far as we could find out, he’s not aware of where you are.”

“Thank goodness for that.”

It was an awful thing to think, but Cassi would have been relieved if Steve was dead. Guilt washed over her, knowing she loved him once, if the twisted thing existing between them could have been called love. He was still Tommy’s father. She thought having a child might have made him change. Instead it made things worse, and she had been even more trapped. She used to keep thinking the guy she’d first met would come back if he could get over the drugs, but it never happened.

“What about the guy today who took Tommy’s picture?” Sasha came and put their drinks down and sat opposite, listening.

“I spoke to my publicist and he knew who it was. He’s called Pedro and would sell his own grandmother for a good picture. It’s one of the reasons I came over. Pictures were taken on our bike ride a while back, and he already has pictures up on his website that he’s purchased. It seems he’s trying to sell your pictures from the coffee shop to a magazine, saying you’re the mystery woman. It’s the bit of being famous that drives me mad sometimes. You just want a life where you can relax instead of always worrying someone is watching.”

“Well, he’s right. I am the mystery woman, and I knew you were famous when I decided to get involved with you. I don’t care what people say about me, as long as Tommy is safe. So what do we do now?”

“If it’s okay with you both, I’d like to stay tonight, then tomorrow I think you and Tommy should come and live at my house. It will be safer from the press and Steve if he should turn up. Sasha, if you want to come as well, that would be fine. The house is huge and there’s only my brother Jack and me.”

“I’m fine with a move from this little place to Bel Air. We’ll have to sort out the rental stuff, though.” Sasha smiled and looked excited at the prospect.

“I don’t think Tommy and I have much choice apart from getting on a bus and disappearing, and I’ve a feeling neither of you are going to let me do that. I’ll need to talk to Tommy when he wakes up.”

“I’ll get whatever you need to make it better for him, and I’ll get the lease fixed. That’s one good thing about having money. You can pay people to sort things out for you.”

They said good night to Sasha and made their way down the hall. Cassi stopped outside of Tommy’s room and Declan stood by the door. She went in, bent down, and kissed her little boy on the head. She hoped she was making the right decision for both of them. Back in her room, Declan sat on the edge of the bed and started to take his boots off. This was her place and yet it seemed so right to have him there.

He got up, walked across, and embraced her.

“You weren’t really thinking about getting on a bus and leaving, were you?”

“No. It crossed my mind for only a second because it was the way I escaped before. The thing is, life catches up with you eventually, whether it’s an ex or a new partner. I don’t want to run with Tommy anymore, and if my picture is going to be in magazines, where could I go anyway?”

They both undressed and got into bed. He pulled her close. It was strange having him here, but she didn’t want anyone else.

“We will get through this, Cassi. I’m not going anywhere, and before it all goes crazy tomorrow, I want you to know something, I love you. I know it’s probably too early to say such things, but it’s what I feel. You don’t need to say anything. I just want you to know.” She turned back toward him. He kissed her on the lips, then cuddled into her back with his arms wrapped around her.

She couldn’t answer, but took comfort in his closeness. She felt calm and safe in his arms. Cassi wanted to say she loved him, too, but now that the moment was here, she was scared. Could people like her get a dream come true? She couldn’t get out of her mind the thought that something bad would happen like it did in the past. As time went by, his breathing became slow and she found herself drifting off to sleep.

There was a knock at the door, and Cassi could see from a crack in the curtains the sun was coming up. Declan sat up as she got out of bed and answered the knock. Sasha stood there shaking her head.

“And so it begins. You should have a peep through the curtains. I think we have visitors.” The doorbell rang.

“Don’t answer it,” Declan called out from inside the room.

“Trust me, I’ve no intention of going out there,” Sasha yelled back.

Cassi went over to the bedroom window and took a peep outside to see at least four cars parked out the front. There were at least ten guys with cameras by the front gate.

“I should go and see Tommy while you get dressed. I’ll pack some things up, and maybe Sasha could bring more over later.”

Tommy sat up and yawned as she shook him. “Tommy. Do you remember Declan?”

Tommy nodded as he rubbed his eyes.

“Declan is on TV, and lots of people know him.”

“Is he famous, like Rory Raccoon?”

“Yes, just like Rory. Lots of people want to know us because we are his friends, and they’re outside of the house now. We’re going to stay at Declan’s house for a holiday. He has a swimming pool and a dog. Now you go to the toilet while mommy gets a bag packed for you.”

When he returned, she was stuffing clothes in a bag.

“Did you clean your hands?”

Tommy nodded and came over so she could dress him. “We’ll need your Rory toothbrush as well.”

Declan stood in the doorway and waved at Tommy.

“Mommy says you have a dog. What’s his name?”

“He’s called Duke and loves to play ball.”

“I’m hungry, Mom. Can I take my toys to Declan’s?”

“You can take a couple, and maybe we will come back for more later. If your tummy can hold on, Sasha says she’ll make pancakes at Declan’s”

“Yay.” Tommy jumped up and down.

“Now you pick up the toys you want while I get dressed.”

It was a weird thing to try and pick clothes to take. Not that there was anything too glamorous in her wardrobe anyway. She packed a case and looked around the room as she left. Was she ever going to come back? At this moment, she had no idea what the future held. In the living room, the others were waiting as the doorbell rang again.

Declan shook his head and then kneeled down next to Tommy. “Tommy, there are a lot of people out the front, and I need you to be brave for your mom. I think she’s a bit scared. Can you do it?”

“Rory Raccoon saved his mommy when the owl tried to catch them. He has super eyes. I can do it.”

Cassi took one look back at the house as she went out to the garage. She took a deep breath as Tommy held her hand. She could hear people talking out front as they got in the car. Sasha was in the front with Declan, and she sat in the back with Tommy.

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