Ice Planet Barbarians: The Complete Series: A SciFi Alien Serial Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Ice Planet Barbarians: The Complete Series: A SciFi Alien Serial Romance
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I lean forward to kiss him—

And he automatically leans away, looking at me with surprise.

“Kiss,” I say, stifling a giggle. I’d almost be offended at his expression of surprise, but I know Vektal’s not familiar with kissing. Maybe he doesn’t make love like humans do, either. The thought intrigues me.

“Kiss,” he agrees, and when I lean forward again, he doesn’t pull away.

I brush my lips over his firm mouth. His lips don’t part under mine. If anything, he’s stiff and unresponsive while I kiss him. I decide to coax him a bit more, pressing my lips to his over and over again, then nibbling on his lower lip. He doesn’t open up no matter how much I coax him, so I gently brush the seam of his mouth with my tongue.

He jerks back in surprise, eyes narrow as he gazes at me.

“Still a kiss,” I tell him. I wrap my arms around his neck. “It’s called a French kiss. It’s where tongues mate. I think you’ll like it if you’ll give me a chance.”

Vektal’s gaze remains focused on my mouth as I speak. He leans in and presses his mouth to me, quickly, and then gives me a suspicious look, as if waiting to see if I’ll correct him.

“Kiss,” I agree and press my mouth softly to his again.

When I feel his tongue brush my lips, I capture the tip of it and suck lightly.

He groans . . . and so do I. The ridges creasing his brow, his chest, his cock . . . they’re also on his tongue. I’ve forgotten about this, and I moan when I remember how it felt as he licked my pussy.

Vektal thrusts his hands into my tangled hair and holds me against him. “Kiss,” he demands again. It’s clear he wants more.

So I give him more. I lock my mouth to his and slide my tongue against that textured one, moaning again as he rubs against mine. He’s still against me, as if judging my movements. Learning them. So I brush my tongue along one of his long fangs, pleased to feel the purr in his chest escalate. When I’m breathless from kissing, I pull away from him and give him a pleased look. “How was that?”

“Kiss,” he says again, and then he takes charge. Pulling my mouth to his, Vektal begins an all-out kissing assault that leaves me utterly dazed. He nibbles and sucks at my own tongue, and then starts a slow, languid thrusting that reminds me of sex and leaves me aching with need.

By the time I pull up for air, we’re in the furs together, and I’m pressed against his bare chest. My pulse is throbbing a beat between my thighs, and I’m aching with need.

“You’re pretty good at that.” Boy, really, really good. He’s going to kill me if he gets any better at it.

“Georgie,” he murmurs against my mouth. “Kiss.” And his hand goes to the collar of my grimy jumpsuit. He presses his mouth along my upper lip. Then my cheek. Then my jaw. “Kiss,” he says softly again.

“Yes,” I say and pull at the fastenings of my jumper. I tug it open, and my breasts spill free.

He looks at my bare skin with something akin to wonder. His large, three-fingered hand lifts, and he presses his palm not to my breast, as I expect, but the smooth valley between them. He strokes my skin, then runs his knuckles up and down over my breastbone, fascinated.

Then, Vektal’s attention turns to my breasts, and he brushes those knuckles over my nipple. I gasp, feeling arousal bolt through my body, and he seems equally surprised at the texture of my skin there. He lightly touches one with a fingertip and the nipple hardens and puckers at his touch.

,” he says in a low, reverent voice. Then he touches my skin between my breasts again. “

“Soft?” I ask. I touch his chest, the ridges there, and then shake my head. “

,” he says, voice ragged. The thought looks like it tortures him.

“Yeah, I guess I’m pretty soft,” I agree, smiling. “But fun to touch, right?” And I grab his hand and put it back on my breast.

He responds by kissing me again, and I lean into his caresses. There’s something about him that’s so very delicious. His kisses turn hungrier, and I moan as his hand cups my breast. I press against him, wanting more of his touch.

Vektal’s big hand moves over my body, exploring me. He pushes at my open jacket, and I remove it because I want him to touch all of me. Pressing my skin against his is warmer than any piece of clothing. I want to be against him, naked, and the thought of his big body covering mine sends shivers of anticipation through me. I shimmy out of my jacket, the tight sleeves resisting a little thanks to my bad wrist and the wrappings around it, but I’m topless soon enough.

I push at his vest, because turnabout is fair play, and he removes it. Then we’re both half-naked and gazing at each other, exploring the differences in our bodies. He has the textured, armor-like patches on his arms and chest; I’m soft all over. He’s got suede-like skin that feels like heaven against mine. We both have belly-buttons and nipples. I run my hands over his, and they feel hard, textured, like the armor plates. Maybe that’s why he’s so fascinated at the softness of mine.

I press my breasts against him and tuck my chin against one hard shoulder. This allows me to run my hands down his back, and I sigh with pleasure as I continue touching him. He’s purring so hard his entire chest is practically vibrating, and it feels good against my skin. His shoulders are enormous, the strength in them turning me on. His back has more of the textured ripples down his spine, and they lead to his tail. I have to admit that the tail makes me smile. It’s a long cord tufted with black hair like on his head, and it’s currently lashing back and forth against the blankets.

“Georgie,” Vektal murmurs into my ear, and then I feel him nuzzle at my neck.

Oooh. My nipples harden in response, and I cling to him as he licks the tender skin of my neck, then goes to my ears and teases an earlobe with his tongue. By the time he returns to my neck a few moments later, I’m moaning with pleasure and rubbing my breasts against his big chest.

His hands go to my ass, and he pulls me against him. Then he’s brushing his lips over my breast, and I cry out when he takes a nipple into his mouth. I cling to his horns, holding on to him as he coaxes and teases my nipple with his lips.

Oh, sweet Jesus, the tongue ridges are a delicious torture. They drag over my sensitive nipples, until I’m practically climbing the big guy. I’m panting and feeding him my breast, and over and over he nuzzles it with his mouth until I want to scream with need.

Vektal’s hands tug at my pants, and that seems like a fantastic idea to me. I shuck them with quick movements, eager to be naked against him. “You too,” I tell him, pressing my mouth to his again. “Want you naked too.”

I get to my feet to pry the tight pants off. I’m pretty wet, and I can feel my juices when I press my thighs together. I have no panties on under the uniform, so by the time I get it off, I’m totally naked—pasty, bruised skin and all.

My big alien pushes my hands aside when I try to go back into his arms. Instead, he insists on checking over all my bruises, I assume looking for new ones. I roll my eyes and endure his ministrations, more interested in getting into his pants than having him peek at my bruises. When he insists I turn around so he can look at my back, I give him an exasperated sigh and put my hands to his breeches, sliding them in to cup his groin.

That gets his attention, fast.

My hands curl around his length, and with touch only, I feel the differences between him and human men. For one, his girth is pretty freaking impressive. He’s scalding hot to the touch, and in addition to his huge size, he’s got that hard knob, like a knuckle-shaped ridge that protrudes over his cock. I have no idea what it’s for and no questions to ask about it. He’s also ridged here, though the skin feels less abrasive, more textured like his tongue.

God, I bet it feels amazing inside a girl. I shiver at the thought. Lucky females of his race. “I’m interested in seeing more of this,” I tell him. I slide my fingers underneath his cock and feel the base of his sac. I wonder if he’s sensitive there.

His hands go to my hair, and he begins to kiss me again, flicking that textured tongue against mine. I moan and grip his cock tighter. I want him naked, but he’s still wearing his pants, so I try to fix that for him. Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to unlace them. He’s got a breechcloth of some kind over leggings that are rigged with some sort of complex laces that are too much for this needy girl to figure out. I settle for shoving them down his hips.

Vektal chuckles and murmurs something against my mouth. He pulls at the laces, and his pants sag, then fall down. Well, damn it. Maybe I just don’t know how alien clothing works. I no longer care, either, because my big, beautiful alien is naked and I get to bask in the glory that is Vektal. When he stands at his full height, he’s utterly gorgeous.

He looks down at me, blue eyes glowing brightly, and his chest rumbles with the continuous purr. His hand goes between my breasts again, and I wonder if he’s checking for a purr of my own. “Humans don’t do that,” I tell him. “We get wet instead.” And I take his hand and guide it to my pussy, so he can see for himself.

My big alien falls to his knees and groans. He presses kisses to my stomach and then my pussy, and then holds my hips and puts his mouth directly on me.

I gasp and my knees get weak, so I have to cling to one of his horns again. In response, he lifts me off my feet and places me down in the furs, looping my legs over his shoulders and burying his face between my thighs. His tongue sweeps over my labia, and I moan when it circles around my clit.

Oh, God. Then he’s licking me with that crazy tongue of his, sweeping those ridges over my sensitive flesh and lapping up my juices. I whimper and cling to his horns, spreading my legs wider. It feels utterly incredible. I’ve had sex before and oral sex several times, but between the purring and the textured tongue? I’ve never had anything quite like this. Two licks and I’m moaning. Three more and I’m grinding my hips against his face. Two more after that and I’m practically coming off the furs, panting and crying out with need.

And my big, brutal alien just ignores my pleading for an orgasm and keeps on licking me with slow, steady, sensual motions that tell me he’s enjoying this as much as I am. He murmurs soft, unintelligible words with every stroke of his tongue, and when it swirls around the entrance to my core, I practically come out of my own skin. “Please,” I sob. “Oh God, please!”

But of course he doesn’t understand me. So I wail and beg for an orgasm, and he just licks away as I clutch his horns and think this is the most incredible, pleasurable torture I’ve ever known.

“Stop,” I moan. I’m so ready to come I’m aching inside. I want him deep inside me, filling me up. The licking and nibbling is just making me utterly crazy with need. “Oh God, stop, Vektal. I want you in me

In response, his tongue thrusts into my core.



I come apart in the hardest orgasm I’ve ever had, my legs locking around his face. I might be screaming his name and clinging to his horns. I might be thrashing against the furs. I’m not really sure because I’m seeing stars at the moment, and between that and the orgasm, there’s no room for any other conscious thought.

He growls, clearly enjoying that I’m coming, and just laps harder, which makes my orgasm seem to go on for mile after endless mile. I’m utterly spent and exhausted when he finally lifts his head, his eyes practically glowing like headlights, and licks his sinfully wet mouth.

I feel wrung out at the sight of that. I’ve come so hard and so frequently that I’m pretty sure that wasn’t one orgasm but a dozen stacked on top of one another, cascading with every flick of his talented, talented tongue. “God, your women must have some incredible stamina,” I tell him weakly as he crawls over my body like a big blue-gray panther and begins to nuzzle at my throat. I need a rest break, but he’s raring to go, pressing his mouth along my skin and licking all the parts he finds the softest.

And before long, I’m moaning and dragging my hands over that suede-soft skin, wanting him deep inside me. “Vektal,” I breathe and lock a leg around his hips. He’s so warm, the purring inside him fierce.

He touches my cheek and murmurs something soft and sweet and then my name. His hips settle between mine, and I realize again just how big his equipment is. Suddenly all of his enthusiastic licking takes on a new meaning because at least I’m wet as hell, which will ease the way.

“Georgie,” he murmurs, and I realize he’s saying something I’ve heard before. “Georgie
Vektal.” He nuzzles my throat again, and I feel his cock press against my core. It feels enormous, but I’m in this until the end, and I’m ready for him to fill me up. So ready.

Beyond ready, really.

He presses his lips to mine again and then begins to push into me. My body’s stretching to accommodate him, and I drag my hands over his skin, stroking and petting as he presses in, inch by thick inch.

When he’s seated entirely, I learn something new. That knob? The bony ridge I had no idea what it was for? I’ve still got no freaking clue, but I do notice that as he sinks into me, it pushes through my labia and brushes against my clit. I’m trying to analyze this unique sensation when he moves his hips and shallowly thrusts again.

And every nerve ending lights up in response to the push of that knob against my clit.

“Oooooh,” I moan. It reminds me of the time I had a Rabbit Vibrator and it worked my clit at the same time as my core. Having sex with Vektal? It’s like that, but
. Even more intense.

This . . . might kill me out of sheer pleasure. I cling to him as he begins to thrust again, sucking in a breath when his ridge pushes against my clit again. Did I think that the pussy-eating was too much to handle because of his sheer enthusiasm? It’s nothing compared to the mind-blowing sensation of him fucking the hell out of me, that ridge teasing my clit with every stroke, the ridges inside him humming against my g-spot. I come again. And again. I claw his back and scream my pleasure as he thrusts into me over and over, whispering soft words. I’m coming apart with every stroke of his cock, until I’m boneless and weak and mewing—

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