I Saw Her Standing There (30 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary

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“And none of you have. I’m doing what
want to do. Being here with you is what I want.”

“What about marriage and children and a family of your own? How does that happen if he doesn’t move or you don’t?”

“We haven’t even begun to discuss things like that,” she said, though the question caused a wave of yearning deep inside her. To be married to Colton, to have his children, to laugh with him and wake to his gorgeous face on the pillow next to hers every day . . .

“Lucy, honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

She shook her head, furious with herself for letting her emotions take over. “You didn’t. It’s a tough situation, and I knew going into it that it wouldn’t be easy, but he’s always been worth it. You should’ve seen him when I was sick.”

“I’ve met him twice, and I can already tell he’s made of good stuff. He’s got the right kind of hands, for one thing.”

“The right kind of
?” Lucy asked, baffled. “Not that I don’t agree that his hands are pretty fabulous, but something tells me we aren’t talking about the same thing.”

Ray grimaced. “Remember who you’re talking to, young lady.”

Lucy giggled at his stern tone. “Don’t blame me. You’re the one who said it. I was just agreeing with you.”

“What I meant was that you can tell by a man’s hands whether he’s a hard worker.”

“That’s not really true anymore, Dad. You’ve heard of the digital revolution . . .”

“In my world, it’ll always be true. Your Colton has working man’s hands. You can tell by looking at them that he’s a hard worker.”

“Yes, he is,” Lucy said, ridiculously touched by her dad’s assessment—and approval—of the man she loved. “You should come up and see his mountain someday. The process involved with making syrup would fascinate you.”

“I might just do that.”

“All right then. We’ll make some plans.”

“Do what you need to do to be happy, Lucy Lu. The rest of us will be just fine no matter what you decide.”

Lucy hugged him again. “Thanks for coming all the way down here to tell me that. I’m sorry you lost sleep over it.”

“I’m retired. I can take a nap.”

She smiled at him as her phone dinged with a text from Colton.
Almost home. Are you there yet?

Ray kissed her forehead. “Go ahead, honey. I don’t want to hold you up.”

“I’m really glad you came to see me,” she said as he headed for the door.

“So am I. Talk to you tomorrow.”

Watching him go, Lucy’s heart broke at the thought of him lying awake worrying that he’d said the wrong thing to her, that he’d discouraged her from following her heart. Speaking of her heart . . . She shut down her computer and grabbed her purse. On the way out of the office, she replied to Colton’s text.

Ten minutes away.

Hurry up. I’m lonely for you.

You know how to make a girl all swoony.

I’ve got a few other ways to make that happen. What are your thoughts on nipple gloss?

For a second, Lucy thought she’d read that wrong, but then she laughed as she remembered where he’d been earlier.
Umm, am I supposed to have thoughts on nipple gloss? I don’t even know what it is.

You will soon enough. I’m sure you’ll have some thoughts about it later.

She was so engrossed in her text conversation with Colton that she nearly slammed into someone on the street. “Sorry,” she muttered.

“Watch where you’re going,” he said with a growl.

Normally, the comment would’ve pissed her off, but today she didn’t care. She had far better things to do than engage in a verbal smackdown with a stranger on the street. Only the fear of smelling sweaty and gross kept her from jogging home—that and the fact that she still felt less than perfect after the weekend’s ordeal.

But knowing he was waiting for her had her walking fast. Very, very fast.


Syrup yield per tap: .492 gallons, or nearly a half-gallon of syrup per tap. This calculation is the only meaningful way to compare sugar seasons, since the number of taps varies from year to year. This year ranks a close third behind 2011: .55 gals per tap and 1992: .52 gallons per tap.

—Colton Abbott’s sugaring journal, after the boil

he six-block walk had never seemed so long, but Lucy had never been so eager to get home before. She’d never gone home from work knowing Colton was waiting at her place, and that one detail made everything so much more significant. Walking onto her street at last, she saw him sitting on the stairs that led to her apartment. He was looking down at his phone, messing around with it while he waited for her. His long legs were stretched out in front of him, and he looked totally at home in her world, even if it was so far removed from his.

The sense of rightness, of belonging, of homecoming had nothing at all to do with the place where she lived and everything to do with the man sitting outside waiting for her. As those feelings washed over her, she no longer cared about smelling sweaty. She broke into a jog so she could get to him faster.

He looked up, saw her coming and got up to meet her, catching her in his strong arms and lifting her into a kiss that should’ve embarrassed the hell out of her, taking place as it did in broad daylight on the street where she’d lived for years. But she didn’t care in the least if anyone saw her kiss him.

“That was the longest ten minutes ever,” he said, letting her slide down the front of him until she was standing on solid ground again.

“I tried to hurry.”

“I’m kidding, babe.” He kissed her again and escorted her up the stairs, keeping his arm around her until they were in her apartment.

Lucy caught a glimpse of her coffee table covered with stuff. “What’s all that?”

He held out his hand to her. “Come see.”

She took his hand and went to sit next to him on the sofa to take a closer look at the items on the table.

“This right here would be a cock ring—the vibrating kind. Intriguing if I do say so myself. Over here we have a bullet vibrator and the already-mentioned nipple gloss. Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing your glossy nipples.”

Listening to him, Lucy felt her face heat up, but for once she didn’t care. By now he’d certainly come to expect that reaction when he was being outrageous, which was pretty much all the time.

“I’m not really sure what this thing is.” He held up a tapered object that was thin at the top and wide at the bottom and examined it from all angles.

“Um, I think that’s a, um . . .”

He glanced at her, his gaze fixed on her flaming cheeks. “What?”

“Butt plug.”


“You um use it to, you know . . .”

“Oh please. For the love of God and all that’s holy, please finish that sentence.”

She shoved his shoulder until he fell over on the sofa, laughing his ass off. “You know exactly what that is. You just wanted to make me say it.”

“You have no idea how much I enjoyed that.”

“I hate you a little bit right now.”

“No, you don’t. You think I’m adorable and funny and sexy and irresistible, and you may as well admit it.”

“I’ll do nothing of the sort.”

He held up the plug, examining it from every angle and then glancing at her suggestively. “Want to play with my new toys?”

“We don’t need toys to have fun.”

“True, but I’ve spent all morning thinking about all the ways I could make you crazy, and I have to admit, my imagination has never been more vivid.”

“I’ll try the nipple gloss if you try the cock ring.”

“Oh baby, you’re on.” He was up and off the sofa so quickly she barely had time to register the movement before he was sweeping her along on the way to her room.

Clothes went flying in a flurry of color and movement. He was a man on a mission. When she was bared to him, she resisted the urge to cover herself the way she would have only a couple of weeks ago. Now she stood perfectly still and let him take a long perusing look at her. Naturally, the flush she couldn’t control overtook her, but he loved that.

She tugged at the button to the khakis he’d worn to the trade show and had trouble getting the zipper down over his bulging erection.

He drew in a deep breath and rested his hands on her hips, drawing her closer to him, but she resisted his attempt to kiss her.

Dropping to her knees, she pushed his pants and boxers down over his hips, encircled his cock with her hand and teased the head with her tongue. “You’ll never get the ring on when you’re in this condition, so we need to start all over.”

“Lucy . . .”

She wrapped her lips around the wide crown and sucked him in.

He grasped the back of her head roughly, which only added to the thrill for her. “This is going to be quick.”

Opening her mouth wider, she slid him in, letting her tongue swirl around him as she stroked him with her hand.

His head fell back in total surrender to her and his legs trembled, which filled her with satisfaction. He was so strong and capable, but knowing she had this kind of power over him was the sweetest kind of pleasure.

She stepped up her efforts, letting her free hand wander around to the back of him to squeeze his ass, drawing another sharp gasp from him.

“Lucy . . .”

The note of warning wasn’t lost on her. He was giving her the chance to withdraw, but that was the last thing she wanted to do. Rather, she relaxed her muscles and took as much of him as she could accommodate, all the while stroking with one hand and squeezing with the other.

He came hard, flooding the back of her throat with his release, which she swallowed greedily.

She stayed with him until she felt his muscles relax. The instant she released him, he fell back on the bed, wrecked. His arms covered his face and his chest heaved from the deep breaths he drew in and out. Lucy took advantage of his preoccupation and his newly flaccid state to apply the cock ring.

He sat up abruptly to see what she was doing.

“There,” she said, patting his thigh. “All fixed.”

He reached for her and pulled her down on top of him. “You’re a vixen, you know that?”

“Never been one before, so it’s all your fault.”

“I’m so glad you saved it for me. That was fucking incredible. You are fucking incredible, and I love you more every day. Not just because of things like that either. It’s everything. All of you.” He reached up to run his fingers through her hair, tucking it behind her ears. “The way you looked at me when you saw me waiting for you on the street. No one has ever looked at me like that before.”

“Somehow I find that hard to believe,” she said dryly, even though her heart beat madly.

“I’m serious, Luce. Women have looked at me before, but never the way you do.”

“How do I look at you?”

“Like you love me. Like you want more from me than a good time in bed. Like you want

“I do want you and love you. And I want more from you than a good time in bed, although the good time in bed is a lovely benefit.”

“I do what I can,” he said with that impish smile she loved so much. “Now where’s that gloss?”

She found the wand on the bed and handed it to him.

He smoothly rolled them over so he was on top of her and knelt between her legs.

“What flavor is it?”

“I’m almost afraid to say.”

“Oh come on! Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“Um, it’s wrapped rather tightly around my cock at the moment.”

Lucy dissolved into giggles. He was so damned funny—all the time. “Spill it.”

“Funny you should put it that way. It’s ‘Cream My Jeans.’”

“That’s kind of gross.”

“Luckily, you won’t be the one tasting it.”

“I already took one for the team. This one’s all yours.”

“Here goes.” He withdrew the wand from the barrel and took great pains to carefully paint every inch of her suddenly super-sensitive nipples with the smooth gloss. “Mmm, that’s hot. Look how shiny they are.”

As he worked, his erection blossomed and stretched nearly to his belly button.

“You young boys recover quickly,” she said, caressing his muscular arms as he hovered above her, tongue trapped between his teeth as he created his masterpiece.

“That’s what you get for robbing the cradle.”

She gave a gentle tug to a tuft of chest hair. “You’re only three years younger than me.”

“But what a difference those three years make.”

“Indeed. I’m hoping you’ll reach the maturity of a seventeen-year-old one of these days.”

“Don’t hold your breath on—” He startled and his face twisted with what might’ve been pleasure—or pain.


“It just started vibrating. Scared the shit out of me.”

Lucy cracked up laughing and couldn’t stop. She laughed until tears streamed from her eyes and her chest heaved with hiccups. Her laughter died, however, when he bent over her and began to clean up the gloss with his tongue on her sensitive nipples.

“Mmm,” he said, ensuring the vibration of his lips had her full attention. “I thought that might quiet you down.”

“How’s the buzzing down below?”

“Why don’t you tell me?” He moved so the bottom portion of the vibrating ring was pressed tight against her most sensitive area.

Lucy cried out from the triple threat caused by the heated gloss, his lips on her nipple and the vibration between her legs. She wrapped her arms around him, trying to get closer.

“You like that?”

“Yeah,” she said breathlessly. “What does Cream Your Jeans taste like anyway?”

“It’s sweet, but I like the way you taste better.” He moved from her nipple to her lips, the flavor on his tongue giving her a hint of what the gloss tasted like.

“If you liked that,” he said, “you’re gonna love this.” He pressed against her slippery flesh, gaining entry one slow inch at a time, giving her time to adjust and accommodate. Then he was fully seated, and the vibrating ring was pressed tight against her clit. The combination of his lips tugging on her nipple, the tight squeeze of his cock inside her and the vibration set off the most explosive orgasm of her life, and he hadn’t even moved yet.

“Lucy,” he whispered against her ear, holding her tightly as she came back down to earth. “God, that was amazing.”

“Why does my throat hurt?” she asked between deep breaths.

“Maybe because you screamed your head off.”

“I did? Really?” That had certainly never happened before.


“Thank goodness my neighbors aren’t home at this hour. They might’ve called the cops.”

He laughed and pressed deeper into her, which was when she realized the screaming orgasm had been hers alone.

“You didn’t . . .”

“Nope. You took the edge off. I’m good to go for an hour now.”


“Uh-huh. Hold on tight babe. Here we go.”

*   *   *

Lucy was completely ruined for all other men. True to his word, he’d made love to her for a solid hour, until she finally begged for mercy and used a couple of dirty tricks to finish him off. She’d been in every possible position and a few she never would’ve thought of before him. His imagination was as robust as his stamina. Now she was facedown on the bed as he kissed a series of circles on her back while his hands kneaded her bottom.

“You’re out to kill me, aren’t you?” she asked when his efforts resulted in yet another throb between her legs. She was surprised she still had feeling there after what they’d just done.

“Not hardly. It’s your own fault for taking the edge off earlier.”

“I’ll have to remember the consequences of that in the future.”

“I want to play with that plug,” he whispered, his lips brushing over her backside and leaving her tingling with goose bumps.

“Not now. I’m wrecked. You’ve completely destroyed me.”

“You wouldn’t have to do anything.”


He flopped on the bed next to her. “Fine. Be that way.” Lying on his back, he looked over at her. “That wasn’t a
though, was it?”

“No, it wasn’t.”

His eyes went dark with lust, which she found remarkable. How could he have anything left after that marathon? “So you’d be game for doing that sometime?”

“You like to embarrass me, don’t you?”

“Not at all. I like to keep it real with you.” He turned on his side and continued to run his hand up and down her back, as if he couldn’t stand to be that close to her and not touch her. She loved that. “I like that I can be myself with you and say whatever I’m thinking, even if it might embarrass you.”

“I like that you’re yourself with me. I don’t think I’ve ever been more myself with anyone than I am with you.”

“That pleases me more than you could ever know.” He leaned over to kiss her shoulder, punctuating the kiss with a little nibble. “So the plug? Sometime? Yes?” The eager-little-boy side of him was almost impossible to resist.

“Only if you do it, too.”

The face he made was positively priceless. “What? No way.”

“Why not?”

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