I Promise You (15 page)

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Authors: Susan Harris

BOOK: I Promise You
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Her breasts
spilled over the top putting her dress under immense pressure. They were just
so big and I thought I had a good pair.

“Yes it’s
going to be a good night” Rebecca said as Imogen knocked back her third can of Carlsberg.

We hailed a
taxi and headed into town. Not long after, we met Emily and Dionne and we
hugged and screamed that girlie scream when you meet up with the girls. I
introduced them to Rebecca and Imogen.

“You look
amazing” they said in unison.


“How have you

“I’ve been
fine thanks, but we’re not here to talk about me, just to have some fun, right

“Yeah” they
all said.  We headed into a wine bar to start the night off but Imogen wasn’t
feeling it, so we stopped for one glass and moved on.


We then
started to check out most of the clubs and the queues to get in and settled for
one that played a range of music. On paying our fee and entering, we found a
corner and sat down and ordered a round of drinks, shots and beers for Imogen
of course.

The music was
loud, the place overcrowded but the atmosphere was buzzing and it was exactly
what I wanted, all you could hear was us laughing, getting chatted up by blokes
and dancing, it was great. Imogen made me laugh the most, I did not realise she
could be so much fun. She would burp like a bloke, ward off any bloke who came
too close but when she laughed all you could do was join in, it was that
contagious. “Love you Imogen”

It was two in
the morning and Imogen was in her element. The blokes brave enough to venture
near her were treated to those watermelons she called breasts.

She was now
drunk and was horny and started kissing a man she had just met, we all laughed
as they put on a show, they were really going at it, her hands were up in the
air dancing to the beat of the music, grinding him as she went along, his head
was buried in her chest while his hands was trying to grab her ass, but Imogen
would give him a slap now and then if he pushed to far, wow, this was better
than stopping in any day; at least she wore sandals and not high heels like the
rest of us.

It was three,
thirty by the time I got back home. I was truly sloshed after having ten shots,
three whiskeys, four glasses of wine and a shot of brandy and baileys together;
I wonder who introduced me to that drink?

I struggled to
focus on the stairs but holding the hand rail I guided myself up.

I tried to be
quiet but kept struggling to get out of my outfit; Frank stirred and came out
of bed.

“Sorry didn’t
mean to wake you” I said as I slurred my words.

“Light sleeper

He helped me
out of my dress and then stopped when he saw what I had underneath.

favourite”, and with that he kissed me. I knew then that sleep would not be on
the menu tonight.

“Turn around”
he said, and I did
, with my back away from him, I rested my hands
on the bed.

I felt his
warm hands caress my bra as he lifts it up and pinches my nipples.

His hands
wrapped around my stomach then back up to my bra which he takes off, the
sensation goes through me.

He cupped my
breast in his hands and I felt him getting hard behind me. He pulls down my underwear
and I stepped out of it, but as I try to take off my shoes he pulls my hand

“No. I want
them on”

I was now
naked except for my killer heels, my head bobbing up and down as I held onto
the bed.

“Spread your
legs for me”.  He sent kisses down my back and chills down my spine. He reaches
around my front and starts to play with me but I started to wriggle as he makes
me wet.

He slides two
fingers in me aiming deep before smothering my outer layer with my juices.

I felt him
naked now his cock, which was sleepy, was now ready to explore. It poked my
bottom as hard as a finger and tickled me as I laughed, just gentle stokes up
and down then around, like he was spreading butter on bread, I was now on the
edge and needed him inside me, I was all worked up. I needed release and fast.

I pushed back
but he pulled away. “Not yet” he said. I sighed and he laughed.

He then enters
me from behind, solid as a rock as I tried to grip the bed for support but slip
a few times
the alcohol taking its toil
but he was there holding me
tightly around my waist.

I slid further
down the bed for deeper contact, with the feeling of pleasure and pain
all at the same time.

He stopped and
turned me around; probably a bit to quick and I felt my head spinning and my
stomach churning, like an un-invited guest trying to spoil a party.

He lifted me
towards one of the pillars so now my back was being supported, he used his
right hand to grabbed my leg and lift it up, wrapping it around his waist, as
he enters me again.

His trusts
were fast and demanding, I liked it. My breathing was not as good as I still
felt the room spinning. I put my hands around his neck then moved it over my
head and held onto the pillar trying to keep up the rhythm going.

Frank was hot
and sweaty, his skin clammy, he lifted up my other leg and I was wrapped around
him like a cocoon as he carried me to the bed.

“I could fuck
you all night? You turn me on so much; this is all I think about” he said as he
moved underneath me.

I straddled
him and his cock hit me with a new surge. I threw my head back, his arms at my
waist guiding me up and down.

He opened his
mouth to moan, and releases inside me. I followed soon afterwards, my pussy
throbbing but still sucking him harder, not wanting to let go. I then collapsed
on top of him.
Drunken Sex!


It was nearly
noon before I stirred my head worse for wear and my hair too shagged out to be
helped. I patted it down and got out of bed.

I took a quick
shower to wake up and dressed in a casual skirt and top leaving my hair natural
to dry.

“Good night”
he said with a smirk

“Very funny”
and yes it was a very good night.

“Rosetta has
left you some breakfast if you can handle it; get some juice down you I want to
take you out”

“You don’t
have to you know, we can stay in, it’s Sunday?”

He hesitated
for a moment and I wandered what he had planned.

“Are we going
somewhere special? If so just give me time to change”

“I wanted to
take you out for lunch to meet some of my friends.” This took me by surprise, I
had never thought Frank had friends, I know it sounds mad but I just never
thought about it and now he felt ready to show me off and I felt honoured.

“Where were
you meeting them?”

“At the golf
range, but if you don’t feel up to it I can cancel.”

“No. Just let
me change into something more suitable and pour me some juice while you’re

“Didn’t you
have enough juice last night?” I turned to look at him smiling and nodded my

We arrived at
the golf range and I wore a fitted pair of black trousers, blouse, and matching
jacket and low heels.  He held my hand as we walked inside; I felt more relaxed
once he did that.  As we entered a smile lit his face and I predicted that the
two gentlemen approaching us were his friends.

“David, Peter.
This is Autum”. I smiled, as each one greeted me with a kiss.

“Please to
meet you at last”

“I can
understand why Frank wanted to keep you under wraps, you’re beautiful”. I
smiled as I blushed with the compliment.

We sat down
for lunch and the guys started giving me the third degree which I expected.

“So how did
you two meet?” David asked.

“I’ve known
Frank for years; we work in the same building”

“He’s been a
changed man over the last few months and that we owe to you” I wasn’t sure if
he meant that in a good or a bad way but I think my confused look made David

“What I meant
to say is that he hasn’t stopped talking about you, you really have made an
impression on him. He has never introduced us to anyone before which means that
you are someone special. I think he truly is in love with you”

I looked over
to Frank, who was busy catching up with the latest news from Peter. He turned and
winked at me and I smiled back. How could I top that last statement? I
couldn’t, because if he did feel that way towards me would I be able to say the
same thing back?

I had strong
feelings for him, but I think I was scared to let myself fall for him totally.
I was holding back, Jack’s betrayal still fresh in the back of my mind, the man
I had loved for three years.

All I knew was
that my feelings for Frank were totally different from what I had with Jack.
The way me and Frank are together was so different, I could not compare and I
wouldn’t want too. I probably did love him, but was scared to say the words out
loud just in case things went wrong. After all it had not been that long.

The rest of
lunch went by quickly and at the end of the afternoon we were agreeing our next
date. Frank mentioned that he expected to see them and their partners at the
next formal dinner and they shook on it before we left.

“I think they
like you” he said.

“Thank you.”

“They didn’t
give you a hard time did they?”

“No they didn’t.
They were just happy to be introduced to your girlfriend. They care about you a
lot, that I can tell and only want the best for you, that’s what friends are

You mentioned
a formal dinner is that soon?”

“I’m sorry I
didn’t mean for you to hear it like that, it’s a charity dinner for the young
and homeless. I attend different charity events every year as you know and this
is one of them. I was going to tell you anyway as I wanted you to attend with


“I’ve never
been to any type of formal function before, would I need a gown?”

“Yes you
would, but don’t worry about that now, we have plenty of time, and it’s not for
another three weeks yet”

“Frank, don’t
take this the wrong way, but don’t feel that you have to take me.

I wouldn’t
know what to say or who anyone was, plus you would need to mingle and then I
would be all by myself.”

“Slow down
girl. I would never leave your side, wherever I go, you go, and the other
reason I want you there is because you have made me so happy, I wanted to show
everyone the reason for my happiness”

Frank really
knew how to say the right words. I started to get emotional in the car and he
knew it.

“Don’t get
upset. I’m glad that I’ve finally got you that’s all, it was worth the wait and
I would do it all over again if I had to.” He put his hand on my knee as we
continued our drive.

Rebecca called
me not long after I arrived home and asked me if I had enjoyed the night out.

“Best time
ever” I said making my mood a little lighter. She told me that Imogen tripped
over and broke two toes hitting them on the side of the table. I started to
laugh. “She’s fun isn’t she?  You must definitely invite her out again”

“I will” and
with that the gossiping continued for another forty, five minutes. I took out
my laptop, something I had not been on for a while, to do some research on a
project which was coming up at work. I checked my emails; again I had not done
that since I came back from Miami and had two, hundred and sixty two in my
inbox. Most were spam so I just deleted them.

Then I saw one
from “rock chick” and knew it was from Isabelle. I went to delete it but
curiosity got the better of me. It was dated the day after I had caught them
together. My heart started to beat fast but I remained calm as I read it.


Hi Autum, I don’t know what else to say to you except I’m
sorry. I will not pretend that I have an excuse to do what I did because I
don’t. I was your best friend and I betrayed you in the worst possible way, but
I will not take the blame alone. We have been seeing each other for months, and
now that it’s out in the open, I have no intention of giving him up, ‘remember’
I saw him first.


I could not
fucking believe the cheek of that bitch, “I was your best friend; I want to
make a go of it” then it dawned on me with the last statement, “I saw him

She had been
after him all this time for the past three years behind my back and I was
clueless. Did she do this as the ultimate revenge? The two faced cow.

Was it because
he proposed to me that she decided enough was enough and used my damm working
trip to make her move?

My blood
started to boil as I continued to flick through my emails. There were another
six from her which I deleted, although I looked at one which was on the last
day I was in my apartment.

I cannot
believe you got Jack beaten up because he broke off the engagement.
broke up with me?
Is that what he told the stupid bitch?”

The only
reason he did not press charges was because I pleaded for him not to
. Is
this bitch for real?

I now you’re
upset but you’ll get over it, I really want to give this a go but you need to
back off, you had your time and you blew it.

I blew it,
well all I can say is what goes around comes around, he’s all yours bitch,
blinded by a fuck eh!!

I started to
pace the bedroom floor, furious at how I was the villain in all of this. I
started to type but then stopped myself,
. If she was that stupid
to fall for his lies then they both deserved each other. Good riddance to bad
rubbish, I told myself and shut down my computer before joining Frank in his

Frank was
behind his desk, phone on loud speaker and fingers frantically typing away on
his machine.  He looked up and motioned that he was on the phone,
who would
have thought?

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