I Promise You (13 page)

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Authors: Susan Harris

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 I suppose you
could do that with six en-suite bedrooms, acres of land, gym, steam room and a
swimming pool. All that space for just one person?

He may be glad
of some company then.

It was kind of
how I pictured it to be, automatic gates with CCTV and intercom access. A
driveway so big it took minutes to reach the house instead of seconds.

The big house
itself had lots of windows and a sweeping landscaped garden. Just looking at it
you could sense the peace and tranquillity which it gave you within the
surrounding trees.

‘You’re sure
this is big enough for you?’

He laughed,
‘Well as long as you don’t fill one bedroom with clothes and another with
shoes, this will do me just fine’. We both laughed.

We went
through the big double doors and immediately we were greeted by a lady.

‘Hi Rosetta’

‘Mr Lucas’

‘This is my
guest Autum she will be staying for a while”

Am I?

“Could you
show her up to the guest suite?”

‘Of course,
will you follow me?’

I looked at
Frank with a quizzical look and did as I was told.

We went up the
sweeping stairs and along the longest corridor I had ever seen, if it wasn’t in
a straight line, I could have gotten lost.

My room was
the furthest down the hallway. Once inside I could not believe it. It was the
size of a house. The living space, if I could call it that, was huge. Sofas,
built in TV, and all the latest gadgets.

Why would
anyone want to leave this room?

Then off into
another room was the bedroom with a bed so big I think it was made for the
incredible hulk.

Walk in
Then through another archway was the bathroom. Yep,
made for the incredible hulk, twin sinks, separate walk in shower that alone
was the size of my bathroom and robes hung behind the door so thick and plush
you could use them as blankets.

I forgot that
Rosetta was still in my room after I had done my tour.

‘If you need
anything miss’

“Please call
me Autum”

‘If you need
anything Autum, you see that intercom over there, press it and speak’ Thank
Frank and
his intercom systems. ‘Would you like me to cook you
anything in particular to eat?”

“Whatever you
have, thank you” and with that she was gone.

After I had
unpacked I made my way back downstairs wondering which room Frank was in.

Once I hit the
hallway, I looked around to see lots of doors, twists, turns and archways, and
I was lost. I called out his name not knowing where he was, and he came not
long after from the room to my left. ‘Sorry I was just in my study, did you
manage to unpack?’

“Yes thanks” Good,
now let me show you around.

Chapter Thirteen


long can happiness really last? And where did the saying “too good to be true”
come from.


I had been
staying with Frank now for three weeks and we were going through that getting
to know each other stage.

What I mean by
that is we talked about what we liked and disliked, our favourite all time
films, places of interest, the list goes on.

Since I had
“temporarily moved in,” most nights I had been having dreams about what went on
with Jack, but the ones lately had been getting worse.

I had been
scared to mention this to Frank as I didn’t want to spoil things or make him
any more protective then he already was.


We had been
going into work as normal but I asked him to drop me off not far from work as I
didn’t need any hassle about people seeing me with him at the moment, but Frank
thought that I was overplaying things.

Rebecca had
been a rock and we were now great friends, we had girlie nights in at her place
often, which is what I would be doing tonight.

I loved being
at Frank’s place but I also needed to see my friends and since the split with
Jack I had not contacted the rest of the girls, Emily and Dionne. I promised
myself I would do that tomorrow night.


My friends
knew that Jack and I had split, that much I had mentioned, but they did not
push for the reasons why.  Work was hard today. I had to stay over until six,
thirty to complete some important case files before a meeting with clients next

I did love my
job but struggled today with my lack of sleep.  Frank also worked late so that
he could drop me off at Rebecca’s, still cautious after all this time.

“Have you got
everything” he asked.

“Yep, my
overnight bag is bursting”

“Are you sure
you’re coming back? There are enough clothes and shoes for a weekend instead of
a night”

I laughed, as
by now he knew me so well.

“You can never
have enough things. I like to prepare in case I change my PJ’s or my clothes
for work and if you change your clothes you need the right accessories”


We reached
Rebecca’s and he kissed me goodbye.

“Sure you
don’t want to come up and say hello?”

“I’m good
thanks, enjoy,” and with that I exited the car and watched him drive away.

When I got
inside Rebecca’s, she had her fairy lights all over her apartment, scented candles,
the works. It made it so cosy and girly it was great. She got a chick flick
movie and we had a great night in with a Chinese takeaway, followed by popcorn,
peanuts and copious amounts of booze.


It was now
eleven, thirty at night when we finally went to our rooms and I couldn’t stop
smiling. I hugged Rebecca and said “thanks”

“For what?”

“Because at this
moment I don’t know what I would do without you” she was definitely my best
buddy especially when I needed her most.

I hung my two
chosen outfits for work on the wardrobe, showered and went to sleep. That’s
when my dreams started again.


I was
working late as usual and told Frank to go home and I would let him know when I
would be leaving.  It was around six in the evening when my office phone started
to ring but every time I said “hello” there would be a pause then the line
would go dead.

After the
fourth time I shouted “either speak you fucking moron or don’t call back”. Then
I hung up.

On the
fifth ring he spoke “fucking moron am I now?”

“Is that
you Jack?”

“You better
watch your back bitch”

“Get on
with your life Jack, I’m not interested”

“We can see

“What do
you mean we? Are you with Isabelle?”

worry your pretty little ass, as next time pretty boy will not be there to save

 And with
that I hung up, and took the receiver off the phone.

Heart pounding
and scared to death I rang Frank and he picked me up. Too scared to meet him
downstairs he came and collected me in the office, a total wreck.

I woke up
sweating, only a
, but why did I feel there was a message in there
somewhere. What? I didn’t know, I was not even superstitious, but I was just
getting these vibes I could not dismiss.

I got up and
went into Rebecca’s room and asked her if I could stay with her. She looked at
me puzzled and asked what’s up and I told her all.

“And what has
Frank said to these dreams?”

“Not told him,
I thought he would think I was being silly and paranoid?”

“Paranoid or
not, he needs to know, they’re obviously scaring you, otherwise you would not
want to kip with me. Promise me you’ll tell him or I will”

“Promise” and
with that I crawled behind Rebecca in bed and fell fast asleep.


The next
morning I was wide awake, feeling better for a decent amount of sleep. Rebecca
was already up and from the smell again, she was in the kitchen.

“Morning, how
are your feeling today?”

“A lot better
thanks to you and before you say anything I promise to tell him today”

“Good, now get
some breakfast down you and hurry up, can’t have the boss moaning about you
being late for work”

The breakfast
as always was delicious; I hurried my shower and quickly washed and dried my
hair and put it up in a bun.

We got to work
and in reception were Jack and Isabelle. I was so shocked
only a dream
I literally came to a standstill before Rebecca moved me on.
“Don’t rise to it.” I was getting chest pains and felt like I was going to have
a panic attack. They both stared at me with every step I took. Rebecca told me
not to look but it was hard, their eyes never leaving mine and then that
“smirk” from Jack.
You better watch your back you bitch
, that’s what my dream
had told me, and now I felt it was true, he was out to get me.

I reminded
myself that he was the one that caused this situation in the first place but I
knew I would be the one paying the ultimate price.


“Ignore them”
said Rebecca as I smiled it off.

“Already done”
which was a lie?  We continued to walk as we went our separate ways to our

It was now
noon and I asked Frank if we could meet up for lunch. He had a prior engagement
but cancelled when he realised I sounded upset.

“Has something
happened”? I paused before I said “It’s Jack,” I think he’s after me?” With
that, Frank met me outside and we went for a walk.

I didn’t plan
to tell him about my nightmares even though I promised Rebecca, but now I truly
felt scared and unprotected, and maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned to Frank that
it was Rebecca who had told me to tell him.

Frank flipped
and I jumped. It was so unexpected that it caught me off guard.

“So let me get
this straight” he said. “You have been having these dreams while staying with
me, but said nothing and you are only telling me because Rebecca forced your

“It’s not like

“What is it
like then?”

“I thought
they meant nothing, we all have dreams, some good, and some bad throughout our
lives and that’s what I boiled it down to”. When I saw Jack today and he gave
me that look, I just freaked out and tried to link it, that’s all.


“Do you want
me to have a word?”

“No. I want
nothing to do with him and his mind games; I’m just a little on edge that’s

We walked to a
café and got a bite to eat before returning to work.  I felt loads better and
told Rebecca that Frank knew everything

When we
finished work and we were on our way home, I stared at him, not knowing what
was going through his mind. “Sorry Frank.” He gave me a quick glance and placed
his hand on my knee.

“Just don’t
shut me out, no matter how silly you may think it to be, let me know ok, I
worry about you that’s all”

“Promise” and
with that he smiled and we continued our drive home. 

Rosetta greeted
me with a letter in hand. “This is for you Autum, but I was not expecting
anything so Frank took it from me to inspect the envelope. “Oh it’s from the
estate agents, I hope you don’t mind but I put your apartment up for sale.

I told you
that you will not be going back there and I meant it, these are all the
details, take a look and let me know if you are happy with what they have done”

I took the
envelope and retired to my room, “For Sale” with a picture of my apartment from
the outside and then all the features inside of it. I looked at the pictures
and it looked so beautiful, brand new but unloved. I never got the chance to
make it my home and that was my only regret.

When I saw the
picture of my bedroom I froze, those dammed images coming back into my mind. I
blinked them away and looked at the asking price, £225,950.

“Wow” was it
worth that much? I had bought it four years ago off plan so got a good deal
then. If it sold for this much I could pay back what I borrowed and put a nice
deposit down for another one. I loved being here with Frank, but this was his
home not mine, and I could not expect him to want me here forever even though I
felt like I was part of his life now.


Since I had
been here, we have not been “together” We kissed and cuddled but nothing more.
It had been so hard for me to resist him when he had been so close to me, but
taking my time with him had worked out better than I could have asked for. He
was my friend and now I was relaxed with him I was ready to take things to the
next level. I just hoped he still wanted me.

When we had
been close on the sofa and cuddling, I would sometimes stroke his leg when we
watched a movie, something I did automatically. I noticed him getting aroused,
his breathing deep, but he was trying to control his urges, so he would quickly
get up and say we needed some more food or drink from the kitchen and I would
chuckle to myself.


I went back
downstairs and told Frank that I was more than happy with the valuation and
that he had captured all the details. He also told them to include “All”
fixtures and fittings. I told him that he had only recently redecorated and
paid a lot of money for it but he said that I didn’t need them.

I felt bad and
promised to give him some money to cover the loss of these items once the sale
had gone through.

We talked
about going back to collect some personal items, but this made me jitter.

“You won’t be
by yourself, I’ll be there”. I smiled and felt re-assured.

Friday came
around and I kept my promise and phoned the girls. They were both together so I
had the opportunity to say what I needed to say and only had to say it once.

They were
heading out on the town and they asked if I wanted to come, oh! “Maybe next
time, I promise,” this caught me off guard. I had not prepared myself to go
out, and just wanted to hear their voices. We chatted for a bit, never
mentioning “whore bitch” by name and that felt good. God I missed the girls but
next time I met them I would introduce them to Rebecca.

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