Read I Need You (Learning to Let Go) Online

Authors: Hazel St James

Tags: #Bondage, #Sex, #Romance, #BDSM, #Rough, #Erotica

I Need You (Learning to Let Go) (6 page)

BOOK: I Need You (Learning to Let Go)
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“You could drive a celibate monk crazy in these fuckin’ shorts,” Darrin said in her ear. In a flash, he let go of her breasts, quickly reaching down to pull the flimsy shorts off. He picked them up off the floor, turning enough to the side to toss them behind him onto the bed in his room.

Sara turned her head to the side to see what he was doing, and he responded by holding up his index and middle finger in a V, pointing them at his own eyes as he tersely said, “Those shorts are for my eyes only, Sara.”

Darrin grabbed her hips, rubbing his jean-clad erection up and down the crack of her ass. A strangled moan escaped her lips as she laid her forehead against the wall. She could feel Darrin pulling her backwards as he said, “Keep your hands on the wall and spread your legs shoulder-width apart.”

Sara felt a shudder pass through her body as the heat rose between her legs, making it hard to not clench her thighs together for some relief for her overheated center. Making a forced effort, Sara worked on relaxing her legs enough to slowly slide them outwards as Darrin had instructed. Darrin had moved away from her, making short work of removing his boots, jeans and boxers. He closed the space between them, his rock-hard cock bobbing against her ass as he ran his calloused hands down her back, causing her skin to pebble.

“Any objections to me taking you from behind, Sara?”

Sara paused to think about what he was asking, almost shocked that he had asked permission. Her arousal level dropped, and her hips stopped undulating on their own when she realized that he wasn’t taking over the lead and forcing her to do this. It was still hot as sin, but the intensity of the entire situation had dropped back to normal.

Darrin must have sensed the change in her body language, as he leaned forward to rest his head on her back. “We don’t have to do this, doll baby. I can carry you into the bedroom and make love to you there if this makes you uncomfortable.”

Quickly realizing that she had let him astray with her lack of verbal cues, Sara arched her back into him, making him lift his head up. “No, I like it, Darrin. I just didn’t know what you meant by b-behind is all,” Sara stuttered as she lied.

Wincing at her own words, she sighed before she dropped her shoulders in defeat. Darrin was the best thing that had happened to her in a long time, and he deserved her to be truthful. He was always truthful with her, to the point of being brutally honest sometimes.

Willing up her courage from deep inside, Sara let her inhibitions fall away as she blurted out, “That was a lie, Darrin. I’m sorry. I, u-um, get really turned on when you take my options away from me in the bedroom…when you don’t give me any choices.” Sara turned around to face him, trying to avert her eyes from his slowly deflating erection.

Darrin pulled his eyebrows together in a frown as she continued, “I really, really love having sex with you, Darrin. It’s just that, I seem to have an affinity for being bossed around in bed; it is about the only way I know to explain it right now. It’s called being a submissive, but I really don’t understand all the logistics of it.”

Darrin stood stone-faced, unflinching from her scrutinizing gaze. After a few terse minutes had passed, Sara sighed as she walked passed Darrin to get her clothes from the bedroom. She had almost made it all the way inside the door when he reached out and grabbed her arm, halting her from getting inside the room. Trying to keep her tears at bay, Sara turned away from him, focusing on keeping the lump in her throat from choking her.

Clearing his throat, Darrin tugged on her arm until she was close enough that he could grab her other arm to turn her so that they were standing toe to toe in the hallway. Sara didn’t want to acknowledge the disgust that more than likely would be evident in his eyes, so she kept her head turned. “Look at me, Sara.”

Reacting without even knowing she was doing it, Sara found herself looking directly into the lust filled eyes of someone else, not the Darrin that she had come to know in the last couple of weeks. That guy was careful and cautious with her in bed; this guy looked almost pained, his facial muscles strained, and his breathing heavy as his shoulders animatedly rose and fell in rhythm. Darrin had started to clench and unclench his fists at his sides, making Sara look down to a very erect cock.

“Back against the wall, Sara. Now.”

Sara smiled as she gracefully stepped back to the wall, resuming her previous position. She wasn’t alone for long; Darrin was directly behind her, keeping his hands on her hips the entire time. Once her hands were firmly on the wall, legs shoulder-width apart, Darrin pulled back on her hips. Slowly, his hands traced her spine as she waited. He spread his fingers out and moved his hands around her ribcage, slowly moving to cup her breasts in his hands, his thumbs flicking her nipples.

A moan escaped her lips as her hips started to move, slowly grinding her ass against Darrin’s strained cock. He faintly growled in her ear as he let go of her breasts, his hands fanned out under the swells. He pointed his hands downwards and inched them closer and closer to her mound. One hand left her front side and instead guided his cock from behind against her swollen folds. Sara knew that she was drenched with need, and he would be able to effortlessly slide inside.

Darrin used his fingers to scissor over the top of her clit, pinching her clit as he filled her aching channel with his cock. The fingers of his free hand were now digging into her hip as he started to slowly move back and forth. Closing her eyes tightly, Sara leaned down even further, lifting her hips up so that Darrin didn’t have to bend his knees to lower himself. Once she could feel that he was firmly situated inside, she squeezed her internal muscles. “Pound me, Darrin. Please.”

“Ah, Jesus, you are killin’ me, Sara.” He positioned his thumb directly over the top of her clit, gently rubbing at first, but then he pressed down enough to keep pressure on the erect nub. He bent over her even further, whispering in her ear, “Rest your forearms on the wall. Use them to cushion your head. I’m gonna drill you, baby.”

Sara could feel her heart beating wildly in her chest as she quickly complied. No sooner did she get into position, than Darrin started to wildly piston in and out of her body, his balls slapping against her thighs with each plunge. The rhythm was causing a friction inside her body that was making her mind fuzzy; her thoughts were becoming muddled as she started to pant. An orgasm was starting to build, the crest getting closer and closer as he mercilessly pounded into her.

Darrin was loudly using every profanity in his repertoire and it was lighting her fire even more that she had brought out his guttural, animalistic nature. Feeling brazen, Sara moved one arm from under her forehead, reaching down to pluck her own nipples. The lights in the hallway were on, making every movement they made obvious to the other. Darrin groaned as she writhed under him, pulling her nipples away from her body to the point of piercing pain.

“So. Fucking. Hot.” His pace increased even more as he paused to say each word. Sara could feel the tingles starting in her arms that signaled her explosion was close.

“Ah Fuck, Sara. I’m gonna come. Come with me, baby.”

Darrin roared his release as Sara felt wave after wave of a powerful orgasm course through her body. She could feel his cock spasm inside her, setting off another round of flutters across her skin. Slowly, Darrin pulled out, leaving his seed to run down her leg. Thank God she had been smart enough to get on birth control this spring and they had already discussed going bare, otherwise this would have been a problem for both of them.

Darrin was panting as he stumbled to the bathroom. Sara’s legs felt like jelly, leaving her body to slowly crumple on the floor. She closed her eyes as she lay her head back, covering her face with her arm. Not having any energy left for modesty, she continued to lay naked in the hallway when Darrin came back out of the bathroom. He chuckled, as he quickly scooped her up in his arms, carrying her into the bedroom.

Sara started to protest when he tried tucking her into bed, “I have to make supper, yet, Darrin. Plus, I’m a mess. I need to take a shower.”

Darrin crawled over the top of her onto the other side of the bed, wrapping his arms around her before he pulled her back tightly against his chest. “We have leftovers we need to clean up before I leave tomorrow. A short nap will do us good, and then we can shower together.”

Sara had almost forgotten that Darrin was leaving in the morning to go with some of his buddies to a remote cabin in northern Wisconsin for almost two weeks. It had been really nice having someone to spend time with, cook for, laugh with, and generally enjoy being with. It felt good. Really good. It was going to be hard to go back to being alone, if only for a couple of weeks.

As if on cue, Darrin tightened his grip around her waist, tugging her briskly against him. “Hey, you’re gonna catch up on some sleep while I’m gone,” he teased, “I’ll be back before you know it.”

Sara sighed as she snuggled into her pillow, willing her thoughts to subside long enough to enjoy lying next to the man that had brought some color back into her world.

Chapter Six

July 4

ara was carefully considering her entertainment options for the day, like she would decide between two equally mundane activities: Eney-Meeney-Miney-Mo. Without Darrin around, Sara had become even more introverted, stay in every night, all alone. The drugstore wasn’t open today, so she had a day off to spend down by the boardwalk, enjoying the food and craft vendors that the city sponsored every year. There was even a band playing and drinks being served near the fire station.

Even if she was into socializing today, which she wasn’t, her sister Bryn had already invited her to watch the fireworks with her and her roommate Corey on the inlet on the other side of the lake. Not so much invited her, as she texted the shortened version of her plans for the evening, leaving the offer open, but not demanding an answer.

Sara was somewhat puzzled as to why Bryn was spending the evening with her roommate, and not her apparently drool-worthy boyfriend, Dr. Charlie Glynn. Even though she had never met him, he was making Bryn happy, and that was damn hard to do anymore. Sara hadn’t spent any significant time with her sister lately, but they had started to text and chat, on occasion. It was a start.

Sara knew that if she went with Bryn and Corey, they would more than likely ride over on their motorcycles, seeing as how Bryn called it the sole means of transportation during the summer. Sara inwardly groaned at the prospect of not only riding with her sister on a death machine, but being shoved in the middle of half the town of Amulet, laying in the itchy half-mowed grass, stirring up every mosquito and biting bug in the area.

Most of the town would be there to watch the over-the-water fireworks show, and it had always been quite a spectacular sight. The money collected from aluminum can recycling was the sole contributor for the display; at least that’s what it says on the outside of the random containers in town. Everyone was extremely proud of the accomplishment, and it seemed as if every person within a fifty-mile radius came over to watch.

There was no way in hell that Sara would be one of them. She never was one for crowds, or the outdoors, or using a holiday as an excuse to get plastered with your close friends, or even your not so close friends. Either way, Sara managed to talk herself into dissing all the festivities, opting instead to spend some time at Darrin’s office in the shop. She hadn’t gotten very far with her college degree, but she had taken some business classes and had started helping Darrin with some invoicing, payables, and just keeping his office cleaned up in general.

Sara had never been as happy as she was the last few weeks with Darrin. It seemed as if they were more than comfortable with being together all the time, since after their disastrous first date, they were pretty much inseparable. Well, not so much mentally, as physically. Neither Darrin nor Sara were apt to share much about their lives that the other was not already privy to. For Darrin, that meant when he was overseas in the Marines. For Sara, that meant her time away at college. Other than that, they knew each other’s past as well as they did their own. Living in a rural small town makes it hard to keep your anonymity.

The lack of communication between Sara and Darrin wasn’t something that she dwelled on most of the time. There were instances when it made this relationship easier for both of them. Neither one of them were really big on discussing their problems, or sharing the mundane activities of the day. Their intimacy was more physical; neither one of them had to use words to express what was in their minds. They had known each other for long enough, that it was easy to go from being distant friends to an intimate couple. It was working for both of them; at least for now.

After changing into some comfortable khaki shorts and a cotton tank top, Sara made her way over to Darrin’s shop. It didn’t take long for her to bury herself in the stack of papers that lay on top of the desk in the office. Sticking her phone into the dock on the radio beside her desk, Sara turned on her favorite soft rock playlist, quietly singing along as she tapped away on the keyboard.

BOOK: I Need You (Learning to Let Go)
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