I Need You (Learning to Let Go) (19 page)

Read I Need You (Learning to Let Go) Online

Authors: Hazel St James

Tags: #Bondage, #Sex, #Romance, #BDSM, #Rough, #Erotica

BOOK: I Need You (Learning to Let Go)
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There was no denying the moisture that was pooling in between her legs as she tried to keep her lower half from grinding against his lap. Her arousal was so strong, she could smell it. Remembering that he had given her a command, she answered, “I’m yours, Sir.”

“Yes, you are, Sara. You are mine for today, tomorrow and always. I won’t be without you ever again.”

Sara’s mind was devoid of thought, making it hard to focus on what he had just said. All she could hear in her mind was always. He wanted to be with her for always, and she had absolutely no reservations about it, either. A happy sob clutched her throat and tears streamed down her face.

Instead of striking her again, Chris let his finger drift down between her legs, swirling it in the moisture he found there.

“So fucking wet.” His finger delved inside her channel; he pulled back out and added another. His rhythmic pumping started out slowly, and then the tempo increased until her back was arching. “Aargh!” she cried as the sucking noises from his fingers and the liquid pool inside her channel could be heard.

Chris slowed the assault, as he turned his hand and fingers. His thumb brushed over her clit as his hand moved, setting off a torrid of sensations deep inside. Making a come hither motion deep inside, Chris ordered, “Come for me, Sara.” Her eyes felt like they were going to roll back inside her head as the blissful sensations from a colossal orgasm began to flow through her body.

Not able to help herself, Sara let out a wail as he turned his hand back so that he could rest his thumb directly on her clit. The added stimulation set off another wave of pleasure throughout her body. Chris let out a few more tremors as he removed his fingers, leaving her boneless and limp laying across his lap.

Her fingers dangled, barely touching the floor as she pulled the suddenly too heavy air into her lungs. A pain started in her chest as she continued to gasp for air. Chris could sense her distress and carefully lifted her back up and onto her feet. He stood up from the bed, wrapping his arm around her waist as she lay her forehead forward onto his chest.

“Are you okay, Sara?”

The catatonic state that she was in right now was more than likely a product of the multiple orgasms she had just experienced, but the tightness in her chest was something new.

Her lips felt like they were numb as she tried to speak, “Y-y-ess,” she stuttered, “I think so.”

Chris stepped back and bent down to lift her spent body. Carefully, he laid her down in the middle of the bed. Sara almost screamed in agony when her certainly bruised lower cheeks hit the bed, but the only sound that came out of her mouth was a tortured moan.

Brushing the hair away from her eyes, Chris warily sat next to her on the bed. “Where do you hurt?”

Sara started to shiver uncontrollably as Chris watched her with a worried look on his face. He pulled the edge of the comforter from the other side of the bed, and carefully tucked it around her. Turning to face Chris so that her sore bottom was off the scratchy fabric, she nestled her face against his thigh and tried to lift her arms up so that she could hold onto his waist. Her muscles protested the strain, and she could only get her hands high enough so that her fingers could curl into the waist band of his jeans.

“My rear end hurts, of course. But other than that, my chest was hurting for a minute, but it is gone now.” Her voice didn’t even sound like her own right now; it sounded like a deep, baritone smoker’s inflection.

Chris pulled the blanket off her backside, and leaned over to look at her butt. “Fuck, Sara. I’m sorry,” he said as he gently traced over what she assumed was a blossoming bruise on her butt. “Let’s get you into a warm bath. That should help lessen the sting.”

Sara could only whine, “Uh uh. I’m too comfy right here.” She snuggled in to his side.

Chris just chuckled as he unfurled her grip and rose from the bed, “That wasn’t really a request, little one. I’ll fill the tub for you. There isn’t enough room for both of us, so I’ll get you settled in there and sit with you for a while until I know you’ve recovered. Then I’m gonna go get us some supper. And maybe stop at the hardware store for some things.”

Sara watched him walk into the bathroom, smiling inwardly at the thought of Chris restraining her with something that a hardware store could provide. Knowing that he was extremely creative to boot, she felt giddy when she remembered all the so-called toys that he had in Colorado, and they hadn’t even gotten to use a quarter of them. Now, there would not be any time restrictions, no worries about whether or not either of them wanted a relationship. Chris had made it clear, in no uncertain terms that she was his, and he was hers. There was a euphoria settling over her body, when he came back minutes later to her side. “Come on, my baby, up you go.”

Sara protested loudly as he cradled her body in his arms, walking her into the bathroom. She had an evil grin on her face and was just about to say something smart, when he silenced her with a look. “Your ass is already sore, Sara. Let’s not make it worse. I’m quite well versed in other forms of torture, however, if you feel like you need to be sassy, little one.”

Sara tried to stifle her grin as she tucked her head into her own chest, and answered, “Yes, Master.”

Chris lowered her into the water, and she hissed when the very warm water touched her sore butt cheeks. Tenderly, Chris leaned back so that her neck was nestled against a towel on the rim of the bathtub. He tenderly brushed his knuckles across her cheek as he asked, “Do you know what that means, Sara, to call someone Master?”

Confidently, she answered, “Yes, my sister and her boyfriend have a more lax Dominant/submissive relationship, but she did mention using the term Master recently. I think it fits, don’t you?”

Chris’ face lit up in a broad and deep smile that reached his eyes. “God, yes. It fits, Sara. I was afraid that I would have to torture you into calling me that. You don’t know how happy that makes me.”

“Chris Lake, for the first time in almost a year, I feel like the world has righted itself again. I didn’t know what was missing until just now. You are my epiphany. Thank you for coming back for me.”

“The sun rises and sets with you, baby.” Chris let go of her face, and stood up. “Now, I’ll bring your cell phone in and a glass of water. If you suddenly feel like you are overwhelmed, or sad, or anything out of the ordinary, you call me.”

Chris came back into the bathroom, typing something into her phone. He set it down on the tiled floor next to her and grabbed a glass of water from the faucet. “I’ll only be gone for a few. Any food you don’t particularly like, Sara?”

“I’m not picky. But I would appreciate it if you would bring me back an ice water. Not a huge fan of tepid tap water, Chris.”

Chris narrowed his eyes on her, but she could see that he was holding back a smile from his lips. Finally, he rolled his eyes. “You’re gonna be fun to train, my little submissive.”

Sara laughed as she sunk back into the tub, resting her eyes. The front door to the hotel room closed, leaving Sara alone to soak away the delicious pain in her rear end. Just as her mind had started to clear and a blissful peace enveloped her, the cell phone on the floor was beeping. Sara looked over the edge of the tub at the screen, and could see a text message displayed. The name of the sender was listed as “Master.” The message was one word:

Chapter Nineteen

ara was absolutely content. There was no other way to describe her current emotional state, or lack there of. Chris was sitting next to her on the bed, answering some emails on his phone. He had taken his shirt off after supper, and plopped down onto the bed, with his back propped against some pillows. He patted the spot next to him, indicating that she was supposed to lie down too.

After several attempts at putting her clothes back on, Sara had finally given up. It was going to take her a while to get used to being naked all the time in private. But it wasn’t all that bad. In fact, the way that he watched her body as she sauntered around the room was making her libido stand up and take notice.

Now, she was lying face down on the bed, her face buried in the pillows. Chris would occasionally reach out and stroke her back and her butt, until she would moan or purr, and then he would remove his hand. Her insides were starting to ache as she waited for him to further his advances. Sighing loudly, she sunk into the bed even further, thinking that maybe he wasn’t interested right now, which really sucked because she was really interested. Really, really interested.

“Something bothering you, little one?”

Sara huffed as she bit out, “No.”

Chris laughed before she heard his phone clicking as he set it down on the table next to him. “Try again, Sara.”

Sara raised herself off the bed and turned to face him. She got comfortable lying on her side, and then she started absently tracing the floral patterns on the bedspread with her finger. She really didn’t know what else to say other than she was getting very hot and bothered, and didn’t know how to ask for what she wanted, or if she was allowed to ask for it.

Chris smiled at her ever so sweetly when she looked up at his face. “I won’t repeat myself, little one.”

Knowing that he was pushing her, she felt a twinge of anger with him. It had tainted her next words with venom. “I want to have sex, Chris. Hot and sweaty sex. But, you’re being a dick. So the moment has passed.”

Within seconds, Chris was restraining her with his own body. He had braced his arms alongside her head on his elbows and was staring into her eyes with a dark look that didn’t bode well for her.

“Has it?” he said as he ground a prominent erection over her bare pussy for a brief second, long enough that she could feel how aroused he was. The added pressure also added friction from the sheets on her sensitive rear end.

Sara closed her eyes as she moaned, excited from the intimate contact. She tried to lift her hips up to meet his, but Chris simply kissed her on the nose, and rolled back over to his side of the bed, continuing to tap on the screen on his phone. “Our relationship is still new for me to punish you for being sassy. I have a few emails that I need to respond to, and I’m just about finished. If you have a question for me, you are always allowed to respectfully ask.”

Sara closed her eyes, and answered, “I was getting rather turned on when you touched me like that, but I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to…you know…”

“No, I don’t know, Sara. You have to tell me what you mean.”

His face lit up in a smile before his fingers skillfully tapped a message into his phone. Not happy about being ignored, Sara got up off the bed and went to pull her clothes back on. She felt neglected before, but her feelings had escalated to downright angry now.

“Sara,” his voice was dark as night, making her rethink disobeying him. “Do you want to explain what you are doing?”

“Right back at ya, Chris.”

Exhaling like an obtuse teenager, Chris shook his head and then got off the bed. He didn’t come near her, instead he wound his way around to the other side of the room, avoiding close contact with her. He walked into the bathroom, coming back out holding a bath towel. He sat back down on the bed, folded the towel neatly and set it on the floor next to him.

“Lesson one, Sara. You don’t question my judgment. I had some pressing emails that required my attention, but I was just finishing. I would never ignore you, unless I had a good reason. I said that we would be working on your training, and that is what I was doing. Since you have decided to pull out the brat card, I’m trumping it with some punishment that you will not enjoy. Present and kneel on the towel. You may leave your hands palm up on your lap.” He pulled his legs back up onto the bed, and stretched out again with his hands behind his head, leaning back. “Now, Sara.”

His deep baritone voice when he barked the last words indicated that he had reached his limit. Not sure what kind of implements of pain he had picked up from in town, she decided that she wasn’t going to push her luck. Sara had only experienced hand spankings, but she had done a bit of research on BDSM last fall and knew that some Dominants could get pretty creative.

Sara had only managed to pull her shorts back on, so she had quickly started shimming them down her legs. Once she was naked again, she not so gracefully kneeled on the towel next to the bed. After getting into the position that he ordered, she lowered her gaze to the floor.

“Thank you, little one. I don’t expect you to explicitly trust me yet, but I assumed that we have a solid foundation started. I wasn’t ignoring you, I was bringing you to a slow fire burn. I want the first time that my cock is buried inside you again to light your insides up.”

Sara couldn’t help the sharp intake of breath that left her feeling somewhat light-headed. Or maybe it was the rush of blood from her brain to her girly parts that accounted for the lack of brain waves. Whichever it was, the feeling morphed into a lucid intoxication, one that left her feeling incredibly hot and needy.

The ache in between her legs had started to become uncomfortable as the moisture started to trickle onto her thigh. Sara wanted desperately to clench her thighs together for some relief, but she had zero intentions of moving and displeasing Chris again.

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