I Must Be Dreaming (13 page)

BOOK: I Must Be Dreaming
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We slept most of the next day away, “Jake wake up its one o’clock in the afternoon.” He made some noises and rolled over the other way. I saw the tattoo on his arm again, I really need to get that taken off him. He can’t keep that and be away from me. I got up, got dressed and went downstairs. Zadok was entertaining his guest in the den. I walked in and sat down beside Jamie. “Hey Jamie, you busy?” I whispered to her. “No, why is something wrong?”  “No just have a few questions if you don’t mind.” She understood I wanted to talk alone so she got up and I followed her out to the kitchen. “I know you know a lot about magic, do you know anything about those protection tattoos?”  “I know enough why?” She was getting curious and her eyes squinted a little. “I want to take the one off of Jake.” She gave me a confused look. “is something wrong with it? Is he getting a rash?” I almost laughed. “No, he no longer needs it and he won’t be able to leave without taking it off.” She laughed a little this time. “Yes he will, he may have a hard time but not because of the tattoo. The tattoo is not to protect you but to give him like a warning signal of you being in danger.”  “Are you sure?” I questioned her. “Yes I’m sure, I’m the one who gave it to him.”  “Oh, ok well then never mind. I’m sorry. He told me we could never be apart because of the tattoo.”  “ I think he just never wants you to leave him honey. He really does love you Izzy. You’re a lucky girl to have him.” I smiled but inside I was torn. I love him and know I can't live without him but I don't think I can leave this place. “Thank you Jamie. And hey, don’t tell him I asked you to take it off, please.”  “No problem.” She winked then turned and went back into the den with the rest of the vamps.                                                                                                                                                          I went back upstairs and into the kitchen to grab some blood. Jake was already in the kitchen standing in nothing but boxers. He really was a sight for sore eyes. Looking at his body made me wish we were back in bed.  “Wow” He turned fast to see who it was. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you, but that's twice you know!” I was proud of myself I was not such a clumsy newborn vamp anymore. “You can anytime you want.”   "I will hold you to that offer for later. But I think we need to get ready for the meeting though.” I was pulling on his boxers to get him to move. “How about a shower first?”  “We had a bath last night.” I was starting to wonder if I smelled that bad. “I know but we haven’t tried the shower out yet.” All I could do was smile.               We raced back to the room and I turned on the shower while he was taking my clothes off. I could really get use to this. He picked me up and I giggled as he sat me on his hips. He walked us in the shower, kissing me passionately. The steam from the water or us not sure which; fogged the whole bathroom up. I kissed his neck and his finger slide in me and I made a sound that came from somewhere deep inside me. He was busy with his hands and I found something for mine to do as well. His head leaned up from my breast with a look of wanting more. He was ready and so was I. He entered me and my mind went to that wonderful place where the sun and moon meet. I think Jake had awakened my sexual beast inside and she was ready to ravage Jake.                                                                                                  Thirty minutes later we both glistening with the afterglow of mind blowing sex outside the shower on the floor of the bathroom. I’m not sure how we got there but it didn’t matter I was still floating in ecstasy. When we finally made it down stairs, to our surprise everyone was gone except the guardians of the house. One came up to us and told us that everyone had gone into town and would meet us there before the meeting. I thought it a little strange but we headed downtown anyways. I wanted to walk to see the sights. Jake seemed fine with it, we had nothing to worry about and nothing hanging over heads. It was a great feeling. All I could do was smile. We could hear a band playing some jazz in the distance. “I really do love it here.” I said looking at all the shops.                                                                                    We made our way to the center of town, I saw Jamie walking into one of the café’s there. We followed her in there. “So you two love birds decide to come out and get some fresh air.” Jamie said with a huge grin on her face. I felt ten shades of red flash my face. “Yes we did.” Was all I could say because I knew she knew what we had been doing. Our group sat there and talked for the next hour before heading to the meeting. I have not laughed that hard in so long it felt great. The stories that they all told made me think how much I had missed not being part of a family or not knowing this one existed.


              In the meeting we all had to speak and tell our part. Mine was a little longer than everyone else’s. I had a lot more questions that the council wanted answered. Some I could not answer but the main point was that Zadok was my real dad. The council had taken mine and Zadok’s blood and found out that he was my father. I could not have been happier. I had to wait to show it though they didn’t like to be interrupted. They deliberated on the matter for I think a couple of minutes. When they came back the council all agreed that we did what we had to do by killing Daymon and his followers. No one was punished and everyone was free go back to their families with a hefty reward. Also Zadok had given them a reward too I don’t know how much but from the look on Jake‘s face I knew it was a lot. Zadok had asked if Jamie could be moved here into his family since she was once and she was my godmother. The council agreed to it. She was to help watch over me and teach me things my mother would have on my powers. I felt a tinge of pain at that thought, she could have helped me. But I couldn't understand why everyone seems to think that I have some secret power. I keep telling them that all I have is the telepath thing that all the royals do nothing special. Anyways the council wanted to speak to me in private, so as soon as everyone left including Jake they began. They wanted me to take Victors place on the council. I was speechless. I didn’t know what to do or say. It was a huge honor to be asked and I would be the youngest to ever be in council. “If I could have some time to think about what this would mean I would appreciate it. I’ve been through a lot in the past months and would like to make a decision with a clear head.” One of the council men stood up. “Don’t be fooled child, yes we need a replacement and we would like to watch you grow into your powers, but take too long and we will proceed with someone more qualified.” I could tell he was not happy about me being asked. “I do understand and thank you for whatever time you give me. I promise I will not take this decision lightly.” They all agreed to give me one week’s time to give them an answer. That was kind of short but any time they would give me was great I did not want to piss them off. They said some more of their business at hand then let me go. Zadok had to stay and talk with them some more about what all had happened. I and Jamie left to go find the others. She had stayed outside waiting so we knew where to meet. Jamie talked small talk with me until we meet up at the same little café we were at before. Jake and the others were very happy with the outcome. They all were talking about how much they received and how their families would react to it. I sat quite; I had a lot to think about. What would this mean for me and Jake? Would I have to live here? I needed to talk to Zadok about this before I made any hard decisions. But Jake knew something was on my mind and his questions had already started. I cut him off quick and whispered "later" to him. This was not the time.

When we returned Jake had received word he was needed back immediately. All I could do was help him pack his things up. Jake had arranged a boat and was leaving in a few hours. I hated that thought but I knew he needed to go back. He longed to be at his home. “Would you please tell me what you think I should do?”  “Izzy that decision is for you alone to make, it’s a great opportunity for you and a huge honor. I never want to hold you back from that.” He wouldn't look at me. “You won’t hold me back; I just need some insight to what you think. This affects both of us.” I rubbed the tattoo he had lied about. I was going to pull the you can't leave thing but he knew I knew the truth. “I have nothing to say about it.” That really made me mad. “Quit being so…so pigheaded.” That got his attention. He looked at me with his big green eyes and a bit of shock on his face. “I know you will make the right decision that is right for you.” If I didn’t love him so much I would have slapped him silly or punched him in the gut. “You mean us? If I take this seat on the council I will have to be here, a lot but I am able to leave and stay at other homes during breaks. I would have to start taking rotations with the others after I had my ceremony. Zadok said I would get to leave after three months, then it would be a regular schedule unless something big came up.”  “Izzy please take it I know this is what you want. And you should want it.” He grabbed my hands and kissed my lips. “Jake I love you and I don’t want us to be apart can you not come live here or do you not want to be with me anymore?”  “Believe me if it was that simple I would stay but I can't leave Karri nor my duties, I have at least twenty more years before I can be free. Plus don't take this the wrong way but I don’t want to be a so called “stay at home husband” He said husband, was he thinking of marrying me? My heart should have done flips but nothing. “I get that and I’m not asking you to stay at home there is plenty for you to do here.” My face started to sadden. I knew at that moment he was not going to stay. “I don’t want to stay at home either. I don’t know what I’m asking of either of us.” He looked at me with those gorgeous eyes that get to me every time. I think he knows how to use that against me. ”Izzy that’s why I need to leave so you can think on your own. I will never leave you truly. I love you.” It broke my heart to think that this could be it between us. That he was not willing to sit down and figure some kind of way for us to be together happy. “I’m done packing.” I said as I started to walk out of the room, but he stopped me. “Why don’t we take a walk before I leave, no more talking about this right now. I want to enjoy the little time I have left with you.” He was trying to make me feel better. I knew he could read how I felt, it was written all over my face. I do need to learn how to control myself with him; Jamie has her work cut out for her.             


              I told Zadok what had happened and where we were going and he said he would have Jakes bags on the ferry ready so we didn’t have to worry about them. “Jake I would like to speak to my daughter alone for a minute.”  “Of course.” He shook Jake’s hand and told him to come back soon. Jake bowed and smiled as he walked out the room.  “Sweetheart I hate to see you upset. You know I could make him stay.” The way he said “make” with a little force made me smile. “I wish that
could make him but if he wishes to go I will not push him. It is his choosing.”  “You would be great on the council; I do not want Jake to make this decision harder on you. I don’t want to make it worse either but I would really like to have my daughter for a while. I have missed you and we have not yet gone over your mothers will, so before you make any decisions you wait to hear what she has to say.” He patted my hand on the counter in the kitchen. “I forgot about that. I am staying awhile here with you; I had planned on that already. And I think Jake is trying to make it easier by leaving but not realizing what he is doing.”  “I do like Jake and he is a fine young man but you understand that him marking you means you are not allowed to be with anyone else unless that mark is removed?“ I remember how you remove it as well. “I do understand this and I would not want either of us to die for that to happen.“  “You will not die for that.“  He said that and a flash of worry came over me. I felt like I my dad was the mob boss for a second threatening my boyfriend. “Well I know he is waiting and I don’t want to keep you from him for the time he has here.” I half smiled kissed his cheek and went out the door. I hate being pulled back and forth but Zadok was right, if Jake didn’t want to be with me anymore we would have a problem, a big one.

Jake and I walked down to the shore and on the outskirts of the city. It was a marvelous place to be. I wasn’t sure I would be able to leave this place it held so much magic and history for me. We sat and watched the trees and flowers dance in the wind. The pure beauty of it was intoxicating. I saw the most beautiful flower. It was a light pale pink with dark purple that was almost black in the middle. I started to walk to it and Jake pulled me back. “That flower maybe beautiful but will kill you in one touch.“ I stepped back from it hugging him for pulling me away. “See I do need you around.“ He smiled for a quick second and then it slide off his face just as fast as it came on. I really wished he would stay but I was not going to ask again. I didn’t want to push anymore and I have my own pride too now. I know it was foolish to have pride but that’s how I felt. We stayed quite the rest of the time holding hands, other than pointing out some of the animals that would go by without even a notice to us.                                                                                                                 Soon it came time for him to leave and we kissed good bye. I fought back every tear that came creeping to the surface. He leaned in, kissed me one more time and told me he loved me. I smiled the biggest smile I could manage and said I loved him too. “I will wait for your call.” The knot in my throat was too much, tears came streaming down. “As soon as I’m home I will let you know.” He turned got on the boat and never looked back. He really was gone. I stayed and watched the ferry until it was at the gate. This was not how I thought things were going to be. I wanted to be happy and wanted everyone else too. I didn’t tell Jake that I wanted the council job but I was scared, I don't want to lose Jake over it. I deserved that position. Why do men make it impossible? I through my hands in the air. Starting now I will make my own decisions for me. I’m going to take it, but the picture of Jake kept creeping in my head. Boy I loved him!

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