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Table rv-8.F. Tetracyclines

Indications: Various susceptible pathogens, including rickettsiae, and

infections of eye and gastrointestinal and genitourinary tractsj also used

in treatment of a cn e

Mechanism of acrion: Inhibit protein synthesis and prevents cell replication of

susceptible bacteria

General side effects: Discoloring of teeth, anemia, leukopenia, phototoxic

reactions, increased intracranial pressure, dermatitis, local irritation

Generic name (trade name); Demeclocycline (Declomycin), doxycycline

(Vibramycin), minocycline (Minocin), oxytetracycline (Terra mycin), tetracycline (Achromycin, Topicycline)

Sources: Data from AM Karch. Lippincon's Nursing Drug Guide. Phibdelphia: Lippincon-Raven, 2001;75; and Mosby's GenRX. The Complete Reference for Generic and Smnd Drugs 19th ed). S, Loui" Mosby, 1999;6 19, 769, 1 5 1 0, 1 690, 2112.



Table I V-9. Amiparkinsonian Agems

Indications: To decrease bradykinesia, rigidity, and tremor (as in parkinsonian disorders).

Mechanism of action: Amicholinergics suppress cemral cholinergic activity

and may inhibit reuptake and storage of dopamine. Dopaminergics

increase dopamine coment in the brain via an unknown mechanism.

General side effects: Headache, blurred vision, confusion. restlessness,

agitation, muscle weakness, heaviness of limbs, tachycardia, palpitations,

orchosratic hyporension, flushing, urinary retention.

Generic name (trade name): Anticholinergics include benztropine mesylate

(Cogenrin), biperiden (Akineton), diphenhydramine, procyclidine

(Kemadrin), trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride (Artane, Trihexy). Other agents

include amamadine hydrochloride (Symmetrel), carbidopa (Lodosyn),

ethopropazine (Parsidol), Icvodopa-carbidopa (Sinemct), pramipexole

(Mirapex), ropinirole HCL (Requip), selegiline hydrochloride (Carbex,


Sources: Data from Drug Facts and Comparisons 2000 (54th ed). St. Louis: Wolters

Kluwcr, 2000; and Drug Facts and Comparisons 200 1 (55th ed). St. Louis: Wolters

Kluwcr, 200 t.

Table tV-tO. Antiplareler Agents


Indication: Reduction of atherosclerotic evems in the patiem


with recent eVA or m yocardial infarction, or established


Mechanism of action: Platelet aggregation inhibitOr (inhibits

ADP-mediated aggregation)

General side effects: Gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract

or imracranial bleedingj headache, dizziness, hypertension, dyspnea, TIP, allergic reaction


Indication: To decrease risk of CVA in patients experiencing


stroke precursors


Mechanism of action: See Clopidogrel

General side effects: Gastroimestinal and genirourinary tract

or imracranial bleeding; gastrointestinal disturbances,

neutropenia, TIP


Indicarions: ACS and PTC!


Mechanism of action: Glycoprotein I1blllla inhibitor

(inhibits fibrinogen and von WilJebrand's factor from

binding to IIbfIlla recepror site to inhibit platelet


General side effects: Gastrointestinal and genitOurinary tract

or intracranial bleeding; dizziness, bradycardia, pelvic pain


Table IV-IO. Continued


Indications: Angina, ACS, PTCI


Mechanism of action: See Tirofiban

General side effects: See Tirofiban


Indications: For use with heparin for ACS, PTCI


Mechanism of a ction: See Tirofiban

General side effects: See Tirofiban


Indication: Essential thrombocytopenia


Mechanism of action: Unknown


General side effects: Headache, palpitations, edema,

diarrhea, abdominal pain


indication: For use with warfarin ro decrease


thromboembolic complications after cardiac valve


Mechanism of action: Platelet adhesion inhibitor, with exact

mechanism unknown

General side effect: Hypotension

ACS = acute coronary syndrome; ADP = adenosine diphosphate; eVA= cerebrovascular

accidem; PTCI = percutaneous rransluminal coronary imervcnrion; I)VD = peripheral vascular disease; TIP = thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.

Sources: Data from Drug Facts and Comparisons 2000 (54th cd). St. Louis: Wolters Kluwer, 2000; and Anticoagulant, Antiplarelet, and Thrombolytic Drugs. In RA Lehne (ed), Pharmacology for Nursing Care (4th ed). Philadelphia: Saunders, 200 1 .

Table IV-U. Antitussives"

Indications: Suppression of cough induced by chemical or mechanical irritation of the respiratory tract

Mechanism of action: Act centrally on the cough center in the medulla or

anesthetize stretch receptors in the respiratory tract

General side effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, headache, sedation, nausea,

vomiting, orchostatic hypotension, tachycardia, palpitations, sweating,

chills, oliguria

Generic name (brand name): Bcnzonatare (Tessa Ion Perles), codeine (codeine

sulfate), dextromechorphan hydrobromide (Benylin, Creo-Terpin, Delsym,

Diabetes CF, Drixoral, Hold DM, Perrussin, Robitussin, Suppress, Sucrecs,

Silphen, Trocal), diphenhydramine hydrochloride (Bydramine, Diphen

Cough, Tusstat, Uni-Bent Cough)

-Narcotic and nonĀ·narcoric forms.

Source: Data from Drug Facts and Comparisons 2000 (54th cd). St. Louis: Wolters

Kluwer, 2000.

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