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Table ill-A.). Continued





Clinical Implications



Purpose: delivers supplemencal 02 inco

The catheter is changed daily.


the patient's oropharynx, which acts as


Fio23S Nasal cal1-

an anatOmiC reservoir. This method is

nula, above

sometimes used with pediatric patients,





:II 21 % Fio21

who may dislodge a nasal cannula.


1 Ipm ... 24% Fio2!

Consists of: a soft tube with several distal


2 Jpm "" 28% Fio"

holes, lubricated and inserted through


3 Ipm ... 32 % Fio�!

a nare until its distal tip is visible juSt



4 Ipm ... 36% Fio2,

below the uvula. It is attached to an 0,


5 Jpm ... 40% Fio2,

source via small-bore tubing and held


6 Ipm ... 44% Fio2

in place with tape.

Open face mask/tent

Purpose: provides humidified,

A significant amount of mixmg with RA occurs,

Fio, � 35-50%

supplemental 0, mixed with RA.

although the capaciry of the mask allows 02 to colleer


Consists of: a mask with straps under the

about the nose and mouth.


chin, contacts the cheeks, and is open

It may be more comfortable than a closed face mask for


over the patient's nose. It is secured

claustrophobic patients.


with an elastic str:lP around the

,\101srure may collect m the tubmg and should be

patient'S head. Ie connects to a

drained before moving the pmiem.

humidified 02 source with large-bore

The aerosol system is more cumbersome and may make

tubing (Figure 111-A.2).

mobilization of the patient more difficult than with

nasal prongs. Collaborate with nursing to determme

whether nasal prongs or a closed face mask can be used

when mobilizing the patient.

Titrate 02 appropriately to maintain 02 saturation as


Closed face mask

Purpose: delivers supplemental 02 mixed

The closed face mask imerferes with coughing, talking,



S-61pm �40%

with RA. The mask has a small

eating, and drinking and may be very drying and


Fioz' 6-7 Ipm ""

capacity but does allow for the

uncomfortable. Patients often remove the mask for



50% Fio" 7-8

collecrion of 02 about the nose and

these reasons. Educate the patient on the importance of

Ipm ",. 60'% Fioz


keeping [he mask in place.

Consists of: a dome�shaped mask


covering the nose and mouth with


ventilation holes on either side. An



elastic strap around the patient's head



secures it in place. Ir is connected to an



02 source via small-bore tubing


(Figure 1Tl-A.3).


Purpose: used for long�term 02 therapy.

Patients with severe bronchospasm, uncompensated




Provides continuous supplemental 02

respiratory acidosis (pH <7.3), or steroid use higher

1 Ipm ",. 28% Fio1,

mixed with RA.

than 30 mg per day are excluded from the use of this

2 Ipm "" 36% Fioz'

Consists of: a small�bore catheter, which


3 Ipm


= 44% Fio1,

is surgically inserted percuraneously

The use of this device for 0z delivery is delayed for 1

4 Ipm "" 52% Fioz'

between the second and third tracheal

wk posroperatively because of the risk of subcutaneous

5 Ipm


= 60% Fio1,

interspaces ro provide 02' It is held in


6 Ipm "" 68% Fioz

place by a narrow strap or chain

This device requires care and attention to hygienic

around the patient's neck. A low flow

maintenance. The most serious complication is tracheal


rate (approximately one�half with rest

obstruction resulting from the accumulation of mucus



and two-thirds with exercise) is used

on the outside of the catheter. which can be avoided by

instead of a nasal cannula system

rourine secretion clearance multiple times per day.

owing to the continuous enrichment of

There is also a risk of infection around the catheter site



the anaromic dead space with 02'

and a risk of catheter dislodgement.




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