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adhere to the medication protocol post transplant and be able to

monitor for signs and symptOms of infection, rejection, and toxicity to the medications. Patients are instructed to monitor daily their



temperature and weight, inspect mouth and gums, maintain proper

oral hygiene, and report fever or infectious symptoms .

• On discharge to home, transplant recipients should participate

in a daily home exercise routine. The physical therapy deparrment

or the organ transplant team may have preprinted exercise protocols. Otherwise, the physical therapist should cusromize an individual exercise program that consists of stretching and strengthening exercises and a walking or aerobic program that

includes a warm-up and cool-down period. A gradual increase in

ambulation to at least 30 minutes a day is recommended. An activity log may be used ro document the patient'S progress.

• Strenuous exercise and activities that stretch or put pressure on

the incision should be avoided until approximately 2 months after

discharge from the hospital. In addition, transplant recipients

should avoid pushing, pulling, and lifting more than 10 Ib until

then. Contact sporrs should be avoided for life afrer transplantation to prevent trauma to the rransplanred organ?

Organ transplantation provides a patient with end-stage organ disease an opportunity to improve his or her quality of life by receiving a donated organ, "the gift of life." With ongoing commitment and hard

work, transplant recipients can regain an independent, healthy, and

active lifestyle. The number and success rate of organ transplantations will conrinue to grow with continued advances in organ preservation, surgical techniques, tissue matching, immunosuppression protocols, management and monitoring of rejection, and antibiotic



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